Grant rights to custom TFS application group - c#-4.0

I want to create a new application group in every team project and grant rights to it. What I've done so far is iterating over all projects and creating the group, if not already present:
static void Main( string[] args )
m_TfsServer = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(
new Uri( "http://server:port/vdir" ),
new UICredentialsProvider( ) );
m_TfsServer.EnsureAuthenticated( );
m_TfsSecurityService = m_TfsServer.GetService<IGroupSecurityService>( );
var structService = m_TfsServer.GetService<ICommonStructureService>( );
foreach ( var p in structService.ListAllProjects( ) )
string groupSid;
if ( !GroupExist( p.Uri, GroupName ) )
groupSid = m_TfsSecurityService.CreateApplicationGroup(
GroupDescription );
groupSid = GetApplicationGroupSid( p.Uri, GroupName );
Identity userIdentity = m_TfsSecurityService.ReadIdentityFromSource(
UserName );
if ( !m_TfsSecurityService.IsMember( groupSid, userIdentity.Sid ) )
userIdentity.Sid );
private static bool GroupExist( string projectUri, string groupName )
bool result = false;
Identity[] groups =
m_TfsSecurityService.ListApplicationGroups( projectUri );
foreach ( Identity group in groups )
result |= group.SecurityGroup && group.DisplayName.Equals( groupName );
return result;
private static string GetApplicationGroupSid(
string projectUri,
string groupName)
return m_TfsSecurityService.ListApplicationGroups( projectUri )
.Where( g => g.DisplayName.Equals( groupName ) )
.Select( g => g.Sid )
.First( );
The only thing left is to grant the "View project-level information" right to the group.
I found something to grant rights using the VersionControlService:
var tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection( ServerUri );
tfs.EnsureAuthenticated( );
var vcs = tfs.GetService<VersionControlServer>( );
//vcs.SetPermissions( new SecurityChange[] { } ); ???
But I did not find any documentation how to grant rights to a group, so I'm even not sure whether this solution is the correct approach.
Has anyone experiences with the TFS rights management or anyone who already granted rights via TFS API?

Not exactly what you're asking for, but it may be similar enough to get you started.


