Unzipping from a folder of unknown name? - linux

I have a bunch of zip files, and I'm trying to make a bash script to automate the unzipping of certain files from it.
Things is, although I know the name of the file I want, I don't know the name of the folder it's in; it is one folder depth in
How can I extract these files, preferably discarding the folder?

Here's how to unzip any given file at any depth and junk the folder paths on the way out:
unzip -j somezip.zip *somefile.txt
The -j junks any folder structure in the zip file and the asterisk gives a wildcard to match along any path.

if you're in:
and the zip files are in any number of subdirectories, say:
find ./ -name myfile.zip -exec unzip {} -d /directory \;
Edit: As for the second part, removing the directory that contained the zip file I assume?
find ./ -name myfile.zip -exec unzip {} -d /directory \; -exec echo rm -rf `dirname {}` \;
Notice the "echo." That's a sanity check. I always echo first when executing something destructive like rm -rf in a loop/iterative sequence like this. Good luck!

Have you tried unzip somefile.zip "*/blah.txt"?

You can use find to find the file that you need to unzip, and xargs to call unzip:
find /path/to/root/ -name 'zipname.zip' -print0 | xargs -0 unzip
print0 enables the command to work with files or paths that have white space in them. -0 is the option to xargs that makes it work with print0.


How to find specific file types and tar them?

It seems I've got a problem. I've got some different file types in my current directory, and I want to just tar the .png files. I started with this:
find -name "*.png" | tar -cvf backupp.tar
It wouldn't work because I didn't specify which files, so looking on how others did it, I added xargs:
find -name "*.png" | xargs tar -cvf backupp.tar
It did work this time, and backupp.tar file was created, but here is the problem. I can't seem to extract it. Whenever I type:
tar -xvf backupp.tar
Nothings happens. I've tried changing chmod and sudo, but nothing gives in.
So, did I type the wrong command completely or is there somethings I just missed?
tar expects a list of names as arguments. Your use of xargs can be improved by adding the -print0 option to find and adding the -0 option to xargs to insure find is providing filenames separated by a nul-character and that xargs is processing a list of filenames separated by the same. This prevents any whitespace or other stray characters in the filenames from causing problems, e.g.
find dir -type f -name "*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 tar -cf tarfile.tar
The above will find all files in or below dir matching name "*.png" and provide a list of filenames separated by the nul-character to xargs for use by tar. You can list the files contained in the resulting archive with:
tar -tf tarfile.tar
Consider using compression (if wanted) by adding the z (gzipped) j (bzip2) or J (xz compression) and the appropriate extension to reduce you archive size. e.g.
... | xargs -0 tar -czf tarfile.tar.gz

Recursive find and copy to other directory

I need to find all files in a directory and it's subdirectories, but I need to keep directory structure. For example there is a file
and I want to copy it to
and the same to all files inside /media/ directory. And by the way, directories inside /new-media/ must be created if not exist.
if I use
find /media/ -name '*.jpg' -exec cp /new-media/ ????? {} \;
how can I get all subdirectories inside /media/?
The above will get you everything in /media, but to get exactly what you want you probably want to use something like:
Method 1: Copy only what you need recursively, per your requirements:
mkdir ../media2; find . -name "*.jpg" -exec cp -r --parents {} ../media2 \;
I ran this from inside the directory you want to search recursively. It does a couple things:
1 - create the new destination directory
mkdir ../media2
2 - then finds all files ending with ".jpg" recursively.
find . -name "*.jpg"
3 - uses -exec to pass the copy command to each file returned to find as a match, and subs that in as the first argument (which with the syntax of cp, is going to be your source file):
-exec cp -r --parents {} ../media2 \;
the "--parents" flag retains existing directory structure and recursively creates subsequent parent directories. Super useful right?
Method 2: there might be a better way to do this with xargs, but the above ended up being the most simple method imho. That said, if you want to think outside the box, you could simply copy the entire directory over recursively, then remove anything NOT ending with ".jpg" with something like:
cp -r media media2; find ./media '!'-name "*.jpg" -type f | xargs rm
I think this is what you want:
cp -r /media /new-media
-R, -r, --recursive
copy directories recursively
Hope this helps.

