We have been using VBA code for years with Excel 2003. I have about 70 files that I pull information from and compile it into one spreadsheet. This time, it only recognizes 3 of the 70. I do not get any errors. I noticed that all 3 recognized are the old version ".xls." and all not being recognized are the ".xlsx". The portion of the code that I think is causing the problem is below. Can anyone help?
Public currApp As String
Public i As String
Public recordC As String
Public excelI As Integer
Public intFileHandle As Integer
Public strRETP As String
Public errFile As String
Public Function loopFiles(ByVal sFolder As String, ByVal noI As Integer)
'This function will loop through all files in the selected folder
'to make sure that they are all of excel type
Dim FOLDER, files, file, FSO As Object
excelI = noI
'MsgBox excelI
i = 0
'Dim writeFile As Object
'writeFile = My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("D:\Test\test.txt", "sdgdfgds", False)
Dim cnn As Connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
currApp = ActiveWorkbook.path
errFile = currApp & "\errorFile.txt"
If emptyFile.FileExists(errFile) Then
Kill errFile
'Do Nothing
End If
'cnn.Open "DSN=AUTOLIV"
'cnn.Open "D:\Work\Projects\Autoliv\Tax workshop\Tax Schedules\sox_questionnaire.mdb"
cnn.Open ("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & currApp & "\tax_questionnaire.mdb")
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Upon each found excel file it will make a call to saveFiles.
If sFolder <> "" Then
Set FOLDER = FSO.getfolder(sFolder)
Set files = FOLDER.files
For Each file In files
If file.Type = "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" Then
Workbooks.Open fileName:=file.path
xlsx is a "macro-free" workbook. To use VBA in the new file format, the file must be saved as an xlsm file.
EDIT: I read the question too hastily. If you want to identify excel files from the FSO object, use file.Type LIKE "Microsoft Excel *" or similar. Or, check the file's extension against ".xls*"
The whole concept of identifying the file type by looking at the file name is fundamentally flawed. It's too easily broken by changes to file extensions and/or the "type" texts associated with those descriptions. It's easily broken by, say, an image file named "file.xls". I would just try opening the file with Workbooks.Open and catch the error. I'd probably put this logic in a separate function:
Function OpenWorkbook(strPath As String) As Workbook
On Error GoTo ErrorLabel
Set OpenWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(strPath)
Exit Function
If Err.Number = 1004 Then
Resume ExitLabel
'other error handling code here
Resume ExitLabel
End If
End Function
Then you can consume the function like this:
Dim w As Workbook
Set w = OpenWorkbook(file.Path)
If Not (w Is Nothing) Then
The problem you're having has to do with this line:
If file.Type = "Microsoft Excel Worksheet" Then
Try adding and replacing it with this:
// add these lines just AFTER the line 'For Each file In files'
IsXLFile = False
FilePath = file.path
FilePath2 = Right(FilePath, 5)
FilePath3 = Mid(FilePath2, InStr(1, FilePath2, ".") + 1)
If UCase(Left(FilePath3, 2)) = "XL" Then IsXLFile = True
// replace faulty line with this line
If IsXLFile = True Then
Let me know how it works. Yes, it'd be possible to compress the statements that start with FilePath into one expression but I left it like that for clarity. Vote and accept the answer if good and follow-up if not.
Have a nice day.
I have a little problem with my code in VBA, How can I exclude the other extension file like .txt, .csv, .xlsx, and .xlsm so I can select only in my For Each Loop is the .PDF extension only.
I've already searched about this issue and already tried, But the solution is not applicable in my code.
This is my code:
Option Explicit
Sub GetPDFFile()
Dim mainWs As Worksheet
Dim pdfPath As Variant, excelPath As Variant
Dim fileSystemObject As New fileSystemObject
Dim getFolderPath As Folder
Dim getFile As file
Dim wb As Workbook
Set mainWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Main")
pdfPath = mainWs.Range("C7").Value
excelPath = mainWs.Range("C8").Value
'Set all variable to null
Call SetNothing
If pdfPath = "" Then
Call MsgActionInvalid("Please input PDF File Folder.")
ElseIf excelPath = "" Then
Call MsgActionInvalid("Please input Output Folder Location.")
Set getFolderPath = fileSystemObject.getFolder(pdfPath)
Set wa = CreateObject("word.application")
If cntFiles <> 0 Then
For Each getFile In getFolderPath.Files
`Other code............
End Sub
I'm getting all the files inside the folder that I've selected. So inside the For Each Loop I'm getting a debug message because the file is not .PDF.
Any ideas about this guys?
Thanks in advance.
Use the Type property of the File object like getFile.Type to find out its type. And use a If statement to run your Other code............ only on the desired type of files.
Alternatively use UCase(getFile) Like "*.PDF" to make sure that it is not case sensitive. Otherwise you only trigger .PDF but not .Pdf or .pdf or .pDf or whatever.
