Task in vxworks - linux

When we doing taskSpawn a task is creating in vxworks. What is actually a task. Is there any relation with thread.
In my understanding vxworks is thread based Operating system.
Can some one please help me the real difference between task/thread/process in real scenario.
Somewhere I saw task is the execution of set of instruction. If it is like that then thread also have some set of instruction so can we call thread as task.
Please help

Thread is a concept typically used with an OS supporting process models (Unix/Linux/Windows) where you run a process.
This process could have a single thread of execution (like a simple C program). Or you could create multiple threads to perform certain operations in parallel within the current process memory space.
With older vxWorks, there was no process model. Everything would run in the same memory space. A vxWorks tasks provides the context where the system code would execute. All code (with the exception of interrupt handlers) will execute in the context of a Task.
Tasks are independent execution units. They can share resources, have common memory, etc... but the scheduler executes the tasks based on very specific criteria. Typically, the highest priority task in the system is the task that will be executing at any given time.
Once a task is done/sleeps/blocked waiting for resources, then the next highest priority task in the system will run.
For your purpose, you can probably think of the task as a thread.

A task is abstract concept in OS design. A task is a single context of execution. A task has a memory space it operates in where its data and code is stored. This memory space may or may not be shared with other tasks. A task has a state (e.g. running, stopped, killed...), it (usually) has a stack. A task has a priority over other tasks.
On example of such a task, is a VxWorks task. Another is a Linux thread.
In Linux (and I believe also in latest version of VxWorks btw), there exists a concept of a related group of tasks. Tasks belonging to the same group share memory space and several other resources (e.g. file handlers). A Linux process is such a group of tasks.
By an large, the OS scheduler schedules tasks and not processes. The process is a convective abstraction for the programmer to think about group of related threads together.
I hope that helped.

In vxWorks, tasks is a runnable unit.
Task have TCB (Task Control Block) with a unique task space and specific priority (as you defined in the taskSpawn function).
The vxWorks scheduler can run only task, this is the minimum runnable unit (the scheduler can run the kernel itself and interrupt can run in the system).
The decision which task to run will base on the task state (must be in READY), and the task priority (in vxWorks, the highest priority is the lower number).
Note that several tasks might be in the same priority and then the kernel will run different tasks according the scheme you configured (FIFO or round robin).
In vxWorks, all tasks have the same memory space (including Kernel memory space). This is the reason that WindRiver added the "Process like" mechanism from vxWorks 6.x. Process have its own "virtual memory space" that protected by MMU.
Just to summery it for you:
Tasks have the same memory space over the system.
Threads have the same memory space within their process.
Process memory space protected by MMU.

task and threads are similar to process. but the difference is threads dont have seperate memory space for their own they run under the pcb(stack) of the process itself.but whereas,task has its own stack area and is a light weighted process i.e.,tcb is much smaller when compared to pcb so context switching or task switching can happen faster .
since vxworks deals with rtos and switching latency should be very less ,it deals with tasks.

In addition to the existing anwers:
If you ever need to create POSIX threads on your VxWorks system (which is possible by including POSIX in the kernel config and calling pthread_create() ), you will notice that those threads will appear as tasks in you task list (type 'i' in C shell).
Hence, tasks and threads are very much alike. VxWorks even wraps POSIX threads as tasks so they can be handled in parallel to existing native tasks.


Is a schedulable unit of CPU time slice process or thread?

