Sharepoint 2k7 - Custom WebPart not loading - sharepoint

First off i am a big fat NOOB in regards to Sharepoint 2007 webpart development but i am working at it.
Now for the real problem, so i develop this webpart and follow the 'Loose' advise from various sites on how to setup the features.xml, .xml, manifest.xml, solution.ddf and files. Basically, i have a all-in-one solution where i build the webpart and then in post-build event compile all the source files into the WSP deployment package.
Problem i am having is that I can add the solution to the sharepoint site but when i go to Deploy it through CA-Operations-Solution management i get this great error:
Error as reported from Sharepoint
Failed to instantiate file "ChartPartWP.webpart" from module "ChartPartWP": Source path "ChartPartWP\ChartPartWP.webpart" not found.
When i looked at the file-system the folder ChartPart is present in TEMPLATE\FEATURES with the ChartPartWP.webpart and other support files.
What is not happening that i need to resolve.
Edit: 10/24/2011 # 11:36PM
.Set CabinetNameTemplate=ChartPartWP.wsp
.Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=CDROM
.Set DiskDirectory1=Package
.Set CompressionType=MSZIP
.Set UniqueFiles="ON"
.Set Cabinet=On
.Set SourceDir="\\<fileserver>\common share\Software_Development\MPT\Sharepoint2007\ChartPart\"
Manifest.xml manifest.xml
; binary
bin\release\TCBOE.ChartPart.dll TCBOE.ChartPart.dll
; feature files
TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ChartPartWP\ChartPartWP.xml ChartPartWP\ChartPartWP.xml
TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ChartPartWP\feature.xml ChartPartWP\Feature.xml
; web part files
TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ChartPartWP\ChartPartWP.webpart ChartPartWP\ChartPartWP.webpart
TEMPLATE\FEATURES\ChartPartWP\LockedChartPartWP.webpart ChartPartWP\LockedChartPartWP.webpart
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Solution xmlns=""
<FeatureManifest Location="ChartPartWP\feature.xml" />
<Assembly Location="TCBOE.ChartPart.dll"
DeploymentTarget="GlobalAssemblyCache" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="ChartPartWP"
List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp"
<File Url="ChartPartWP.webpart" Type="GhostableInLibrary">
<Property Name="Group" Value="ChartParts" />
<File Url="LockedChartPartWP.webpart" Type="GhostableInLibrary">
<Property Name="Group" Value="ChartParts" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Feature xmlns=""
Id="47D62F5E-B0E0-4f93-BCD1-081CA794527C" Version=""
Title="TCBOE ChartPart"
Description="Provides a Chart Web object to be used in Sharepoint 2007."
<ElementManifest Location="ChartPartWP.xml" />
<ElementFile Location="ChartPartWP.webpart" />
<ElementFile Location="LockedChartPartWP.webpart"/>
Would there be any receivers/handlers i need make are implemented for the installation to take hold? I didnt read anything about it but read something about a FeatureReceiver for a purpose, but cant remember for the life-of-it, why you need the FeatureReceiver (SPFeatureReceiver)

SPFeatureDefinition.AutoActivateInCentralAdmin Property
Gets a value that specifies whether the Feature is activated on the central administrative Web site, site collection, or Web application upon installation.
Without testing your entire samples, using this property sounds off to me. Try removing that.
update: you should post your .webpart also (it is a xml).
Try these configs: Feature.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Feature xmlns="" Id="47D62F5E-B0E0-4f93-BCD1-081CA794527C" Version="" Title="TCBOE ChartPart" Description="Provides a Chart Web object to be used in Sharepoint 2007." Scope="Site">
<ElementManifest Location="ChartPartWP\ChartPartWP.xml" />
<ElementFile Location="ChartPartWP\ChartPartWP.webpart" />
<ElementFile Location="ChartPartWP\LockedChartPartWP.webpart"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="ChartPartWP" List="113" Url="_catalogs/wp">
<File Path="ChartPartWP.webpart" Url="ChartPartWP.webpart" Type="GhostableInLibrary">
<Property Name="Group" Value="ChartParts" />
<File Path="ChartPartWP.webpart" Url="LockedChartPartWP.webpart" Type="GhostableInLibrary">
<Property Name="Group" Value="ChartParts" />
If nothing works, I would recommend installing and using the VSeWSS 1.3 from Microsoft, create a new webpart, hit F5, test it. If you can see it in the "Add Web Parts" dialog, move your files over. This is the closest you will get to the SharePoint 2010 experience (which is terribly improved).
Having to fiddle with these files, even more to a beginner, should not be your burden.


SharePoint 2010 - CustomAction for Files and Folders

I have a very basic question about CustomActions in the Elements.xml, I have successfully created a little application that ads an item in the Context Menu for my document libraries for files, my goal is to have this same Custom Action available for Files and for Folders, so far it is only working for Files when I'm using the RegistrationID="0x0101" and for folders "0x0120"
I would like to have my solution properly working for both types.
Here is my Elements.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<CustomAction Id="CustomContextMenu.MenuItemClicked"
Title="External Access"
Description="This options allows you to configure the access to this item for external users">
<UrlAction Url="javascript:PermissionsDialog('{SiteUrl}', '{ItemId}', '{ListId}');" />
RequireSiteAdministrator = "False"
Rights = "AddListItems"
Description="Custom Upload"
Title="Move To" >
This works for me both folders and files.

Is FeatureUpgrading supposed to use the latest Property values?

