I have a multi-form Windows mobile application that accesses the barcode scanner of the MC75 using the EMDK (version 2.6). I access the barcode scanner using a Singleton. When the application starts I call barcodereader.Actions.Enable() and when the application exits I call `barcodereader.Actions.Disable()'. Basically I've used the EMDK samples as a guide to get the scanner working.
While the application is running I add the event handler to the barcode reader `readNotify' on the form activation event and remove the event handler when the form activates. I have put code in to check that this is happening correctly and added a check to ensure no existing event handlers are present before a new one is added.
The application works fine but for some reason the barcode scanner suddenly cuts out and will not work when the trigger button is pressed. This always seems to happen in the same place (after around 20 odd scans spread across the three forms). No error is caught and the scanner light fails to come on. I have a set number of scans to do and the scanning stops on a form where I've done a successful scan seconds earlier. I can do more than 20 scans on a single form but I only seem to get the issue when doing scanning on different forms.
If I restart the application the scanner works again. The datawedge software is installed but is not used.
I have seen this issue during my research here, but my issue does not seem to be intermittent.
I saw a note on the Symbol support site stating it was not desirable to repeatedly call `.Actions.Enable' and '.Actions.Disable' when moving between forms and I don't do this.
I'm at a loss as to what to check in the application. Any ideas?
Details - using Windows Visual Studio 2008, device is running Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, EMDK version 2.6, application written in C#.
I had this exact same issue on an MC70 device. Unfortunately it was at a previous employer so I no longer have the source code to look back on. I do remember having to create a somewhat ugly workaround to get it working.
I know that I ended up declaring/instantiating the barcodereader object inside of the parent form (so no need for the singleton class). Then every time I instantiated a child form, I passed either the parent form object or the barcodereader object BY REFERENCE into the child form. Then I was able to access it from the child form repeatedly without it crashing/locking up. I know that is a pretty vague description, but it's been a couple of years since I worked on that code. Hope this helps.
I knew this problem years ago!. The solution to that is: DON'T disable the barcode reader when doing form navigation (Keep it always Active ). It works perfectly for me (I did MC9062 6 years ago and now MC75A device). Just put some logic to tell your program to handle scanned data differently under different form.
Yes, it is important to use reader object as "Singleton".
I posted a few threads the other day on the Watir General Google Group, one of which detailed my difficulty using set_no_wait on a validated text field (link below); and was asked by Jarmo Pertman whether it was in a frame. It is, and this concerns me a little; as sadly the site I'm testing is heavily frame-centric, with no immediate plans to modernise.
I recently migrated from an ageing Ruby1.8.6/Watir1.6.2 test environment to Ruby1.8.7-334/Watir2.0.1, and am now noticing more methods that are no longer working for me in frames. For instance, click_no_wait on a button that presents a new window works perfectly fine in my old environment, but not in my new one.
This is a question to the Watir developer group. Are no_wait methods known to be failing in frames in Watuir 2.0.1? If so, are they being addressed? If they're not, then I'll be forced to revert back to an archiac version of Ruby and Watir. For many reasons, I don't want to do this.
(Environment: Ruby 1.8.7-334. Watir 2.0.1. XP Pro. IE8)
from the comments:
Something occured to me last night; I had installed DevKit, which was required to get the FastDebugger working in Netbeans 7.0.1. After completely reinstalling Ruby1.8.7/Watir2.0.1 without DevKit, click_no_wait and set_no_wait now seems to be working for me. It means I'll have to use something else other than Netbeans to run my scripts, but at least my scripts work again. (github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit) I hope this info helps someone else. GJHmf – GJHmf Sep 1 at 10:19
(inserting this answer because:
the OP was requested to but had not done so within a months time.
it removes this from the list of 'un-answered' watir related
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Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
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Our company is looking to integrate invoices into a new system we are developing.
We require a solution to create a layout of the invoice and then convert to pdf.
We have considered just laying out the invoice in html/css then converting to pdf.
We have also considered using SVG->PDf conversion.
Both of these solutions integrate well into our existing templating language used for our web application.
Historically we have been a Microsoft based business and used Crystal Reports for such a task but we are looking for an open source Linux solution for this project.
Does any one have any suggestions of an approach or technology we could use for such a task?
Try this... create a blank invoice with Word (or whatever you want) and save it as a PDF.
Then use a PDF library to modify the PDF (insert the text at particular coordinates). We do this in the Microsoft world and it is extremely easy.
The biggest benefit is that we can use our own tools to create and modify the template. If we want to add some static text, we just crank open Word, make the change and save it to a PDF file (that is being used as a template).
For Microsoft, we use iTextSharp which is actually a C# port of the original Java version of iText
You can use Adobe Acrobat to insert fields in the PDF (address, phone, invoice number, line item 1, line item 2, etc...) and then use iText/iTextSharp to populate these fields at run time.
This is, in more detail, what we do... and it is extremely easy.
The normal way is to install (La)TeX (probably already on the linux box) and run pdflatex to get the pdfs. You can also use Apache FOP, if you prefer xslt and xsl-fo.
If the number of invoices to create is low you might want to use open-office (directly or as a toolkit).
If you want high-precision positioning and low-level access, a low-level pdf library (I don't know if iTextSharp works with mono) might be what you want.