Which is the same as UCase(Right$(getFile, 4)) = ".PDF"
You should be using Right to check the file extension. Something like:
For Each getFile In getFolderPath.Files
If Right(getFile, 4) = ".pdf" Then
' have found a PDF extension............
End If
How to import a Sheet from an external Workbook AND use the Filename (WITHOUT the .datatype at the end) as the new Worksheet name?
The part with WITHOUT the .datatype at the end I meant because I could split the filename from the file path with UBound, but when I try to do that with the filename and the filetype at the end, it doesn't work and gives me an error. Perhaps i dont understand ubound
well enough.
I found this Sub somewhere here on the forum.
But I don't want to import any sheet except the sheet which has the same name as the file itself. So I am not even sure if you need to specify the sheet name.
So I have this Excel file with VBA macros. And the Sheet is called Blank (Since I can't have an excel file without a sheet inside it) and
I have a Userform button where I browse for the file first, and the sheet there should be imported to my Excel File and delete the Blank sheet and import the new EXTERNAL sheet.
Also, it should import ANY Sheet from the file path. Because the names will always be different.
And also, how do I import the data as csv?
I am googling but I don't see what exactly causes it to be imported as csv at other peoples solutions.
Sub ImportSheet()
Dim sImportFile As String, sFile As String
Dim sThisBk As Workbook, wbBk As Workbook
Dim vfilename As Variant
Dim wsSht As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set sThisBk = ActiveWorkbook
sImportFile = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
FileFilter:="Comma Separated Value, *.csv", Title:="Open Workbook")
If sImportFile = "False" Then
MsgBox "No File Selected!"
Exit Sub
vfilename = Split(sImportFile, "\")
sFile = vfilename(UBound(vfilename))
Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:=sImportFile
Set wbBk = Workbooks(sFile)
With wbBk
If SheetExists("GaebTesten.g42_2") Then
Set wsSht = .Sheets("GaebTesten.g42_2")
wsSht.Copy Before:=sThisBk.Sheets("Start")
MsgBox "There is no sheet with name :US in:" & vbCr & .Name
End If
wbBk.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Private Function SheetExists(sWSName As String) As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = Worksheets(sWSName)
If Not ws Is Nothing Then SheetExists = True
End Function
this is my second post here on stack overflow, and my first question was very dumb, and when I asked my first question, it was my 2nd hour with vba.
I think I am at about 30 hours now and I've learned a lot.
Question: I am doing this Excel Macro in VBA with userform too now. But mostly I google how to do what and I try to implement it WHILE understanding it, I don't just copy and paste code. Often I just do line by line and test it out.
BUT... how do you guys remember all that?
If I had to program the same thing again right now, I won't know how to, because I know how a syntax works, but I wouldn't know which syntax and stuff to actually use to achieve the desired effect...
Does it come from repeating the same things = experience?
Or how do you acquire the abilities to code without googling almost every single thing? When watching youtubers live streaming how they code something, they never look it up on the internet....
Let me present you a different way than pure string manipulation:
Set a new reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. This will enable the Scripting namespace. With it you can do things like the following:
sImportFile = "C:\StackFolder\PrintMyName.xlsx"
With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Debug.Print .GetBaseName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "PrintMyName"
Debug.Print .GetExtensionName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "xlsx"
Debug.Print .GetFileName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "PrintMyName.xlsx"
Debug.Print .GetDriveName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "C:"
Debug.Print .GetParentFolderName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "C:\StackFolder"
End With
You can build a little helper function to give you the part of the file name you need:
Public Function GetFilenameWithoutExtension(ByVal filename as String) as String
With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
GetFilenameWithoutExtension = .GetBaseName(filename)
End With
End Function
and call it: sFile = GetFilenameWithoutExtension(sImportFile)
Regarding the interesting use of UBound in your subroutine, you could even get the filename (without extension) that way - assuming it doesn't contain additional dots:
vfilename = Split(sImportFile, "\")
sFile = vfilename(UBound(vfilename))
SplitName = Split(sFile, ".")
FilenameWithoutExtension = SplitName(UBound(SplitName)-1)
Extension = SplitName(UBound(SplitName))
These are, however, purely academical thoughts and I wouldn't recommend doing it this way.
Here are two ways to extract the workbook name without the file extension. Here I am removing the extension .xlsx. If the extension is constant, you can just hard code it. If not, you can use wildcards also
MsgBox Left(wbBk.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 5)
MsgBox Replace(wbBk.Name, ".xlsx", "")
You can refer to the sheet with the same name as the workbook by using something like
Sheets(Left(wbBk.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 5).Copy
Sheets(Replace(wbBk.Name, ".xlsx", "").Copy
You can use InstrRev. It is efficient as starts from the end of the string which is where the extension is located.
Left$(wbBk.Name, InStrRev((wbBk.Name, ".") - 1)
I am trying to find the command and correct coding to open a PDF file with a relative file path to the active excel file. The code below works fine as a link directly to the file. However, I just need this code snippet to find the PDF file that is sitting in the same file as the opened excel file and open accordingly.