I want to clarify whether "a schedulable unit of CPU time slice" is "process" or "thread" (kernel managed thread). What I mean by "schedulable unit of CPU time slice" is the unit which CPU scheduler of an operating system allocates CPU time slice.
According to "Short-term scheduling" in wikipedia, process is used to refer the schedulable unit.
"This scheduler can be preemptive, implying that it is capable of forcibly removing processes from a CPU when it decides to allocate that CPU to another process"
Also, according to "Time slice" in wikepedia,
"The scheduler is run once every time slice to choose the next process to run."
Also, according to "Thread" in wikepedia,
"a process is a unit of resources, while a thread is a unit of scheduling and execution"
According to "Processes and Threads" in microsoft docs,
"A thread is the basic unit to which the operating system allocates processor time."
According to "Is thread scheduling done by the CPU, kernel, or both?" in quora,
"The CPU (hardware) just carries out instructions. The CPU itself has no concept of threads or scheduling, although there may be features in the CPU that support them.
"The operating system kernel (a set of instructions, aka software) executes on the CPU (hardware). A scheduling algorithm in the kernel of the operating system chooses which thread to execute next, and directs the CPU to begin executing the next instruction in that chosen thread".
Clarification: my understanding of "a schedulable unit of CPU time slice" is "a unit that can be scheduled during a given CPU time slice" (since if "schedulable unit" would be a time then the question does not make much sense to me).
Based on this, put it shortly, "a schedulable unit of CPU time slice" for a given logical core can be seen as a software thread (more specifically its execution context composed of registers and process information).
Operating systems scheduler operates on tasks. Tasks can be threads, processes, or other unusual structure (eg. dataflows).
Modern mainstream operating system mainly schedule threads on processing units (typically hardware threads also called logical cores). You can get more information about how the Windows scheduler works in the Microsoft documentation. The documentation explicitly states:
A thread is the entity within a process that can be scheduled for execution
On Linux, the default scheduler, CFS, operates on task (ie. task_struct data structure). Tasks can be a thread, a group of threads or a process. This was done that way so to make the scheduler more generic and also because this scheduler was designed long ago, when processors had only 1 core and people focused on processes rather than thread. The multi-core era since caused applications to use a lot of threads so to use available cores. As a result, nowadays, it is generally threads that are actually scheduled AFAIK. This is explained in the famous research paper The Linux Scheduler: a Decade of Wasted Cores (which also explain a bit how the CFS operate regarding the target processor).
Note that the term "process" can sometime refer to a thread since threads are sometime called "lightweight processes" and basic processes are sometime called "heavy processes". Processes can even be a generic term for both heavy and lightweight processes (ie. threads and actual processes). This is a very confusing terminology and a misuse of language (like the term "processors" sometimes used for cores). In practice, this is often not a problem in a specific context since threads and processes may be used interchangeably though (in such a case, people should use a generic term like "tasks").
As for "a schedulable unit of CPU time slice" this is a bit more complex. A simple and naive answer is: a thread (it is definitively not processes alone). That being said, a thread is a software-defined concept (like processes). It is basically a stack, few registers, and a parent process (with possibly some meta-information and a TLS space). CPUs does not operate directly on such data structure. CPU does not have a concept of thread stack for example (it is just a section of the virtual process memory like any other). They just need an execution context which is composed of registers and a process configuration (in protected mode). For sake of simplicity, we can say that they execute threads. Mainstream modern x86 processors are very complex, and each core is often able to run multiple threads at the same time. This is called simultaneous multithreading (aka. Hyper-Threading for Intel processors). x86 physical cores are typically composed of two logical threads (ie. hardware threads) that can each execute a software threads.
