Remove "INFO" while logging the text using log4net - log4net

When i log some text to the log file using method, it looks like below.
INFO - 10/17/2011 9:50:32 AM some text goes here
Here i don't need the "INFO" text to be added on to the log file. how do i prevent this? please help me

I assume your configuration will contain a line like this:
<conversionPattern value="%-5level - %date %message%newline" />
This instructs log4net to print the loglevel (in your case INFO). Simply remove the level like this:
<conversionPattern value="%date %message%newline" />
More information on this can be found here.


uncomment xml tags on centOS 7.x

Is there a command (using sed or any other tool) to remove XML comment (which has a comment string also) on some XML tags? I am using centos 7.4 and 7.9. The XML structure is like this:
<!-- Some string here to inform
<SomeTagHere />
<SomeTagHere2> </SomeTagHere2>
I tried many different sed commands but none of them worked and I couldn't find a proper regex for this. What I want to is release tags inside comment like this:
<SomeTagHere />
<SomeTagHere2> </SomeTagHere2>

NLog - File Rotation - Sequence Issue

I am using Nlog for logs and rotating file on daily basis. Log files are read and processed further by another system to move to Splunk.
Here I am looking to find out what steps nlog takes to rotate file because it is failing my integration with other systems. It works fine with other log framework like log4net/logback. If that's case, I may need to switch to other framework.
Ideally steps should be - Approach 1
1. Open file - abc.txt
2. add log line 1, log line 2.. log line n.
3. 12.00 AM - file rotation - Rename file abc.txt => 2020-05-13 abc.txt
4. create new file - abc.txt 5. add log line a1, log line a2.. log line an.
Another approach may be - Approach 2
1. open file - abc.txt
2. add log line 1, log line 2.. log line n.
3. 12.00 AM - file rotation - create new file 2020-05-13 abc.txt
4. move contents from abc.txt to new file 2020-05-13 abc.txt
5. Update file offset/pointer to move to new location i.e. start of the file (as contents are removed from this file)
6. add log line a1, log line a2.. log line an - at the begining location (offset/file pointer)
Can anybody please confirm which approach or sequence of steps are exactly performed by Nlog for file rotation.
Below is how my config looks like-
<nlog xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<variable name="logDir" value="C:\logs">
<target name="logFile" xsi:type="File" fileName="${logDir}\API_${machinename}.json"
archiveFileName="${logDir}\{#}_API_${machinename}.json" archiveNumbering="Date"
archiveDateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd" archiveEvery="Day">
<layout xsi:type="JsonLayout" includeAllProperties="true">
<attribute name="time" layout="${date:format=yyyy-MM-ddTHH\:mm\:ss.fffzzz}"/>
<attribute name="level" layout="${level:upperCase=true}"/>
<attribute name="message" layout="${message}"/>
<attribute name="exception" layout="${exception:format=#}"/>
<logger name="*" minlevel="Debug" writeTo="logFile" />

Unexpected long/integer value at the start of the logged message

I'm facing an issue with log4j2, that prints a value as first part of a logged message.
I'm using the following configuration and it works as expected except for the un-wanted value:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Configuration status="info">
<RollingFile name="myappender-app" fileName="C:/Programs/apache-tomcat-8.5.29/logs/app.log" filePattern="C:/Programs/apache-tomcat-8.5.29/logs/%d_app.log">
<pattern>[%t]%5level %d{ISO8601}[%X{mdc-uuid} %X{sessionId}] %c{2} - %m%n%r%throwable{5}</pattern>
<TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1" modulate="true" />
<Logger name="" level="debug" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="myappender-app" level="debug" />
The result is something like:
[https-jsse-nio-18443-exec-6] INFO 2018-04-02T10:37:24,344[ ] filters.UUIDFilter - First logged message
39736[https-jsse-nio-18443-exec-6] INFO 2018-04-02T10:37:24,596[localhost-1522658244353 ] controller.MyAppController - Second Message
39988[https-jsse-nio-18443-exec-6] INFO 2018-04-02T10:37:24,602[localhost-1522658244353 ].....
39994[https-jsse-nio-18443-exec-6]ERROR 2018-04-02T10:37:54,697[localhost-1522658244353 ]....
other messages
The first message is correct while the others have those values [39736,39988,..] at the start of each line.
I'm assuming is something related to the rolling policy, but I could not see it in other examples using the same configuration.
Does anyone knows which is the problem and how to solve it ?
Problem is %n%r%throwable{5} in below line -
<pattern>[%t]%5level %d{ISO8601}[%X{mdc-uuid} %X{sessionId}] %c{2} - %m%n%r%throwable{5}</pattern>
%n refers to new line character.
%r refers to number of milliseconds elapsed since the JVM was started until the creation of the logging event.
%throwable{5} refers to exception stack trace.
Because your pattern contains %n so it will create a new line in logs and then %r will log number of milliseconds (that unwanted value). Since there is no exception so %throwable{5} is printing nothing.
To resolve it, simply write %n at the end of the pattern so that a new log statement will get printed in next line. You can also remove %r if you do not want to print that unwanted value at all.

create log4j depending on level using .properties file

I have to create new file for each level like:
fatel.log for only FATAL
error.log for only ERROR
warn.log for only WARN etc.
how can i achieve this thing in changing this properties file.
Here is my file:
# for console
log4j.appender.CONSOLE.layout.ConversionPattern=[INFO] %d - %c -%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n
# A1
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %c{1}:%L : %m%n
Though I've never done it, I guess it will be something like:
The type of the AppDebug appender could be DailyRollingFileAppender, as in your case, with the remaining configuration options along.

How to format to a specific pattern with Log4j?

I want to capture the log4j logging comments in the following way. Is it possible ? If so then how should my look like ??
My Message : 2009-05-22 17:07:28
Use the following conversion pattern: "%m: %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}%n" without the quotes.
If you wanted to use ConsoleAppender, your file would contain:
log4j.rootLogger=debug, CON
log4j.appender.CON.layout.ConversionPattern=%m: %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}%n
Add following lines in your file:
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=MyMessage : %-5p %d{yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %m %n
log4j.appender.R.layout.ConversionPattern=MyMessage : %-5p %d{yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %m %n
