Magento: Remove a Shipping Method in Frontend - magento-1.5

I'm currenty working on a shipping module extension that is used for an order-import script to set to every order the same shipping cost and shipping code.
Everythings works fine but the problem that is, that the shipping method is visible in frontend. I will release this extension later in magento connect, so its not pissible to edit frontend templates.
Does anyone know how to disable the carrier in frontend without disableing the module in backend or changeing the status to inactive and without editing templates? (e.g. a custom block that declines displaying)
Thanks to everyone! Mru
I've tried your tip like this, but it doesn't work:
and created this class:
class XXX_XXX_Block_Checkout_Onepage_Shipping_Method_Available extends Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Shipping_Method_Available
public function getShippingRates()
if (empty($this->_rates)) {
$groups = $this->getAddress()->getGroupedAllShippingRates();
return $this->_rates = $groups;
return $this->_rates;
(I don't know why it is not displayed correctly...)
Thanks for your held, MRu
Sorry for being so stupid.. The above posted code would work if i were not unable to write 'availalbe'...

You can hide shipping method from front end with observer, write this code in config.xml
Second in Observer.php use this code
public function hideShippingMethods( Varien_Event_Observer $observer )
if (Mage::getDesign()->getArea() === Mage_Core_Model_App_Area::AREA_FRONTEND)
$quote = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote();
$store = Mage::app()->getStore($quote->getStoreId());
$carriers = Mage::getStoreConfig('carriers', $store);
$hiddenMethodCode = 'freeshipping';
foreach ($carriers as $carrierCode => $carrierConfig)
if( $carrierCode == $hiddenMethodCode )
$store->setConfig("carriers/{$carrierCode}/active", '0');

You need to overload the Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage_Shipping_Method_Available::getShippingRates() method


How to prevent global event handlers from firing caused by an API call

I have a custom module that uses Kentico API (DocumentHelper) to update certain fields of my document and then publish but I do not want it to trigger the event handlers that are linked to my document page type. I tried adding comments to .Publish("admin_edit") hoping that I can catch it from the WorkflowEventargs parameter but the VersionComment property always return null. Is there a way to accomplish this in Kentico?
update field:
var document = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(documentID, tree);
var workflowManager = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);
var workflow = workflowManager.GetNodeWorkflow(document);
if (workflow != null)
document.SetValue("SomeFIeld", "some value");
event handler:
public override void Init()
WorkflowEvents.Publish.After += Publish_After;
private void Publish_After(object sender, WorkflowEventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.VersionComment) &&
You always get null for Version information, because that is related to the 'Page versioning' events, specially for 'SaveVersion'. You can find more about that on this link. If you expand 'Properties' you will see which properties are populated for the specific event. In your case, you can try something like this, to add your message for last version and then check for that comment on 'Publish_After' event, see code bellow:
var document = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(documentID, tree);
var workflowManager = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);
var workflow = workflowManager.GetNodeWorkflow(document);
if (workflow != null)
document.SetValue("SomeFIeld", "some value");
document.CheckIn(versionComment: "admin_edit");
and then, in event handler, take last version and check for comment like this:
if (e.PublishedDocument?.VersionHistory?.Count > 0)
var lastVersion = e.PublishedDocument.VersionHistory[0] as VersionHistoryInfo;
if (lastVersion.VersionComment.Equals("admin_edit"))
NOTE: In case that you have a lot of concurrent content editors, there is a chance that your last version is not version from API (someone changed content and saved it right after your API call made change). There is a low chance for that, but still is possible. If this is something that you will use often, you must take it in consideration. This code is tested for Kentico 11.

How to Conditionally remove Block or Container from Layout programatically?

If any one want to remove container (block) like from Product Detail Page based on certain conditions or product has attribute with value assigned.
Then what is the best approach for achieving This?
We can use Event Observer approach...
In YOUR_VENDOR\YOUR_MODULE\etc\frontend\events.xml file, need to add below code:
<event name="layout_generate_blocks_after">
<observer name="personalize-theme-pdp-customize" instance="YOUR_VENDOR\YOUR_MODULE\Observer\ApplyThemeCustomizationObserver" />
And in YOUR_VENDOR\YOUR_MODULE\Observer\ApplyThemeCustomizationObserver.php file, need to add below code:
public function execute(Observer $observer)
$action = $observer->getData('full_action_name');
if ($action !== 'catalog_product_view') {
$product = $this->_registry->registry('product');
if ($product) {
$attribute = $product->getCustomAttribute('g3d_app_url_default');
if ($attribute && $attribute->getValue()) {
/** #var \Magento\Framework\View\Layout $layout */
$layout = $observer->getData('layout');
Using a site wide event to remove a container/block from a specific page is overkill and not the best approach because your condition will be evaluated with every page load, adding a slight overhead to all the pages.
Removing a container/block from a specific page is best achieved by creating an after plugin for the execute method of the controller of the page where you want to remove the container/block. With this approach your condition is only executed when the intended page is loaded.
public function afterExecute(\Magento\[Module]\Controller\[ControllerName] $subject, $result)
if ([your condition]) {
return $result;

How to stop 'Send order notification' & 'Send payment notification' in checkout process from code side in kentico

I know there is option in kentico admin setting to stop the sending notification email. but I want to check this in the code for my customization. so could you please suggest me where should I get the code in kentico.
Setting in kentico
Please refer to the official documentation.
You need to use SettingsKeyInfoProvider:
SettingsKeyInfoProvider.SetValue("CMSSettingName", "SiteName", value);
Leave out the site name parameter if you want to set it globally.
The settings names you are looking for are CMSStoreSendOrderNotification and CMSStoreSendPaymentNotification.
You can find more settings by querying the DB:
SELECT * FROM [CMS_SettingsKey] where keyname like '%cmsstoresend%'
If you are looking to intercept an action when a notification is being sent, you can use Global events for the EmailInfo object like this:
[assembly: RegisterModule(typeof(GlobalEventsModule))]
public class GlobalEventsModule : Module
public GlobalEventsModule() : base (typeof(GlobalEventsModule).Name)
protected override void OnInit()
EmailInfo.TYPEINFO.Events.Insert.Before += Insert_Before;
private void Insert_Before(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
// executed before an e-mail is inserted into DB
var email = (EmailInfo)e.Object;
To cancel the execution in code you can call Cancel() method (although you might get exceptions in this case - you have to test for yourself in your scenario):
private void Insert_Before(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
var email = (EmailInfo)e.Object;
This will also work only if you are using Email queue (which is highly recommended anyway) and will be executed for all outgoing e-mails, not just notifications.
Using the CMS.Ecommerce library you can check these settings through the API
SiteInfoIdentifier sii = new SiteInfoIdentifier(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
bool sendOrderNotificationEmail = CMS.Ecommerce.ECommerceSettings.SendOrderNotification(sii);
If you wanted to set them programmatically you would have to use the SettingsKeyInfoProvider
SettingsKeyInfoProvider.SetValue("CMSStoreSendOrderNotification ", false);

ServiceStack - Redirecting at root based on query params [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Create route for root path, '/', with ServiceStack
(3 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I've got a Fallback DTO that looks like the following:
public class Fallback
public string Path { get; set; }
Now, in my Service I would like to redirect to an HTML5 compliant URL, and this is what I've tried:
public object Get(Fallback fallback)
return this.Redirect("/#!/" + fallback.Path);
It is working all fine and dandy, except for the fact that query parameters are not passed along with the path. Using Request.QueryString does not work as no matter what I do it is empty. Here's what my current (non-working) solution looks like:
public object Get(Fallback fallback)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("?");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in Request.QueryString)
var s = "/#!/" + fallback.Path + sb.ToString();
return this.Redirect(s);
TL;DR: I want to pass on query strings along with fallback path.
EDIT: It turns out I had two problems; now going to correctly redirects the request to!/url/that/does/not/exist?random=param& after I changed the above loop to:
foreach (string key in Request.QueryString)
But the fallback is still not being called at root, meaning won't trigger anything.
In essence, what I want to do is to have ServiceStack look for query strings at root, e.g.,, apply some logic and then fire off a redirect. The purpose of this is in order for crawler bots to be able to query the site with a _escaped_fragment_ parameter and then be presented with an HTML snapshot prepared by a server. This is in order for the bots to be able to index single-page applications (more on this).
I'm thinking perhaps the FallbackRoute function won't cover this and I need to resort to overriding the CatchAllHandler.
I managed to find a solution thanks to this answer.
First create an EndpointHostConfig object in your AppHost:
var config = new EndpointHostConfig
Then, add a RawHttpHandler:
config.RawHttpHandlers.Add(r =>
var crawl = r.QueryString["_escaped_fragment_"];
if (crawl != null)
HttpContext.Current.RewritePath("/location_of_snapshots/" + crawl);
return null;
Going to will fire off a redirection to, which should satisfy the AJAX crawling bots.
N.B. It's possible some logic needs to be applied to the redirection to ensure that there won't be double forward slashes. I have yet to test that.

