Want to default 'show bounds rectangles' checked on in Interface Builder - ios4

I'd prefer to have the option in the Editor, Canvas menu default to always have the "show bounds rectangles" option checked (on) but I haven't found a way in Xcode to set this stays on as a preference. Is there a way to do this that I am missing?

In case anyone cares, this setting now appears to stay "stuck" on once set with Xcode 4.3.1 for which at least I am happy :-)


how can I re-disable the hot corner in gnome-shell 40?

I used to disable gnome-shell's hot corner feature with the No Topleft Hot Corner extension. Upgrading to gnome-shell 40 has it deprecated. Gnome-tweaks claims it's able to disable it as well, but activating this "disable the hot-corner" option doesn't deactivate the hot corner at all. Finally, I found reading this Ask Ubuntu thread that I could
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-hot-corners false
but it doesn't work either, even though the command succeeds.So this little AppleĀ©-like annoyance is back.
So indeed the question is : how do I get rid of it again ? ... Hell I love you Gnome, but you're really stepping on my nerves from time to time.
It appears I had to reboot for the gsettings command to take effect. And now that I did reboot, the command is taking effect immediately, meaning I can switch live the hotcorner feature with
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-hot-corners false
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-hot-corners true
I suppose that it did not work because the workstation was not rebooted since I had upgraded GNOME. Hope this documents this feature's behaviour as a whole.

how to restore the original window intellij layout

Instead of choosing 'Restore default layout' I mistakenly choosed 'Store current as default layout', so my current layout (which I don't want to use) is set as default.
Now I cannot go to original layout anymore. Is there a way to reset the layout to its shipped value?
I'm on intellij 12.1.1, on Windows7.
Layout stores the position and state of the tool windows, you can change it back how you like it and store it as the new default.
There is no GUI to reset layout to the IDE default, but the configuration is stored inside the project directory in ./idea/workspace.xml file. When the project is closed you can delete <component name="ToolWindowManager"> node from this file.
To anyone who is struggling with this "basic" error, you can go to Settings (Ctrl + Alt + S) -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Tool Windows and check the following check boxes:
Show tool window bars
Show tool window numbers (optional)
All the others solutions that I have found didn't solve the problem and it is very frustrating that the IDE does not give support to reset the Window to its default.
P.S.: I can't post a screenshot of the settings mentioned above due to security of my company laptop, but it is very easy to find following the path I have written.

In jVI for Netbeans, the cursor won't appear

Depending on the font I use, I might see a quarter of a cursor (lower right rectangle not flashing) in the wrong place, or no cursor at all. Still, the line I'm on highlights and the column number is displayed in the lower right.
I've tried a mix of fixed-width fonts at a mix of sizes (11-14), including the default Monospace, MacVim's Menlo, the awful Courier, and another q-a site's suggested Consolas.
Any ideas how to get the cursor to show up would be great. Alternate ways to get Vi keybindings in NetBeans also acceptable, though it seems jVi is the most current / active effort.
NetBeans 7.1.2
Image showing no cursor with highlighting
Image showing actually two partial cursors, which I'd never seen before:
There is a problem with the Mac Retina, which is like this problem. The latest jVi release has a workaround, you need to turn on the option
Tools > Options > jViConfig > Platform > MacRetinaCursorXorBug
I had the same problem in Netbeans 8.0.2. Workaround for this is to disable following option:
Tools->Options->jVi config->platform->use modal frame
I found the solution here which solves other problems with cursor too. I hope this will help you.
ubuntu - 14.04
java 1.7.0_121
netbeans - 8.2
jvi - 1.5.4
i had the same issue and 'use model frame' was already enabled. Enabling 'MacRetinaCursorXorBug' fixed the issue. i have set the frequency of the cursor to 500 to be on the safer side.
Enabling the option MacRetinaCursorXorBug under Tools > Options > jViConfig > Platform was the only working solution for me among a bunch of other suggested workarounds. So it's important to mention that this setting could be required even on non Mac Systems.
(Tested on environment: Netbeans IDE 8.0.2, Ubuntu 15.04 with Kernel 3.19.0-16, XFCE-Desktop 4.12, VirtualBox 4.3.28)
Setting the blink rate to 500 as suggested by develucas fixed this for me on Ubuntu and Netbeans 8.1, though it still disappears whilst moving it reappears shortly after it becomes stationary, makes jvi useable again.

How to disable closing Firefox 7 tab using ctrl+F4

I have been browsing around to find a way to disable closing Firefox 7 tab using ctrl+F4.
Kind of hard to find an easy way to do it. Lock down browser security will help me using Firefox as a kiosk during the Linux Day event.
Have you seen the keyconfig addon?
Or, more directly kiosk-related: R-kiosk
Curious, I've never known CTRL+F4 is able to close the tab.
I've investigated the case a bit. I've tried disabling it in Keyconfig, but without success. The shortcut is not even listed there. When you try to add other shortcut to CTRL+F4 to override the default behavior, it still closes the tab.
Note that also CTRL+W is able to close the tab, but in this case you can disable it in Keyconfig.
Seems that CTRL+W and CTRL+F4 are handled different way therefore.
About CTRL+F4, I was able to find the following code:
http://dxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/browser/base/content/tabbrowser.xml.html, #else in line 2437:
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
if (aEvent.ctrlKey && !aEvent.shiftKey && !aEvent.metaKey &&
aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_F4 &&
this.mTabBox.handleCtrlPageUpDown) {
this.removeCurrentTab({animate: true});
I'm new to Mozilla code base, so I don't know where to search for CTRL+W however. But it seems CTRL+F4 is hardcoded at compile time for Windows and Linux and not easily (or at all) configurable.
You can think of reporting a bug to Bugzilla but I don't know if this would get top-priority treatment.
In your Firefox address bar type about:config and hit enter you will be shown the warning to proceed with care, then look for the properties like
You need to modify the binary values or change the boolean values from true to false or vice versa. If you don't have such entries, create them with right-click > New > Boolean.
PS: Please proceed with care.

Resharper function to fix naming convention issues

A bunch of classes doesn't comply to our naming conventions for private variables. Resharper shows this as a warning, but wants me to fix all of them by hand. Is there some magic option to auto-fix these issues?
'Clean-up code' won't do anything with this. Same goes for converting properties with backing fields to automatic properties when possible: the hint is shown, but Resharper won't fix it automatically.
In more recent versions of ReSharper, this is much easier, but the solution might not be obvious. It wasn't for me!
Here are the steps:
When an inconsistent naming is detected, ReSharper underlines the symbol in question. Click on it. This will cause a light bulb to appear in the margin.
Click on the light bulb. The first option should be 'rename to [corrected name]'. To the right, there's an arrow.
Click the arrow to drill down. From there, you can choose Fix in File, Fix in Project, and so on.
No, resharper will not silently perform an action that alters the behavior of code, only style/aesthetics.
You must actively make functional changes to code.
put your cursor at the top of the file, hold down ALT and alternate between PAGE DOWN to get to the next style issue and ENTER to bring up the smart tag to make the change.
use SHFT-ALT PAGE DOWN to cycle through errors.
