Extensible Orchard - orchardcms

I am new to Orchard, I am wondering how Can I run my module once project start instead of Orchard Startup module?
Also how can I override the Routing to route to my new module?where it is being written?

Implement IHomePageProvider. If I understood the question.


How to use custom template in JHipster blueprint?

I am trying to override the a template Entity.java.ejs in my custom blueprint to add some extra functionality. Unfortunately JHipster uses its default one if generate an entity. I don’t want to overwrite the whole writing. Is there a possibility to override only certain ones and use JHipster default templates for the rest?
Helo friend,
in this period I see an application jhipster with a partial custom .ejs defining a default for others components.
The problem is that the overriding is very huge, and cabled only for a specific version 6.9.1 of jhipster.
If this is a good idea to custom a particolar application with a particolar version and with a specific cabling code ok, but is not good if you want a generic custom generator jhipster context, where you can "inject" only custom files, giving overriding of all scope original generator.
I try to search some answers searching on web, and your question is anyway a good clue to define a better solution that I see now.
The problem that I see is that jhipster environment dont have a "handling" approach about .ejs templates, when is very strong and straighweird when you use .jdl file .
An easly customization of templates of any jhipster application created with command "jhipster", ad example.
And searching I see this link https://github.com/jhipster/generator-jhipster/issues/1749
an issue of original jhipster generator where someone consider a good idea to use "subgenerator" using yeoman to modulerize this templates and with all benefits.
This is a another clue to understand somethings.
good luck and thanks

JHipster, Customization of generated code

i'm newbie in JHipster and i'm trying to figure this, when i create a new entity JHipster generates several files, angular, html and java classes, now if i want a common code for all this generated code i must edit each time that i use the yeoman generator? what i want is:
Custom Index template, and pages, is secure to edit them?.
Customize the entity tables, entity forms using angular, maybe extending yeoman generators
Customize generate java classes, maybe i think using AOP
So i need to edit each time for each generated code? and is a good practice this or what i want? for clarify more i want to use a Custom Bootstrap/angular Dashboard template like Minovate, i see how to customize bootstrap in the documentation but not about what i'm asking for, Thanks.
JHipster is just a code generator, once generated the code is yours.
For angular screens I would say do as much as you can in CSS/SASS.
But it's very likely that you will need to build some screen mixing several entities and change the structure of entity screens.
So you should rather consider them as a starting point and do your own stuff in another folder so that it does not get overwritten by next re-generations.
This way you can still update your entity definitions in .jhipster folder and re-run yo jhispter:entity <entity name> on the entities you modified.
Customising java Entities is usually much simpler and you can easiliy achieve this by merging generated code with git and defining your service classes.
AOP seems overkill here.
Extending a yeoman generator is a lot of work.
I suggest to use some VSC (git, subversion or whatever you like) have a branch dedicated to plain jhipster generated code and another one where you make customization.
Eventually regenerate on jhipster branch and merge back on yours.
You should at least reduce manual intervention.

MVC Ninject: How to add NinJect bindings from an MVC Area project

I've been using this blog example:
I have the concepts working in my solution. However, I'm trying to figure out a good way only add bindings to the kernel if a user has permissions to access a module/area.
I've read up some on the ServiceLocator but I was trying to stay away from it.
One thing I'm trying just to get things to work is user Contructor injection in the default constructor for a module. It's working but is a hack.
The pattern I'm using, each module project you create an class that inherits from AreaRegistion. When each module project builds, relevant files are copied to the Areas folder of the main web project. Then when the main project loads, reflection is used to load all module assemblies. Then when AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas() is called, it detects and loads all the modules with a class that inherits AreaRegistration.
I'd like to figure out an good way to access the Ninject kernel and add bindings in the module class that inherits from AreaRegistration. I would imagine initiating code to add bindings from the RegisterArea() override.
I'm looking for any suggestions on how to do this without resorting to the ServiceLocator.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
For now I've found a better solution and that's to use NinjectModule. In the Plugin class, I'm going to create a class which inherits from NinjectModule. Then setup the pluging bindings in the Load overload.
Then use Kernel.Load in my main app bootstrapper to initialize the Load overloads in all plugin classes which inherit from NinjectModule.

Module for Sailsjs

I am facing a new project that will be probably made with sails.js. Is there any way to write 'modules' for Sails, so I can isolate specific views, controllers, models, services, etc. in a module (folder) I can add or remove easily? If not, any idea / hack to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
As we all know sails.js is built over node.js and express.js. We can write modules for node.js and then include them in our sails projects..
Here is a beautiful tutorial on how to write and publish node modules..

Creating modules/HMVC in sails.js

I am trying to make a separation in my new SailsJS app by creating modules/HMVC, just like ASP.NET MVC, and Codeigniter PHP. These frameworks provide a mechanism for handling such a separation. Do any one have an idea how to implement this in SailsJS?
There is some development taking place in that direction, I'm not quite sure whether or not anything usable already exists, at least I haven't been able to find anything final so far. Two threads where adding HMVC to sails was discussed are
I think the most recent sails plugin/backend components system discussion is balderdashy/sails/pull/2083.
It looks like the most viable module solution today is balderdashy/sails-hook-subapps, an example of a sails hook. Hopefully, it works with 0.12.x and gets some attention/docs soon!
Additionally, the project sailorjs/sailorjs appears to do exactly this as a fork of sails from version 0.10.x, though I don't know if there are plans ot utilize that work in sails.js.