Media creation via php in Shopware 6

i'm struggling get a media import via PHP for Shopware 6 to work.
This is my service:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace My\Namespace\Service;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\File\MediaFile;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\MediaService;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
class ImageImport
* #var MediaService
protected $mediaService;
* ImageImport constructor.
* #param MediaService $mediaService
public function __construct(MediaService $mediaService)
$this->mediaService = $mediaService;
public function addImageToProductMedia($imageUrl, Context $context)
$mediaId = NULL;
$context->disableCache(function (Context $context) use ($imageUrl, &$mediaId): void {
$filePathParts = explode('/', $imageUrl);
$fileName = array_pop($filePathParts);
$fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName);
$actualFileName = $fileNameParts[0];
$fileExtension = $fileNameParts[1];
if ($actualFileName && $fileExtension) {
$tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'image-import');
file_put_contents($tempFile, file_get_contents($imageUrl));
$fileSize = filesize($tempFile);
$mimeType = mime_content_type($tempFile);
$mediaFile = new MediaFile($tempFile, $mimeType, $fileExtension, $fileSize);
$mediaId = $this->mediaService->saveMediaFile($mediaFile, $actualFileName, $context, 'product');
return $mediaId;
A entry in the table media with the correct media_folder_association is created. And as far as i can see there are no differences to other medias uploaded via backend (except private is 1 and user_id is NULL).
But in the backend the media entries are broken, seems like it can not load the actual image file (i've tried to set private to true to see it in the media section, same happens when adding the media to a product via php, but i guess the problem is before any assignment to products).
Image in backend media
Has anybody a suggestion whats wrong here?
===== SOLUTION ======
Here is the updated and working service:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace My\Namespace\Service;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\File\FileSaver;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\File\MediaFile;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Media\MediaService;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\Context;
class ImageImport
* #var MediaService
protected $mediaService;
* #var FileSaver
private $fileSaver;
* ImageImport constructor.
* #param MediaService $mediaService
* #param FileSaver $fileSaver
public function __construct(MediaService $mediaService, FileSaver $fileSaver)
$this->mediaService = $mediaService;
$this->fileSaver = $fileSaver;
public function addImageToProductMedia($imageUrl, Context $context)
$mediaId = NULL;
$context->disableCache(function (Context $context) use ($imageUrl, &$mediaId): void {
$filePathParts = explode('/', $imageUrl);
$fileName = array_pop($filePathParts);
$fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName);
$actualFileName = $fileNameParts[0];
$fileExtension = $fileNameParts[1];
if ($actualFileName && $fileExtension) {
$tempFile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'image-import');
file_put_contents($tempFile, file_get_contents($imageUrl));
$fileSize = filesize($tempFile);
$mimeType = mime_content_type($tempFile);
$mediaFile = new MediaFile($tempFile, $mimeType, $fileExtension, $fileSize);
$mediaId = $this->mediaService->createMediaInFolder('product', $context, false);
return $mediaId;
In order to import files to Shopware 6 theres two steps which are necessary:
You have to create a media file object (MediaDefinition / media table). Take a look at the MediaConverter
Create a new entry in the SwagMigrationMediaFileDefinition (swag_migration_media_file table).
Each entry in the swag_migration_media_file table of the associated migration run will get processed by an implementation of MediaFileProcessorInterface.
To add a file to the table you can do something like this in your Converter class (this example is from the MediaConverter):
abstract class MediaConverter extends ShopwareConverter
public function convert(
array $data,
Context $context,
MigrationContextInterface $migrationContext
): ConvertStruct {
$this->context = $context;
$this->locale = $data['_locale'];
$connection = $migrationContext->getConnection();
$this->connectionId = '';
if ($connection !== null) {
$this->connectionId = $connection->getId();
$converted = [];
$this->mainMapping = $this->mappingService->getOrCreateMapping(
$converted['id'] = $this->mainMapping['entityUuid'];
if (!isset($data['name'])) {
$data['name'] = $converted['id'];
'runId' => $migrationContext->getRunUuid(),
'entity' => MediaDataSet::getEntity(), // important to distinguish between private and public files
'uri' => $data['uri'] ?? $data['path'],
'fileName' => $data['name'], // uri or path to the file (because of the different implementations of the gateways)
'fileSize' => (int) $data['file_size'],
'mediaId' => $converted['id'], // uuid of the media object in Shopware 6
unset($data['uri'], $data['file_size']);
$this->getMediaTranslation($converted, $data);
$this->convertValue($converted, 'title', $data, 'name');
$this->convertValue($converted, 'alt', $data, 'description');
$albumMapping = $this->mappingService->getMapping(
if ($albumMapping !== null) {
$converted['mediaFolderId'] = $albumMapping['entityUuid'];
$this->mappingIds[] = $albumMapping['id'];
// Legacy data which don't need a mapping or there is no equivalent field
$returnData = $data;
if (empty($returnData)) {
$returnData = null;
$this->updateMainMapping($migrationContext, $context);
// The MediaWriter will write this Shopware 6 media object
return new ConvertStruct($converted, $returnData, $this->mainMapping['id']);
swag_migration_media_files are processed by the right processor service. This service is different for documents and normal media, but it still is gateway dependent
=== DIFFERENT APPROACH (Shyim suggestion) ===
Take a look at this (taken from Shopwaredowntown's Github repository):
public function upload(UploadedFile $file, string $folder, string $type, Context $context): string
$this->validator->validate($file, $type);
$mediaFile = new MediaFile($file->getPathname(), $file->getMimeType(), $file->getClientOriginalExtension(), $file->getSize());
$mediaId = $this->mediaService->createMediaInFolder($folder, $context, false);
try {
pathinfo($file->getFilename(), PATHINFO_FILENAME),
} catch (MediaNotFoundException $e) {
throw new UploadException($e->getMessage());
return $mediaId;
public function upload(UploadedFile $file, string $folder, string $type, Context $context): string

Azure Worker Role reboots when adding instance of Web Role

I have a Windows Azure cloud service with a Web Role and a Worker Role. I I have built a website that allows me to perform various management functions against the cloud service (stop/start, reboot instance, add instance, remove instance). All functions are performed via the web api. My issue is that when I add an instance of the web role, the worker role reboots. Note that this doesn't happen if I add an instance via the Azure portal. The code functions correctly in all other aspects.
Any idea how to do this so that only the role being affected recycles instead of all roles recycling?
My code:
public void AddInstance()
XDocument configDoc = this.GetDeploymentConfiguration();
var ns = configDoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
.Elements( ns + "Role" )
.FirstOrDefault( r => r.Attribute( "name" ).Value.ToLower() == this.RoleName.ToLower() )
.Element( ns + "Instances" )
.Attribute( "count" )
.Value = ( int.Parse( configDoc.Root
.Elements( ns + "Role" )
.FirstOrDefault( r => r.Attribute( "name" ).Value.ToLower() == this.RoleName.ToLower() )
.Element( ns + "Instances" )
.Attribute( "count" )
.Value ) + 1 ).ToString();
string encodedString = Convert.ToBase64String( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( configDoc.ToString() ) );
this.SetDeploymentConfig( encodedString );
public XDocument GetDeploymentConfiguration()
string uri = string.Format( this.servicePropertiesOperationFormat, this.subscriptionID, this.serviceName, "production", "" );
ServiceManagementOperation operation = new ServiceManagementOperation( this.thumbprint, this.versionID );
var xdoc= operation.Invoke( uri );
var myelm = xdoc.Element( wa + "Deployment" ).Element( wa + "Configuration" );
var mystring= Encoding.UTF8.GetString( Convert.FromBase64String( myelm.Value ) );
return XDocument.Parse( mystring );
public string SetDeploymentConfig( string configurationFile )
string uri = string.Format( this.servicePropertiesOperationFormat, this.subscriptionID, this.serviceName, "production", "/?comp=config" );
ServiceManagementOperation operation = new ServiceManagementOperation( this.thumbprint, this.versionID );
string payloadString = string.Format(
#"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
<ChangeConfiguration xmlns="""">
</ChangeConfiguration>", configurationFile );
XDocument payload = XDocument.Parse( payloadString );
return operation.Invoke( uri, payload );
It's not very intuitive, but you have to cancel the scaling event, otherwise this will tell Azure to reboot other instances. Add the following line to the OnStart Method in Your RoleEntryPoint file:
RoleEnvironment.Changing += (sender, args) => { args.Cancel = false; };

Plug-in for Smart Search on Joomla: no results

I'm writing a plug-in for my component. For this component I have table "#__radiocatalog_item" with columns id, name, description, and I need to lookup at column name. For this, I wrote this plugin:
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/com_finder/helpers/indexer/adapter.php';
class PlgFinderRadioitem extends FinderIndexerAdapter
protected $context = 'Radioitem';
protected $extension = 'com_radiocatalog';
protected $layout = 'item';
protected $type_title = 'item';
protected $table = '#__radiocatalog_item';
protected $state_field = 'parent';
protected $autoloadLanguage = true;
protected function setup()
return true;
public function onFinderDelete($context, $table)
if ($context == 'com_radiocatalog.item')
$id = $table->id;
elseif ($context == 'com_finder.index')
$id = $table->id;
return true;
return $this->remove($id);
public function onFinderChangeState($context, $pks, $value)
if ($context == 'com_radiocatalog.item')
$this->itemStateChange($pks, $value);
if ($context == 'com_plugins.plugin' && $value === 0)
protected function index(FinderIndexerResult $item, $format = 'html')
if (JComponentHelper::isEnabled($this->extension) == false)
$item->url = $this->getURL($item->id, 'com_radiocatalog&layout=item', $this->layout);
$item->route = 'index.php?option=com_radiocatalog&view=item&layout=item&id='.$item->id;
$item->addTaxonomy('Type', 'Radioitems');
$item->addTaxonomy('Language', $item->language);
protected function getListQuery($sql = null)
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$sql = $sql instanceof JDatabaseQuery ? $sql : $db->getQuery(true);
$sql->select(' as id, as title, a.description as description');
$sql->from('#__radiocatalog_item AS a');
return $sql;
protected function getStateQuery()
$sql = $this->db->getQuery(true);
$sql->select($this->db->quoteName('').' as title');
$sql->from($this->db->quoteName('#__radiocatalog_item') . ' AS a');
return $sql;
After full indexing, search on the site does not work.
I was struggling with the same problem. So I enabled Joomla debugging {Global Configuration / System / Debug System = true} and tried to search for a term "myterm" using public site SmartSearch module. Then I checked the performed SQL queries. First, the term was found:
SELECT t.term, t.term_id
FROM j_finder_terms AS t
WHERE t.term = 'myterm'
AND t.phrase = 0
with ID=653 (used later):
SELECT l.link_id,m.weight AS ordering
FROM `j_finder_links` AS l
INNER JOIN `j_finder_links_terms2` AS m
ON m.link_id = l.link_id
WHERE l.access IN (1,1)
AND l.state = 1
AND (l.publish_start_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR l.publish_end_date <= '2014-01-04 17:34:00')
AND (l.publish_end_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR l.publish_end_date >= '2014-01-04 17:34:00')
AND m.term_id IN (653)
But this query didn't return any result, because j_finder_links.access and j_finder_links.state values were set to 0 instead of 1.
So my suggest you to check the queries and if you have the same problem, try to change your query from getStateQuery() method or select "1 AS access, 1 AS state" in the getListQuery() query and leave the $state_field variable unset.
I'm sorry for a vague explanation, I don't know much about how the SmartSearch work, I'm just trying to make it work somehow with my component.