I would try out LaTeX first, because it allows you to get results with the least effort.
I've previously produced invoices by templating a PostScript file, and then using Ghostscript's ps2pdf to convert those into PDFs.
We use Reportlab with Python. If you look around there are a load of ready-made forms/invoices/etc.
There are several OSS reporting engines (Jasper Reports, Pentaho and BIRT to name three) that you could use in much the same way as you have historically used Crystal Reports. One of the other posters mentions ReportLab, which is an option if you're using Python or can embed a Python runtime in your application.
Probably the most flexible solution is to create XMLs with invoice data and then by using XSLTs transform the, into PDFs, HTMls, whatever...
It depends on your environment. If you have access to Java, you might look at iText (http://www.lowagie.com/iText/), a library that allows you to generate PDF files on the fly.
There are two steps, if i understood correctly:
1) Creation of PDF template with placeholders to populate data programmatically
2) Populating the PDF template programmatically during run time
For #1, OpenOffice allows creation of PDF templates, which can then be populated programmatically. It's good enough to create simple invoices that doesn't probably involve datagrid/table kind of stuff.
For #2, you already have the answers here - iText, iTextSharp.
Hope this helps!
I love wkhtmltopdf http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/
Not sure what your goal is here, but there is an opensource php-library called fpdf, which also has an extension for taking a pre-made pdf as layout and then populate it with more content, generating a new PDF with that info.
However, I would go for a solution that you can integrate nicely into the plattform you're building, but I wouldn't go in a HTML->PDF solution since you won't have any clue about what would fit on a piece of paper regarding sizes in that kind of enviroment, meaning you won't know when you should split the content into two separate templates.
You might also try using XSL:FO. XSL:FO is a documented standard for describing page layout: http://www.w3.org/TR/xsl/#fo-section.
I've had success on two projects creating documents by creating an XML schema that defines the content of the "PDF". I then use the XSD tool (from Microsoft) to generate a class representing this document. I then map my data into that structure, serialize the populated class to XML, along with an XSL stylesheet that defines how that data should be mapped into FO, and pass it to an FO formatter. For formatters, I have use Alt-Soft's Xml2Pdf with success. There are a few others out there. There are some tools available to help create the XSL to FO stylesheet (i.e. stylusstudio and XmlSpy), but I recommend learning the FO constructs as the tools seem to produce bloated stylesheets. FO is comparable to HTML (where a P tag is a BLOCK tag in FO), but can be tricky. This nice thing about FO, is that some formatter support conversion to other formats, such as Word, HTML, etc.
Other options:
iTextSharp (C# port of iText). Just started reading about this. Open source and free. I don't think there is any "templating" supported with this, but I could be wrong about that.
SQL Server Reporting Services. Assuming your invoice data is in, or can be put in, a format that can be read by reporting services (SQL Server, Web Service, etc), define the layout in SSRS and then publish to reporting server. Use SSRS Web Services or query parameter execution to execute the report and have it output as PDF.
This html-2-pdf site may be a helpful starting point: http://maarten.lippmann.us/?p=101
A site a friend of mine built uses a script to churn HTML pages into printable PDFs, too - http://philambdaupsilon.org. Not sure on the exact details of it, but he is an SO user, and I'll send this question to him, too.
Unfortunately, the best system on the market (at present) is passing the HTML & CSS to a ColdFusion server and have that return the rendered PDF. So if money isn't a big concern, this is the quickest to deploy solution that'll render the best results.
I've tried very hard to get FPDF, TCPDF, the R&OS pdf class, and even CodeIgniter's recommendation to work, but nothing with stable output for anything beyond the most basic/bland HTML files.
Honestly, if the ColdFusion solution isn't viable, I'd use html2ps, and then ps2pdf to convert your files into a PDF.
(This is all assuming that you don't want to take the time and design each PDF using the native PDF-creator code in PHP. This is what systems like SugarCRM use. Though its very functional with stable results, the actual creation of each PDF-generator file is a most painful process)
We have used Jasper Reports before. It's not what you'd call user-friendly, but it will talk directly to your database.
html2pdf works very well. You can use this to generate both HTML and PDF reports from the same source.
I'm fiddling with Black Sheep Invoices right now, which is great at first but now I'm having trouble actually getting it to render the PDFs. Lots of installation difficulties--probably a lot easier on your own server but i'm up on a shared host with it. The HTML output and data management portions are well done though, which is something you won't get out of just creating a postscript template. I was hoping to find a reference to a library that has an active development team though (Black Sheep is not being updated at this time).
If you want browser perfect HTML converted to PDF then try commandlineprint
You'll need to install firefox on a linux distro, disable all firefox alerts and then run it through a virtual display. Check this thread for more details.
It's infuriating to get running well but does give you the best results for HTML to PDF conversion I've seen.
OK, a search of Google Code projects turned up Simple Invoices, which is awesome and well maintained.
I use TROFF for my invoices because of its extremely simple textual encoding. The logic is a few lines of Perl. Keeping it simple.
For a Ruby solution, try Prawn: http://prawn.majesticseacreature.com/
I use open office on the server and then generate the XML for the document (just unzip the document and hack away)
Some can use Dhek template editor to define area/placeholder for existing PDF, without altering existing document, and then populate it to generate final doc (e.g. with user values from a form): https://github.com/applicius/dhek .