I think your misunderstanding is actually a misunderstanding of what the English words mean in this context.
A time slice is a period of time. Maybe it is a fraction of a second. Maybe a few seconds.
Threads and processes are effectively tasks that the computer is going to perform. (I am simplifying here. The notion of a task has multiple meanings, even in the IT context. And on a modern OS, a process is actually a collection of threads that share the same virtual memory address space.)
The CPU1 or processor is hardware that will run a (native) thread. A typical computer will have multiple CPUs. However, each CPU in a computer can only run one thread at a time.
The operating system therefore needs to schedule each of the threads it knows about to run on a specific CPU. The part of the operating system that does this is called the scheduler.
If there are more threads to run than CPUs to run them, the scheduler will typically schedule a thread to a CPU for a fixed period of time; i.e a time slice. When the thread's time slice has elapsed, the scheduler will suspend it and put it back into the queue, and then schedule a different thread to run on the CPU.
The metaphor is that we are "slicing up" the available compute time on the CPUs and sharing the slices between the threads that need it.
1 - There is some disagreement over what "CPU" actually means. I am taking the view that it refers to what it commonly called a "core". Intel confusingly introduced the marketing term2 "hyperthread" which refers to a feature in which the physical hardware of a "core" can run as two independent instruction executors. However, in hyperthread mode, the OS scheduler will typically treat the hyperthreads as if they are distinct cores, so this is not pertinent to your question.
2 - The actual concept behind hyperthreads goes back to the 1960s, before Intel even existed as a company; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_processor.
So the answer to your question:
I want to clarify whether "a schedulable unit of CPU time slice" is "process" or "thread" (kernel managed thread).
A time slice is a schedulable unit of CPU time.
A time slice is neither a process or a thread. Indeed that doesn't even make sense because "process" and "thread" are not time.
I concur with #Solomon Slow's comment. Wikipedia is not authoritative. But the real problem is that different pages are written and edited by different people over time, and they often use IT terminology inconsistently.
My advice would be to find and read One good textbook on (modern) operating system design and architecture. A well-written text book should be self-consistent in its use of terminology.
A time slice is a unit of time, for example 10 ms in a traditional Linux kernel built with HZ=100 (100 timer interrupts per second). After a task has been running for that long on a CPU core, the kernel regains control on that CPU and calls schedule() to decide what task this CPU core should run next; the task it was already running, or a different task.
The scheduler can also run earlier if an external interrupt comes in, especially near the end of the current timeslice: if there's a higher-priority task that's now waiting for a CPU, e.g. after waiting for I/O or after a sleep() system call ended, it makes sense for the OS to schedule it onto this core, instead of finishing the time-slice of whatever CPU-bound task was interrupted.
Task is a useful word for the things the scheduler has to pick from. Without implying separate process or threads within a process, and also leaving room for kernel tasks like a Linux interrupt handler "bottom half" that aren't threads or processes.
Every thread of a process needs to get scheduled separately to execute on a CPU core (if it's not blocked).
The articles you found about scheduling processes is using the simplifying assumption that each process is single-threaded.
Or they're assuming a 1:n threading model, where the OS is only aware of one task for the whole process, and multithreading is done in user-space, "green threads" instead of native threads. Most mainstream OSes these days use a 1:1 threading model, where every C++ or Java thread is a separately schedulable task visible to the OS, although n:m models are possible where you have multiple OS-scheduled tasks, but not as many as you have high-level-language threads.

