Kohana: Adapting Mixu's Auth Useradmin Template - kohana

I'm looking at Mixu's Auth module for Kohana 3.1 but want to implement the UI into my own site templates. At the moment my site runs properly using its own template until it gets to a restricted page. At that point it loads the useradmin module's template for logins. I'd like to just load the page components into my own template and navigation.
What is the best way to go about this please? I had imagined I would be able to arrest the flow at some point within my 'application' environment without editing the 'module' environment.
I'm a little further along now. I've created two Controller classes:
Each extends the module class and replaces the template reference. Eg:
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');
class Controller_User extends Useradmin_Controller_User {
public $template = 'smarty:maintemplate';
I guess this is the right approach. I'm using Smarty Templates which is compounding the issues as I need to merge different templates. I'll keep plugging away and see how I go.

I don't know about the best way, but I had a similar situation.
In the end, I copied part of the code from the module that I needed, and rolled my own implementation of the module.
Btw. Smarty is ok, but Kostache (Mustache for Kohana) rocks. More flexible and you can use the same templates for php and javascript.


Having Issues using Esri ArcGIS API for JavaScript in Lightning Web Component (require is not defined at eval)

I'm trying to implement Esri ArcGIS JS in Lightning Web Component. While using ArcGIS JS, the sample code uses require function to load modules. In order to do that I'm trying to use require.js. I downloaded it from here (Require.js). And then uploaded to my sandbox as static resource. I'm trying to use that static resource in my Lightning Web Component. I also added the script tag for the ArcGIS Javascript API in my Experience Cloud site's header as
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.24"></script>
Lightning Web Component:
import { LightningElement, track } from 'lwc';
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import requireJS from '#salesforce/resourceUrl/requireJS';
export default class TestMap extends LightningElement {
renderedCallback() {
loadScript(this, requireJS).then(() => {
console.log('requireJS loaded');
], (
) => {
var initExtent = new Extent({
xmin: -15884312,
ymin: 1634835,
xmax: -6278767,
ymax: 7505198,
spatialReference: 102100
}).catch(exception => {
My problem right now, eventhough I can see in the Network tab that the require.js is loaded from static resource, require function cannot be found.
Exception message catched
I'm not sure where is the issue since this is how I loaded my all javascript files before.
I was expecting to see the the require function is working after the require.js script loaded from Static Resource.
This one is a bit tricky, I will try to guide you as much as I can.
First, don't put the script tag in your website header. This is a last chance solution, we'll keep it if nothing else work.
Second, requireJS is not compatible with LWC (or Locker Service to be precise). So you can forget it. loadScript is in someways similar.
Now the solution, usually I download the whole from a CDN and host it as a static resource. Then you can load it via loadScript and use it as per the documentation.
In case the library is really small, it could be created as a LWC and then be imported but usually libraries are too heavy regarding Salesforce limit.
Looking at the library, it seems that they do not provide any compiled full version (which is probably huge). In this case I would recommend to make a custom build locally containing only the necessary pieces of code and then uploading as a static resource. Unfortunately I can't help on this part as I still didn't do it myself yet.
Feel free to comment and I will improve my answer is it's unclear.

How to inject data into Angular2 component created from a router?

I'm currently trying to build an Angular2 prototype (based on alpha44) of our Angular1 app (pretty complex one) and I'm trying to find the best model/data architecture when using routes and child routes.
In my example, from a child component created from a route, I want to access a property of the parent component (hosting the router-outlet).
But when you create a component from a router-outlet, you cannot use #Input and #Output anymore.
So what is the best practice to inject some data/properties, except basic routeParams and static routeData?
How do you communicate with the parent component without too much coupling?
You can use RouteData in order to pass data into routes. See here and here. I'm still missing the part of initialising this data obj from the component (see my question regarding)
A shared service can be used with components added by the router. For details see https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/cookbook/component-communication.html
data support also was added to the new router in RC.4. For details see How do I pass data in Angular 2 components while using Routing?
Angular 2 - equivalent to router resolve data for new router might also be related.
You can pass (inject) data from child component inside Router Outlet to Parent component with Subject,Observable. You can found my solution in this video.
See the code on GitHub: https://github.com/tabvn/angular-blog

What is a recommended way to get data into your meteor template from the front-end for a famous surface?

