Setting repositories and providers - domain-driven-design

Im having a little bit of a problem trying to figure out how to do the following. My apologies if thhe following seems idiotic, just new to Castle.Windsor.
Right, In my application repositories should point to diferent dbs. They all share a abstract class (Db methods abstraction) but there is no correlation between them.
So I have something like this:
public class UserService : IUserService
private readonly IUserRepository _repository;
public UserService(IUserRepository repository) { _repository = repository; }
public class UserRepository : Mongo, IUserRepository
public UserRepository(DatabaseHosts.Users UsersHost) : base(UsersHost) { }
All configuration settings are strongly typed and so far I am calling a Installer for the Settings Service before i call Install on the rest.
My question would be: Do i have to register services and Respositories or there is something im missing?
I think, We could allow access to the DbHost property from the Service, but i rather like not.
We also have providers to external systems which might need some sort of initialization.
So far i have soemthing like this:
public class ServicesInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)

public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
you have to register the concrete service "UserService" to the interface in order to allow the container to determine which concrete to resolve.


How do you create a base service class using Nest.js + TypeORM?

I am working with Nest.js + TypeORM and hit a snag when trying to add inheritance to service classes.
I want to have a User service class that extends off of a Base service class, inheriting all the methods the it has.
This is what I've done:
export class BaseService<T> {
private repo;
constructor(repo: Repository<T>){
this.repo = repo;
async findAll(opts?): Promise<T[]> {
return this.repo.find(opts);
Then on my User service:
export class UserService extends BaseService<User> {
private userRepository: Repository<User>,
private readonly mailerService: MailerService,
) {
This works fine where I just need a single repository in the Service class but once I need more such as productRepository, as you can see it would fail due to constructor being hardcoded to accept a single repository.
I can't seem to figure out what would be the most elegant way of achieving something like this.
Does anyone know?
It is an old thread, anyways I meat this same problem and this answer may help someone else...
You can have an abstract class with common functions and boilerplate that you wich to be available in all your repositories to maintain patterns and so on...
export abstract class BaseService<T extends ObjectLiteral> {
protected repo: Repository<T>;
async findAll(opts?): Promise<T[]> {
return this.repo.find(opts);
Observe that constructor is omitted here and as an abstract class you should never have an instance of it, it is meant to be just an extension with common boilerplates and features that you don't want to write every single time you need a new service with the same features like a CRUD service or so...
Then you will use it like this:
export class UserService extends BaseService<User> {
#InjectRepository(User) protected readonly repo: Repository<User>,
private readonly mailerService: MailerService,
) {
...... extended stuff
I'm not sure if you need to inject repo with the same name and visibility but as it worked for me I didn't dive any further to get to know...
The bad side of this approach to me is that even if you don't have anything else to inject via constructor in your service you need to declare constructor and inject the base repository... it is a boilerplate that could be avoided too but I couldn't achieve this right now...

