symbolic link without expanding $HOME or "~"? - linux

the basic idea is that I want to link to path that's relative to $HOME, rather than explicitly expand the $HOME variable, as I want to make sure the link works on multiple machines, e.g.,
when I do
ln -s ~/data datalnk
I want it to be directed to directory /home/user/data on one machine which has a user $HOME of /home/user, and to /home/machine/user/data on another machine which has a user $HOME of /home/machine/user/data.
I cannot create a symbolic link on the second machine using
ln -s /home/machine/user /home/user
because I don't have the permission to do that, and I cannot link relative paths as the two machines have different hierarchies of directories.
anyideas on possible ways to fix or circumvent this?
what I am really trying to accompanish is to make the same link work on two macihnes, where the targets have the same directories in terms of their relative path to $/HOME only, not their absolute path, and not their relative path to the link either.

tl,dr it won't work
You can use an escaping mechanism such as single-quotes to get the ~ into the symbolic link:
> cd ~
> echo hello > a
> ln -s '~/a' b
However, ~ is a shell expansion and is not understood by the filesystem (actually, to the filesystem it's "just another character"). This is a good thing -- want the file-system layer to know about environment variables, as ~ is generally determined by $HOME?
> ls -l b
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Oct 27 17:39 b -> ~/a
> ls b
ls: b: No such file or directory
You could still "manually" look at said symbolic link entries (as done with ls -l), but that would have to be done in a non-transparent fashion by a program (think of a ".LNK" in Windows). As can be seen, the filesystem just doesn't understand ~.
Happy sh'ing.

First of all: It can't be done directly. Symbolic links are plain text files, no extensions are performed. If you can't formulate a fixed relative or absolute path to the place you are referring, you can't symbolically link to it.
You can build a script to put links to appropriate directories in appropriate places, but the best way depends on your application.

The only way to make symlinks dynamic in this way is to use a relative path instead of an absolute path. In other words, don't start your path with /.
For example:
ln -s data datalnk
At runtime your app or script will need to refer to ~/datalnk or $HOME/datalnk.
You haven't really said what you're trying to accomplish, so I can't really tell whether I'm solving your problem or suggesting that you need to go at it a different way.


Execute a bash script without typing ./ [duplicate]

I feel like I'm missing something very basic so apologies if this question is obtuse. I've been struggling with this problem for as long as I've been using the bash shell.
Say I have a structure like this:
├──command (executable)
This will execute:
$ bin/command
then I symlink bin/command to the project root
$ ln -s bin/command c
like so
├──c (symlink to bin/command)
├──command (executable)
I can't do the following (errors with -bash: c: command not found)
$ c
I must do?
$ ./c
What's going on here? — is it possible to execute a command from the current directory without preceding it with ./ and also without using a system wide alias? It would be very convenient for distributed executables and utility scripts to give them one letter folder specific shortcuts on a per project basis.
It's not a matter of bash not allowing execution from the current directory, but rather, you haven't added the current directory to your list of directories to execute from.
export PATH=".:$PATH"
$ c
This can be a security risk, however, because if the directory contains files which you don't trust or know where they came from, a file existing in the currently directory could be confused with a system command.
For example, say the current directory is called "foo" and your colleague asks you to go into "foo" and set the permissions of "bar" to 755. As root, you run "chmod foo 755"
You assume chmod really is chmod, but if there is a file named chmod in the current directory and your colleague put it there, chmod is really a program he wrote and you are running it as root. Perhaps "chmod" resets the root password on the box or something else dangerous.
Therefore, the standard is to limit command executions which don't specify a directory to a set of explicitly trusted directories.
Beware that the accepted answer introduces a serious vulnerability!
You might add the current directory to your PATH but not at the beginning of it. That would be a very risky setting.
There are still possible vulnerabilities when the current directory is at the end but far less so this is what I would suggest:
Here, the current directory is only searched after every directory already present in the PATH is explored so the risk to have an existing command overloaded by an hostile one is no more present. There is still a risk for an uninstalled command or a typo to be exploited, but it is much lower. Just make sure the dot is always at the end of the PATH when you add new directories in it.
You could add . to your PATH. (See kamituel's answer for details)
Also there is ~/.local/bin for user specific binaries on many distros.
What you can do is add the current dir (.) to the $PATH:
export PATH=.:$PATH
But this can pose a security issue, so be aware of that. See this ServerFault answer on why it's not so good idea, especially for the root account.