I've been following along with the book Discover Meteor from https://www.discovermeteor.com/ and I have built the tutorial project called 'Microscope'
This uses iron-router and Meteor templating system to render out the front-end. I want to redo this project using famo.us for the front-end but I am unclear on how I to do so.
I am aware of a package called famono. mrt add famono. Using this package I can integrate famo.us and draw surface to the screen in a meteor project. It also allows you to render templates to the screen.
But I am confused on how to redo the project so the router - routes to render a famous surface with the data.
Also I am wondering if the templates will still be reactive.
If someone could provide insight on how to redo the 'Microscope' project to use famo.us on the front-end I would greatly appreciate it!
UPDATE (to be more specific)
I have been trying to figure out how to integrate famous with templates and routing, and I have no clue how to do it.
I use iron-router to handle my routing which chooses which template and data to render like so:
Router.map ->
#route 'posts',
path: '/',
data: ->
So this will load up the posts template with Posts.findOne() data.
But I know with famous I can generate surfaces from templates on the front end like so:
background = new Surface
template: Template.post
data: ??? (Posts.findOne()) ???
Because javascript is what is going to load the final template into the view, what is the recommended way for me to get the data for that template, should I query the database from the front-end by setting up special subscriptions?
Typically I render the data into the page from the router on the server but...
with famous, I just have to load the main template and let famous load the rest of the templates. The only thing left is getting the data for the other templates. What is recommended?
I would start by looking at https://github.com/gadicc/meteor-famous-components/. That package will do all the work for you if you want.
I have never used the Surface template argument but I believe that is a one time load and will not update on data invalidation (data change).
Or u can take a look at working examples )

Implementing "Sign Up/Register," when CRUD methods are protected with #Check('admin')?

I have a simple application using the Play! framework's secure module. My 'Users' controller extends CRUD and is protected by #Check('admin'), so users have to be admins to access CRUD methods. However, I'd like anyone to be able to create new Users-- like a "Sign Up" or "Register" button.
What is a good way to do this, given that all of my Users methods except Create should be protected? Can I apply #Check("admin") to individual methods?
Here is my Users controller:
package controllers;
import play.*;
import play.mvc.*;
public class Users extends CRUD {
What is a good way to do this, given that all of my Users methods except Create should be protected?
In my practice, I create new controller in another package with the same name for doing this.
For example,
So, I think the best way is you should put Sign up method in the Non-Admin.
After I find some reference, this link has same idea with you and the answer of this topic is like what I said.
Can I apply #Check("admin") to individual methods?
Yes, you can. But you need to use #With(Secure.class) in that controller first.
You can see the example in Secure Module Documentation.

Render mobile version of login in Secure class Play! Framework

Is it possible to somehow override the login method of the Secure.java class of the Secure-Module in Play! Framework, so that another version of the login form is displayed?
In my case, i want to display a mobile version of the login-form if a mobile browser is detected.
I know i should not change the Secure.java class itself, but i don't really see any other solution to this problem.
As discussed in other posts you have the request in your Play! controller. So in this request you could ask which agent is trying to view your website:
String agentInfo = request.headers.get("user-agent");
The you can determine which template will be rendered for this agent:
if (agentType.isWhatEverHeIs) {
} else {
But what I would encourage you to do is responsive webdevelopment. Create your templates as smart as possible, let the template and css and javascript do this and keep your business logic in your controller.
You could use the Twitter Bootstrap to achieve this, but there are many more! Like Skeleton.
You even got the request object inside your templates so that you can optionally render things in your template (or not) based on the agent.
Even simpler, simply create/override the secure/login.html template and use responsive design : media queries. No need to change the controller or check agent or whatever.
