How much data can be fetched by submit_bio() at a time - linux

Here is my LAN structure
I want to download a .zip file of 258.6MB from the samba server, meanwhile, start a profiling for the router's linux stack just before the download.
When finished, stopped the profiling and I found this in the porfiling report
samples % image name app name symbol name
16 0.0064 vmlinux smbd submit_bio
The sampling rate is 100000 and the event is CPU_CYCLES.
Because this is the first download of the file that is to say it is not in the page cache, submit_bio() should be pretty busy. Thus, I don't understand why there is just a poor portion of submit_bio(). Is that mean each time the submit_bio is called, we fetch about (258.6/16)MB data?

That's statistical sampling. It means of the x times the profiler sampled the system, 16 times it happened to find the CPU running in submit_bio(). It does not mean that submit_bio() is called 16 times.


record screen with high quality and minimum size in ElectronJS (Windows)

as I said in the title, I need to record my screen from an electron app.
my needs are:
high quality (720p or 1080p)
minimum size
record audio + screen + mic
low impact on PC hardware while recording
no need for any wait after the recorder stopped
by minimum size I mean about 400MB on 720p and 700MB on 1080p for a 3 to 4 hours recording. we already could achieve this by bandicam and obs and it's possible
I already tried:
the simple MediaStreamRecorder API using RecordRTC.Js; produces huge file sizes, like 1GB per hour for 720p video.
compressing the output video using FFmpeg; it can take up to 1 hour for 3 hours recording
save every chunk with 'ondataavailable' event and right after, run FFmpeg and convert and reduce the size and append all the compressed files (also by FFmpeg); there are two problems. 1, because of different PTS but it can be fixed by tunning compress command args. 2, the main problem is the audio data headers are only available in the first chunk and this approach causes a video that only has audio for the first few seconds
recording the video with FFmpeg itself; the end-users need to change some things manually (Stereo Mix), the configs are too complex, it causes the whole PC to work slower while recording (like fps drop; even if I set -threads to 1), in some cases after recording is finished it needs many times to wrap it all up
searched through the internet to find applications that can be used from the command line; I couldn't find much, the famous applications like bandicam and obs have command line args but there are not many args to play with and I can't set many options which leads to other problems
I don't know what else I can do, please tell me if u know a way or simple tool that can be used through CLI to achieve this and guide me through this
I end up using the portable mode of high-level 3d-party applications like obs-studio and adding them to our final package. I also created a js file to control the application using CLI
this way I could pre-set my options (such as crf value, etc) and now our average output size for a 3:30 hour value with 1080p resolution is about 700MB which is impressive

ESP32: BLE transmission speed is very slow

I am trying to build an Android app that interfaces with the ESP32 using BLE. I am using the RxBluetoothKotlin library from Vincent Masselis for the Android side. For the ESP32 side, I am using the default Kolban libraries that are included in the Arduino IDE. My phone is a OnePlus 5T and my ESP32 is a MH ET Live ESP32DevKIT. My Android app can be found here, and my ESP32 program here.
The whole system works pretty much perfectly for me in terms of pure functionality. That is to say, every button does what it's supposed to do, and I get the exact behaviour I had expected to get. However, the communication itself is very slow. Around 200 bytes/second. My test button in the Android app requests a bunch of text data from the ESP32, and displays this in a dialog. It also lists a number which represents the time between request and reception in milliseconds. Using this, I get around 2 seconds for 440 bytes of data. When I send less data, the time decreases approximately linearly with data size. 40 bytes of data will take around 200ms, and 20 bytes or under typically takes less than 100ms.
This seems rather slow to me. From what I understand, I should be able to at least get a few kilobytes per second. I have tried to check the speed using nRF Connect, but I get the same 2 seconds timespan for my data transfer. This suggests that the problem is not in my app, since I also have it with a completely different app. I also put the code in my main loop inside of callbacks instead (which I probably should have done in the first place), but this didn't change things at all. I have tried taking the microcontroller and my phone to a few different locations, hoping to eliminate interference. I have tried to mess with BLEDevice::setPower and BLEDevice::setMTU, as well as setting RxBluetoothGatt.requestMtu(500) on the Android side. Everything so far seems to have had little to no effect. The only thing that did anything, was adding the line "pServer->updatePeerMTU(0,500);" in my loop during the connection phase. This caused the first 23 bytes of data to be repeated whenever I pressed the test button in my app, and made the data transfer take about 3 seconds. If I'm lucky, I can get maybe a bit under 1.8 seconds for 440 bytes, but this is a very small change when I'm expecting an order of magnitude of difference, and might even be down to pure chance rather than anything I did.
Does anyone have an idea of how to increase my transfer speed?
The data transmission speed is mainly influenced by the Bluetooth LE connection interval (between 7.5 ms and 4 seconds) and is negotiated between the master (central unit) and the peripheral device. The master establishes a connection with a parameter set and the peripheral can propose to change this parameter set. In the end, however, the central unit decides which parameter set is to be used.
But the Bluetooth connection interval cannot be changed by an Android applications directly, which normally act as the central role. Instead it can request a connection priority which is known to have an influence on the connection interval.

