Android googledocs app component name - android-layout

I am planning to provide menus for my app similar to the sliding menu shown in the below image when clicking on the button in the list view. Could you give me some pointers on, how it can be achieved. Is it SubMenu ?

I got it, the behavior or pattern name is QuikActions.
Useful introductory article for the beginners like me is available in the following link


Map application similar to Windows 10 maps using Template10

I want to design my map application using template 10 but the problem is i am using webview and want search and directons results on same page when splitview search button or directions button is clicked similar to Windows 10 maps app i dont want a master details page structure how to acheive this using template10
Edit 1:
Sorry for not being clear.I don't want search or direction on other page but on the same map page as a flyout same as in windows 10 maps.
How split view handles navigation and how back button is handled.Is it a page or a user control.
What you are wanting has already been demonstrated in the Search (and Login) project in the Samples folder on GitHub. What you are asking is not uncommon, neither is it complex. I think reviewing the sample you will see how you need to construct your XAML.

expandable (month view)/collapsable(week view) calendar widget for android

I saw this android calendar widget used in an app called cal and was quite impressed.
I would like to implement a similar one in my app as well. Currently I am using an android calendar framework called caldroid and I am using it as a Fragment and will be invoked on action bar button click and will get collapsed clicking back on the action bar button.
But I would like to do the widget like in the app. Screen shots attached.
I would like to know if you guys are aware of any frameworks that can used to achieve this or any approach or tips on how to code this.
I am bit new and know basics of android. Haven't attempted to create custom widgets yet.
Maybe this library can help you.

Create Custom view in Android

I need to create a Custom view in android which will have dynamic text like price, address etc. and also an ImageView inside it as shown in the image below. I tried to find google some tutorial for custom view but didn't find something satisfactory to do all these things. I also need to use onClick event on this view. Please guys, some code would be of great help. I'm a novice to android. I read google tutorial to create custom view but couldn't implement this.
Thanks for attention.
This is called Custom Overlay for MapView.
You can check example and implement as per your requirement - Android MapView Balloons
You can use FrameLayouts. It is very simple to use. FrameLayout can add several views on top of each other. It creates a stack of the views. Just add whatever views you want to inside FrameLayout and use the property setVisibility() to control when to show which view.

SharePoint 2007 - add additional menu to Global Navigation in a Master Page

In the source code for a master page, there is a section that has the following ASP.NET item: . This contains the "Welcome (User Name)" and Site Actions menus.
How do I create an additional menu that is similar to the look and feel of the Welcome menu? I've tried to create Front End HTML that behaves similar to the out of the box SharePoint menus, but it isn't quite right. I would prefer to utilize an ASP.NET or SharePoint control that acts similar to the SharePoint menu if that is possible.
For example, is <SharePoint:AspMenu> the appropriate control to use?
i am sure you will get better answer than this but just wanted to point what i have done to do this
i have added javascript library (JQuery) (for some other reason ) and when time come to do this thing i just added a JQuery code that creates another item in the navigation list with appropriate style and css class with the needed link and caption.
You could try another instance of the PersonalActions control with a custom GroupId. But when the control is rendered, it might also say "Welcome, [User]" just like the original.

Winforms c# outlook like Interface

I have already asked the same question but in regards with MDI Application design. Now just for R&D purpose so that we can go with 2 solutions to our user. Can somebody plz help me out...
We are developing an OutLook Style Application using C# Winforms. In that application we are using Microsoft Table Control. Which is what we need to show our UI. In the left hand pane we have menu and in the right hand we are displaying our UserControl. Like CustomerManager. This UserControl is doing Adding, Updating, Deleting ect etc but we want to put the common action buttons, Like Add,Delete,Save on the top toolbar.
So far so good, Now what we need to acheve is regardless of UserControl. What ever UserControl is loaded in the MainForm's TableControl. When the save button is clicked it should process the data on that UserControl. Obviously we will write the logic of the Save Action on each UserControl.
Please help...
I may advice you the Krypton Toolkit. You will write an Outlook style app in seconds.
For all who ended up here like me in search of a free toolkit: As Vulkanino suggested to use Krypton, I loooked it up.
This is now open source Freeware and can be found unter: Krypton Toolkit
Create a Base user control that contains your Add, Delete, Save methods and events. Then create every other functional control that inherits from the Base control.
When you action the main toolbar buttons, you can safely cast each user control in your given container, to the Base user control.
Some MSDN links you might want to read up on:
