Why is concurrent haskell non deterministic while parallel haskell primitives (par and pseq) deterministic? - haskell

Don't quite understand determinism in the context of concurrency and parallelism in Haskell. Some examples would be helpful.

When dealing with pure values, the order of evaluation does not matter. That is essentially what parallelism does: Evaluating pure values in parallel. As opposed to pure values, order usually matters for actions with side-effects. Running actions simultaneously is called concurrency.
As an example, consider the two actions putStr "foo" and putStr "bar". Depending on the order in which those two actions get evaluated, the output is either "foobar", "barfoo" or any state in between. The output is indeterministic as it depends on the specific order of evaluation.
As another example, consider the two values sum [1..10] and 5 * 3. Regardless of the order in which those two get evaluated, they always reduce to the same results. This determinism is something you can usually only guarantee with pure values.

Concurrency and parallelism are two different things.
Concurrency means that you have multiple threads interacting non-deterministically. For example, you might have a chat server where each client is handled by one thread. The non-determinism is essential to the system you're trying to model.
Parallelism is about using multiple threads for simply making your program run faster. However, the end result should be exactly the same as if you run the algorithm sequentially.
Many languages don't have primitives for parallelism, so you have to implement it using concurrency primitives like threads and locks. However, this means that you the programmer have to be careful to ensure that you don't accidentally introduce unwanted non-determinism or other concurrency issues. With explicit parallelism primitives like par and pseq, many of these concerns simply go away.


Why are OpenMP Reduction Clauses Non-deterministic for Statically Scheduled Loops?

I have been working on a multi-GPU project where I have had problems with obtaining non-deterministic results. I was surprised when it turned out that I obtained non-deterministic results due to a reduction clause executed on the CPU.
In the book Using OpenMP - The Next Step it is written that
"[...] the order in which threads combine their value to construct the
value for the shared result is non-deterministic."
Maybe I just don't understand how the reduction clauses are implemented. Does it mean that if I use schedule(monotonic:static) in combination with a reduction clause each thread will execute its chunk of the iterations in a deterministic order, but that the order in which the partial results are combined at the end of the parallel region is non-deterministic?
Does it mean that if I use schedule(monotonic:static) in combination
with a reduction clause each thread will execute its chunk of the
iterations in a deterministic order, but that the order in which the
partial results are combined at the end of the parallel region is
It is known that the end result is non-determinist, detailed information can be found in:
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know about Floating Point Arithmetic. For instance:
Another grey area concerns the interpretation of parentheses. Due to roundoff errors, the associative laws of algebra do not necessarily hold for floating-point numbers. For example, the expression (x+y)+z has a totally different answer than x+(y+z) when x = 1e30, y = -1e30 and z = 1 (it is 1 in the former case, 0 in the latter).
Now regarding the order in which the threads perform the reduction action, as far as I know, the OpenMP standard does not enforce any order, or requires that the order has to be deterministic. Hence, this is an implementation detail that is left up to the compiler that is implementing the OpenMP standard to decide, and consequently, it is something that your code should not reply upon.
Programming language semantics usually declares that a+b+c+d is evaluated as ((a+b)+c)+d. This is not parallel, so an OpenMP reduction is probably evaluated as (a+b)+(c+d). And so on for larger numbers of summands.
So you immediately have that, because of the non-associativity of floating point arithmetic, the result may be subtly different from the sequential value.
But more importantly, the exact value will depend on precisely how the combination is done. Is it a+(b+c) (on 2 threads) or (a+b)+c? So the result is at least "indeterministic" in the sense that you can not reconstruct how it was formed. It could probably even be done in two different ways, if you run the same reduction twice. That's what I would call "non-deterministic", but look in the standard for the exact definition of the term.
By the way, if you want to get some idea of how OpenMP actually does it, write your own reduction operator, and let each invocation print out what it computes. Here is a decent illustration: https://victoreijkhout.github.io/pcse/omp-reduction.html#Initialvalueforreductions
By the way, the standard actually doesn't use the word "non-deterministic" for this case. The following passage explains the issue:
Furthermore, using different numbers of threads may result in
different numeric results because of changes in the association of
numeric operations. For example, a serial addition reduction may have
a different pattern of addition associations than a parallel

What constructs are not possible using Ponylang's lock-free model?

