Using Windows Azure in a local Dev Mode with PHP - azure

We are trying to evaluate and eventually migrate to the windows azure cloud platform.
I am stumbling on the installation process...
I'm currently following this tutorial.
I can't get the Windows development Fabric interface working like on this picture.
When I install the app fabric sdk (downloaded here) I get no .exe program to simulate the cloud...
I installed Windows AppFabric which is not what I need (I think).
I keep on being directed on AppPlatformInstaller which do not install what I need but I'm sure is part of my solution.

You are downloading wrong SDK. For Windows Azure Cloud platform you must download and install Windows Azure SDK And Tools for Visual Studio.
Then you will have a folder %Program Files%\Windows Azure SDK\v1.5\bin. There will be devfabric and devstore folders, under which the local development Frabric and Development Storage executables will reside.
Then if you are targeting .NET based solutions, you will have new project templates in Visual Studio, and everything shall be running smoothly. On the other hand, if you are targeting open source solutions you might want to follow the like provided by Ben.
As for Windows AppFabric - yes, it is wrong in terms that it is not related to Windows Azure at all.
Let us know if you have any issues when downloading and installing latest Windows Azure SDK And Tools for Visual Studio

You may want to check out the docs available from the Microsoft Interoperability Team. They maintain an entire site dedicated to running PHP on Windows Azure
Basically to get it working just install the Windows Azure SDK and with Windows Azure SDK for PHP. Build your PHP application and then run the package command. Your PHP application will be rolled into a Windows Azure project and launched in the local dev fabric


Windows Universal Platform

I am new to WUP and researching on Windows Universal platform, I have following questions for the same:
1)I would like to know if anyone has used it, and if it can be deployed anywhere else other than the windows store. How can we make the app available to the users/client without deploying it on the Windows store. (where else can we deploy the app?)
2) Will the app developed using WUP only works on Windows 10 or previous version of windows as well?
3) Can it be developed using 2015 or 2017 is mandatory?
Thanks in advance
1)How can we make the app available to the users/client without deploying it on the Windows store. (where else can we deploy the app?)
Typically, you download these apps from the Store and that is how they are installed on your device. But you can sideload apps to your device without submitting them to the Store. This lets you install them and test them out using the app package (.appx) that you have created.
For more info, please refer Sideload your app package.
We can also use the App Installer, it is a Universal Windows App that is pre-installed as part of the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. The app enables a user to double-click any .appx or .appxbundle for easy installation, eliminating the need to run PowerShell or specialized scripts.
Please refer the App Installer.
2) Will the app developed using WUP only works on Windows 10 or previous version of windows as well?
Windows 10 apps can only run on Windows 10 (and newer). If you want to target 8.1, you have to build a Windows 8.1 app. A Windows 8.1 app should run on Windows 10 without any problems.
You can refer the Develop apps for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP), it lists the requirements of UWP apps.
3) Can it be developed using 2015 or 2017 is mandatory?
Yes, we can use the VS 2015 or the VS 2017 to develop the UWP apps.
Please refer the document of Build UWP apps with Visual Studio.

How to setup environment for windows azure programming

My systems has VS2013 web express installed. To install windows Azure SDK it ask to install VS update 3 first. Size of VS update 3 ISO file is 5GB+. My net connection is slow so i can't download 5GB in one go. Please guide me if there is any alternative way to set environment for windows azure programming.
Take a look at Visual Studio Community 2013, it's got everything you need to get a development environment set up quickly to build apps with the latest .NET Azure SDK v2.5.