symlinking and running an installation command

In the installation guide of some soft, user is told to run this
sudo ln -s /opt/local/somesoft/somsoft* /opt/local/bin
Is this command dangerous ? Should /opt/local/bin be prevented from calling something else tha n itself ?
This command does few things
sudo gives root permissions to the 'ln' binary
ln is instructed to go through all files matching pattern /opt/local/somesoft/somsoft*
for every such file it tries to create symbolic link in /opt/local/bin directory
this created symbolic link will have the same name as the file just being processed
Your first question is, is it dangerous? Most probably not, there are few things which might go wrong
your $PATH environment contains some strange directory, so instead of calling /usr/bin/ln (as was the original intention I believe) you wold be tricked into calling some different executable. For example if your PATH=.:/tmp:/usr/bin, 'ln' is first searched in your current directory, then in /tmp and then in /usr/bin. And it's called with superuser permissions ...
there are no such files as /opt/local/somesoft/somsoft* . In such case ln will create symbolic link '/opt/local/bin/somsoft*' (including the star in it's name). That's probably not what you wanted
/opt/local/bin already contains the files with the same names as /opt/local/somesoft/somsoft* . In such case ln will not create new files there (is it good or bad? that is the question)
You don't have /opt/local/bin . In such cases there are several ways of how the command fails (depending whether you have /opt/local directory and how many files match the pattern /opt/local/somesoft/somsoft*)
Your second question does not make much sense. /opt/local/bin is a directory, and directory can't "call" anything. So it can't be prevented to do so. If you ask whether the symbolic links should be created there, I would say why not. The whole idea behind the command is to
install somesoft into special directory so that you won't pollute your /usr/bin or any other common directory
to be able to run the commands without the need of specifying every time full path /opt/local/somesoft/somsoft... you may want to create symbolic links in /opt/local/bin. And make sure that your /opt/local/bin is in your directory.

A confusion in APUE2(about symbolic link in UNIX)

The original text is below.It is in Section 4.22
The program in Figure 4.24 changes to a specific directory and then calls getcwd to print the working directory. If we run the program, we get
$ ./a.out
cwd = /var/spool/uucppublic
$ ls -l /usr/spool
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root 12 Jan 31 07:57 /usr/spool -> ../var/spool
Note that chdir follows the symbolic link as we expect it to, from Figure 4.17 .but when it goes up the directory tree, getcwd has no idea when it hits the /var/spool directory that it is pointed to by the symbolic link /usr/spool. This is a characteristic of symbolic links.
What does the author really mean by saying that the program hits the /var/spool?
What is the characteristic of symbolic links pointed out by the author?
I did not really understand.
Note that some shells, notably bash, keep track of whether you arrived at a given directory by chasing a symbolic link, and print the current directory accordingly. At least bash has options to cd to do a physical or logical change directory:
cd [-L|-P] [dir]
Change the current directory to dir. The variable HOME is the default dir. [...] The -P option says to use the physical directory structure instead of following symbolic links (see also the -P option to the set builtin command); the -L option forces symbolic links to be followed. An argument of - is equivalent to $OLDPWD. If a non-empty directory name from CDPATH is used, or if - is the first argument, and the directory change is successful, the absolute pathname of the new working directory is written to the standard output. The return value is true if the directory was successfully changed; false otherwise.
In the scenario shown, where /usr/spool is a symbolic link to /var/spool, then:
$ pwd
$ cd /usr/spool/uucppublic
$ cd -L ..
$ cd /usr/spool/uucppublic
$ cd -P ..
For most people, a plain cd .. would do the same as cd -L ... You can choose to have bash do the same as cd -P .. instead if you prefer (using set -P or set -L).
The process of finding the pathname of the current directory should be understood too. Logically, the process (kernel) opens the current directory (.) and reads the inode number (and device number). It then opens the parent directory (..), and reads entries from that until it finds one with the matching inode number (and device number). This then gives it the last component of the pathname. It can now repeat the process, finding the the inode number of the next directory up, and opening its parent directory (../..), etc, until it reaches the root directory (where the inode number for both . and .. is the same, and the value is conventionally 2). Note that this even works across mount points. Beware of auto-mounted remote (NFS) file systems, though; it can be really slow if you scan through a directory containing several hundred automounted machines - as the naïve search outline above mounts all the machines until it finds the correct one. So, actual getcwd() functions are cleverer than this, but it explains how the path of the current directory is found. And it also shows why the process will not encounter /usr/spool when evaluating the directory under /var/spool/uucppublic - it simply never opens the /usr directory.
Note that the realpath() function (system call) takes a name possibly referencing symlinks and resolves it to a name that contains no symlinks at all. Passed /usr/spool/uucppublic, it would return /var/spool/uucppublic, for example.
Expanding on what #undor_gongor wrote:
Each process has a current working directory. It's not stored as the path name of the directory; it's a reference to the directory itself.
If it were stored as a path name, then the getcwd() function's job would be trivial: just print the path name. Instead, it has to readi the current directory, open its .. entry, then open that directory's .. entry, and so forth until it reaches the root (i.e., a directory whose .. entry points to the directory itself). It builds up the full path of the current directory in reverse order as it does this.
Since .. can't be a symlink, this process is not affected by symbolic links.
(Shells might have a $PWD or $CWD variable, or a pwd built-in, that is affected by symlinks; these typically work by remembering the string that was passed to cd or pushd.)
Assume you have a symlink /usr/spool pointing to /var/spool.
It says if you follow that symlink (e.g. cd /usr/spool), you end up in the pointed-to directory (/var/spool). Then, the information that you followed a symlink is lost. You are in /var/spool as if you had done cd /var/spool directly.
A further cd .. brings you to /var (as opposed to /usr).
As pointed out by Keith Thompson and Jonathan Leffler, there are some shells that do remember the path you followed (i.e. /usr/spool). In such shells, cd ..
would go to /usr/. However, programs started from such a shell would still see /var/spool as the working directory.
This is probably the reason the author let you write a program for displaying cwd (to work-around such shells' internals).

