Memoization and typeclasses - haskell

To keep it simple, I'll use this contrived example class (the point is that we have some expensive data derived from the methods):
class HasNumber a where
getNumber :: a -> Integer
getFactors :: a -> [Integer]
getFactors a = factor . getNumber
Of course, we can make memoizing implementations of this class such as:
data Foo = Foo {
fooName :: String,
fooNumber :: Integer,
fooFactors :: [Integer]
foo :: String -> Integer -> Foo
foo a n = Foo a n (factor n)
instance HasNumber Foo where
getNumber = fooNumber
getFactors = fooFactors
But it seems a bit ugly to be required to manually add a 'factors' field to any record that will be a HasNumber instance. Next idea:
data WithFactorMemo a = WithFactorMemo {
unWfm :: a,
wfmFactors :: [Integer]
withFactorMemo :: HasNumber a => a -> WithFactorMemo a
withFactorMemo a = WithFactorMemo a (getFactors a)
instance HasNumber a => HasNumber (WithFactorMemo a) where
getNumber = getNumber . unWfm
getFactors = wfmFactors
This will require lots of boilerplate for lifting all the other operations of the original a into WithFactorMemo a, though.
Are there any elegant solutions?

Here's the solution: lose the typeclass. I have talked about this here and here. Any typeclass TC a for which each of its members take a single a as an argument is isomorphic to a data type. That means that every instance of your HasNumber class can be represented in this data type:
data Number = Number {
getNumber' :: Integer,
getFactors' :: [Integer]
Namely, by this transformation:
toNumber :: (HasNumber a) => a -> Number
toNumber x = Number (getNumber x) (getFactors x)
And Number is obviously an instance of HasNumber as well.
instance HasNumber Number where
getNumber = getNumber'
getFactors = getFactors'
This isomorphism shows us that this class is a data type in disguise, and it should die. Just use Number instead. It may be initially non-obvious how to do this, but with a little experience should come quickly. Eg., your Foo type becomes:
data Foo = Foo {
fooName :: String,
fooNumber :: Number
Your memoization will then come for free, because the factors are stored in the Number data structure.


Handle mutliple different data types in same function

In haskell, is it possible to create a function capable of handling multiple different datatypes for input and output?
For example, lets assume a function capable of doing pattern matching on [Char] and Int returning both datatypes respectively.
fun 1 = 2
fun "textIn" = "textOut"
Is this possible?
As Willem Van Onsem points out, you can do something with a typeclass:
class Fun a where
fun :: a -> a
instance Fun Integer where
fun 1 = 2
instance Fun String where
fun "textIn" = "textOut"
Whether this is sensible depends on the situation. Designing good classes is difficult, and I strongly recommend that Haskell beginners steer entirely clear of it. Start by learning to design your own functions and types, and to declare instances of standard/library classes.
freestyle points out that you can do something with algebraic data types (ADTs), and I think that's a much better place to start.
data Funny
= FunnyInteger Integer
| FunnyString String
deriving Show -- so you can print these in GHCi
fun :: Funny -> Funny
fun (FunnyInteger 1) = FunnyInteger 2
fun (FunnyString "textIn") = FunnyString "textOut"
freestyle also mentions generalized algebraic data types (GADTs). These are definitely not for beginners, but as a hint toward the future...
data FooTy a where
FooInteger :: FooTy Integer
FooString :: FooTy String
foo :: FooTy a -> a -> a
foo FooInteger 1 = 2
foo FooString "textIn" = "textOut"
By class Typeable:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Foldable
fun :: Typeable a => a -> Maybe a
fun x = asum $ map ($x)
[ appT $ \(x::Int) -> 2 <$ guard (x == 1)
, appT $ \(x::String) -> "textOut" <$ guard (x == "textIn")
appT :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (b -> Maybe b) -> a -> Maybe a
appT f x = cast =<< f =<< cast x
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ fun (1 :: Int)
print $ fun "textIn"
print $ fun [1 :: Int, 2]
Just 2
Just "textOut"
appT is helper function (maybe it's in some package).
You can also see: Dynamic, syb.
But this is not Haskell idiomatic way usually.

Using data constructor as a function parameter

I am making my way through "Haskell Programming..." and, in Chapter 10, have been working with a toy database. The database is defined as:
data DatabaseItem = DBString String
| DBNumber Integer
| DBDate UTCTime
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
and, given a database of the form [databaseItem], I am asked to write a function
dbNumberFilter :: [DatabaseItem] -> [Integer]
that takes a list of DatabaseItems, filters them for DBNumbers, and returns a list the of Integer values stored in them.
I solved that with:
dbNumberFilter db = foldr selectDBNumber [] db
selectDBNumber (DBNumber a) b = a : b
selectDBNumber _ b = b
Obviously, I can write an almost identical to extract Strings or UTCTTimes, but I am wondering if there is a way to create a generic filter that can extract a list of Integers, Strings, by passing the filter a chosen data constructor. Something like:
dbGenericFilter :: (a -> DataBaseItem) -> [DatabaseItem] -> [a]
dbGenericFilter DBICon db = foldr selectDBDate [] db
selectDBDate (DBICon a) b = a : b
selectDBDate _ b = b
where by passing DBString, DBNumber, or DBDate in the DBICon parameter, will return a list of Strings, Integers, or UTCTimes respectively.
I can't get the above, or any variation of it that I can think of, to work. But is there a way of achieving this effect?
You can't write a function so generic that it just takes a constructor as its first argument and then does what you want. Pattern matches are not first class in Haskell - you can't pass them around as arguments. But there are things you could do to write this more simply.
One approach that isn't really any more generic, but is certainly shorter, is to make use of the fact that a failed pattern match in a list comprehension skips the item:
dbNumberFilter db = [n | DBNumber n <- db]
If you prefer to write something generic, such that dbNUmberFilter = genericFilter x for some x, you can extract the concept of "try to match a DBNumber" into a function:
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
genericFilter :: (DatabaseItem -> Maybe a) -> [DatabaseItem] -> [a]
genericFilter = mapMaybe
dbNumberFilter = genericFilter getNumber
where getNumber (DBNumber n) = Just n
getNumber _ = Nothing
Another somewhat relevant generic thing you could do would be to define the catamorphism for your type, which is a way of abstracting all possible pattern matches for your type into a single function:
dbCata :: (String -> a)
-> (Integer -> a)
-> (UTCTime -> a)
-> DatabaseItem -> a
dbCata s i t (DBString x) = s x
dbCata s i t (DBNumber x) = i x
dbCata s i t (DBDate x) = t x
Then you can write dbNumberFilter with three function arguments instead of a pattern match:
dbNumberFilter :: [DatabaseItem] -> [Integer]
dbNumberFilter = (>>= dbCata mempty pure mempty)