Using StructureMap[4.7.0] Setter Injection in my MVC5 Controller

I am trying to inject the IApplicationConfigurationSection implementation into this MVC5 Controller, so that I can have access to some of the information (various strings) from my web.config custom section in all of my views:
public class BaseController : Controller
public IApplicationConfigurationSection AppConfig { get; set; }
public BaseController()
ViewBag.AppConfig = AppConfig; // AppConfig is always null
I want to use setter injection so I don't have to clutter up my derived Controller constructors with parameters that they don't really care about.
Note: If there is a better way to inject base class dependencies, please let me know. I admit I may not be on the right track here.
In my Global.asax I load my StructureMap configurations:
private static IContainer _container;
protected void Application_Start()
_container = new Container();
StructureMapConfig.Configure(_container, () => Container ?? _container);
// redacted other registrations
My StructureMapConfig class loads my registries:
public class StructureMapConfig
public static void Configure(IContainer container, Func<IContainer> func)
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new StructureMapDependencyResolver(func));
container.Configure(cfg =>
cfg.AddRegistries(new Registry[]
new MvcRegistry(),
// other registries redacted
My MvcRegistry provides the mapping for StructureMap:
public class MvcRegistry : Registry
public MvcRegistry()
For<IPrincipal>().Use(() => HttpContext.Current.User);
For<IIdentity>().Use(() => HttpContext.Current.User.Identity);
.Use(() => new HttpSessionStateWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Session));
.Use(() => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
.Use(() => new HttpServerUtilityWrapper(HttpContext.Current.Server));
Policies.SetAllProperties(p => p.OfType<IApplicationConfigurationSection>());
private IApplicationConfigurationSection GetConfig()
var config = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("application") as ApplicationConfigurationSection;
return config; // this always returns a valid instance
I have also "thrown my hands up" and tried using the [SetterProperty] attribute on the BaseController - that technique failed as well.
Despite my best efforts to find a solution, the AppConfig property in my controller's constructor is always null. I thought that
`Policies.SetAllProperties(p => p.OfType<IApplicationConfigurationSection>());`
would do the trick, but it didn't.
I have found that if I discard setter injection and go with constructor injection, it works as advertised. I'd still like to know where I'm going wrong, but I'd like to stress that I'm not a StructureMap guru - there may be a better way to avoid having to constructor-inject my base class dependencies. If you know how I should be doing this but am not, please share.
While constructor injection in this scenario appears to be the better solution to the stated problem as it follows The Explicit Dependencies Principle
Methods and classes should explicitly require (typically through method parameters or constructor parameters) any collaborating objects they need in order to function correctly.
The mention of only needing to access the AppConfig in your views leads me to think that this is more of an XY problem and a cross cutting concern.
It appears that the controllers themselves have no need to use the dependency so stands to reason that there is no need to be injecting them into the controller explicitly just so that the dependency is available to the View.
Consider using an action filter that can resolve the dependency and make it available to the View via the same ViewBag as the request goes through the pipeline.
public class AccessesAppConfigAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
var resolver = DependencyResolver.Current;
var appConfig = (IApplicationConfigurationSection)resolver.GetService(typeof(IApplicationConfigurationSection));
filterContext.Controller.ViewBag.AppConfig = appConfig;
This now makes the required information available to the views with out tight coupling of the controllers that may have a use for it. Removing the need to inject the dependency into derived classes.
Either via adorning Controller/Action with the filter attribute
[AccessesAppConfig] //available to all its actions
public class HomeController : Controller {
//[AccessesAppConfig] //Use directly if want to isolate to single action/view
public ActionResult Index() {
return View();
or globally for all requests.
public class FilterConfig {
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) {
filters.Add(new AccessesAppConfigAttribute());
At this point it really does not matter which IoC container is used. Once the dependency resolver has been configured, Views should have access to the required information in the ViewBag

Setting proper Unity Container configuration for resolving interface-class in decorator pattern

