I am trying to get equal result of two exact calculations which are computed in a cell formula and the other one with a UDF:
Function calc()
Dim num as Double
num = 30000000 * ((1 + 8 / 100 / 365) ^ 125)
calc = num
End Function
Result of the calculation is different
A1 = 30000000 * ((1 + 8 / 100 / 365) ^ 125) not equal to A2 = calc()
We can test it with =if(A1=A2, TRUE, FALSE) which is false. I do understand that it has something to do with data types in vba and executing cell formula. Do you know how to make calculations to from vba function(s) and excel cell field(s) to render same result?
So, the calculation in application excel and the calculation in vba are presenting different outputs (what you've presented, with format displaying 20 decimal places):
As such, you would see false when comparing them. You will need to round() or format() to truncate the calculation at a level that is appropriate. E.g.:
calc = round(num,4)
calc = format(num,"0.###0")
The reason this is occurring is because of the inherent math you're using, specifically, ((1 + 8 / 100 / 365) ^ 125), and how that is being truncated/rounded in the allocated memory to each part of the calculation, which differs in VBA and in-application Excel.
Edit: Final image with the VBA changes I'd suggested:
Double Data type seems to have flaws being "precise" after the "nth" digit. This is stated as well in the documentation
Precision. When you work with floating-point numbers, remember that they do not always have a precise representation in memory. This could lead to unexpected results from certain operations, such as value comparison and the Mod operator.
It seems that is the case here: I set up the value from the division on a cell and the division as formula in another one, although excel interface says there are not differences, when computing that value again, the formula on the sheet seems to be more precise.
Actual result
Further thoughts
It seems that is limited by the data type itself, if precision is not an issue, you may try to round it. If it is critical to be as precise as possible, I would suggest you to connect with an API to something that is able to handle more precision. In this scenario, I would use xlwings to use python.
I have this table in access called invoices.
It has a field that performs calculations based on two fields. that is field_price*field_Quantity. Now I added two new columns containing the unit of measure for field_weight and field_quantity named field_priceUnit and field_quantityUnit.
Now instead of just taking the multiplication to perform the calculation, I want it to see if the units of measures match, it doesn't match then it should do a convertion of the field_quantity into the unit of measure of field_priceUnit.
ID:1|Field_Quantity:23|field_quantityUnit:LB|Field_weight:256|field_priceunit:KG|field_price:24| Calculated_Column:
the calculated_column should do the calculation this way.
1. if field_quantityunit=LB and field_priceunit=LB then field_quantity*field_price
if field_quantityUnit=LB and field_priceUnit=KG
THEN ((field_quantity/0.453592)*field_price) <<
Please help me.
I have to do this for multiple conditions.
Field_priceunit may have values as LB,KG, and MT
Field_quantityUnit may have field as LB,KG, and MT
if both units don't match, then I want to do the conversion and calculate based on the new convetion as seen in the example.
Thank you
The following formula should get you running if your units are only lb and kg and you only have to check one direction:
iif(and(field_quantityunit='LB', field_priceunit='LB'), field_quantity*field_price, (field_quantity/0.453592)*field_price)
This doesn't scale well though as you may have to convert field_price or you may add other units. This iif formula will grow WAY out of hand quickly.
Instead create a new table called unit_conversion or whatever you like:
unit | conversion
lb | .453592
kg | 1
g | 1000
mg | 1000000
Now in your query join:
LEFT OUTER JOIN unit_conversion as qty_conversion
ON field_quantityunit = qty_conversion.unit
LEFT OUTER JOIN unit_conversion as price_conversion
On field_priceUnit = price_conversion.unit
Up in your SELECT portion of the query you can now just do:
(field_quantity * qty_conversion.conversion) * (field_price * price_conversion.conversion)
And you don't have to worry what the units are. They will all convert over to a kilogram and get multiplied.
You could convert everything over to a pound or really any unit of weight here if you want but the nice thing is, you only need to add new units to your conversion table to handle them in any sql that you write this way so it's very scalable.
