Upgrade Cassandra Version Brisk - cassandra

How can I upgrade the cassandra version and thrift version in Brisk?
Is there any tutorials kind of stuffs avalailble? I changed the build.properties file but on build, the version I mentioned couldn't be located at any repository.
Im trying to upgrade because of Cassandra Insertion Error
this issue im facing. I hope the comment mentioned there helps
What is the latest version of cassandra that brisk supports?
In support forums I see people mentioning, replace the jars. I don't understand where should I do that.
Thanks for Help in advance

Finally I found the way to upgrade Brisk's cassandra version.
I Downloaded apache-cassandra-0.8.6-bin from apache site.
lib/apache-cassandra-0.8.6.jar and lib/apache-cassandra-thrift-0.8.6.jar
and removed the older version's cassandra and thrift jars
and just restarted brisk with ./brisk cassandra
and tried this
$ ./nodetool -h x.x.x.x version
ReleaseVersion: 0.8.6
So, I hope there won't any compatability issues, since in a forum a brisk dev mentioned tat brisk core works independently against cassandra core. But I'm yet to know the way to do it by building from src rather replacing jars in bin


Upgrading Rundeck from 3.0.27 to 3.4.7

We are trying to upgrade Rundeck version from 3.0.27 to the latest version (3.4.7)
We got below questions,
What is the approach to upgrade from 3.0.xxxx to 3.4.7? Could we do a direct upgrade or otherwise, if we have to run through multiple intermediary versions, what are those?
Does upgrading from 3.0.xxx to 3.4.7 fix the log4j vulnerability?
Please help to clarify above.
Due to the big gap between 3.0.X and 3.4.X (and the upcoming 4.0.X) the best way to upgrade your instance is to create a fresh 3.4/4.0 instance and then import your projects and keys (exported previously), as a tip, try this on a non-prod environment first.
Rundeck 3.0.x uses log4j 1, so, even if the vulnerability doesn't affect explicitly the log4j 1.x EOL was in 2015 and isn't supported anymore, so, it's important to move to the latest version (Rundeck 3.4.10 at this moment).

document to find bugs fixed in cassandra 3.11.1?

We have apache cassandra 3.11.0 installed i see new version 3.11.1 is installed can you guys point me to the document for the bugs fixed and if any new functionalities added in latest version
3.11.1 has been released on 2017.10.10. You can check the changes and the release notes.

Upgrade Apache Spark version from 1.6 to 2.0

Currently I have Spark version 1.6.2 installed.
I want to upgrade the Spark version to the newest 2.0.1. How do I do this without losing the existing configurations?
Any help would be appreciated.
If its maven or sbt application you simply change dependency version of spark and also migrate your code according to 2.0 so you will not lose you configurations. and for spark binary you can take backup of config folder.
There is no much change related to configuration, some method signatures are changed , major changes i observed was mapPartitions method signature and some changes to metrics/listener api, apart from new features.

how to upgrade cassandra from 0.8 to 2.1.8

now we have an Cassandra database version 0.8, we want to upgrade this to 2.1.8, from the document looks like we need to upgrade 1.2.9 first, could anyone help us give us some suggestions how to do it?
Please consult the DataStax Upgrade Guide and make sure to read the upgrade sections of all versions starting with 0.8 in the NEWS.txt file.

Upgrading Cassandra from 1.2.10 to 2.0.1

I am trying to upgrade a cassandra single node installation from 1.2.10 to 2.0.1.
I am using still the old RandomPartitioner, I change all the parameters in the cassandra.yaml file. But when I tried to start the node I get this error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't open incompatible SSTable! Current version jb
In the notes from the documentation I can not find anything related with the change in the SSTables, did anyone deal with this problem?
If you guys had previously upgraded from an earlier version to 1.2.10, did you guys perform a 'nodetool upgradesstables'? This would have upgraded sstables to prevent possible incompatibilities.
The upgrade procedure from 1.2.9 to 2.x does not seem to recommend running it, so those sstables should be compatible, but trying it again might be worth it.