Deriving Eq and Show for an ADT that contains fields that can't have Eq or Show

I'd like to be able to derive Eq and Show for an ADT that contains multiple fields. One of them is a function field. When doing Show, I'd like it to display something bogus, like e.g. "<function>"; when doing Eq, I'd like it to ignore that field. How can I best do this without hand-writing a full instance for Show and Eq?
I don't want to wrap the function field inside a newtype and write my own Eq and Show for that - it would be too bothersome to use like that.
One way you can get proper Eq and Show instances is to, instead of hard-coding that function field, make it a type parameter and provide a function that just “erases” that field. I.e., if you have
data Foo = Foo
{ fooI :: Int
, fooF :: Int -> Int }
you change it to
data Foo' f = Foo
{ _fooI :: Int
, _fooF :: f }
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Foo = Foo' (Int -> Int)
eraseFn :: Foo -> Foo' ()
eraseFn foo = foo{ fooF = () }
Then, Foo will still not be Eq- or Showable (which after all it shouldn't be), but to make a Foo value showable you can just wrap it in eraseFn.
Typically what I do in this circumstance is exactly what you say you don’t want to do, namely, wrap the function in a newtype and provide a Show for that:
data T1
{ f :: X -> Y
, xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
data T2
{ f :: OpaqueFunction X Y
, xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
deriving (Show)
newtype OpaqueFunction a b = OpaqueFunction (a -> b)
instance Show (OpaqueFunction a b) where
show = const "<function>"
If you don’t want to do that, you can instead make the function a type parameter, and substitute it out when Showing the type:
data T3' a
{ f :: a
, xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
deriving (Functor, Show)
newtype T3 = T3 (T3' (X -> Y))
data Opaque = Opaque
instance Show Opaque where
show = const "..."
instance Show T3 where
show (T3 t) = show (Opaque <$ t)
Or I’ll refactor my data type to derive Show only for the parts I want to be Showable by default, and override the other parts:
data T4 = T4
{ f :: X -> Y
, xys :: T4' -- Move the other fields into another type.
instance Show T4 where
show (T4 f xys) = "T4 <function> " <> show xys
data T4' = T4'
{ xs :: [String]
, ys :: [Bool]
deriving (Show) -- Derive ‘Show’ for the showable fields.
Or if my type is small, I’ll use a newtype instead of data, and derive Show via something like OpaqueFunction:
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
newtype T5 = T5 (X -> Y, [String], [Bool])
deriving (Show) via (OpaqueFunction X Y, [String], [Bool])
You can use the iso-deriving package to do this for data types using lenses if you care about keeping the field names / record accessors.
As for Eq (or Ord), it’s not a good idea to have an instance that equates values that can be observably distinguished in some way, since some code will treat them as identical and other code will not, and now you’re forced to care about stability: in some circumstance where I have a == b, should I pick a or b? This is why substitutability is a law for Eq: forall x y f. (x == y) ==> (f x == f y) if f is a “public” function that upholds the invariants of the type of x and y (although floating-point also violates this). A better choice is something like T4 above, having equality only for the parts of a type that can satisfy the laws, or explicitly using comparison modulo some function at use sites, e.g., comparing someField.
The module Text.Show.Functions in base provides a show instance for functions that displays <function>. To use it, just:
import Text.Show.Functions
It just defines an instance something like:
instance Show (a -> b) where
show _ = "<function>"
Similarly, you can define your own Eq instance:
import Text.Show.Functions
instance Eq (a -> b) where
-- all functions are equal...
-- ...though some are more equal than others
_ == _ = True
data Foo = Foo Int Double (Int -> Int) deriving (Show, Eq)
main = do
print $ Foo 1 2.0 (+1)
print $ Foo 1 2.0 (+1) == Foo 1 2.0 (+2) -- is True
This will be an orphan instance, so you'll get a warning with -Wall.
Obviously, these instances will apply to all functions. You can write instances for a more specialized function type (e.g., only for Int -> String, if that's the type of the function field in your data type), but there is no way to simultaneously (1) use the built-in Eq and Show deriving mechanisms to derive instances for your datatype, (2) not introduce a newtype wrapper for the function field (or some other type polymorphism as mentioned in the other answers), and (3) only have the function instances apply to the function field of your data type and not other function values of the same type.
If you really want to limit applicability of the custom function instances without a newtype wrapper, you'd probably need to build your own generics-based solution, which wouldn't make much sense unless you wanted to do this for a lot of data types. If you go this route, then the Generics.Deriving.Show and Generics.Deriving.Eq modules in generic-deriving provide templates for these instances which could be modified to treat functions specially, allowing you to derive per-datatype instances using some stub instances something like:
instance Show Foo where showsPrec = myGenericShowsPrec
instance Eq Foo where (==) = myGenericEquality
I proposed an idea for adding annotations to fields via fields, that allows operating on behaviour of individual fields.
data A = A
{ a :: Int
, b :: Int
, c :: Int -> Int via Ignore (Int->Int)
stock GHC.Generic
deriving (Eq, Show)
via Generically A -- assuming Eq (Generically A)
-- Show (Generically A)
But this is already possible with the "microsurgery" library, but you might have to write some boilerplate to get it going. Another solution is to write separate behaviour in "sums-of-products style"
data A = A Int Int (Int->Int)
stock GHC.Generic
anyclass SOP.Generic
deriving (Eq, Show)
via A <-𝈖-> '[ '[ Int, Int, Ignore (Int->Int) ] ]