I created a saved search on sales orders to calculate days between order date and ship date, grouped and averaged by class (the formula is cased to distinguish between 'Wholesale' class and all others). The numeric formula is:
CASE WHEN {class} = 'Wholesale' THEN {actualshipdate} - {startdate} ELSE {actualshipdate} - {shipdate} END
The summary type for the formula result is average. The summary-level results have way too many decimal places. Is there a way to round the summarized results to a pre-defined number of digits?
I have tried using the ROUND() function, both inside the CASE statement and as a wrap-around. I've also looked through general preferences for rounding defaults and haven't found any.
In order to round the result, you should implement you own average calculation and rounding.
Add the following result field besides the class grouping field that you already have:
Field : Formula (Numeric)
Summary Type : Maximum
Formula : ROUND(SUM(CASE WHEN {class} = 'Wholesale' THEN {actualshipdate} - {startdate} ELSE {actualshipdate} - {shipdate} END) / COUNT({internalid})),2)
Basically, you are doing here your own analytics.
Since the results are grouped, each result fields contains the whole result set of this field which allows you to add analytical functions on this group.
The summary type is MAXIMUM, just in order to show one result, so it can also be min or avg, no difference.
The function is calculating the sum of your formula and dividing it by the records count to get the average.
This question already has answers here:
How to get a float result by dividing two integer values using T-SQL?
(10 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am trying to calculate some performance metrics as [RATE] in SQL but no matter what I do I am only getting integer values in return.
In my dataset I have a Numerator and a Denominator both stored as integers that are broken down into groups and subsets. The rate is calculated slightly differently depending on the group and subset. For group 1 the calculation is simply N/D. For group 2 the calculation is (N*1000)/D with the exception of 1 subset which is calculated (N*10000)/D.
I wrote the query as:
SELECT [Group]
,[Numerator] N
,[Denominator] D
WHEN [Group]='G1' THEN [N]/[D]
WHEN [SubSet]='S2' THEN ([N]*10000)/[D]
WHEN [SubSet] NOT LIKE 'S2%' AND [G] NOT LIKE 'G1%' THEN ([N]*1000)/[D] as [RATE]
No matter what I do the outcome variables are integers. I tried formatting RATE as varchar, decimal, and float with no success. I tried changing N and D's format to varchar, decimal, and float as well. I tried changing the equations from (N*1000)/D to (N/D)*1000 but still no effect.
What am I missing/doing wrong?
The problem you are having is because SQL is doing integer division, which will only return whole numbers. To get a decimal return value you must have at least one value as a decimal.
Try this:
(CAST([N] as decimal(12,6))/[D]) * 1000
Adjust decimal(12,6) based on the precision you are expecting. 12,6 will return a decimal with 6 digits after the decimal point. If you wanted only 2 decimal places use 16,2.
If you then want to round the calculated value you will need to make use of the ROUND function in SQL.
Round to the second decimal place:
ROUND((CAST([N] as decimal(12,6))/[D]) * 1000, 2)
You need to use CAST:
CAST ((N*1000) AS FLOAT) / D
Hope this helps.
SELECT (n * 1000.0) will do it.
I have an interesting challenge - I need to run a check on the following data in Excel:
| A - B - C - D |
| 36 | 0 | 0 | x |
| 0 | 600 | 700 | x |
You'll have to excuse my wonderfully bad ASCII art. So I need the D column (x) to run a check against the adjacent cells, then convert the values if necessary. Here's the criteria:
If column B is greater than 0, everything works great and I can get coffee. If it doesn't meet that requirement, then I need to convert A1 according to a table - for example, 32 = 1420 and place into D. Unfortunately, there is no relationship between A and what it needs to convert to, so creating a calculation is out of the question.
A case or switch statement would be perfect in this scenario, but I don't think it is a native function in Excel. I also think it would be kind of crazy to chain a bunch of =IF() statements together, which I did about four times before deciding it was a bad idea (story of my life).
