PIC32 c32 1.12, Malloc hangs application - malloc

I am compiling the following code for a PIC32 with C32 v1.12 using MPLabX IDE.
The code compiles find but hangs on malloc(), it does not seem to matter what size I am attempting to malloc it always hangs.
By hang I mean the debugger becomes unresponsive and the application has to be manually restarted before it will continue.
#define SAFE_DELETE( x ) { if(x != NULL ) { free(x); x=NULL ; } }
BOOL Test_Malloc() {
int *ptr = NULL ;
ptr = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof (int)); // With a cast
if( ptr != NULL ) {
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
My question is ;
How do I malloc memory on a PIC32 with C32 v1.12?

Make sure to set your project's heap size at least 4KB greater than the maximum amount of dynamic memory you might ever need. You have to guesstimate what what the C library might need if you call functions that themselves call malloc. It's not quite an exact science.
See this Microchips forum thread for more details.


Getting a Hard Fault when trying to list all tasks using vTaskList()

I am trying to list the state of all the tasks that are currently running using vTaskList().Whenever I call the function I get a HardFault and I have no idea where it faults. I tried increasing the Heap size and stack size. This causes the vTaskList() to work once but for the second time it throws a hard fault again.
Following is how I am using vTaskList() in osThreadList()
osStatus osThreadList (uint8_t *buffer)
#if ( ( configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY == 1 ) && ( configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS == 1 ) )
vTaskList((char *)buffer);
return osOK;
Following is how i use osThreadList() to print all the tasks on my serial terminal.
uint8_t TskBuf[1024];
bool IOParser::TSK(bool print_help)
uart_printf("\nTSK: Display list of tasks.\r\n");
uart_printf("\r\nName State Priority Stack Num\r\n" );
/* The list of tasks and their status */
uart_printf( (char *)TskBuf);
uart_printf("B : Blocked, R : Ready, D : Deleted, S : Suspended");
return true;
When I comment out any one of the tasks I am able to get it working. I am guessing it is something related to memory but I havent been able to find a solution.
vTaskList is dependent on sprintf. So, your guess about memory and heap is right. But you have to use malloc and pass that block instead of what you do. Use pvPortmalloc and after you finish, free it up using vportfree.
Also, it is worthwhile noting that vTaskList is a blocking function.
I do not have a working code example to show this as at now, but this should work.
Hard Faults are often (almost all the time) happens due to uninitialised pointer. Above approach will eliminate that.