SubSonic How to provide a column name in a generic method

Using SubSonic3, I have this generic method (thanks to linq guy, James Curran):
public List<T> GetFromList<T>( List<Guid> _IDs,
Func<T, Guid> GetID,
Func<IQueryable<T>> GetAll )
where T : class, IActiveRecord
List<T> rc = null;
var Results =
from item in GetAll( )
where ( _IDs as IEnumerable<Guid> ).Contains( GetID( item ) )
select item;
rc = Results.ToList<T>( );
return rc;
It is called with something like
List<Job> jresults = GetFromList( IDList,
item => item.JobID,
( ) => Job.All( ) );
Where IDList is a List of guids that are keys to the table.
When not generic, the linq looks like this and works perfectly. I was quite impressed that SubSonic's linq provider could take this code and turn it into SELECT * FROM Job WHERE JobID IN (a, b, c):
var Results =
from item in Job.All( )
where ( _IDs as IEnumerable<Guid> ).Contains( item.JobID )
select item;
I want to be able to call this method on tables other than Job, with keys other than JobID. The GetAll Func works because it returns the same IQueryable that Job.All( ) does, but GetID throws a run-time exception, "LINQ expression node of type Invoke is not supported". GetID returns a value, but what I really need from it is something that Contains( item.JobID) would recognize as a column name and that the "where" syntax would accept. (I don't show it here, but I have the same problem with orderby.)
Is that possible, with what you know of SubSonic3?
My solution was to pass in the expression that Where needed:
public List<T> GetFromList( List<Guid> _IDs,
Func<IQueryable<T>> GetAll,
Expression<Func<T, bool>> _where )
where T : class, U, IActiveRecord
List<T> rc = new List<T>( );
if ( 0 < _IDs.Count )
if ( MAX_ITEMS > _IDs.Count )
var Results = GetAll( ).Where( _where );
rc = Results.ToList( );
var Results =
from id in _IDs
join item in GetAll( ) on id equals item.KeyValue( )
select item;
rc = Results.ToList( );
return rc;
called by
rc = GetFromList(
( ) => Job.All( ),
( item => ( IDList as IEnumerable<Guid> ).Contains( item.JobID ) ) );

Check Active directory Group membership

How do i go about iterating a group to find out if a given user is a member of a group?
I know i can use IsInRole on WindowsPrincipal object but for some reason it don't always work for me, it doesn't error out or throw exception but just return false.
i have put together following code from web, can some help me improve it in terms of reliability, it hasn't gave any wrong result in 3 weeks of testing.
Side notes: 1: I don't have access to AD username and password hence using GC. 2: Groups can be created in any domain but with in same forest. 3: Group can have users from various domains as well as groups.
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
static extern int CheckTokenMembership(int TokenHandle, byte[] PSID, out bool IsMember);
[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
static extern bool IsValidSid(byte[] PSID);
private bool Authenticate(XmlNodeList XmlNodeGroups)
bool result = false;
Dictionary<string, List<string>> Groups = GetGroups(XmlNodeGroups);
//search global catalog and get SID of the group
Byte[] sid = null;
foreach (string groupName in Groups.Keys)
using (DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("GC:"))
IEnumerator ie = entry.Children.GetEnumerator();
using (DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher((DirectoryEntry)ie.Current))
ds.Filter = string.Format("(&(|(sAMAccountName={0}))(objectClass=group))", groupName);
using (SearchResultCollection resColl = ds.FindAll())
if (resColl.Count > 0)
ResultPropertyCollection resultPropColl = resColl[0].Properties;
sid = (byte[])resultPropColl["objectsid"][0];
if (sid == null || !IsValidSid(sid))
// log message and continue to next group continue;
// log message and continue to next group continue;
bool bIsMember = false;
if (CheckTokenMembership(0, sid, out bIsMember) == 0)
// log message and initiate fall back....... use Legacy
result = CheckMemberOf(XmlNodeGroups, _CurrentIdentity);
result = bIsMember ? true : false;
if (result)
// debug message break;
// debug message
catch (Exception ex)
// log exception message and initiate fall back....... use Legacy
result = CheckMemberOf(XmlNodeGroups, _CurrentIdentity);
return result;
Are you on .NET 3.5 ? If so, check out the MSDN magazine article Managing Directory Security Principals in the .NET Framework 3.5. It shows just how much easier things have become when it comes to users and groups in AD.
As for your requirement - you could
find the group in question
enumerate all its members
find if your given user is a member in that group
and all this can be done quite easily with the help of the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace:
// establish a context - define a domain (NetBIOS style name),
// or use the current one, when not specifying a specific domain
PrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);
// find the group in question
GroupPrincipal theGroup = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(ctx, "nameOfGroup");
// recursively enumerate the members of the group; making the search
// recursive will also enumerate the members of any nested groups
PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> result = theGroup.GetMembers(true);
// find the user in the list of group members
UserPrincipal user = (result.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DisplayName == "Some Name") as UserPrincipal);
// if found --> user is member of this group, either directly or recursively
if(user != null)
// do something with the user
I tried to use your code snippet above for the 3.5 framework and this line my compiler says it's incorrect:
// find the user in the list of group members
UserPrincipal user = (result.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DisplayName == adUser) as UserPrincipal);
Specifically the result.FirstOfDefault, it says that's not a valid option.