How to define a function returning a polymorphic value

I expect the function noToState below works, which travels among all states to find the one which matches the given state number and return the state.
class State a where
allStates :: [a]
class (State a) => IntState a where
-- starting from zero, consecutive
stateNo :: a -> Integer
noToState :: (IntState a) => Integer -> a
noToState n = case lookup n $ zip (map stateNo allStates) allStates of
Just st -> st
Nothing -> undefined -- this should never happen
However, it yields an error: Could not deduce (IntState a0) arising from a use of ‘stateNo’.
So in the code where did I make the mistakes? How should I fix them? Thanks.
Change it to something like this:
noToState :: (IntState a) => Integer -> a
noToState n = case lookup n $ zip (map stateNo allSts) allSts of
Just st -> st
Nothing -> undefined -- this should never happen
where allSts = allStates
The problem is that you use allStates twice and it could be different things

What to do with “Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected”?

I need the Numeric.FAD library, albeit still being completely puzzled by existential types.
This is the code:
error_diffs :: [Double] -> NetworkState [(Int, Int, Double)]
error_diffs desired_outputs = do diff_error <- (diff_op $ error' $ map FAD.lift desired_outputs)::(NetworkState ([FAD.Dual tag Double] -> FAD.Dual tag Double))
weights <- link_weights
let diffs = FAD.grad (diff_error::([FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b)) weights
links <- link_list
return $ zipWith (\link diff ->
(linkFrom link, linkTo link, diff)
) links diffs
error' runs in a Reader monad, ran by diff_op, which in turn generates an anonymous function to take the current NetworkState and the differential inputs from FAD.grad and stuffs them into the Reader.
Haskell confuses me with the following:
Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
Quantified type variable `tag' is mentioned in the environment:
diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag Double] -> FAD.Dual tag Double
(bound at Operations.hs:100:33)
In the first argument of `FAD.grad', namely
`(diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b)'
In the expression:
FAD.grad (diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b) weights
In the definition of `diffs':
diffs = FAD.grad
(diff_error :: [FAD.Dual tag a] -> FAD.Dual tag b) weights
this code gives the same error as you get:
test :: Int
test =
(res :: Num a => a)
res = 5
The compiler figured that res is always of type Int and is bothered that for some reason you think res is polymorphic.
this code, however, works fine:
test :: Int
test =
res :: Num a => a
res = 5
here too, res is defined as polymorphic but only ever used as Int. the compiler is only bothered when you type nested expressions this way. in this case res could be reused and maybe one of those uses will not use it as Int, in contrast to when you type a nested expression, which cannot be reused by itself.
If I write,
bigNumber :: (Num a) => a
bigNumber = product [1..100]
then when bigNumber :: Int is evaluated,
it's evaluating (product :: [Int] -> Int) [(1 :: Int) .. (100 :: Int)],
and when bigNumber :: Integer is evaluated,
it's evaluating (product :: [Integer] -> Integer) [(1 :: Integer) .. (100 :: Integer)].
Nothing is shared between the two.
error_diffs has a single type, that is: [Double] -> NetworkState [(Int, Int, Double)]. It must evaluate in exactly one way.
However, what you have inside:
... :: NetworkState ([FAD.Dual tag Double] -> FAD.Dual tag Double)
can be evaluated in different ways, depending on what tag is.
See the problem?