Given below are my different class declarations and how I am trying to setup unity container configuration to get a Interface to Concrete class implementation. The code currently throws either an stackoverflow exception or suggests that a interface cannot be constructed.
Please help me fix, either the class structure or the container configuration.
CodesController Class -
public class CodesController : ApiController
private readonly IUnitOfWorkAsync unitOfWork;
private readonly ICodeRepository repository;
public CodesController(IUnitOfWorkAsync unitOfWork, ICodeRepository codeRepository)
if (unitOfWork == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("unitOfWork");
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
this.repository = codeRepository;
//Other class level methods here
CodeRepository class -
public class CodeRepository : ICodeRepository
private readonly ICodeRepository codeRepository;
public CodeRepository(ICodeRepository repository)
this.codeRepository = repository;
public virtual async Task<IEnumerable<Code>> GetCodeAsync(string codeKey)
{ //Some implementation here}
ICodeRepository Interface -
public interface ICodeRepository : IRepositoryAsync<Code>
Task<IEnumerable<Code>> GetCodeAsync(string codeKey);
IRepositoryAsync Interface -
public interface IRepositoryAsync<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class, IPersistenceHint
Task<bool> DeleteAsync(params object[] keyValues);
Task<bool> DeleteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, params object[] keyValues);
Task<TEntity> FindAsync(params object[] keyValues);
Task<TEntity> FindAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, params object[] keyValues);
Unity Container Configuration-
container.RegisterType<IUnitOfWorkAsync, UnitOfWork>(
new TransientLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionConstructor(container.Resolve<IDataContextAsync>("test")));
container.RegisterType<ICodeRepository, CodeRepository>();
container.RegisterType<CodesController, CodesController>();
With this given configuration and class structure, based on my experimentation with container config, I get following exception -
exceptionMessage=An error occurred when trying to create a controller of type 'CodesController'. Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor.
exceptionMessage=Type '<Namespace>.Api.Controllers.CodesController' does not have a default constructor
stackTrace= at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.New(Type type)
at System.Web.Http.Internal.TypeActivator.Create[TBase](Type instanceType)at System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.DefaultHttpControllerActivator.GetInstanceOrActivator(HttpRequestMessage request, Type controllerType, Func`1& activator)
at System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.DefaultHttpControllerActivator.Create(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor, Type controllerType)
Please suggest, if anything is wrong here, so that I can fix the same. Already struggling many days on this.
You're injecting ICodeRepository to CodeRepository, which probably causes to stackoverflow exception, since it will keep generating ICodeRepositories. It will generate a recursive call. Somewhat like this one:
public class BaseFoo
public BaseFoo(BaseFoo foo){ }
public class Foo : BaseFoo
public Foo() : base(new Foo()) { }
And regarding the "does not have a default constructor"-exception, have you registered a DependencyResolver for Web API? See one of these questions for more detailed information how to do it:
Using Unity with Web Api 2 gives error does not have a default constructor
Unity.WebApi | Make sure that the controller has a parameterless public constructor
ASP.Net MVC 4 Web API controller dosn't work with Unity.WebApi
As a side note, you shouldn't have to register the CodesController in your unity registration.

Approach on mocking ServiceStack service being called by another ServiceStack service

Let's say we have a situation where a service would call other services in ServiceStack.
From reading around, this is how one would call another service:
public class CompanyService : Service
public SetupCompanyResponse Any(SetupCompany request)
var employeeService = base.ResolveService<EmployeeService>();
// Do something with employeeService
var response = employeeService.Any(new SetupEmployees());
return new SetupCompanyResponse { NumOfEmployeesCreated = response.Count };
Question: How do I mock EmployeeService if I'm unit-testing CompanyService?
Easiest way I could think of is to generate an IEmployeeService interface so that it's easily mockable. However I'm not sure if base.ResolveService<T> will be able to properly resolve and auto-wire a ServiceStack service, given its interface instead, like so:
var employeeService = base.ResolveService<IEmployeeService>();
Especially when we are registering services this way (which I assume is configuring the object resolution based on concrete class, and not the interface e.g IEmployeeService)
public HelloAppHost() : base("Hello Web Services", typeof(HelloService).Assembly) { }
Apparently I'm able to somewhat achieve this simply by:
1) Registering the service interface with its implementation
public static void SetupServices(Container container)
container.RegisterAs<EmployeeService, IEmployeeService>();
2) Using the same exact code to resolve, except now I pass in the interface. The service is successfully resolved.
var employeeService = base.ResolveService<IEmployeeService>();
3) All I need to do now is to override the resolver, and the service dependency should be totally mockable.
Question: Is this also a valid approach? Why or why not?
ServiceStack's Service class resolves all its dependencies from an IResolver, defined by:
public interface IResolver
T TryResolve<T>();
This can be injected in ServiceStack's Service class in an number of ways as seen by the implementation:
public class Service : IService, IServiceBase, IDisposable
public static IResolver GlobalResolver { get; set; }
private IResolver resolver;
public virtual IResolver GetResolver()
return resolver ?? GlobalResolver;
public virtual Service SetResolver(IResolver resolver)
this.resolver = resolver;
return this;
public virtual T TryResolve<T>()
return this.GetResolver() == null
? default(T)
: this.GetResolver().TryResolve<T>();
Which you can use to control how Services resolve dependencies.
An easy way to unit test Services is to use a BasicAppHost as seen on the Testing wiki, i.e:
appHost = new BasicAppHost().Init();
var container = appHost.Container;
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider));
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<StubEmployeeService, EmployeeService>();
Where StubEmployeeService is your stub implementation of EmployeeService, e.g:
public class StubEmployeeService : EmployeeService
public SetupEmployeesResponse Any(SetupEmployees request)
return new SetupEmployeesResponse { ... };
You can also register Services using any of the registration methods ServiceStack's IOC Supports if you prefer to use your own mocking library.