The version of my Feature's Template.xml file looked like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Feature xmlns="">
<Property Key="AvailableWebTemplates" Value="MPS#0;MPS#1;MPS#2;MPS#3;MPS#4" />
The new version is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Feature xmlns="">
<VersionRange BeginVersion="" EndVersion="">
<CustomUpgradeAction Name="UpgradeTo1v1"/>
<Property Key="AvailableWebTemplates" Value="MPS#0;MPS#1;MPS#2;MPS#3;MPS#4;STS#2" />
The value of templates is still MPS#0;MPS#1;MPS#2;MPS#3;MPS#4, when the following code runs in FeatureUpgrading:
SPFeatureProperty property = properties.Feature.Properties["AvailableWebTemplates"];
string templates = property.Value;
Why am I not getting the updated property value? Is this the way it is supposed to be?
This is indeed the way it is supposed to be:
A feature has 1 definition and n instances. The code in FeatureUpgrading is used to upgrade the instances.
The property in your xml updates the feature definition and not the running instances.
properties.Feature.Properties["MyProp"] gets the property value of the running instance properties.Definition.Properties["MyProp"] gets the value of the property in the feature definition.

How to give site page as an url to SearchResultPageURL property of sharepoint searchbox control?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
ControlAssembly="Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c">
<Property Name="SearchResultPageURL">**~Site/Pages/Customsearchresults.aspx**"></Property>
<Property Name="FrameType">None</Property>
<Property Name="DropDownMode">HideDD_NoScope</Property>
<Property Name="TextBoxWidth">140</Property>
<Property Name="ShowAdvancedSearch">false</Property>
The ~ operator doesnt work. I dont want to give an application page url.
UseSiteDefaults property is a must if you want a custom site page to be the target searchresults page.

What is the difference between the "Path" and "SetupPath" attibutes on the Module element

So I have a SharePoint feature definition that deploys page layouts to a publishing site. The definition looks something like this:
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="Page Layouts" Url="_catalogs/masterpage" RootWebOnly="True">
<File Path="Page Layouts\layout1.aspx" Url="layout1.aspx" Type="GhostableInLibrary" IgnoreIfAlreadyExists="True">
<Property Name="Title" Value="Layout 1" />
<Property Name="ContentType" Value="$Resources:cmscore,contenttype_pagelayout_name;" />
The Module element also can accept the attributes "Path" and "SetupPath." My understanding is that if these two attributes are omitted then SharePoint looks for layout1.aspx in the same folder as this feature, if Path is specified then SharePoint looks for the file in a path relative to this features' folder and if SetupPath is specified SharePoint looks for the file relative to the 14 Hive.
So is this basic understanding correct? Once the feature is activated and live on the site, would this layout page be stored or handled any differently had I specified Path or SetupPath? Would load time of the layout file be in any way affected?
To extend on what ashish mentioned.
Path = path relative to WSS 12 hive Features\Feature folder
SetupPath = path relateive to WSS 12 hive Template folder.
Please check following documentation in SharePoint SDK:

ContentType DocumentTemplate not found in a List

I have the following Feature:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Feature Id="9A3C5D02-A2EB-4725-97F7-CDA6DE319F1B"
Title="My Custom Types"
<ElementManifest Location="Elements.xml" />
<ElementFile Location="templates/MeetingMinutes.docx" />
Which contains the following Elements.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="Templates" Url="_cts/Meeting Minutes" Path="templates" RootWebOnly="TRUE">
<File Url="MeetingMinutes.docx" Type="Ghostable" />
Name="Meeting Minutes"
Group="Custom Content Types"
<FieldRefs />
<DocumentTemplate TargetName="MeetingMinutes.docx"/>
I then use this ContentType within a custom List Template:
<ContentTypeRef ID="0x0101">
<Folder TargetName="Forms/Document" />
<ContentTypeRef ID="0x01010066DD088A6B8B46BCA775CCD119FBB3E8">
<Folder TargetName="Forms/Document" />
<ContentTypeRef ID="0x0120" />
I deploy the solution, activate the feature, and create an instance of the List Template. I go into the library and select Settings > Document Library Settings > Content Types: Meeting Minutes > Parent: Meeting Minutes > Advanced settings. I'm now in the Advance Settings of the Site Content Type. The URL of the existing document template is MeetingMinutes.docx and there is an (Edit Template) link which points to http://myserver/sites/testsite/_cts/Meeting%20Minutes/MeetingMinutes.docx. Everything's shiny.
But, I hit the back button two times so I'm back in the settings of the List Content Type. This time when I click Advance settings, the URL of the existing document template is still MeetingMinutes.docx, but there is no (Edit Template) link. Troubling.
Pressing on, I go back to AllItems.aspx and click New > Meeting Minutes. As Word is loading, I see a little Opening dialog which says, Opening: http://myserver/sites/testsite/Shared%20Documents/Forms/Document/MeetingMinutes.docx, to which Word responds: "Word was unable to read this document. It may be corrupt."
So the Document Template works correctly in the Site Content Type (where it does me no good), but is not working in the List Content Type (where I really need it). Now, I know I could put this in _layouts, but from what I've read, _cts is the way to do it. What am I doing wrong?
Rich, I'm not exactly sure what's going on because I created a feature using your feature and elements files as you specified and it works correctly for me.
There is one difference though.
When I create a new document in the library from the content type, the template url is
http://myserver/sites/testsite/Shared%20Documents/Forms/Meeting Minutes/MeetingMinutes.docx
Somehow your content type seems to be looking in the wrong folder for the template. I hope that gives you some clues.
I had the same exact problem with document template for List Content Type.
What I did is just what SharePoint do when you create your library from web site : duplicate the document template inside the “Forms” folder of the library in a subfolder that have the same name than the content type.
You just need to add a module element somewhere in your project :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Elements xmlns="">
<Module Name="MeetingMinutesListInstanceTemplate" Url="Shared Documents/Meeting Minutes" Path="templates" RootWebOnly="TRUE">
<File Url="MeetingMinutes.docx" Type="Ghostable" />
It worked for me.
