Accessing Page Fields In Search Results - orchardcms

I'm trying to style search results and I can't figure out how to access any of the page properties (like title) in the search results, except the html.
Any help would be appreciated

You mean in CSS? Using your browser dev tools, it should be easy to figure out a good selector, but it's hard to give a generic answer as that entirely depends on the theme you're using. With theme machine, that could be: .search-results .content-item h1.


How Can I Use Shadowbox to Extract Text Only from Webpage?

I have an article set up in Joomla that displays Terms and Conditions for the site users. I would like this to show up in a shadowbox when a user clicks a link. Here is the current anchor text example:
Terms and Conditions
This works out great for displaying the entire web page, but what I would like to do is just display the article text on the page (plain with a white background). Is this in someway possible with shadowbox? If so, how?
If I'm understanding you correctly - you want to suppress the modules and other periphery from your 'page' when it is loaded in the shadowbox.
Add ?tmpl=component to the url of your link.
You can do this with a div element and css shadow effect.
How to show/hide div is explained here:
How you can add shadow is explained here:
I believe there are some components to do this - but you may have to get creative to do it without pulling the whole page with an a href tag.
In the database there's a particular area that holds that specifically and you could write a little query to just pull that information specifically and put it in the shadowbox, but what that query would look like I'm not sure.

How can I hide certain text from search engines?

In my WordPress blog, I have "Posted ? days ago" on every post. I have 10 posts on my homepage. So according to most keyword analysis tools, "days ago" is a top keyword on my blog, but I don't want it to be. How can I hide those words from search engines?
I don't want to use Javascript. I can easily use PHP and the $_SERVER variable, but I'm afraid I might get penalized for cloaking. Is there a HTML tag or an attribute like rel="nofollow" that I can use?
From Is there any way to have search engines not index a certain section of a page?
Supposedly you can add the class
robots-nocontent to elements on your
page, like this:
<div class="robots-nocontent">
<p>Ignore this stuff.</p>
Yahoo respects this, though I
don't know if other search engines
respect this. It appears Google is
not supporting this at this time.
I suspect if you load your content via
ajax you would get the same effect of
it not being present on the page.
There's no general way to do that and
personally I wouldn't bother with it.
Search engines are pretty good at
recognizing relevant content on a
page, and even though that content
might show up in the keywords that
search engines have found, it doesn't
mean that it would make the page
relevant for those keywords.
If you have a page about "Fish" and a
page about "Dogs" (that has the link
to the page about "Fish" somewhere in
the sidebar), search engines will
generally be able to recognize that
the page about "Fish" is much more
relevant for "Fish" than the page
about "Dogs" that mentions "Fish" in
the sidebar. It's possible that both
pages might be found at some point,
but generally given that mostly one
page from the site is shown in the
search results, that's not something
worth worrying about.
There's no need to be fancy with that,
and search engines are likely to just
get more confused if you try (eg if
you use JavaScript to hide the
content, you never know when search
engines will start to find that
content regardless). Similarly, using
iframes with robots.txt disallows or
AJAX will frequently degrade the
quality of your pages to users (slow
it down or make it less usable on a
variety of devices), so unless there
is a very, very strong & proven reason
that you need to do this, I would
strongly recommend not bothering with
What I have found on wiki:
For Yandex:
<!--noindex-->Don't index this text.<!--/noindex-->
For Yahoo:
<div class="robots-nocontent">Don't index this text.</div>
For Google:
<!--googleoff: index--> Don't index this text.<!--googleon: index-->
Linksku, I'm fairly sure you shouldn't be worried about that particular piece of text. Our algorithms do a relatively good job detecting boilerplate text. As far as I can tell from your question, this text is boilerplate and we likely already know that.
As for detecting Googlebot and don't serving this text for it, you're right, that would be cloaking and you should never do it. In this case if you hide that text from us, we will also have a hard time detecting it's boilerplate and you would end up doing exactly what you're trying to avoid :)
I worked this out and posted it up at:
This should work, however more testing of it and feedback would be appreciated.
<li><span class="x" title="Homepage"></span></li>
<li><span class="x" title="Contact" /></li>
(I kept the class name short to reduce mark-up creep)
The search engines should ignore HTML tags with empty values when comes to looking for keywords, this should mean that it ignores what is written in the title attribute. (It assumes that the value is what's important, if it's empty then there is no point checking the attributes)
It was suggested that it's possible to negate having the closing tag in HTML5 due reduced strictness, however there is counter suggestions that end tags are still required.
I'd suggest not using it directly on a (anchor) tags since they can be used for sitemaps (using #), so it's means they would like have the Title spidered.
Although it is possible that it might assume any title content is there to inflate keywords through hidden elements, however I can not confirm this.
To exclude specific text from Google search results you can add data-nosnippet attribute.
From google documentation
You can also prevent certain parts of the page text content from being shown in a snippet by using data-nosnippet.
<div class="hasHiddenText">_</div>
It is important that you leave a non-whitespace character between the element with a hidden text.
External CSS:
content: "Your hidden text here...";
/*This ovewrites the default content of the div but it isn't supported by all browsers.*/
content: " Your hidden text here...";
/*Places a hidden text above the div.*/
The "hidden text" pertains to content hidden to all search engines but visible to visitors.
You can also use nextline and all sorts of Unicode characters by escaping them with \uXXXX. To display linebreak characters correctly, be sure to add the