Sub OpeningPDF()
'ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "C:\Users\Michael\My Documents\totals\copy.pdf"
End Sub
I tried working with ThisWorkbook.path but nothing I tried with that worked or seemed to be outdate. Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.
I have found two solutions to this:
The first one is using the built-in Shell() function. This should automatically resolve the relative path (relative to the applications current working directory):
Public Sub StartExeWithArgument()
Dim strFilename As String
strFilename = "../folder/file.pdf"
Call Shell(strFilename, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
The second one uses the Shell.Application COM Object and will basically do the same as the first one.
Sub runit()
Dim Shex As Object
Set Shex = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
tgtfile = "../folder/file.pdf"
Shex.Open (tgtfile)
End Sub
If you start with ThisWorkbook.Path and your relative-reference, then trim a layer off for every "..\" in the relative reference, you'll get the path.
Function RelativeToAbsolutePath(ByVal RelativePath As String) AS String
Dim TempStart AS String, TempEnd AS String
TempStart = ThisWorkbook.Path
TempEnd = RelativePath
If Left(TempEnd,1) = "\" Then TempEnd = Mid(TempEnd,1)
RelativeToAbsolutePath = ""
On Error GoTo FuncErr
While Left(TempEnd,3)="..\" AND InStrRev(TempStart,"\")>0
TempStart = Left(TempStart,InStrRev(TempStart,"\")-1) 'Remove 1 layer from Workbook path
TempEnd = Mid(TempEnd,4) 'Remove 1 instance of "..\"
RelativeToAbsolutePath = TempStart & "\" & TempEnd 'Stitch it all together
FuncErr: 'You may want a DIR(..) check to see if the file actually exists?
End Function
You can then open it with Shell
I want to create a macro that can check and open file based on filename.
15.xlsm As opened workbook
12.xlsm As a target
16.xlsm As the future workbook
So while I click a button in 15.xlsm that will open the previous file (12.xlsm). But in future, when the 16.xlsm is created, the 16.xlsm must open the previous workbook (15.xlsm).
I was trying with this code
Sub Macro1()
Dim a, x As Integer
Dim path, filename As String
Dim varday, varyest As Long
varday = Day(Range("A1"))
For x = 1 To 30
varyest = varday - x
filename = "" & varyest & ".xlsm"
path = "F:\Kemal\" & filename & ""
If Dir(path) = "" Then
Workbooks.Open filename:=path
End If
Next x
End Sub
but that code has open all workbook like 12.xlsm, 10.xlsm, 9.xlsm, and create unlimited messagebox. Yeah I know the algorithm but, how to put it into code is the big problem. anyone help me, pls.
So, How to check previous file is exist or not with date that placed on every workbook name?
to know if file exists :
If you want to check MANY files, you may want to use the content of the whole folder and lookup the array.
if target workbooks has a Workbook_Open that's not to be launched:
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = true
Question is a bit fuzzy to me, I hope this answers
I am writing a macro in MS excel using VBA. I need to open or create a file to write to.
Potentially the file may have a different extension (i.e. .cal) but internally it just contains text.
I have looked over a lot of examples that create a file by explicitly stating the path for the new file (here's one I found):
strFileName = "C:\test.txt"
Open strFileName For Output As #iFileNumber
Other examples open a file which already exists.
I would like to have a popup/dialog which allows the user to "either" open an existing file "or" create a new one. I assume this is possible.
I have played around with the Application.FileDialog(....) function using strings/paths and objects without much success so far.
With Application.FileDialog(...) your user should be able to create a new text file as they would in Windows Explorer (by right-clicking and selecting New->Text File), they can then select that file to output data to.
The below SelectFile(...) function returns the path to a selected file (or an empty string if no file was selected). Using this function as-is it is only possible for the user to select one file, but given the context I would hope this isn't a problem.
Public Sub SelectOrCreateFile()
Dim strFileName As String
Dim iFileNum As Integer
iFileNum = FreeFile
strFileName = SelectFile
If strFileName <> "" Then
Open strFileName For Output As #iFileNum
Close #iFileNum
End If
End Sub
'Returns File Path of file selected with file selection dialog
Public Function SelectFile(Optional DefaultPath As String = "", _
Optional FileType As String = "All Files", _
Optional FileExtension As String = "*.*") As String
Dim F As Object
Set F = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
'Set up FileDialog properties
F.Filters.Add FileType, FileExtension
F.AllowMultiSelect = False
F.Title = "Select File"
F.ButtonName = "Select"
If DefaultPath <> "" Then F.InitialFileName = DefaultPath
'FileDialog.Show returns False if the user cancels
If F.show Then
SelectFile = F.SelectedItems(1)
MsgBox "No File Selected", vbInformation, "Cancelled"
SelectFile = ""
End If
Set F = Nothing
End Function
Hope this helps!