How Tasks are scheduled in a multi-core processor

I've got confused about how tasks are scheduled in a multi-core processor. Actually, different sources have different opinions. Importantly, there isn't enough document about tasks scheduling mechanism in a multi-core processor. Therefore, I decided to ask you a question.
I depicted a process that contains a process kernel thread, and two user-level threads. and provide a pseudo-code about the processing logic.
The question is, How this process will be executed in a multi-core processing unite that contains 2 physical cores and 4 logical processors (each core has 2). Such that, there are not any waiting processes, and the CPU was assigned to the process completely.
I guess it works like below:
Note: PKT_C1_LP1 means process kernel thread is assigned to core 1 and logical processor 1
|--PKT_C1_LP1--1s--| |--T1_C1_LP1--1s--| |--TSK1_C1_LP1--1s--|
|--T2_C1_LP2--2s-----------| |--TSK2_C1_LP2--1s--|
----------- timeline ----------->
Seems like the answer(s) to your question(s) will depend a lot on what
OS and scheduler your system is running.
Because there aren't any waiting processes and also enough resources. So I believe that almost all of the scheduling algorithms in any os will have insignificant differences. However, let's say, for simplicity it is:
non-preemptive FCFS scheduling
Here's a timing diagram of the code that each thread needs to execute. This imagines a maximal case where each task immmediately spawns a new thread. The green sections are infinitesimally short pieces of code (think, "not-to-scale") but are basically just scheduling operations. And the red sections are similarly short process EXIT and thread END scheduling operations. (I've omitted penalties associated with thread creation. And notice that worker threads do not END, they just go idle, and they stay in a thread pool.
Basic Timing Diagram
Now the first thing you'll notice is that, because of the way tasks work, the second task can be executed on the same thread that scheduled it, because no more tasks are scheduled, and the thread is only going to await that task. This has nothing to do with thread scheduling, and everything to do with how tasks efficiently manage their pool of worker threads. This is application-level code, not os-level code that accomplishes this. The diagram below requires 1 fewer threads thanks to tasks.
Timing Diagram with smarter tasks
Now we can look at what the scheduler needs to do. We are still dealing with only logical processors. (The details of which core will execute which thread are complicated so let's leave that out for the moment.) Here we see that we can naively execute all each of these threads on their own processor.
Greedy usage of processors
It will likely be more efficient to execute the worker thread on one of the previous processors. They are idle when worker thread 1 needs to execute, so it makes more sense to reuse one of the previously allocated processors. Here task 1 code in worker thread 1 is shown executing on processor 2 (could also have been assigned to processor 1 because it is also free, but stay tuned for the next diagram and you'll see why I put it on processor 2).
Schedule thread to reuse a processor
And finally, we can construct the last version that takes us to the most efficient scheduling. This hinges on optimizing the case where you create a thread and then immediately join a thread. Different operating systems try to optimize this case so that the newly created thread can run on the same processor. It means that creating the thread doesn't immediately schedule the new thread on a free processor and burn the cost of a context switch back to the thread that scheduled it. Instead, the new thread is scheduled when we block in our Join operation, or when the next clock interrupt occurs. If we can quickly get to our Join call before an interrupt triggers the scheduler (we're talking < 10 ms on a typical operating systems for such things to be triggered by the clock chip) then the scheduling will happen more efficiently like this (below), where thread 2 can be scheduled to run on the same processor without a context switch. (Interestingly, Linux and Windows optimize this case differently.)
Final timing diagram
You'll notice (above) that this can now all execute on only two logical processors.
Whether it is more efficient to run these on separate cores or different logical processors of the same core is a nuance of the operating system again that depends highly on virtual memory usage and also the hardware specs of the processor and its caches. Different operating systems will do different things here, too. And the details matter greatly. Non-uniform memory architecture would affect the decision too.
In the real world, the operating system may use heuristics to determine the best priority and placement for threads and processes. The real world answer is so much different and more nuanced than this "computer science" answer I've given and depends on the specific details.
Additional Reading/Viewing:
Windows and Linux: A Tale of Two Kernels - Tech-Ed 2004 (Older but excellent info)
Processes, Threads, and Jobs in the Windows Operating System
Scheduling: Introduction; and Multiprocessor Scheduling (Advanced)
Capacity Aware Scheduling

How does a process schedule its own threads

After the Kernel schedules a process that has threads, How does said process schedule its own threads during its time splice?
For most modern kernels, the kernel only schedules threads, and processes are mostly just a container for the threads to execute inside (e.g. a container that contains a virtual address space, however many threads, and a few other scraps like file handles).
For some kernels (mostly very old unix kernels that existed before threads were invented) the kernel schedules processes and then a user-space library emulates threads. For this to work properly all of the "blocking" system calls (e.g. write()) have to be replaced by asynchronous system calls (e.g. aio_write()) so that other threads in the process can be given CPU time; however I wouldn't want to assume it works properly (e.g. if any thread blocks, then maybe all threads in the process block).
Also it may not work when there's multiple CPUs (kernel gives a process one CPU, but then from the kernel's perspective that process is running and can't use a second CPU). There are sophisticated work-arounds for this (to support "M:N threading") but it's just easier and better to fix the scheduler so it works with threads. Fortunately/unfortunately this didn't matter much in the early days because very few computers had more than one CPU anyway.
Lastly; it doesn't work for thread priorities - e.g. one process might keep CPU busy executing an unimportant/low priority thread while another process doesn't get that CPU time when it desperately needs it for an important/high priority thread. This occurs because no process knows about threads belonging to other processes and the kernel only knows about processes and not threads.
Of course these are also the reasons why every kernel adopted "kernel schedules threads and not processes" (and those that didn't died).
It's down to jargon definitions, but threads are simply a bunch of processes sharing an address space. Older Unixes even called them Light Weight Processes.
With that classical understanding of threads, the answer is that, these days, it's the OS that does the scheduling and each thread gets its own timeslices.
Some OSes do things to "the whole process" - e.g. Windows will give the process that has mouse focus a priority boost (all it's threads get dynamically notched up a few priority places), to make that application appear to be more sprightly (this goes back to Windows 3).
Other operating systems will increase the priority of a thread dynamically, to solve priority inversion situations. This is where a low priority thread that has control of a resource (I/O, or perhaps a semaphore) is blocking a higher priority thread from running (because the resource is not available. This is the priority inversion, and it's solved by the OS boosting the priority of the blocking thread until it gives up the required resource.
Either the kernel schedules the threads or the kernel schedules processes simulates thread by scheduling it own threads.
Usually, the process schedules its own threads using a library that sets timers. When the timer handler saves the current "thread's" registers then loads a new set of registers from another "thread."

Process with multiple threads on multiprocessor system. How do they work?

So I was reading about Processes and Threads and I had a question. Following is the scenario.
Uniprocessor Environment
I understand that the OS rotates the processes over processor for a particular time period.(quantum) . Now I get it when the process is single threaded, ie just one path of execution. In that case, whenever it is assigned the processor, it continues with it's execution. Let's say the process forks and or just creates a new thread. Now how does the entire process works? Is it that the OS will say to process P "Go on, continue with execution" and the Process within itself will pick the new thread or the parent thread on rotation? So that if there are more than two threads, the rotation seems fair to each thread. Or does the OS actually interacts with the threads? (In that case I am not sure what happens).
Multiprocessor Environment
Now say I have a multiprocessor environment. Now in this case, if there was just uni-threaded process, then OS will assign either of the processors to it and on it will go with it's execution. Now say, there are multiple threads in the Process. Now if I assign one of the processor to the process, and ask it to continue it's execution, and the Process has to pick either of the thread for it's execution, then there never will be parallel processing going on in that specific process. Since the process will have to put either of it's threads on the processor.
So how does it happen in both the cases?
Process Scheduing
Operating Systems ultimately control these types of thread scheduling.
Windows systems are priority-based and so will allow a process to consume more resources that others. This is why your machine can 'hang', if a process has been escalated to a high priority. Priorities are ranged between 1-31 as far as I know.
Mac OS / Linux / Unix are time-based, allowing all processes to have equal amounts of CPU time. Therefore loading more processes will slow your system down as they all share a smaller slice of execution time.
Uniprocessor Environment
The OS is ultimately responsible for this but switching processes involves (I cannot guarantee accuracy here, but its just an indication):
Halting a process / thread
Storing the current stack (code location)
Storing the current registers of the CPU
Asking the kernel for the next process/thread to run
Kernel indicates which one has to be run
OS reloads the registers from the cache
OS reloads the current stack for the next application.
Resumes the process
Obviously the more threads and processes you have running, the slower it will become. The problem is that the time taken to switch processes can actually take longer than the time allowed to execute the process.
Threads are just child processes of a single process. For a single processor, it just looks like additional work.
Multi-processor Environment
Multi-processor environments work differently as the cache is shared amongst processors. I believe these are called L1 (Level) and L2 caches. So the difference is that processor A can reload the state stored by processor B without conflicts. 'Hyper-threading' also has the same approach, although this is processor specific. The difference here is that a processor could solely control a specific process - this is called 'CPU Affinity' Its not encouraged for every process, but it does allow an application to have a dedicated processor to work off.
This is OS-specific, of course, but most operating systems schedule at the thread level. A process is just a grouping of threads. For example, on Linux, threads are called "tasks" and each is scheduled independently. They are created with the clone call. What is typically called a thread is a task which shares its address space (and other resources such as file descriptors, mount points, etc.) with the creating task. Note that the clone call can also create what is typically called a process if the flags to enable sharing are not passed.
Considering the above, any thread may be scheduled at any time on any processor, no matter how many processors there are available. That said, most OSs also attempt to maintain some measure of processor affinity to avoid excessive cache misses, but usually if a thread is runnable and a different CPU is available, it will change CPUs. Often there is also a way to specify which CPUs a particular thread may execute upon.
Doesn't matter whether there is 1 or 128 processors. The OS manages access to resources to try an efficiently match up requests with availabilty, and that includes CPU execution. If a thread is running, it has already managed to get some CPU but, if it requests a resource that is not immediately available, it no longer needs any CPU until that other resource does become free, and so the OS will remove CPU execution from it and, if there is another thread that is waiting for CPU, it will hand it over. When the requested reource does become available, the thread will be made ready again. If there is a core free, it will be made running 'immediately', if not, the CPU scheduling algorithm makes a decision on whether to stop a currently-running thread to free up a core or to leave the newly-ready thrad waiting.
It's better to try and ignore things like 'time-slice, quantum, priority' - it causes much confusion and FUD. If a running thread wants something it cannot have yet, it doesn't need any more CPU cycles, and the OS will take them away and, if another thread needs it, apply them there. That is why preemptive multitaskers exist - to match up threads with resources in an attempt to maximize forward progress.

