Import additional excel data into Access Table - excel

We need to upload a small amount of additional records to a table from an Excel sheet. Is there a way to use the Access Import function to add the additional data to the table (truncate it). The table was created by uploading the same Excel sheet. But now, when records are added, we need to add them to the table. The tables are linked to SQL but I do not want to use an SSIS because there are only a few records and there must be a way to use Access functions. Suggestions please.

It may be easiest to link the excel sheet and run an append query to add data from Excel to existing table. Once linked, this can be done in the query design window.

You did not specify versions of Excel or Access.
I did this with a test 2003 Excel sheet with cells containing 1000+ characters. An import in Access 2003 detects the data type as a memo field, which is correct, when there are that many characters, so it should work for you. It may be your Excel data has other ingredients causing an import issue. How is the excel data derived?
Have you tried importing to Access? It should work fine. If your ultimate target is another database why use Access as an intermediary?
I agree a linked table seems like a really simple method to update a table if you are using Access, but that is your choice.


Excel PowerPivot - change data source type

I have an Excel 2016 with 30 graphs based on PowerPivot. PowerPivot fetches the data from another Excel sheet, but I want it to get the data from a SQL server table instead.
How can I change the data source type in PowerPivot? I've tried looking in the Excel xml without any luck. Would be a lot of work re-creating all graphs over again just to switch data source
One suggestion I would make for the future, if all the users are using 2016 is to use Power Query which comes standard with that version of excel. In the Power Query loading data into Power Pivot scenario, all Power Pivot cares about is the column names. This means that the query can be changed between data source types without causing issues, as long as the same column names are changed.
As an example, I have one file that based on a parameter flag rips data out of a series of excel files on a shared network drive or Share Point. Both of which would be different data sources. The first opening a folder as the data source, then excel files listed within the folder. The other opening a share point list as its data source, then navigating though excel files.

CSV Connection into Named Table not Range

If you make a data connection to another Excel file or an Access table it will import that data into excel as a Table. This is great! But when I do the same with "From Text" and choose a CSV, it loads no problem, but it loads as a RANGE not a TABLE. This is highly frustrating as I NEED it to be in the table format so that I can take advantage of the dynamic column names.
Am I missing a tickbox somewhere? I'm not opposed to using VBA but it really seems odd that Excel can't do CSV to Table so I'm hoping for a native solution.
I should mention that if it's a VBA solution, it CANT break the workbook. So if I'm doing something like:
=SUMIFS(CSVDATA[SalesDollars], CSVDATA[RepName], "BOB")
It will still work after refreshing.
So you can get around the 'data connection' not creating a table by downloading the MS Excel 2010 plugin (from Microsoft) called Power Query. It's free and is a default feature in MS Excel 2013.
It will allow you to choose to create a Power Query Table from External Data >> From File >> From CSV
Upon doing this, it will create a named table for you and a Power Query object attached to the table. You can use the table itself the same way you normally would - with the Columns as references for formulas.
For instance, the default table that I just created using the steps above was auto-named: Table_ExternalData_1
I can then select it using the normal method in formulas:
Hope that helps.

Has anyone achieved to use ODBC connection from Excel file into Powerpivot?

I have installed Powerpivot for Excel 2010. I don't have Access 2010 so I thought could I arrange the data in the similar manner as I would for a database.
I'm wanting to query an excel file that has rows of self-generated data into Powerpivot in order to perform simple pivot table. In a sense attempt to get an overview of information about a data set.
At the moment, I'm unable to get set up correctly the ODBC I'm hoping I need to accept an Excel file and to get PowerPivot to accept a database from an Excel file.
Edit: I come to understand that I need to set up a table correctly in Excel so that the ODBC works correctly. Does the picture I provided be right manner to set up a table or any other manner?
Has anyone attempted to do this and if so what would the steps be?
Peter, I am working on the basis that your data is in a recognizable table on a worksheet (and that you are not interested in using the standard Excel import method through 'From Other Sources')
If you create the connection to the Excel file in a very particular way it is possible to then query it as if it were a database.
Create a Connection to the spreadsheet in question in Excel through Data>Connections>Add.
In the PowerPivot window on the Design tab click on existing connections and find the connection you just created. Select the connection and Open.
You need to name the connection and then you will be offered the normal import options. Select the sheet you want to get the table from (its actually not important which one you choose at this point).
Once the table has been imported you can re-enter the setup through the 'table properties' on the design tab and you will now be able to 'Switch to' the query editor at which point you can not only write SQL to query your DB but reference any other .xlsx you like.
the easiest way is to use a linked table from the excel sheet which has the data - is there any reason why you have not considered this as an option?

Importing data from Excel into a database

I want to import data from Excel into corresponding tables based on different column data's on based on ID's like customer data on based on CustomerID present in Customer table.
Means we have to extract data from the table and Excel source on basis of ID's.
Could you please help me out on this?
Use the SQL Server Data Import Wizard - see an article on it here.
This wizard allows you to define your Excel file to import, it allows you to define the target where to put the data, it allows you to define mappings between columns in Excel and columns in your SQL table, and much more.
Update: based on your comment to the other answer, if you need to import the Excel sheet and match it up to some pre-existing lookup data, then you should definitely look at the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) which are there exactly for this kind of import/lookup scenario.
Your question's gamma is a bit all over the place so not entirely sure what you are asking about but here goes.
You can save you excel spreadsheet as a CSV file and then import that into your database. There a number of tutorials on this if you search google. Try searching "import CSV into database".

Save Excel sheet into SQL

Excel has a Get External Data ribbon bar in the Data tab where we can choose to import tables from SQL databases. This process worked out nicely for me. But my question is, is there any way to save this data back into SQL? Does Excel provide some API that facilitates the coding of such a function without parsing everything and doing it from scratch?
It may not be the solution you are looking for, but I posted some VBA code a long while back that will take a range in Excel and convert it to XML and builds the SQL to put that data into a temp table in SQL Server. Here's a link if you are interested.
The easiest way to do this is to use the import function within SSMS. You can select which sheets to use, customise column mappings and so on. If creates an SSIS that you can then manipulate further if required. However that approach is a pull from Sql, not a push from Excel, if you want to do that you'd have to code some VBA to do it for you.
Programmatically - I can only think of the OpenRowSet function in MSSQL:
Using openrowset to read an Excel file into a temp table; how do I reference that table?