SharePoint 2010: Disable / Hide references to SPSDisco.aspx

After upgrading some of our external websites running on SharePoint 2007 to 2010, we ran a link checker to find problems. We noticed the log showed requests for a file called spsdisco.aspx. Indeed, when examining the source of our web pages, SharePoint is adding the following link element to the page HEAD:
<link href="_vti_bin/spsdisco.aspx" rel="alternate" type="text/xml" />
This is a web service discovery file listing out the names and locations of all of SharePoint's web service endpoints. Even worse, this file is starting to show up in search indexes. At best it is embarrassing; at worst it's a potential vulnerability (these are external websites). Because it's a virtual file, it shows up under every site and subsite, so a manual approach to "hiding" each one is difficult and clumsy.
I can't seem to find any actual documentation about it -- a few references on updating it to include a custom web service, but that's about it. How might we approach a reliable, top-down approach to disabling access to these pages? I think we can find a way to suppress the LINK element in the page, but that's just obscuring the problem.
Is there a location in SharePoint (Site or Central Admin) to turn it off? Would you just add some request filtering to IIS to disallow access to SPSdisco.aspx and the ASMX files?
Update: On Kev's suggestion, I've cross-posted to
Update 2: See, I hadn't abandoned this question. We finally had time to get some MS guidance and build a deployable SharePoint solution to address the issue.
As a quick fix I would add a request filtering rule to deny access to SPSDisco.aspx.
But you might want to ask on the new SharePoint Stack Exchange site about a more robust fix:
Here is the solution that we arrived at. It was in part based on recommendations by our Microsoft representative, so you might consider this an unofficial, "official" approach.
First, we need keep SharePoint from advertising the disco file to the world (i.e. Google). Simply remove the following line in your master pages:
<SharePoint:SoapDiscoveryLink runat="server"/>
This will suppress the <link href="/_vti_bin/spsdisco.aspx" rel="alternate" type="text/xml"> reference in the HEAD of your pages.
Next, we want to make sure that unauthorized users don't have access to the web services described by the disco file, or anything in _vti_bin for that matter. If your site only runs internal to your firewall (an intranet, for example), then this isn't as important. But if you've got anonymous endpoints that can be accessed externally, you want them locked down.
This is an excellent application for an HttpModule. We'll build one that intercepts any request containing _vti_bin in the path, and if the current user is unauthorized will return a 404 NOT FOUND status code. I chose to return a 404 rather than a 401 UNAUTHORIZED because I don't just want to lock those paths down, I want to hide the fact that anything even exists at those paths.
Our HttpModule looks like this:
using System;
using System.Web;
namespace Custom.SharePoint.HttpModule.SpSecureVtiBin {
public class SpSecureVtiBinModule : IHttpModule {
#region IHttpModule Members
public void Dispose() { }
public void Init( HttpApplication context ) {
context.AuthorizeRequest += new EventHandler( context_AuthorizeRequest );
protected virtual void context_AuthorizeRequest( object sender, EventArgs e ) {
HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)sender;
string requestedPath = app.Request.Path;
if ( requestedPath.ToLowerInvariant().Contains( "_vti_bin" ) ) {
if ( !app.Request.IsAuthenticated ) {
app.Response.StatusCode = 404;
app.Response.StatusDescription = "Not Found";
app.Response.Write( "404 NOT FOUND" );
Simple enough. To use the HttpModule, it needs to be registered in the site's web.config file with an entry under \configuration\system.webServer\modules:
<add name="SpSecureVtiBinModule" type="Custom.SharePoint.HttpModule.SpSecureVtiBin.SpSecureVtiBinModule, Custom.SharePoint.HttpModule.SpSecureVtiBin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=[your_public_key_token]" />
Of course, we don't want to modify a SharePoint application's web.config file manually. We'll create an SPFeatureReceiver to do the job:
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration;
namespace Custom.SharePoint.HttpModule.SpSecureVtiBin {
public class ModuleFeatureReceiver : SPFeatureReceiver {
private static string _owner = "SpSecureVtiBinModule";
public override void FeatureActivated( SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties ) {
SPWebApplication app = (SPWebApplication)properties.Feature.Parent;
app.WebConfigModifications.Add( GetModificationForSystemWebServer() );
public override void FeatureDeactivating( SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties ) {
SPWebApplication app = (SPWebApplication)properties.Feature.Parent;
Collection<SPWebConfigModification> mods = app.WebConfigModifications;
int modCount = mods.Count;
bool modRemoved = false;
for ( int i = modCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
SPWebConfigModification mod = mods[i];
if ( mod.Owner.Equals( _owner ) || mod.Owner.Equals( "CHK.SharePoint.HttpModule.SpSecureVtiBin.SpSecureVtiBinModule" ) ) {
app.WebConfigModifications.Remove( mod );
modRemoved = true;
if ( modRemoved ) {
private SPWebConfigModification GetModificationForSystemWebServer() {
return new SPWebConfigModification {
Name = "add[#name='SpSecureVtiBinModule']",
Owner = _owner,
Path = "configuration/system.webServer/modules",
Value = #"<add name=""SpSecureVtiBinModule"" type=""Custom.SharePoint.HttpModule.SpSecureVtiBin.SpSecureVtiBinModule, Custom.SharePoint.HttpModule.SpSecureVtiBin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=[your_public_key_token]"" />",
Sequence = 0
Now all that's left is to package up the HttpModule. You'll need to define a Feature in the package and reference the SPFeatureReceiver class. This will cause the web.config entry to be added when the Feature is activated, and the entry to be removed when the Feature is deactivated. Target the Feature for a WebApplication and the assembly deployment target to GlobalAssemblyCache.