The Windows Azure SDK for .NET must be installed

I'm trying to publish my app to Azure which I have done several times before. For some reason I'm now getting the following error:
The Windows Azure SDK for .Net must be installed to enable publishing
to Windows Azure. LightSwitch will load a web page to begin
It loads a web page, downloads V11AzurePack_1_8_1.exe which in turn runs the Web Platform Installer 4.6 which in turn installs Windows Azure SDK Tools 1.8.1 for Visual Studio 2012. All of this succeeds. But going back and attempting to Publish results in the same error.
I noticed that there is a Windows Azure SDK for .Net (VS 2012) - 2.2 in the WPI. So I installed that manually, tried to publish, same result.
The SDK is clearly installed:
So why can't I publish to Azure? The only thing that looks like it might be a problem is that I have LightSwtich Azure Publishing 1.1 add-on for Visual Studio 2012 installed and I know there is a newer version of that available. But I can't find a direct download nor can I find a way to uninstall that package or force WPI to suggest an update.
Uninstalling everything Azure related (except the LightSwitch add-on as that seems to be unremovable and un-upgradeable), rebooting, and installing only the latest SDK produces the same problem.
After following a moderator's advice to repair Visual Studio on the forum, I was no longer able to open my project at all. I waited for a response but got none. So I decided to reinstall Visual Studio all together.
I followed this and this in order to remove as much of Visual Studio as possible and then reinstalled. I then installed Update 4 and was again able to open my project.
However, upon trying to publish, the same error was encountered.
I decided to upgrade my project to VS2013. That all seemed to go well. Wnet o Publish to Azure and it claimed that it succeeded. However going to Azure and launching the app's site brought up the previous version.
I deleted my Azure cloud service and started a new project in VS2013. I copied over one of my screens to have something to run. I then tried to publish to Azure. It again told me it succeeded but the site did not exist in the Azure Management portal. However, it did realize that I had created a new self-signed certificate so there was some type of communication there. Just not an actual Publish.
Then I did something really stupid. I uninstalled the Azure SDK and tried to reinstall it thinking that was the problem. Now I'm back to where I was before. An endless loop asking me to install the Azure SDK.
I wiped out all of my Azure services. Did a system restore to a month ago. Reinstalled the Azure SDK. This then allowed me to "Publish".
Not really.
Visual Studio claimed that the Publish Succeeded. The services were created and the certificate uploaded but nothing was deployed. I then did a manual deploy and the Production instance began to be deployed.
Everything seems to be running but I cannot access my app's site. I receive a 403 Forbidden error message. With or without HTTPS required. But this seems to be a different issue so I'm going to open another question on it.
Why these extreme measures were required is beyond me. This continual breaking of LightSwitch to Azure publishing is getting to be absurd though.

Unable to install Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java (by Microsoft Open Technologies)

I am trying to install the Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java (by Microsoft Open Technologies) from this URL: I use Ubuntu 12.10 and Eclipse "Java EE IDE for Web Developers", Version: Juno Service Release 2, Build id: 20130225-0426.
I followed the steps explained in this tutorial: But I got this error:
Cannot complete the install because some dependencies are not satisfiable [] cannot be installed in this environment because its filter is not applicable.
Can anybody help?
I am surprised by how far you guys had gone. I do not think Azure Eclipse plugin would work on Linux at all. It has dependency on Windows Azure .NET SDK and the Windows Azure emulator inside of it. Get a Windows machine, or dual boot your ubuntu, bro!
Although you may not be able to Install Windows Azure Eclipse Plugin, you should still be able to write your Java program consuming Windows Azure Services ( such as storage, queue, table, service bus, media services ) via Windows Azure SDK for Java.
Since it is open source, you can even have your own fork of it :)

Window Azure solution- Not running under local solution

need urgent help
i am not able to run the solution in the local environment. I have created the hello world sample and trying to run the application but i am getting error like some prerequisites are missing. Below in the configuration i have.
Installed in VM--
Window server 2008 OS-32 Bit
VS 2010
Installed the Azure SDK
But when i am running the solution i am getting below error ---
Windows Azure Tools: Warning: The Windows Azure development fabric and development storage are running on a 32-bit workstation. In the cloud, Windows Azure Hosted Services run in a 64-bit environment. The use of native code execution or .Net Full Trust features such as P/Invoke may require migration to 64-bit. See for details.
Windows Azure Tools: Error: Running .NET 4.0 web roles on the Windows Azure Development Fabric requires installing the following QFE:, or upgrading to SP2 of Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
Windows Azure Tools: The system is missing a prerequisite to execute the service. Please see the release notes.
Can any one suggest what i am doing wrong ??
As said, you are using 32-bit environment. Retry on 64-bit Windows Server.
Also make sure the client profile in not set on the .NET Assembly versioning... Choose .NET 4
Did you upgrade to SP2 of Windows Server 2008 as suggested by the warning message ? And the mentioned hotfix for IIS7 & .NET 4.0:
