Multiple SelectMany in Rx - observablecollection

I have an interface like this:
interface IProcessor{
IObservable<Item> Process(Item item);
I have an array of workers:
IProcessor[] _workers = ....
I want to pass an item through all the workers:
var ret = Observable.Return(item);
for (var i = 0; i < _workers.Length; i++)
int index = i;
ret = ret
.SelectMany(r => _workers[index].Process(r))
return ret;
I'm not too happy with how this looks -- is there a cleaner way?

This works for me:
IObservable<Item> ret = _workers.Aggregate(
(rs, w) =>
from r in rs
from p in w.Process(r)
select p);
Please keep in mind that this kind of aggregation of observables - both in your question and in my answer - can cause memory issues (i.e. stack overflow) quickly. In my tests I could get 400 workers working, but 500 caused a crash.
You're better off changing your IProcessor to not use observables and implement your observable like this:
interface IProcessor{
Item Process(Item item);
var f =
_workers.Aggregate<IProcessor, Func<Item, Item>>(
i => i,
(fs, p) => i => p.Process(fs(i)));
var ret = Observable.Start(() => f(item), Scheduler.ThreadPool);
With this approach I can get over 20,000 nested workers before a stack overflow and the results are almost instantaneous up to that level.

Maybe something like this:?
var item = new Item();
.SelectMany(worker => worker.Process(item))
.Subscribe(item => ...);
I made an assumption that the workers can process the item in parallel.
P.S. If you'd like sequential processing, it would be
var item = new Item();
.Select(worker => worker.Process(item))
.Subscribe(item => ...);


Inappropriate blocking method call

this warning appears even when used with IO context.
my code:
override fun download(url: String, file: File): Flow<Long> = flow {
var total: Long = 0
var count: Long = 0
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val client = OkHttpClient()
val req = Request.Builder().url(url).build()
val response = client.newCall(req).**execute**()
val sink: BufferedSink = Okio.buffer(Okio.**sink**(file))
response.body()?.let {
while (count != -1L) {
count = it.source().**read**(sink.buffer(), 2048)
if (count == -1L) break
total =
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
the bold parts are getting warning. is anything going wrong with code or the warning should not appear?
These method calls can throw an IOException and are called inside a suspend method. These are flagged as likely blocking calls which they are. The subtleties of the Dispatchers.IO is missed by the compiler warnings.
Your best bet is generally to either switch to the async mode using enqueue(), or put this behind a library function that hides these warnings. A library like can also be helpful in bridging between blocking code in OkHttp and coroutines.

Writing large amounts of streamed data frequently with writestream

I'm trying to write a live websocket feed line-by-line to a file - I think for this I should be using a writeable stream.
My problem here is that the data received is in the region of 10 lines per second, which quickly fills the buffer.
I understand when using streams from sources you control, you would normally add some sort of backpressure logic here, but what should I do if I do not control the source? Should I be batching up the writes and writing, say 500 lines at a time, instead of per line, or should I be using some other way to save this data?
I'm wondering how big are the lines? 10 lines per second sounds trivial to stream to a disk unless the lines are gigantic or the disk really slow. Ultimately, if you have no ability to apply backpressure logic, the source can overwhelm you if they go fast or your storage goes slow and you'd have to decide how much you can reasonably buffer and eventually just drop some of the data if you get behind.
But, you should be able to write a lot of data. On a my regular hard disk (using the generic stream code below with no additional buffering) I can do sequential writes of 100,000,000 bytes at a speed of 55 MBytes/sec:
So, if you have 10 lines per second coming in, as long as the lines were below 10,000,000 bytes each, my hard drive could keep up.
Here's the code I used to test it:
const fs = require('fs');
const { Bench } = require('../../Github/measure');
const { addCommas } = require("../../Github/str-utils");
const lineData = Buffer.from("012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678\n", 'utf-8');
let stream = fs.createWriteStream("D:\\Temp\\temp.txt");
stream.on('open', function() {
let linesRemaining = 1_000_000;
let b = new Bench();
let bytes = 0;
function write() {
do {
let readyMore;
bytes += lineData.length;
if (linesRemaining === 0) {
readyForMore = stream.write(lineData, done);
} else {
readyForMore = stream.write(lineData);
} while (linesRemaining > 0 && readyForMore);
if (linesRemaining > 0) {
stream.once('drain', write);
function done() {
console.log(`Time to write ${addCommas(bytes)} bytes: ${b.formatSec(3)}`);
console.log(`bytes/sec = ${addCommas((bytes/b.sec).toFixed(0))}`);
console.log(`MB/sec = ${addCommas(((bytes/(1024 * 1024))/b.sec).toFixed(1))}`);
Theoretically, it is more efficient for your disk to do fewer writes that are larger, than tons of small writes. In practice, because of the way the writeStream works, as soon as an inefficient write gets slow, the next write will get buffered and it kind of self corrects. If you were really trying to minimize the load on the disk, you would buffer writes until you had at least something like 4k to write. The issue is that each write has potentially allocate some bytes to the file (which involves writing to a table on the disk), then seek to where the bytes should be written on the disk, then write the bytes. Fewer and larger writes that are larger (up to some limit that depends upon internal implementation) will reduce the number of times it has to do the file allocation overhead.
So, I ran a test. I modified the above code (shown below) to buffer into 4k chunks and write them out in 4k chunks. The write through increased from 55 MBytes/sec to 284.2 MBytes/sec.
So, the theory holds true that you will write faster if you buffer into larger chunks.
But, even the simpler, non-buffered version may be plenty fast.
Here's the test code for the buffered version:
const fs = require('fs');
const { Bench } = require('../../Github/measure');
const { addCommas } = require("../../Github/str-utils");
const lineData = Buffer.from("012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678\n", 'utf-8');
let stream = fs.createWriteStream("D:\\Temp\\temp.txt");
stream.on('open', function() {
let linesRemaining = 1_000_000;
let b = new Bench();
let bytes = 0;
let cache = [];
let cacheTotal = 0;
const maxBuffered = 4 * 1024;
stream.myWrite = function(data, callback) {
if (callback) {
return stream.write(Buffer.concat(cache), callback);
} else {
cacheTotal += data.length;
if (cacheTotal >= maxBuffered) {
let ready = stream.write(Buffer.concat(cache));
cache.length = 0;
cacheTotal = 0;
return ready;
} else {
return true;
function write() {
do {
let readyMore;
bytes += lineData.length;
if (linesRemaining === 0) {
readyForMore = stream.myWrite(lineData, done);
} else {
readyForMore = stream.myWrite(lineData);
} while (linesRemaining > 0 && readyForMore);
if (linesRemaining > 0) {
stream.once('drain', write);
function done() {
console.log(`Time to write ${addCommas(bytes)} bytes: ${b.formatSec(3)}`);
console.log(`bytes/sec = ${addCommas((bytes/b.sec).toFixed(0))}`);
console.log(`MB/sec = ${addCommas(((bytes/(1024 * 1024))/b.sec).toFixed(1))}`);
This code uses a couple of my local libraries for measuring the time and formatting the output. If you want to run this yourself, you can substitute your own logic for those.

Node.js memory leak when reading and writing large files

I am currently trying to implement SPIMI index construction method in Node and I have ran into an issue.
The code is the following:
let fs = require("fs");
let path = require("path");
module.exports = {
fileStream: function (dirPath, fileStream) {
return buildFileStream(dirPath, fileStream);
buildSpimi: function (fileStream, outDir) {
let invIndex = {};
let sortedInvIndex = {};
let fileNameCount = 1;
let outputTXT = "";
let entryCounter = 0;
let resString = "";
fileStream.forEach((filePath, fileIndex) => {
let data = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString('utf-8');
data = data.toUpperCase().split(/[^a-zA-Z]/).filter(function (ch) { return ch.length != 0; });
data.forEach(token => {
if (entryCounter > 100000) {
Object.keys(invIndex).sort().forEach((key) => {
sortedInvIndex[key] = invIndex[key];
outputTXT = outDir + "block" + fileNameCount;
for (let SItoken in sortedInvIndex) {
resString += SItoken + "," + sortedInvIndex[SItoken].toString();
fs.writeFile(outputTXT, resString, (err) => { if (err) console.log(error); });
resString = "";
entryCounter = 0;
sortedInvIndex = {};
invIndex = {};
console.log(outputTXT + " - written;");
if (invIndex[token] == undefined) {
invIndex[token] = [];
if (!invIndex[token].includes(fileIndex)) {
Object.keys(invIndex).sort().forEach((key) => {
sortedInvIndex[key] = invIndex[key];
outputTXT = outDir + "block" + fileNameCount;
for (let SItoken in sortedInvIndex) {
resString += SItoken + "," + sortedInvIndex[SItoken].toString();
fs.writeFile(outputTXT, resString, (err) => { if (err) console.log(error); });
console.log(outputTXT + " - written;");
function buildFileStream(dirPath, fileStream) {
fileStream = fileStream || 0;
fs.readdirSync(dirPath).forEach(function (file) {
let filepath = path.join(dirPath, file);
let stat = fs.statSync(filepath);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
fileStream = buildFileStream(filepath, fileStream);
} else {
return fileStream;
I am using the exported functions in a separate file:
let spimi = require("./spimi");
let outputDir = "/Users/me/Desktop/SPIMI_OUT/"
let inputDir = "/Users/me/Desktop/gutenberg/2/2";
fileStream = [];
let result = spimi.fileStream(inputDir, fileStream);
console.log("Finished building the filestream");
let t0 = new Date();
spimi.buildSpimi(result, outputDir);
let t1 = new Date();
console.log(t1 - t0);
While this code kind of works when trying on relatively small volumes of data (I tested up to 1.5 GB), there is obviously a memory leak somewhere, as when monitoring the RAM usage I can see it going up as far as to 4-5 GB).
I spent quite a lot of time trying to figure out what might be the cause, but I still couldn't find the issue.
I would appreciate any hints on this!
Something to understand about the language and garbage collection in general is that this:
data = data.toUpperCase().split(/[^a-zA-Z]/).filter(...)
creates three additional copies of your data. First, an uppercase copy. Then, a split array copy. Then, a filtered copy of the split array.
So, at this point, you have four copies of your data all in memory. All, but the filtered array are now eligible for garbage collection when the GC gets a chance to run, but if this data was initially large, you're going to be using at least 3x-4x as much memory as the filesize (depending upon how many array items are removed in your .filter() operation).
None of this is a leak, but it's a very big peak memory usage which can be a problem.
A more memory efficient way to process large files is to process them as a stream (not read them all into memory at once). You read a small size chunk (say 1024 bytes), process it, read a chunk, process it while being careful about chunk boundaries. If your file naturally has line boundaries, there are already pre-built solutions for processing line by line. If not, you can create your own chunk processing mechanism. We would have to see a sample of your data to make more specific chunk processing suggestions.
As another point, if you end up with a lot of keys in invIndex, then this line of code starts to become inefficient and you're doing it in your loop:
This takes your object and gets all the keys in a temporary array which you use only for the purposes of updating the sortedInvIndex which is yet another copy of your data. So, right there alone, this set of code makes three copies of all your keys and two copies of all the values. And, it does it every time through your loop. Again, lots of peak memory usage that the GC won't normally clean up until your function is done.
A redesign to the way you process this data could probably reduce the peak memory usage by a factor of 100x. For memory efficiency, you want only the initial data, the final data representation and then just a little more used for temporary transformations to over be in use at the same time. You don't want to EVER be processing all the data multiple times because each time you do that, it creates yet another entire copy of all the data that contributes to peak memory usage.
If you show what the data input looks like and what data structure you're trying to end up with, I could probably take a crack at a much more efficient implementation.
Mykhailo, adding on to what jfriend said, it's actually not a memory leak. It's working as intended.
Something to consider is that readFile buffers the entire file! This will cause the huge memory bloat. Better alternative is to implement fs.createReadStream() which will only buffer the part of the file you're currently reading. Unfortunately, implementing that solution may require a full rewrite of your code as it returns fs.ReadStream which won't behave the way you're currently handling files Checkout this link and read the bottom of the section to see what I'm referencing

How to save/load tensors to speed up training?

I wonder if it is possible, to save and load tensors in tensorflow.js in order to avoid recalculating them for each batch? The problem is that my gpu is barely used because it has to wait for cpu transforming my array to tensor, before the training.
my worflow now looks like this:
loading dataset(reading from hdd to array) (1-2 seconds)
2.cpu transforming array to tensor (takes a long time)
3.gpu trains (takes 1 second or less)
unloading / tidy (5 seconds, also a bit too long)
Here is some code with the problematic(means long heavy computation) and unproblematic lines commented:
async function learn_on(ep){
for (var learn_ep = ep+1; learn_ep <= 1200; learn_ep++) {
var batch_start = 0;
var mini_batch_in = [];
var mini_batch_out = [];
var shuffle_arr=[];
for(var i=0;i<in_tensor_sum.length;i++){
shuffle_arr.push(i); // needs no time
shuffle_arr=F_shuffle_array(shuffle_arr); // needs no time
// in_tensor_sum / out_tensor_sum is just an 2 dimensional array = data_set number , data points
for (var batch_num = batch_start; batch_num < in_tensor_sum.length; batch_num++) {
mini_batch_in.push(in_tensor_sum[shuffle_arr[batch_num]]); // very fast also
mini_batch_out.push(out_tensor_sum[shuffle_arr[batch_num]]);// very fast also
if (batch_num + 1 == batch_start + 250 || batch_num == in_tensor_sum.length - 1) {
//possible to import/export xs/ys?????
var xs = tf.tensor(mini_batch_in); //here CPU heavy computation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKES LONG TIME 9600 input units here
var ys = tf.tensor(mini_batch_out); // and here CPU heavy computation!!!!!!!! TAKES not so Long time, but this is because of small output size just 400
// GPU ACCELARATION starts here Super fast only one second! This rocks!!!
await, ys, {
epochs: 1, shuffle: true,
callbacks: {
onEpochEnd: async (epoch, log) => {
console.log(`${batch_num}:|Epoch ${learn_ep}: | set: ${batch_num / in_tensor_sum.length} | loss = ${log.loss}`);
onTrainEnd: async () => {
//avoid memory leaks START (ALSO TAKES a little time!!!!)
await tf.tidy(() => {
tf.tensor([xs, ys]);
console.log('numTensors (inside tidy): ' + tf.memory().numTensors);
console.log('numTensors (outside tidy): ' + tf.memory().numTensors);
console.log('numTensors (after dispose): ' + tf.memory().numTensors);
batch_start = batch_num + 1;
mini_batch_in = [];
mini_batch_out = [];
//avoid memory leaks END
I have now tried to use 'tfjs-npy' to save and load the tensor.But I get an error:
var xs = await tf.tensor(mini_batch_in);
var ys = await tf.tensor(mini_batch_out);
var fs = require('fs');
var tf_parser= require ('tfjs-npy');
var writeTO=await tf_parser.serialize(ys);
await fs.writeFileSync('/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/save_tensors/test.js',new Buffer(writeTO));
var tensor_data =await fs.readFileSync("/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/save_tensors/test.js");
var my_arrayBuffer = new Uint8Array(tensor_data).buffer;
var ys2=await tf_parser.parse(my_arrayBuffer);
await, ys2, {....
The error:
(node:26576) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'values' of undefined
at NodeJSKernelBackend.getInputTensorIds (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-node/dist/nodejs_kernel_backend.js:142:26)
at NodeJSKernelBackend.executeSingleOutput (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-node/dist/nodejs_kernel_backend.js:186:73)
at NodeJSKernelBackend.gather (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-node/dist/nodejs_kernel_backend.js:965:21)
at environment_1.ENV.engine.runKernel.$x (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/ops/segment_ops.js:56:84)
at /home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/engine.js:129:26
at Engine.scopedRun (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/engine.js:101:23)
at Engine.runKernel (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/engine.js:127:14)
at gather_ (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/ops/segment_ops.js:56:38)
at Object.gather (/home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-core/dist/ops/operation.js:23:29)
at /home/test/NetBeansProjects/ispeed_tensload/node_modules/#tensorflow/tfjs-layers/dist/backend/tfjs_backend.js:275:20
I guess there is a mismatch in the format that 'tfjs-npy' produces. But I don't know. Another acceptable solution would be to let the tensor creating process run on multiple threads(c++ back-end optimized) while the GPU is training, to reduce the idle time to a minimum. But I don't know if this is possible. The creating process now runs single threaded only in the node.js process, which has a very weak performance.
The memory used by nodejs can be increased with the flag --max-old-space-size as indicated here. There is neither an issue with nodejs nor tensorflow.js regarding that. The only problem might be the capacity of your memory. This might be the only reason for going forth and back to read your data.
Having said that, it is unclear what it is being done here:
await tf.tidy(() => {
tf.tensor([xs, ys]);
console.log('numTensors (inside tidy): ' + tf.memory().numTensors);
It is useless because:
The tensor is created and disposed off.
xs and ys being not array-like tf.tensor([xs, ys]) will create a tensor of 2 NaN values. It does not have any influence on the performance of the code.
The tensor xs and ys are effectively disposed off respectively with xs.dispose() and ys.dispose()

