Get local file inside the extension folder in Chrome - google-chrome-extension

I know that I can't get a local file from within the extension directory. It is possible to get a file that is inside the extension directory itself?

You can use chrome.runtime.getURL to get a fully-qualified URL to a resource.
// Outputs path to the file regardless if it exits
> chrome.runtime.getURL('assets/extension-icon.png');
The chrome-extension protocol plus the extension id, will be the address for the extension's root directory.
If you need something more powerful, you might also use HTML5's FileSystem API which can create, read, write and list files from a sandbox in the current user's local file system.

On Chrome 17 or later, for this to work you must include the web_accessible_resources section to allow an image packed within the extension to be injected into a web page.
"web_accessible_resources": [
(courtesy of jhaury)


Next.JS security of directory structure and JSON secrets

I have a security question regarding the access of Next.JS directories, and their access requirements. I have a root folder that has my pages, public, src, styles, models folders. In the src folder I have a settings.json file that is a empty JavaScript object. The idea is that settings would be added to this file and accessed by api routes, to check settings that could be modified on this settings.json file... What I am wondering is if the client can actually somehow just read/access the src directory and get the settings.json file. I want to put secret key's here that way I can easily change secret keys without having to restart my server. So I could just update the secret key live, and have it applied to the settings.json file. Then the update would be live immediately and I don't have to change the environment variables and restart the server.
Is it safe to keep and use a json file in the src directory to store confidential data? If not, is there a way to keep and use a json file for this purpose?
Thanks for the help and info.
As juliomalves pointed out client code won't be able to access a directory or file that you have on the server with the exception of the public directory.
Next gives you the ability to serve static assets from [root]/public as documented here
Note: Only assets that are in the public directory at build time will be served by Next.js.
If this directory is ever renamed, these assets are no longer available from a client.
Note: Don't name the public directory anything else. The name cannot be changed and is the only directory used to serve static assets.
"I put a settings.json file right next to that .env file and required it in an api route, could the client somehow download that settings.json file without me purposely sending them the contents/file itself?"
The only way information can be served from an api route is by expressly creating a route to call res[ponse].send() (or res.json()) with data imported from that file. Api routes are not ever bundled on the client side and only ever exist on the server as noted here.
Any file inside the folder pages/api is mapped to /api/* and will be treated as an API endpoint instead of a page. They are server-side only bundles and won't increase your client-side bundle size.
"What I am wondering is if the client can actually somehow just read/access the src directory and get the settings.json file."
As noted above only assets in the /public directory are accessible as files by path. Directories are never accessible in Next as static assets. This is even pointed out in the source code.
send(req, path)
.on('directory', () => {
// We don't allow directories to be read.
const err: any = new Error('No directory access')
err.code = 'ENOENT'

Programatically determine path to Chrome Extensions folder

Is there a way to programmatically determine the path to the Chrome Extensions folder? I want to make a call like the following: 'GET', chrome.extension.getURL( '/' + msg.file ), true );
to consume the contents of a file I create with a native messaging host (so as to get past the 1MB pipe limitation for certain responses). I can see what my 'profiles' path is in chrome://version, but I cannot find anywhere where this might be exposed (was hoping, at the least, it could be exposed to extensions). Furthermore, there's a version subfolder that I do not know how it is constructed, e.g. I have the following subfolders for the Chrome Media Router extension:
everything up to _ is the version from the manifest.json, but I don't know how/when the part after the _ comes into play (my guess is it is used to distinguish updates to the webstore when the version number is not changed).
so I really would most prefer an API function that would get me the full path for my extension from the extension.

Use local resources in WKWebview

How do I make WKWebview use local .js, .css and/or local image files, in place of remote files, in order to make the web page load faster.
Also, I noticed NSURLProtocol methods (when implemented through register class) do not get called when WKNavigationDelegate methods are implemented, any idea on why?
In iOS 9 API there is a new method for loading local resource
/*! #abstract Navigates to the requested file URL on the filesystem.
#param URL The file URL to which to navigate.
#param readAccessURL The URL to allow read access to.
#discussion If readAccessURL references a single file, only that file may be loaded by WebKit.
If readAccessURL references a directory, files inside that file may be loaded by WebKit.
#result A new navigation for the given file URL.
#available(iOS 9.0, *)
func loadFileURL(URL: NSURL, allowingReadAccessToURL readAccessURL: NSURL) -> WKNavigation?
After going through a lot of documentation, I realized/learnt that I'll not be able to track URLs if I use WKWebviews. I have to resort to UIWebView for the moment.

Nodejs if file exists from different url

Is it possible to check if image exists using absolute path? I have 2 apps using one domain, but with different ports. I want to check if the file exists on other app. For example from I want to check if this file exists: I have tried to do it with fs.exists, fs.existsSync, fs.Stats, but it on the first 2 functions it always returns false and on the fs.Stats it returns error "ENOENT, no such file or directory", but I can view the file entering url on browser. How can I do it?
The fs functions look for files on your local filesystem. If you want to see if a remote file exists, you'll have to make an HTTP request using the http module, request module or the like.

Check if Chrome extension installed in unpacked mode

Is there a way to detect whether I'm running an extension that was installed from my .crx file or the extension was loaded as via 'Load unpacked extension...' button?
I'm aware about ID differences in that case, but I don't want to rely on hardcoded strings in the code.
If by "installed from my .crx file" you mean installed from Chrome Web Store you can simply check extension manifest.json for value of update_url attribute. CWS adds it when you upload your extension.
If you have a self-hosted .crx file, get your extension information using and check installType of returned ExtensionInfo object. If it says "development" that means that extension was loaded unpacked in developer mode. "normal" means that it was installed from .crx file.
Here is a code sample how to do this:
function isDevMode() {
return !('update_url' in chrome.runtime.getManifest());
const isProdMode = 'update_url' in chrome.runtime.getManifest()
An extension is running in developer mode (i.e. unpacked), when it does not contain the update_url field in its manifest.
This works because an unpacked extension's JSON manifest file should not contain the update_url field. This field is automatically added when publishing via the Chrome Developer Dashboard.
For example, debug logs that only appear during development.
const IS_DEV_MODE = !('update_url' in chrome.runtime.getManifest());
function debugLog(str) {
if (IS_DEV_MODE) console.log(str);
debugLog('This only appears in developer mode');