Linux Kernel code in memory check with sha256 sum

Is there a way of finding the loaded kernel code inside the memory? I mean the bootloader loads the kernel and executes it. The kernel extracts itself and start to initialize the hardware and runs init. As I understand the kernel is saved and loaded from the (b)zImage from disk. This unchanged code I want to find inside the memory of the system and check it.
I have the following enhancement:
Create a sha256 hash of the loaded kernel code and compare it to a defined value to audit the security of the system. Therefore I load a module which tries to find the kernel code inside the memory and compute the sha256 sum out of that.
I tried to find the kernel code in memory like that:
static struct resource *adhoc_next_resource(struct resource *p, bool sibling_only)
if (sibling_only)
return p->sibling;
if (p->child)
return p->child;
while (!p->sibling && p->parent)
p = p->parent;
return p->sibling;
static struct resource *get_kernel_code (void) {
struct resource *kern_code = &iomem_resource;
while (kern_code && strcmp(kern_code->name ? kern_code->name : "","Kernel code") != 0) {
kern_code = adhoc_next_resource(kern_code, false);
return kern_code;
int init_module(void)
void *start,*end;
size_t length;
SHA256_CTX sha256;
u32 *hash;
struct resource *kern_code;
kern_code = get_kernel_code();
if ( IS_ERR(kern_code) )
return -EINVAL;
start = (void*)phys_to_virt(kern_code->start);
end = (void*)phys_to_virt(kern_code->end);
length = kern_code->end - kern_code->start;
printk("%s[%s]:%s address: %0*llx-%0*llx \n", MODULE_NAME, __FUNCTION__, kern_code->name ? kern_code->name : "", 4, start, 4, end );
printk("%s[%s]: length: %lu \n", MODULE_NAME, __FUNCTION__, length);
printk ( KERN_INFO "%s[%s]: Init sha256\n", MODULE_NAME, __FUNCTION__ );
printk ( KERN_INFO "%s[%s]: Give kernel code to sha256\n", MODULE_NAME, __FUNCTION__ );
sha256_update ( &sha256, start, length );
hash = kmalloc ( 4 * sizeof(u32), GFP_KERNEL );
printk ( KERN_INFO "%s[%s]: Finalize sha256\n", MODULE_NAME, __FUNCTION__ );
sha256_final ( &sha256, (BYTE*)hash );
printk ( KERN_INFO "%s[%s]: Hash value of kernel code: %x - %x - %x - %x \n", MODULE_NAME, __FUNCTION__, hash[0], hash[1], hash[2], hash[3] );
return 0;
But, I get every time a reboot was done a different sha256 sum.
Please explain that what happens ? Something in the memory of the kernel code changed. But what can it be ?
Is this concept will be worked ? Or is there not every time the same loaded code in the memory.
I have found by myself an answer for this problem:
I have made some more research about memory location of the kernel and so on. I found that during runtime the kernel ".text" section (extracted bzImage) is not stored in the iomem_resource list. I have inspected the address range from the "kernel code" resource (see my previous posted code) and found that most of the bits are 0. Only very at the beginning and at the end there is some code. But this is not "kernel code" I didn't find an answer what the hack is this "kernel code" section. Maybe it has to be the ".text" section of the Kernel Image, but not on my system (ARM 32bit & yocto-linux 4.10.17 ).
The KASLR feature (info here) posted from Yasushi is not the problem for ARM 32bit arichtecture. I found inside the kernel defines that this feature is not enabled on this type of system. But it is a very interesting feature.
To get the kernel address of the ".text" section I use now the kallsysm functionality. This is a big list of all addresses and exported variables. There are two variables who define the start and end. I use the following code:
start = (void*)kallsyms_lookup_name("_stext");
end = (void*)kallsyms_lookup_name("_etext");
Note: Be carefull with virtual memory vs. physical memory location. Kallsysm output is virtual memory location. (Please correct me if I am wrong)
Finally: I get the same checksum for each boot for the same kernel code and I can go on finishing my audit module :-).

Why my implementation of sbrk system call does not work?

I try to write a very simple os to better understand the basic principles. And I need to implement user-space malloc. So at first I want to implement and test it on my linux-machine.
At first I have implemented the sbrk() function by the following way
void* sbrk( int increment ) {
return ( void* )syscall(__NR_brk, increment );
But this code does not work. Instead, when I use sbrk given by os, this works fine.
I have tryed to use another implementation of the sbrk()
static void *sbrk(signed increment)
size_t newbrk;
static size_t oldbrk = 0;
static size_t curbrk = 0;
if (oldbrk == 0)
curbrk = oldbrk = brk(0);
if (increment == 0)
return (void *) curbrk;
newbrk = curbrk + increment;
if (brk(newbrk) == curbrk)
return (void *) -1;
oldbrk = curbrk;
curbrk = newbrk;
return (void *) oldbrk;
sbrk invoked from this function
static Header *morecore(unsigned nu)
char *cp;
Header *up;
if (nu < NALLOC)
nu = NALLOC;
cp = sbrk(nu * sizeof(Header));
if (cp == (char *) -1)
return NULL;
up = (Header *) cp;
up->s.size = nu; // ***Segmentation fault
free((void *)(up + 1));
return freep;
This code also does not work, on the line (***) I get segmentation fault.
Where is a problem ?
Thanks All. I have solved my problem using new implementation of the sbrk. The given code works fine.
void* __sbrk__(intptr_t increment)
void *new, *old = (void *)syscall(__NR_brk, 0);
new = (void *)syscall(__NR_brk, ((uintptr_t)old) + increment);
return (((uintptr_t)new) == (((uintptr_t)old) + increment)) ? old :
(void *)-1;
The first sbrk should probably have a long increment. And you forgot to handle errors (and set errno)
The second sbrk function does not change the address space (as sbrk does). You could use mmap to change it (but using mmap instead of sbrk won't update the kernel's view of data segment end as sbrk does). You could use cat /proc/1234/maps to query the address space of process of pid 1234). or even read (e.g. with fopen&fgets) the /proc/self/maps from inside your program.
BTW, sbrk is obsolete (most malloc implementations use mmap), and by definition every system call (listed in syscalls(2)) is executed by the kernel (for sbrk the kernel maintains the "data segment" limit!). So you cannot avoid the kernel, and I don't even understand why you want to emulate any system call. Almost by definition, you cannot emulate syscalls since they are the only way to interact with the kernel from a user application. From the user application, every syscall is an atomic elementary operation (done by a single SYSENTER machine instruction with appropriate contents in machine registers).
You could use strace(1) to understand the actual syscalls done by your running program.
BTW, the GNU libc is a free software. You could look into its source code. musl-libc is a simpler libc and its code is more readable.
At last compile with gcc -Wall -Wextra -g and use the gdb debugger (you can even query the registers, if you wanted to). Perhaps read the x86/64-ABI specification and the Linux Assembly HowTo.