I need to measure the response time for a file export using Trueclient protocol in loadrunner

I need to measure the response time for a file export using Trueclient protocol in loadrunner.After i click on the export button the file will get downloaded. But i am not able to measure the time for the download accurately.
Pull that data from the HTTP request log, which will show the download request, and, if the w3c time-taken value is included in the log, the time required to fulfill the download.
You can process the log at the end of the test for the response time data. If you need to, you cam import a set of datapoints into analysis for representation with the rest of your data. You might want to consider a normalized value for your download, instead of a raw response time. I imagine that the files are of different sizes, so naturally they will have different download times. However, if you divide download bytes with time (in seconds), then you will have a normalized measurement of bytes per second which then allows you to compare one download to the next for consistent operation.
Also, keep in mind that since you are downloading a file, writing to a local disk, for (presumably) multiple users on a host, you will face the risk of turning your local file system into a bottleneck. You can see this same effect if you turn up logging on all users to the highest level and run your test. The wait for lock and wait for write, plus the actual writing of data, becomes a drag anchor to the performance of your virtual user. This is why the recommended log level is "log on error" or send the error to the output window of the controller via lr_output_message() or lr_vuser_status_message(). Consider a control load generator of the same hardware definition as the others with only a single virtual user of this type on it. If the control group and global group degrade together then you have an app issue. If your control user does not degrade, but your other users do, then you have a test bed induced influence on your results.
These are all issues independent of the tool you are using for the test.

Profiling for Node.js Application

I followed this link, to profile a particular endPoint in my app (Expressjs).
The endpoint will download a pdf from s3 , use a thread pool ( a pool of 4 worker_threads) to fill the pdf with data (I use HummusJS for pdf filling), then upload the filled file to s3 and respond with a signedUrl for the filled file.
The test was done by apache benchmark:
ab -p req.json -T application/json -c 20 -n 2000 http://{endpoint}
The output from profilling was like this :
[Bottom up (heavy) profile]:
Note: percentage shows a share of a particular caller in the total
amount of its parent calls.
Callers occupying less than 1.0% are not shown.
ticks parent name
287597 89.2% epoll_pwait
[Bottom up (heavy) profile]:
Note: percentage shows a share of a particular caller in the total
amount of its parent calls.
Callers occupying less than 1.0% are not shown.
ticks parent name
1515166 98.5% epoll_wait
So, my question is , what does the epoll_wait and epoll_pwait mean, since they are taking almost 100% of CPU time taken by the program ?
In short, the thread was waiting for something (maybe the network? maybe another thread?).

Is it possible to monitor all write access to the filesystem of all process under linux

Is it possible to monitor all write access to the filesystem of all process under linux?
I've some different mounted filesystems. A lot of them are tempfs.
I'm interested in all writes to the root filesystem except the tempfs,devtmpfs etc.
I'm looking for something that will output: <PID xy> write n Bytes to /targe/filepath.
What monitoring tool can list all this write syscalls? Can they be filtered by mount points?
iotop (kernel version 2.6.20 or higher) or dstat could help you. E.g. iotop -o -b -d 10 like discussed in this similar thread.
/proc/diskstats has data for all the block devices.
The /proc/diskstats file displays the I/O statistics of block devices. Each line contains the following 14 fields:
1 - major number
2 - minor mumber
3 - device name
4 - reads completed successfully
5 - reads merged
6 - sectors read
7 - time spent reading (ms)
8 - writes completed
9 - writes merged
10 - sectors written
11 - time spent writing (ms)
12 - I/Os currently in progress
13 - time spent doing I/Os (ms)
14 - weighted time spent doing I/Os (ms)
For more details refer to Documentation/iostats.txt
You can write a SystemTap script to monitor filesystem operations. Maybe you can visit the Brendan D. Gregg's blog, where there are many monitor tools.
fatrace (File Activity Trace)
fatrace reports file access events (Open, Read, Write, Close) from all running processes. Its main purpose is to find processes which keep waking up the disk unnecessarily and thus prevent some power saving.
When running it outputs one line per event in this format:
<timestamp> <processName(id)>: <accessType> </path/to/file>
For example:
23:10:21.375341 Plex Media Serv(2290): W /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-UID/Plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/Plex Media Server.log
From which you easily get the all necessary infos
Timestamp from the --timestamp option
Process name (who is accessing)
File operation (O-pen R-read W-rite C-lose)
Filepath (where is it writing to).
You can limit the search scope with --current-mount to only record events on partition/mount of current directory.
So simply cd into the volume which corresponds to your spinning HDD first, and there run ftrace with the --current-mount option.
Without this option, all (real) partitions/mount points are being watched.
Very practical
With it I found out easily that the reason why my NAS disk was spinning 24/7 also when nobody accessed the NAS and also no maintenance tasks where about to run was unnecessary logging of the Plex Media Server.