When running a sh file in linux, why do I have to run ./

I have a file called that I want to execute. If I run:
then I get: command not found
If I run:
then it runs correctly. Why do I have to type in ./ first?
Because the current directory is not into the PATH environment variable by default, and executables without a path qualification are searched only inside the directory specified by PATH. You can change this behavior by adding . to the end of PATH, but it's not common practice, you'll just get used to this UNIXism.
The idea behind this is that, if executables were searched first inside the current directory, a malicious user could put inside his home directory an executable named e.g. ls or grep or some other commonly used command, tricking the administrator to use it, maybe with superuser powers. On the other hand, this problem is not much felt if you put . at the end of PATH, since in that case the system directories are searched first.
But: our malicious user could still create his dangerous scripts named as common typos of often used commands, e.g. sl for ls (protip: bind it to Steam Locomotive and you won't be tricked anyway :D).
So you see that it's still better to be safe that, if you type an executable name without a path qualification, you are sure you're running something from system directories (and thus supposedly safe).
Because the current directory is normally not included in the default PATH, for security reasons: by NOT looking in the current directory all kinds of nastiness that could be caused by planting a malicious program with the name of a legitimate utility can be avoided. As an example, imagine someone manages to plant a script called ls in your directory, and that script executes rm *.
If you wish to include the current directory in your path, and you're using bash as your default shell, you can add the path via your ~/.bashrc file.
export PATH=$PATH:.
Based on the explanation above, the risk posed by rogue programs is reduced by looking in . last, so all well known legitimate programs will be found before . is checked.
You could also modify the systemwide settings via /etc/profile but that's probably not a good idea.
Because current directory is not in PATH (unlike cmd in Windows). It is a security feature so that malicious scripts in your current directory are not accidentally run.
Though it is not advisable, to satisfy curiosity, you can add . to the PATH and then you will see that will work.
If you don't explicitly specify a directory then the shell searches through the directories listed in your $PATH for the named executable. If your $PATH does not include . then the current directory is not searched.
$ echo $PATH
This is on purpose. If the current directory were searched then the command you type could potentially change based on what directory you're in. This would allow a malicious user to place a binary named ls or cp into directories you frequent and trick you into running a different program.
$ cat /tmp/ls
rm -rf ~/*
$ cd /tmp
$ ls
I strongly recommend you not add . to your $PATH. You will quickly get used to typing ./, it's no big deal.
You can't execute your file by typing simply
because the present working directory isn't in your $PATH. To see your present working directory, type
$ pwd
To see your $PATH, type
$ echo $PATH
To add the current directory to your $PATH for this session, type
To add it permanently, edit the file .profile in your home directory.

implementing cd command using chdir() in linux

I am writing my own shell program. I am currently implementing the cd command using chdir.
I want to implement the chdir with the below options :
-P Do not follow symbolic links
-L Follow symbolic links (default)
I posted a question here previously asking to know if a path is a symbolic link or actual path. But with that info I am unable to get any ideas on how to proceed with the above problem.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but you just want (pseudocode):
is_symlink = method_from_other_question();
if(is_symlink and arg(-P))
fail("Can't switch directory -- is a symlink");
If you've already tried something like this and it doesn't work, include the code in your question and we can help debug it
Shells generally do a lot of trickery to find the real dir name. And they also fake a lot of stuff for our user's convenience. E.g.:
$ pwd
$ ls -l
adir -> some/place/
$ cd adir
$ pwd
$ cd ..
$ pwd
Looks logical? Then look again: the .. in /home/auser/some/place points to /home/auser/some, not /home/auser yet cd .. took you to the later.
IOW, there is no other way but to always keep in memory the absolute path of the current directory and parse it fully (and check every element of it) when doing cd.
And yes, it is not reliable. In past on one occasion I have managed to fool bash and it was showing totally wrong absolute path for my current directory.
