Method of Wcf display at Client side in a grid - wcf-client

I have a table called Movies i want to select some columns from it make a method at serverside WCF and diplay them in a grid on clientside C#
table Movies
{ Title,Thumbnail,Genre,Rent,ID,OverDueRent}
and i want to dispaly Title,Genre,Thumbnail,Rent

first get column by column id and than get data of whole column in a array variable and than fetch your desired data of column.


Is there a way to auto fill in a material table row on the basis of data change in one row, using lookup in React?

My client wants the data row to be auto filled based on the data change in one cell. Data should be taken from the database. Is there a way to do this in React.js using material table ? I am using node.js and react for entire project?
Need to auto fill the remaining columns based on the Item name
Do you mean that if you change the selected value(item name/item co), item price/sell price should change to its default values stored on your database?
If it is that the case, you can use useEffect hook ( and anytime that those values change, you can call to your api using fecth/axios (, get the response and set them inside each input.

Angular Mat checkbox - pass selected rows to the backend logic

I'm using Angular material data tables and I'm able to use selected rows propreties for handling data in the frontend like export rows to csv format,
I have a node.js api that updates the current status of an item and i'm using this API in my angular service
I'm able to modify the status for a single item from the details page ,
but I want to have the possibility to modify it for all the items after checking all the rows ,
Any idea on how that can be done

Get field value from form and pass to web part list view filter

In SharePoint 2016, I have created an edit form with a web part in the footer area that displays list data. I would like to grab the value from the field named Start Day and then use that value to filter the list view used on the web part. So, if the Start Date is 1/11/2019, I'd like to only bring in other items that have a Start Date to 1/11/2019.
How can I do this?

Create columns at runtime in the Kendo UI Angular2 grid

I am about to start using the Kendo UI Angular2 grid to display a dataset that has a dynamic schema and as a result need to build the grid columns dynamically. How do I set the grid columns at runtime (programmatically)?
To generate dynamic OR run-time column from given result, you have to do some operation on that row data (result) and have to fetch first row from the result and then get each object from that row and prepare column list.
I have already posted answer for custom kendo grid, please refer this link where all the steps are mention:
Note: Check SetColumns() function in above link answer

SharePoint 2013 - Filtered View for a list based on value in a related list via a lookup column value

I have two SharePoint lists (only minimal columns described below for brevity).
The first has two columns, a text column called Name, and a person/group column called head of service.
The second has two columns, a lookup column called Service (which looks up from List1), and a text column called Value.
I would like to be able to create a view for the second list so it shows only the rows created by the current user AND any rows that the current user is Head of Service for - i.e. by looking at the relationship between the two tables and comparing the current user to the HeadOfService column in the first table.
I'm running in the Office365 SharePoint 2013 environment.
Since there's no way for SharePoint to read who is viewing a list and show different views based on that alone, the best you're going to get are pre-made views per user based on Created By and Head of Service.