How to get multiple async results within a given timeout with GPars?

I'd like to retrieve multiple "costly" results using parallel processing but within a specific timeout.
I'm using GPars Dataflow.task but it looks like I'm missing something as the process returns only when all dataflow variable are bound.
def timeout = 500
def mapResults = []
GParsPool.withPool(3) {
def taskWeb1 = Dataflow.task {
mapResults.web1 = new URL('').getText()
}.join(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
def taskWeb2 = Dataflow.task {
mapResults.web2 = new URL('').getText()
}.join(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
def taskWeb3 = Dataflow.task {
mapResults.web3 = new URL('').getText()
}.join(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
I did see in the GPars Timeouts doc a way to use Select to get the fastest result within the timeout.
But I'm looking for a way to retrieve as much as possible results in the given time frame.
Is there a better "GPars" way to achieve this?
Or with Java 8 Future/Callable ?
Since you're interested in Java 8 based solutions too, here's a way to do it:
int timeout = 250;
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
try {
Map<String, CompletableFuture<String>> map =
Stream.of("", "", "")
// the key will be the URL
// the value will be the CompletableFuture text fetched from the url
(url) -> CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(
() -> readUrl(url, timeout),
executorService.awaitTermination(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
//print the resulting map, cutting the text at 100 chars
map.entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> {
CompletableFuture<String> future = entry.getValue();
boolean completed = future.isDone()
&& !future.isCompletedExceptionally()
&& !future.isCancelled();
System.out.printf("url %s completed: %s, error: %s, result: %.100s\n",
completed ? future.getNow(null) : null);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
This will give you as many Futures as URLs you have, but gives you an opportunity to see if any of the tasks failed with an exception. The code could be simplified if you're not interested in these exceptions, only the contents of successful retrievals:
int timeout = 250;
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3);
try {
Map<String, String> map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
Stream.of("", "", "")
.forEach(url -> {
() -> readUrl(url, timeout),
).thenAccept(content -> map.put(url, content));
executorService.awaitTermination(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
//print the resulting map, cutting the text at 100 chars
map.entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> {
System.out.printf("url %s completed, result: %.100s\n",
entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
Both of the codes will wait for about 250 milliseconds (it will take only a tiny bit more because of the submissions of the tasks to the executor service) before printing the results. I found about 250 milliseconds is the threshold where some of these url-s can be fetched on my network, but not necessarily all. Feel free to adjust the timeout to experiment.
For the readUrl(url, timeout) method you could use a utility library like Apache Commons IO. The tasks submitted to the executor service will get an interrupt signal even if you don't explicitely take into account the timeout parameter. I could provide an implementation for that but I believe it's out of scope for the main issue in your question.