Does linux schedule a process or a thread?

After reading this SO question I got a few doubts. Please help in understanding.
Scheduling involves deciding when to run a process and for what quantum of time.
Does linux kernel schedule a thread or a process? As process and thread are not differentiated inside kernel how a scheduler treats them?
How quantum for each thread is decided?
a. If a quantum of time (say 100us) is decided for a process is that getting shared between all the threads of the process? or
b. A quantum for each thread is decided by the scheduler?
Note: Questions 1 and 2 are related and may look the same but just wanted to be clear on how things are working posted them both here.
The Linux scheduler (on recent Linux kernels, e.g. 3.0 at least) is scheduling schedulable tasks or simply tasks.
A task may be :
a single-threaded process (e.g. created by fork without any thread library)
any thread inside a multi-threaded process (including its main thread), in particular Posix threads (pthreads)
kernel tasks, which are started internally in the kernel and stay in kernel land (e.g. kworker, nfsiod, kjournald , kauditd, kswapd etc etc...)
In other words, threads inside multi-threaded processes are scheduled like non-threaded -i.e. single threaded- processes.
The low-level clone(2) syscall creates user-land schedulable tasks (and can be used both for creating fork-ed process or for implementation of thread libraries, like pthread). Unless you are a low-level thread library implementor, you don't want to use clone directly.
AFAIK, for multi-threaded processes, the kernel is (almost) not scheduling the process, but each individual thread inside (including the main thread).
Actually, there is some notion of thread groups and affinity in the scheduling, but I don't know them well
These days, processors have generally more than one core, and each core is running a task (at some given instant) so you do have several tasks running in parallel.
CPU quantum times are given to tasks, not to processes
The NPTL implementation of POSIX thread specifications sees thread as a different process inside kernel, having unique task_struct (and therefore pid too) so each thread is schedulable in itself as mentioned. Therefore each thread gets its own timeslice and is scheduled just like processes as mentioned above.
Just to add, Currently Linux scheduler is also capable of scheduling not only single tasks ( a simple process), but groups of processes or even users ( all processes, belonging to a user) as a whole. This allows implementing of group scheduling, where CPU time is first divided between process groups and then distributed within those groups to single threads.
Linux threads does not directly operate on processes or threads, but works with schedulable entities. Represented by struct sched_entity.
It's fair to say that every process/thread is a sched_entity but the converse might not be true.
To know detailed process scheduling, refer here