How does layout engine work?

I am REALLY curious how a web page is parsed into a DOM tree, then how the tree is rendered in a web browser. Namely,how does layout engine work?
I guess whether reading source code of a simple web browser (Webkit is too hard for me now.
) is a feasible choice? Thanks
Parsing a web page into a DOM tree isn't terribly difficult to understand since (well-formed) HTML is already in a tree structure. So I don't think there's much to it except when you want to also annotate things like CSS, conditional code, and scripts into your tree.
Layout and rendering is a much more challenging problem to work out. If you're not ready to dive directly in the code, you can read their docs:
WebKit Layout and Rendering
You can also go to this link which has a great explanation and review of the concerned question.
The page linked to by #binariedMe is good for understanding the narrative of when a browser parses html and then applies layout rules. If you want to get a more solid mental model of those rules, you should read

Use image buttons for pagination - Drupal

The default pagination in drupal is great, but the text links are used
<<first <previous 6 7 next> last>>
But I need to use forward and backward image buttons instead of text links. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Depending on what portions of the pager you're interested in replacing with images, you may be able to use CSS background images, without having to override the theme function. However, in the default pager output, not all the links may have unique classes.
That said, if you're using Drupal's default pager, you can override the theme_pager function to add your image links.
If you're using the Views module, you may be using a different theming function. When in doubt, you should be able to use the Theme Developer module to find which function or template file is outputting the part of the page you're interested in theming. Theme Developer will also tell you what suggestions you can use to override the output.

How do I change the title and link colors of a Google Custom Search Element?

The situation:
Take a look at this page and search "photo" on both:
The top search engine refreshes the page and displays results with orange link titles and blue links. The bottom search engine displays tabbed results with blue link titles and blue links.
I found an answer to this on the Google forums; however, I am inexperienced with AJAX so I have no idea what to do this answer. I've read through various Google documentations on custom search engines and web elements regarding this, but I still can't figure it out.
What I've tried so far...
Added a class in the section (class="gsc-result gsc-webResult") and added the corresponding CSS (#gsc-result gsc-webResult) on the page to see if that works, but it didn't.
Viewed the context XML file to see if I can make changes. This only affects the top search box.
What you can do to help
Provide an explanation of what I'm doing wrong
Provide an explanation of where I should be looking
Show me samples of code that illustrates the actual color changes and where it can be found
I really appreciate your help! Thanks!
Here's what I suggest
Go to this link and create account
Create your custom search box
Customize looks as your wish
Copy the code after customizing
Paste in your blog or website where you want the search box to appear
Try this:
