Is token based authentication secure when - security

any request is made via HTTPS and the token is transmitted the following ways:
a) GET https://foo.dom/foobar?auth_token=abcxyz
b) GET https://foo.dom/foobar with HTTP-header like X-FOOBAR-TOKEN: abcxyz
As I understand SSL, in case of an HTTP request the client first negotiates the SSL connection and does only transmit additional parameters and/or HTTP headers in case the secure connection was established successfully.
Am I right so far?
Thx fur any suggestion.

SSL buys you encryption of the transport so no one can snag the auth token while it is being sent/to from the site. There are some man-in-the-middle attacks that can be performed against SSL but generally SSL should protect the token content.
What makes or breaks the security is whether or not the Token it-self is cryptographically secure. If that can be said to be true then your are golden. Check out this site
There are plenty of other sites that use secrue tokens for auth, see:


Request tampering over SSL using man-in-the-middle attack

I am familiar with SSL/TLS and its mechanism to protect data sent over HTTP between the browser and the web server. One of the issues identified by my security testing team is request tampering over SSL where they were able to modify the HTTP request payload of a POST request using man-in-the-middle attack. The browser obviously did show a certificate validity warning and it was ignored.
In my opinion, the application shouldn't handle or remediate such request tampering scenarios because SSL/TLS takes care of it. Server side validation of data that matches any client side validation should suffice to ensure that the HTTP payload is valid.
So my question is basically to confirm my understanding about this. Is request tampering using man-in-the-middle attack over SSL a valid security testing scenario? And should an application do any specific request encoding to protect from such attacks.
Yes, it is a valid testing scenario.
Depending on the threat model of your application, the application might implement Certificate Pinning, to mitigate that threat. With that, you can make sure that only a specific cert (or certs signed by a certain CA are trusted.
See this answer for reference.

Which authentication methods are safe on unsecured HTTP channel?

Does there exist any authentication protocol which is safe on unsecured channel? Session id's are easily hijacked by MitM, so which mechanism are used to make the session secure on unsecured HTTP channel?
For HTTP Following Authentication Schemes are useful.
Basic rfc:7617
Bearer rfc:6750
Digest rfc:7616
HOBA rfc:7486 refer section 3
Mutual rfc:8120
AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 aws:docs
Also a good detail explanation could be found here
Hope it is useful.
Authenticating against a server over HTTP is problematic as without a server certificate, you can't be sure you are actually communicating with the intended server. Also, any credentials being sent to the server are susceptible to eaves-dropping.
Having said that, there are authentication protocols that can be used securely over HTTP once the server and client have exchanged a secret over a secure channel. Protocols like Hawk or AWS signatures do not require HTTPS for every subsequent request.

Are Oauth2 client apps required to have SSL connection?

Which parties of Oauth 2.0 are required to have an SSL connection?
Auth server: SSL required
Resource server: SSL required
Client apps: Is it really necessary, as long as it uses SSL for the resource server communication?
The Authorization server is required to use SSL/TLS as per the specification, for example:
Since requests to the authorization endpoint result in user
authentication and the transmission of clear-text credentials (in the
HTTP response), the authorization server MUST require the use of TLS
as described in Section 1.6 when sending requests to the
authorization endpoint.
Since requests to the token endpoint result in the transmission of
clear-text credentials (in the HTTP request and response), the
authorization server MUST require the use of TLS as described in
Section 1.6 when sending requests to the token endpoint.
That same specification does not require it for the client application, but heavily recommends it:
The redirection endpoint SHOULD require the use of TLS as described
in Section 1.6 when the requested response type is "code" or "token",
or when the redirection request will result in the transmission of
sensitive credentials over an open network. This specification does
not mandate the use of TLS because at the time of this writing,
requiring clients to deploy TLS is a significant hurdle for many
client developers. If TLS is not available, the authorization server
SHOULD warn the resource owner about the insecure endpoint prior to
redirection (e.g., display a message during the authorization
Lack of transport-layer security can have a severe impact on the
security of the client and the protected resources it is authorized
to access. The use of transport-layer security is particularly
critical when the authorization process is used as a form of
delegated end-user authentication by the client (e.g., third-party
Calls to the resource server contain the access token and require SSL/TLS:
Access token credentials (as well as any confidential access token
attributes) MUST be kept confidential in transit and storage, and
only shared among the authorization server, the resource servers the
access token is valid for, and the client to whom the access token is
issued. Access token credentials MUST only be transmitted using TLS
as described in Section 1.6 with server authentication as defined by
The reasons should be pretty obvious: In any of these does not use secure transport, the token can be intercepted and the solution is not secure.
You question specifically calls out the client application.
Client apps: Is it really necessary, as long as it uses SSL for the resource server communication?
I am assuming that you client is a web application, and you are talking about the communication between the browser and the server after authentication has happened. I am furthermore assuming that you ask the question, because (in your implementation), this communication is not authenticated with access tokens, but through some other means.
And there you have your answer: that communication is authenticated in some way or another. How else would the server know who is making the call? Most web sites use a session cookie they set at the beginning of the session, and use that to identify the session and therefor the user. Anyone who can grab that session cookie can hijack the session and impersonate the user. If you don't want that (and you really should not want that), you must use SSL/TLS to secure the communication between the browser and the server.
In some cases, the browser part of the client talks to the resource server directly; and the server part only serves static content, such as HTML, CSS, images and last but not least, JavaScript. Maybe your client is built like this, and you are wondering whether the static content must be downloaded over SSL/TLS? Well, if it isn't, a man in the middle can insert their own evil JavaScript, that steals you user's access tokens. You do want to secure the download of static content.
Last but not least, your question is based on a hidden assumption, that there might be valid reasons not to use SSL/TLS. Often people claim the cost of the certificate is too high, or the encryption requires too much CPU power, hence requiring more hardware to run the application. I do not believe these costs to be significant in virtually all cases. They are very low, compared to the total cost of building and running the solution. They are also very low compared to the risks of not using encryption. Don't spend time (and money) debating this, just use SSL/TLS all the way through.

Does https make this any more secure?

I'm reading the API for a web service, and all methods involve sending an HTTP request to
To be clear, both the API key and user password are sent in plain text via the URL. But is this OK because "all HTTPS traffic is encrypted" or not because they're still in plain text or because the URL is somehow different?
If this isn't secure, what is the minimum change the API maintainer needs to do?
Yes, HTTPS makes this more secure.
HTTPS makes this more secure.
You should also send sensitive parameters as POST parameters instead (HTTP BODY) of GET query string ones. Typically the query string will be logged by Web server logs (server side) in plaintext, so it will be accessible to system administrators that perhaps shouldn't be able to see it.
HTTPS will encode the URL in each request, so if you are worried about network sniffing then you're OK. HTTPS also adds a nonce value, so you aren't exposed to reply attacks.
It would be possible, depending on infrastructure to insert a fake SSL certificate that's trusted by the user device and route requests through a proxy using that certificate. However this would require admin/root access to the client machines to make such a certificate trusted (barring breach of a normally trusted CA), and once something needs admin access all bets are off anyway.
It's still not a wonderful idea though, I'd be concerned about developers forgetting to configure it for HTTPS. You have an API key, so why not take the password and hash it using the APIKEY as the salt. Now for the API calls the salt is a password equivalent but it would mean that the username and password couldn't be used for logging into elsewhere with those credentials, for example the web site that the API is running off (assuming you let users log in there of course.)
Even better would be to use a shared secret that doesn't go over the wire at all, and use that as the salt.

Secure cookie and invalid certificate

Is a secure cookie supposed to be sent to an HTTPS server that have an invalid certificate? I mean, I have an application served by a HTTPS server which send a cookie with the secure flag activated after the login step. Is my server supposed to receive the cookie back if it has an invalid certificate? Is this is normalized (it seems it's not), could someone point me to the relevant part of the norm?
Yes, a cookie with Secure flag set is only sent for TLS/SSL secured connections:
If the cookie's secure-only-flag is true, then the request-uri's scheme must denote a "secure" protocol (as defined by the user agent). […] Typically, user agents consider a protocol secure if the protocol makes use of transport-layer security, such as SSL or TLS. For example, most user agents consider "https" to be a scheme that denotes a secure protocol.
But to establish a TLS/SSL connection, it only matters whether the certificate is trusted. It doesn’t matter how the certificate was trusted, i. e. whether it was trusted automatically or manually.
Whether the certificate is valid or not is actually immaterial. If an invalid certificate is detected when browsing to a site most browsers will tell the user the cert is invalid and let the user determine whether they want to proceed or not.
With regards to the "secure" part of the cookie, all that does is tell the browser that the cookie is only valid for https connections and shouldn't be transferred over regular http connections.
This means that yes, your server should receive the cookie back from the browser provided that the URL being accessed is an https url. Even if the server's cert is invalid.
There's also this statement in the RFC 2965 which is obsoleted by RFC 6265:
The user agent (possibly with user interaction) MAY determine what
level of security it considers appropriate for "secure" cookies.
The Secure attribute should be considered security advice from the
server to the user agent, indicating that it is in the session's
interest to protect the cookie contents. When it sends a "secure"
cookie back to a server, the user agent SHOULD use no less than
the same level of security as was used when it received the cookie
from the server.
