.htaccess Redirect sub-folder - .htaccess

Hi I'm not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination and am trying to do a multi 301 redirect in my htaccess file based on the following:
So I have a ton of urls all with similar naming conventions - here is a sample of 2.
These urls need to redirect to:
I could just redirect them 1 line at a time, but I'd like to use regex.
Here's what I was thinking so far but not working:
RewriteRule ^garrett-([a-z])/$ /garrett-metal-detectors/$1/ [R]
Basically i need to redirect any page right off the root that starts with "garrett-" to include the folder path of "garrett-metal-detectors".
Any thoughts would be MUCH appreciated. Many thanks in advance for your help.

if you want temprorary redirect use:
RewriteRule ^garrett\-([a-z0-9\-]+)/?$ /garrett-metal-detectors/garrett-$1/ [R=302,L]
if you want permanent redirect use:
RewriteRule ^garrett\-([a-z0-9\-]+)/?$ /garrett-metal-detectors/garrett-$1/ [R=301,L]

I'm am not an expert on Regular Expressions, but looks like your reg ex may be a bit off...
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^((garrett)(-[a-z0-9]).*)/$ /metal-detectors/$1/ [R]
This is looking fro anything starting with "garrett" followed by any letter/number/hyphen combo.
Note: having "garett" in the destination part give you a loop of redirects, so you may have to choose a different word, or remove it all together...


Need a an htaccess substution recomendation

Want a simple htaccess to redirect html root filename to a sub-directory.
www.xyz.com/About****.php where **** is arbitrary. The words "About" and ".php" are fixed
convert to www.xyz.com/coach/articles/About****.php
Haven't used regular expressions and htaccess for many years. Relearning curve is time consuming.
This will redirect every URL that matches About****.php to coach/articles/About****.php
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^About(.*).php$ coach/articles/About$1.php [L,R=301]
Full example:
The article is in /Coach/Articles_pdf/ But, users are having trouble dealing with the full URL

htaccess rewrite urls beginning with same words and ending with different numbers

I searched the web an could not find an answer for this htaccess issue.
I have a broken site with many product URLs like:
I'd like to redirect all URLs to
I tried:
RewriteRule ^de/biegsames-uhrenmannchen-flexi* /de/biegsames-uhrenmannchen-flexi
but with no change. How can I redirect multiple URLs regarding just the first words and ignore everything behind the *?
like: url-bla-bla-bla* --> goes to url-bla-bla
--> would be redirected to url-bla-bla.
Every help is appreciated and I am so thankful, since I have to fix thousands of broken URLs.
U could try:
RewriteRule ^de/biegsames-uhrenmannchen-flexi(.*)$ /de/biegsames-uhrenmannchen-flexi [R=301,L]
(.*)$ = everything that comes after de/biegsames-uhrenmannchen-flexi.
[R=301,L] = permanent redirect and the L means to stop applying any rules that follow.

htaccess to add ?query=string to specific url

I'm pulling my hair out trying to get a .htaccess rewrite rule to work. I'm sure this should be easy but I just can't get it right!
I need to add ?query=string to a specific URL pattern so:
The best I can come up with is:
RewriteRule ^downloads/(.*) downloads/$1?query=string
But it's not working. Where am I going wrong?
What you have looks OK, except you might need to include the L flag to prevent further rewritting:
RewriteRule ^downloads/(.*) downloads/$1?query=string [L]
And if this is intended to be an external redirect then you'll need to make the substitution absolute or root-relative and include the R flag:
RewriteRule ^downloads/(.*) /downloads/$1?query=string [R=302,L]

htaccess 301 redirect all website pages with query to /

In the past website was full of pages with different basis. After redisign and with new concept the website consists of only 1 page. So I need to redirect all old pages to /.
Pages for example:
and so on.
In htaccess I've made several rules like this:
RewriteRule ^catalog(.*)$ http://domain.com/ [L,R=301]
But this rule don't give a full control, and the result is not satisfactory:
How can I get rid of this? I need to redirect all such links to http://domain.com without any additions. I think the {QUERY_STRING} can help, but I don't know how to do this correct.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You can add a ? at the end to create a blank query string:
# append "?" here ----v
RewriteRule ^catalog(.*)$ http://domain.com/? [L,R=301]

How to 301 redirect pages "up" a page

I'm a newbie and I'm trying to figure out the proper 301 redirect for the following pages. I hope I'm being clear here :) In my .htaccess file, I want to redirect pages "up" one pages without having to do every page individually.
My original pages looked like the following:
....etc. ....up to like /?page=33
and more categories and states, like:
...etc. .....again up to like /?page=24
I've since changed the page structure to eliminate the long URLs...like this:
etc.....and similarly....
How can I "bulk" redirect the original pages with the long URLs to the newer, shortened version in my .htaccess file? Thank you very much for your time and consideration!
Using mod_alias, you can simply add this in the .htaccess file in your document root:
RedirectMatch 301 ^/([a-z\-]+)/([a-z\-]+)/[a-z\-]+/$ /$1/$2/
But if you need further restrictions on how the redirect works, you can use Apache's mod_rewrite module. Taking a look at the RewriteCond directive, you can impose conditions on a rule and put everything in .htaccess. The main rule will look very similar to mod_alias' RedirectMatch. Example:
RewriteRule ^([a-z\-]+)/([a-z\-]+)/[a-z\-]+/$ /$1/$2/ [R=301,L]
In both cases, the query string (the page=3 part) is simply appended to the new target. Looking over the different things you can do with RewriteCond, say if you wanted to exclude this rule when requests are made for something like /images/ or /themes/:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/images/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/themes/
RewriteRule ^([a-z\-]+)/([a-z\-]+)/[a-z\-]+/$ /$1/$2/ [R=301,L]
So, if the request doesn't start with /images/ and the request doesn't start with /themes/, then apply the rule. This example would make it so a request for http://host.com/themes/subSilver/magic-icons/ don't get redirected to http://host.com/themes/subSilver/.