Sounds like a job for VLOOKUP!
You can put your 32 -> 1420 type mappings in a couple of columns somewhere, then use the VLOOKUP function to perform the lookup.
Without reference to the original problem (which I suspect is long since solved), I very recently discovered a neat trick that makes the Choose function work exactly like a select case statement without any need to modify data. There's only one catch: only one of your choose conditions can be true at any one time.
The syntax is as follows:
(1 * (CONDITION_1)) + (2 * (CONDITION_2)) + ... + (N * (CONDITION_N)),
On the assumption that only one of the conditions 1 to N will be true, everything else is 0, meaning the numeric value will correspond to the appropriate result.
If you are not 100% certain that all conditions are mutually exclusive, you might prefer something like:
(1 * TEST1) + (2 * TEST2) + (4 * TEST3) + (8 * TEST4) ... (2^N * TESTN)
OUT1, OUT2, , OUT3, , , , OUT4 , , <LOTS OF COMMAS> , OUT5
That said, if Excel has an upper limit on the number of arguments a function can take, you'd hit it pretty quickly.
Honestly, can't believe it's taken me years to work it out, but I haven't seen it before, so figured I'd leave it here to help others.
EDIT: Per comment below from #aTrusty:
Silly numbers of commas can be eliminated (and as a result, the choose statement would work for up to 254 cases) by using a formula of the following form:
1 + LOG(1 + (2*TEST1) + (4*TEST2) + (8*TEST3) + (16*TEST4),2),
Note the second argument to the LOG clause, which puts it in base 2 and makes the whole thing work.
Edit: Per David's answer, there's now an actual switch statement if you're lucky enough to be working on office 2016. Aside from difficulty in reading, this also means you get the efficiency of switch, not just the behaviour!
The Switch function is now available, in Excel 2016 / Office 365
SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, [default or value2, result2],…[default or value3, result3])
Microsoft -Office Support
Note: MS has updated that page to only document the behavior of Excel 2019. Eventually, they will probably remove references to 2019 as well... To see what the page looked like in 2016, use the wayback machine:
Try this;
=IF(B1>=0, B1, OFFSET($X$1, MATCH(B1, $X:$X, Z) - 1, Y)
X = The columns you are indexing into
Y = The number of columns to the left (-Y) or right (Y) of the indexed column to get the value you are looking for
Z = 0 if exact-match (if you want to handle errors)
I used this solution to convert single letter color codes into their descriptions:
You basically look up the element you're trying to decode in the array, then use CHOOSE() to pick the associated item. It's a little more compact than building a table for VLOOKUP().
I know it a little late to answer but I think this short video will help you a lot.
Essentially it is using the choose function. He explains it very well in the video so I'll let do it instead of typing 20 pages.
Another video of his explains how to use data validation to populate a drop down which you can select from a limited range.
You could combine the two and use the value in the drop down as your index to the choose function. While he did not show how to combine them, I'm sure you could figure it out as his videos are good. If you have trouble, let me know and I'll update my answer to show you.
I understand that this is a response to an old post-
I like the If() function combined with Index()/Match():
The if function compare what is in column b and if it is greater than 0, it returns x, if not it uses the array (table of information) identified by the Index() function and selected by Match() to return the value that a corresponds to.
The Index array has the absolute location set $H$2:$I$9 (the dollar signs) so that the place it points to will not change as the formula is copied. The row with the value that you want returned is identified by the Match() function. Match() has the added value of not needing a sorted list to look through that Vlookup() requires. Match() can find the value with a value: 1 less than, 0 exact, -1 greater than. I put a zero in after the absolute Match() array $H$2:$H$9 to find the exact match. For the column that value of the Index() array that one would like returned is entered. I entered a 2 because in my array the return value was in the second column. Below my index array looked like this:
32 1420
36 1650
40 1790
44 1860
55 2010
The value in your 'a' column to search for in the list is in the first column in my example and the corresponding value that is to be return is to the right. The look up/reference table can be on any tab in the work book - or even in another file. -Book2 is the file name, and Sheet2 is the 'other tab' name.
