How to launch Boxee's web browser? - browser

I am building a Boxee app and would like to, in response to certain user actions, open Boxee's web browser with a given URL. Boxee's documentation is a little light here (by my eyes).
Is this possible to do and if so how?

Check the API here
I guess navigate is the thing you re looking for: navigate(url:String):Void


Can a website use webhooks?

Ok, this may be super-simple, but I just don't have enough background knowledge to know for sure:
If I define a webhook callback (fer example, a callback in OpenAPI): can I use that callback from a regular webpage?
I would assume yes, otherwise whats the point: but all the discussions state:
Must be network accessible by the source server
AFAIK: the clients browser is very unlikely to be accessible from the browser. Which would make webhooks unusable for a hosted website. Is this correct?
Not really sure what you are asking. A web hook is simply a web script called by a service, its a Url that can be called by a web browser as well.
You can call this from OpenAPI, or by simply typing it into a browser window.
In webhook.php, you would look for value and another. Depending on if the callback is a POST, you would do $value = $_POST['value'];.
Not really sure what you mean by "the clients browser is very unlikely to be accessible from the browser".

How to embed a web browser inside a web app made in node.js ?

I currently have a web app made in node.js. One feature of this app is to take notes. I want to provide the user with a way to browse the internet and select a text to add as a note in our web app without having to manually copy-pasting from one browser window to our app.
I know I can do this relatively simply using a Chrome extension that would be linked to the user account and would save the note to the database. However, I cannot use this approach since not all my users can install Google Chrome.
Therefore, I am looking for a way to browse the web from inside our web app. For example, it could be in an iFrame where we display a complete browser. That way, the user could navigate the web for information from inside the app, select text to save and click on a button (probably located outside the iFrame browser) to save the selected text as a note in our database.
How can I achieve such a thing in node.js ?
This is, essentially, impossible.
For you to get any data about the site the user was browsing you could either:
Restrict them to browsing sites willing to partner with you to give you permission to access their data via postMessage (a technical change on their part to work around the Same Origin Policy)
Proxy every request through your server which would:
Have large bandwidth requirements
Require a lot of rewriting of URLs (including dynamically generated ones in JS)
Require rewriting of X-Frames-Options and Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers
Need users who would trust you with all the data you passed through your system (including their passwords to third party sites)
Not work for Intranet sites (since your server could not reach them)

sending a message from a web app to an extension

I have an extension which provides a number of services to any web app that requires them. I had been assuming that a web app could use chrome.runtime.sendMessage(ext-id,message), but when I try, there is no sendMessage function on chrome.runtime.
Have I misunderstood where sendMessage can be used, and is there another technique that I can use to communicate from an arbitrary web app to my extension?
There are a few options.
First, is the closest to how you're thinking about it right now. You're expecting to be able to add proprietary, Chrome-specific functionality to arbitrary web pages. externally_connectable will give you a limited version of (see for an example), but only for specific web pages (e.g., * but not *.com).
Second, you can postMessage from your web page to a content script (see, which can do anything a content script can. If you need chrome.* APIs at that point, you can message from the content script to your extension's page, which has access to any chrome.* APIs that it's asked for.
Finally, depending on what your "number of services" actually is, you can always executeScript another script directly into a target webpage, which is similar to forcing the webpage to include it as if it were another <script> tag. (Only similar to, not identical to, because the injection typically happens after the page has loaded.)

How can I pass a message from outside URL to my Chrome Extension?

I know there's a way for extensions and pages to communicate locally, but I need to send a message from an outside URL, have my Chrome Extension listen for it.
I have tried easyXDM in the background page, but it seems to stop listening after awhile, as if Google "turns off" the Javascript in the background page after awhile.
I think you may try some walk around and build a site with some specific data structure, and then implement a content script which will look for this specific that specific data structure, and when i finds one it can fetch the data you want to be passed to your extension.
Yes, you need a content script that communicates with the page using DOM Events.. Instructions on how to do that are here:

Automatically saving web pages requiring login/HTTPS

I'm trying to automate some datascraping from a website. However, because the user has to go through a login screen a wget cronjob won't work, and because I need to make an HTTPS request, a simple Perl script won't work either. I've tried looking at the "DejaClick" addon for Firefox to simply replay a series of browser events (logging into the website, navigating to where the interesting data is, downloading the page, etc.), but the addon's developers for some reason didn't include saving pages as a feature.
Is there any quick way of accomplishing what I'm trying to do here?
A while back I used mechanize and found it very helpful. It supports urllib2 so it should also work with HTTPS requests as I read now. So my comment above could hopefully prove wrong.
You can record your action with IRobotSoft web scraper. See demo here:
Then use saveFile(filename, TargetPage) function to save the target page.