Ponylang is a new language that is lock-free and datarace-free. My impression is that to accomplish this, Ponylang looks at the sentence "if two threads can see the same object, then writes must prohibit any other operation by another thread", and uses a type system to enforce the various special cases. For example, there's a type descriptor that says, "no other thread can see this object", and one that says, "this reference is read-only", and various others. Admittedly my understanding of this is quite poor, and ponylang's documentation is short on examples.
My question is: are there operations possible with a lock-based language that aren't translatable into ponylang's type-based system at all? Also, are there such operations that are not translatable into efficient constructs in ponylang?
[...] are there operations possible with a lock-based language that aren't translatable into ponylang's type-based system at all?
The whole point with reference capabilities, in Pony, is to prevent you from doing things that are possible and even trivial, in other languages, like sharing a list between two threads and add elements to it concurrently. So, yes, in languages like Java, you can share data between threads in a way that is impossible in Pony.
Also, are there such operations that are not translatable into efficient constructs in ponylang?
If you're asking if the lock-based languages can be more efficient in some situations, than pony, then I think so. You can always create a situation that benefits from N threads and 1 lock and is worse when you use the actor model which forces you to pass information around in messages.
This thing is not to see the actor model as superior in all cases. It's a different model of concurrency and problems are solved differently. For example, to compute N values and accumulate the results in a list:
In a thread-model you would
create a thread pool,
create thread-safe list,
Create N tasks sharing the list, and
wait for N tasks to finish.
In an actor-model you would
create an actor A waiting for N values,
create N actors B sharing the actor A, and
wait for A to produce a list.
Obviously, each task would add a value to the list and each actor B would send the value to actor A. Depending on how messages are passed between actors, it can be a slower to send N values than to lock N times. Typically it will be slower but, on the other hand, you will never get a list with an unexpected size.
I believe it can do anything that a shared everything + locks can do. with just iso objects and consume it is basically pure a message passing system which can do anything that a lock system does. As in mach3 can do anything linux can.

Parallelism in functional languages

One of FP features advertised is that a program is "parallel by default" and that naturally fits modern multi-core processors. Indeed, reducing a tree is parallel by its nature. However, I don't understand how it maps to multi-threading. Consider the following fragment (pseudo code):
let y = read-and-parse-a-number-from-console
let x = get-integer-from-web-service-call
let r = 5 * x - y * 4
How can a translator determine which of tree branches should be run on a thread? After you obtained x or y it would be stupid to reduce 5 * x or y * 4 expressions on a separate thread (even if we grab it from a thread pool), wouldn't it? So how different functional languages handle this?
We're not quite there yet.
Programs in pure declarative style (functional style is included in this category, but so are some other styles) tend to be much more amenable to parallelisation, because all data dependencies are explicit. This makes it very easy for the programmer to manually use primitives the language provides for specifying that two independent computations should be done in parallel, regardless of whether they share access to any data; if everything's immutable and there are no side effects, then changing the order in which things are done can't affect the result.
If purity is enforced by the language (as in Haskell, Mercury, etc, but unlike in Scala, F#, etc where purity is encouraged but unenforced), then it is possible for the compiler to attempt to automatically parallelise the program, but no existing language that I know of does this by default. If the language allows unchecked impure operations then it's generally impossible for the compiler to do the analysis necessary to prove that a given attempt to auto-parallelise the program is valid. So I do not expect any such language to ever support auto-parallelisation very effectively.
Note that the pseudo program you wrote is probably not pure declarative code. let y = read-and-parse-a-number-from-console and let x = get-integer-from-web-service-call are calculating x and y from impure external operations, and there's nothing in the program that fixes the order in which they should run. It's possible in general that executing two impure operations in either order will produce different results, and running those two operations in different threads gives up control of the order in which they run. So if a language like that was to auto-parallelise your program, it would almost certainly either introduce horrible concurrency bugs, or refuse to significantly parallelise anything.
However the functional style still makes it easy to manually parallelise such programs. A human programmer can tell that it almost certainly doesn't matter in which order you read from the console and the network. Knowing that there's no shared mutable state can decide to run those two operations in parallel without digging into their implementations (which you'd have to do in imperative algorithms where there might be mutable shared state even if it doesn't look like there is from the interface).
But the big complication that's in the way of auto-parallelising compilers for enforced-purity languages is knowing how much parallelisation to do. Running every computation possible in parallel vastly overwhelms any possible benefit with all the startup cost of spawning new threads (not to mention the context switches), as you try to run huge numbers of very short-lived threads on a small number of processors. The compiler needs to identify a much smaller number of "chunks" of computation that are reasonably large, and run the chunks in parallel while running the sub-computations of each chunk sequentially.
But only "embarrassingly parallel" programs decompose nicely into very large completely independent computations. Most programs are much more interdependent. So unless you only want to be able to auto-parallelise programs that are very easy to manually parallelise, your auto-parallelisation probably needs to be able to identify and run "chunks" in parallel which are partially dependent on each other, having them wait when they get to points that really need a result that's supposed to be computed by another "chunk". This introduces extra overhead of synchronisation between the threads, so the logic that chooses what to run in parallel needs to be even better in order to beat the trivial strategy of just running everything sequentially.
The developers of Mercury (a pure logical programming language) are working on various methods of tackling these problem, from static analysis to using profiling data. If you're interested, their research papers have a lot more information. I presume other researches are working on this area in other languages, but I don't know much about any other projects.
In that specific example, the third statement depends on the first and the second, but there is no interdependency between the first and the second. Therefore, a runtime environment could execute read-and-parse-a-number-from-console on a different thread from get-integer-from-web-service-call, but the execution of the third statement would have to wait until the first two are finished.
Some languages or runtime environments may be able to calculate a partial result (such as y * 4) before obtaining an actual value of x. As a high level programmer though, you would be unlikely to be able to detect this.

"Wait-free" data in Haskell

I've been led to believe that the GHC implementation of TVars is lock-free, but not wait-free. Are there any implementations that are wait-free (e.g. a package on Hackage)?
Wait-freedom is a term from distributed computing. An algorithm is wait-free if a thread (or distributed node) is able to terminate correctly even if all input from other threads is delayed/lost at any time.
If you care about consistency, then you cannot guarantee wait-freedom (assuming that you always want to terminate correctly, i.e. guarantee availability). This follows from the CAP theorem [1], since wait-freedom essentially implies partition-tolerance.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem
Your question "Are there any implementations that are wait-free?" is a bit incomplete. STM (and thus TVar) is rather complex and has support built into the compiler - you can't build it properly with Haskell primitives.
If you're looking for any data container that allows mutation and can be non-blocking then you want IORefs or MVars (but those can block if no value is available).

Haskell random number generation

What's the best way to handle random number generation in Haskell (or what are the tradeoffs)?
I haven't really seen an authoritative answer.
Consider: minimizing the impact on otherwise pure functions, how / when to seed, performance, thread safety
IMHO, the best idea is to keep the generator in a strict state record. Then you can use the ordinary do-Syntax to work with the generator. Seeding is done only once - at the beginning of the main program (or at the beginning of each thread). You can avoid IO by using the split operation, which yields two random generators from one. (Different, of course).
As state is still pure, threadsafety can be guaranteed. Additionally, you can always escape state by giving a random generator to the function. This is useful for instance in case of automatic unit tests.