If you do not want x return when the value of b is greater than zero delete the x for a 'blank'/null equivalent or maybe put a 0 - not sure what you would want there.
Below is beginning of the function with the x deleted.
If you don't have a SWITCH statement in your Excel version (pre-Excel-2016), here's a VBA implementation for it:
Public Function SWITCH(ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim val As Variant
Dim tmp As Variant
If ((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) = 0) Or (((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) Mod 2 = 0)) Then
Error 450 'Invalid arguments
val = args(LBound(args))
i = LBound(args) + 1
tmp = args(UBound(args))
While (i < UBound(args))
If val = args(i) Then
tmp = args(i + 1)
End If
i = i + 2
End If
SWITCH = tmp
End Function
It works exactly like expected, a drop-in replacement for example for Google Spreadsheet's SWITCH function.
=SWITCH(selector; [keyN; valueN;] ... defaultvalue)
selector is any expression that is compared to keys
key1, key2, ... are expressions that are compared to the selector
value1, value2, ... are values that are selected if the selector equals to the corresponding key (only)
defaultvalue is used if no key matches the selector
=SWITCH("a";"?") returns "?"
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1";"?") returns "1"
=SWITCH("x";"a";"1";"?") returns "?"
=SWITCH("b";"a";"1";"b";TRUE;"?") returns TRUE
=SWITCH(7;7;1;7;2;0) returns 2
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1") returns #VALUE!
To use it, open your Excel, go to Develpment tools tab, click Visual Basic, rightclick on ThisWorkbook, choose Insert, then Module, finally copy the code into the editor. You have to save as a macro-friendly Excel workbook (xlsm).
Even if old, this seems to be a popular questions, so I'll post another solution, which I think is very elegant:
It's elegant because it uses just the IF function. Basically, it boils down to this:
if(condition, choose/use a value from the table, if(condition, choose/use another value from the table...
And so on
Works beautifully, even better than HLOOKUP or VLOOOKUP
but... Be warned - there is a limit to the number of nested if statements excel can handle.
Microsoft replace SWITCH, IFS and IFVALUES with CHOOSE only function.
Recently I unfortunately had to work with Excel 2010 again for a while and I missed the SWITCH function a lot. I came up with the following to try to minimize my pain:
where A1 is where your condition lies (it could be a formula, whatever). The good thing is that we just have to provide the condition once (just like SWITCH) and the cases (in this example: a,b,c) and results (in this example: 1,2,3) are ordered, which makes it easy to reason about.
Here is how it works:
Cond={"c1";"c2";...;"cn"} returns a N-vector of TRUE or FALSE (with behaves like 1s and 0s)
ROW(INDIRECT(1&":"&n)) returns a N-vector of ordered numbers: 1;2;3;...;n
The multiplication of both vectors will return lots of zeros and a number (position) where the condition was matched
SUM just transforms this vector with zeros and a position into just a single number, which CHOOSE then can use
If you want to add another condition, just remember to increment the last number inside INDIRECT
If you want an ELSE case, just wrap it inside an IFERROR formula
The formula will not behave properly if you provide the same condition more than once, but I guess nobody would want to do that anyway
If your using Office 2016 or later, or Office 365, there is a new function that acts similarly to a CASE function called IFS. Here's the description of the function from Microsoft's documentation:
The IFS function checks whether one or more conditions are met, and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition. IFS can take the place of multiple nested IF statements, and is much easier to read with multiple conditions.
An example of usage follows:
You can even specify a default result:
To specify a default result, enter TRUE for your final logical_test argument. If none of the other conditions are met, the corresponding value will be returned.
The default result feature is included in the example shown above.
You can read more about it on Microsoft's Support Documentation