Is it ok to set Datacontext as a property in repository?

Is there any potential problem in setting datacontext as property like this:
public Repository()
public DataContext dc {get;set;}
public GetOrders(int id)
{ ...from dc.Orders...}
service layer:
public GetNewOrders()
Repository rep=new Repository();
using {DataContext dc=new DataContext())
From what I have read, using the DataContext "for more than one business conversation is usually the wrong thing to do." Scroll down to the Why Is This Important? section for the quote. Due to caching and other factors, you should consider your DataContext stale immediately. From that, it is safe to say you don't want to keep the DataContext as a property that is reused by all your methods. Using Eric Duncan's suggestion, you will want to pass in some kind of DataContext factory to get a new context for each query.
For a discussion focused on the DataContext, the APress Pro LINQ book has an entire chapter on the DataContext, the very last page of which also advises you to "consider the DataContext stale immediately."
In DDD, you're missing the bigger picture here by referencing the concret classes. You are not interfacing between the Repository and "Services layer" by best practices. If you must have DataContext injected into the Repository, I would recommend refactoring to:
public interface IRepository
IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
private IDataContext _dataContext;
public Repository(IDataContext dataContext)
_dataContext = dataContext;
public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
// perform your actions on _dataContext here
The better solution would be to let the Repository handle the DataContext on its own - keeping the seperation of concert valid by masking the underlying requirements:
public interface IRepository
IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
private IDataContext _dataContext;
public Repository(String connectionString)
_dataContext = new DataContext(connectionString);
public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
// perform your actions on _dataContext here
If you must keep control of the DataContext (or another class) yourself (perhaps you want to keep a static reference around, or change settings based on an WebRequest, etc), you you will need to use a "Factory".
The factory would look something like this:
public static class DataContextFactory
public static IDataContext GetInstance()
// return either a static instance,
// or threaded instance, a GlobalContext instance
// or whatever your preference is here
That way, you have full control over how the instance of DataContext is controlled outside and away from your "Services" layer. So, you would use this DataContextFactory like the following:
public interface IRepository
IList<Orders> GetNewOrders();
public Repository : IRepository
public IList<Orders> GetNewOrders()
using (var dataContext = DataContextFactory.GetInstance())
// dataContext is now your IDataContext to work with
"How to access the IRepository?" you may ask?
Your services layer would do something like:
public void GetNewOrdersForServices()
// Not recommended!
// IRepository repo = new Repository()
// The following is recommended instead; because, it removes the
// the Concret reference from your Services layer completely!
IRepository repo = ServiceLocator.InstanceOf<IRepository>();
IList myList = repo.GetNewOrders();
Or, you would inject it into the constructor of your service using your favorite flavor of Inversion of Control container like so:
public class OrderService
private IRepository _repo;
public OrderService(IRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
public void GetNewOrdersForServices()
IList myList = _repo.GetNewOrders();
If you are not fimilar with the service locator concepts, check out Castle Windsor as it Encapsulates just about all your needs.