How does linux know when to allocate more pages to a call stack?

Given the program below, segfault() will (As the name suggests) segfault the program by accessing 256k below the stack. nofault() however, gradually pushes below the stack all the way to 1m below, but never segfaults.
Additionally, running segfault() after nofault() doesn't result in an error either.
If I put sleep()s in nofault() and use the time to cat /proc/$pid/maps I see the allocated stack space grows between the first and second call, this explains why segfault() doesn't crash afterwards - there's plenty of memory.
But the disassembly shows there's no change to %rsp. This makes sense since that would screw up the call stack.
I presumed that the maximum stack size would be baked into the binary at compile time (In retrospect that would be very hard for a compiler to do) or that it would just periodically check %rsp and add a buffer after that.
How does the kernel know when to increase the stack memory?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void segfault(){
char * x;
int a;
for( x = (char *)&x-1024*256; x<(char *)(&x+1); x++){
a = *x & 0xFF;
printf("%p = 0x%02x\n",x,a);
void nofault(){
char * x;
int a;
for( x = (char *)(&x); x>(char *)&x-1024*1024; x--){
a = *x & 0xFF;
printf("%p = 0x%02x\n",x,a);
int main(){
The processor raises a page fault when you access an unmapped page. The kernel's page fault handler checks whether the address is reasonably close to the process's %rsp and if so, it allocates some memory and resumes the process. If you are too far below %rsp, the kernel passes the fault along to the process as a signal.
I tried to find the precise definition of what addresses are close enough to %rsp to trigger stack growth, and came up with this from linux/arch/x86/mm.c:
* Accessing the stack below %sp is always a bug.
* The large cushion allows instructions like enter
* and pusha to work. ("enter $65535, $31" pushes
* 32 pointers and then decrements %sp by 65535.)
if (unlikely(address + 65536 + 32 * sizeof(unsigned long) < regs->sp)) {
bad_area(regs, error_code, address);
But experimenting with your program I found that 65536+32*sizeof(unsigned long) isn't the actual cutoff point between segfault and no segfault. It seems to be about twice that value. So I'll just stick with the vague "reasonably close" as my official answer.

Check validity of virtual memory address

I am iterating through the pages between VMALLOC_START and VMALLOC_END and I want to
check if the address that I get every time is valid.
How can I manage this?
I iterate through the pages like this:
unsigned long *p;
for(p = (unsigned long *) VMALLOC_START; p <= (unsigned long *) (VMALLOC_END - PAGE_SIZE); p += PAGE_SIZE)
//How to check if p is OK to access it?
The easiest way is to try to red it, and catch the exception.
Catching the exception is done by defining an entry in the __ex_table secion, using inline assembly.
The exception table entry contains a pointer to a memory access instruction, and a pointer to a recovery address. If an segfault happens on this instruction, EIP will be set to the recovery address.
Something like this (I didn't test this, I may be missing something):
void *ptr=whatever;
int ok=1;
"1: mov (%1),%1\n" // Try to access
"jmp 3f\n" // Success - skip error handling
"2: mov $0,%0\n" // Error - set ok=0
"3:\n" // Jump here on success
"\n.section __ex_table,\"a\""
".long 1b,2b\n" // Use .quad for 64bit.
:"=r"(ok) : "r"(ptr)