Copying modified files and their file structure

I'm still new to linux scripting, so this might be a bit trivial.
As part of my script, I am trying to copy all the modified files (relative to the original backup I have made) to another folder while keeping the file structure.
I have found this method:
find /SourceFolder/ -newer /BackupFOlder/ -exec cp --parents \{\} /Destination
However the above command does not work, giving me the error:
find: missing argument to 'exec'
Why doesn't this work?
I also found this:
Copy files preserving folder structure
But I want to use cp command only.
Would really appreciate some help.
The -exec option requires a ; argument to tell it where the command ends, because you could have additional find options after it.
find /SourceFolder/ -newer /BackupFOlder/ -exec cp --parents {} /Destination \;
However, a better solution would be to use rsync:
rsync -a /SourceFolder /BackupFolder
tar cf - . | (cd <some other dir>; tar xfv -)

Extract and delete all .gz in a directory- Linux

I have a directory. It has about 500K .gz files.
How can I extract all .gz in that directory and delete the .gz files?
This should do it:
gunzip *.gz
#techedemic is correct but is missing '.' to mention the current directory, and this command go throught all subdirectories.
find . -name '*.gz' -exec gunzip '{}' \;
There's more than one way to do this obviously.
# This will find files recursively (you can limit it by using some 'find' parameters.
# see the man pages
# Final backslash required for exec example to work
find . -name '*.gz' -exec gunzip '{}' \;
# This will do it only in the current directory
for a in *.gz; do gunzip $a; done
I'm sure there's other ways as well, but this is probably the simplest.
And to remove it, just do a rm -rf *.gz in the applicable directory
Extract all gz files in current directory and its subdirectories:
find . -name "*.gz" | xargs gunzip
If you want to extract a single file use:
gunzip file.gz
It will extract the file and remove .gz file.
for foo in *.gz
tar xf "$foo"
rm "$foo"
ls -1 | grep -E "\.tar\.gz$" | xargs -n 1 tar xvfz
Then Try:
ls -1 | grep -E "\.tar\.gz$" | xargs -n 1 rm
This will untar all .tar.gz files in the current directory and then delete all the .tar.gz files. If you want an explanation, the "|" takes the stdout of the command before it, and uses that as the stdin of the command after it. Use "man command" w/o the quotes to figure out what those commands and arguments do. Or, you can research online.

Bash script to recursively step through folders and delete files

Can anyone give me a bash script or one line command i can run on linux to recursively go through each folder from the current folder and delete all files or directories starting with '._'?
Change directory to the root directory you want (or change . to the directory) and execute:
find . -name "._*" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf
xargs allows you to pass several parameters to a single command, so it will be faster than using the find -exec syntax. Also, you can run this once without the | to view the files it will delete, make sure it is safe.
find . -name '._*' -exec rm -Rf {} \;
I've had a similar problem a while ago (I assume you are trying to clean up a drive that was connected to a Mac which saves a lot of these files), so I wrote a simple python script which deletes these and other useless files; maybe it will be useful to you:
find /path -name "._*" -exec rm -fr "{}" +;
Instead of deleting the AppleDouble files, you could merge them with the corresponding files. You can use dot_clean.
dot_clean -- Merge ._* files with corresponding native files.
For each dir, dot_clean recursively merges all ._* files with their corresponding native files according to the rules specified with the given arguments. By default, if there is an attribute on the native file that is also present in the ._ file, the most recent attribute will be used.
If no operands are given, a usage message is output. If more than one directory is given, directories are merged in the order in which they are specified.
Because dot_clean works recursively by default, use:
dot_clean <directory>
If you want to turn off the recursively merge, use -f for flat merge.
dot_clean -f <directory>
find . -name '.*' -delete
A bit shorter and perform better in case of extremely long list of files.
