Understanding the sencha touch object model - object

Okay, so I have the following class definition:
MyApp.views.ItemAction = Ext.extend(Ext.ActionSheet, {
items: [{
text: 'cancel',
handler: function(){
When I create an instance of ItemAction and show() it, an action sheet appears. Brilliant.
Now my problem: pushing the cancel button will hide the button itself, and not the parent sheet.
How do I solve this?

You can also try
handler: function(){
up will navigate up the owner chain. Calling it without any variables will get the immediate owner. But calling destroy is also a good idea since it will remove the sheet from the dom.

Okay, so I amended my code to look like this:
MyApp.views.ItemAction = Ext.extend(Ext.ActionSheet, {
id: 'itemaction',
items: [{
text: 'cancel',
handler: function(){
//do other stuff here...
And it works; I will use that for now, but of course I will appreciate a less kludgy solution (and no, setting the item scope to this does not work -- I get a DomWindow object if I do this).


How to mix your own undo and webContents.undo() in Electron?

I want to handle my own undo/redo menu commands and at the same time still support the Electron built-in undo/redo of the webContents object when it is relevant, for example when the user is focused on a text input element.
This answer seems like a good start, but it is incomplete as it does not address the root question, which is how to mix the two things.
Here is how the ideal code would look like when defining the menu item:
label: 'Undo',
accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Z',
click: function(menuItem, focusedWin) {
if (*** focusedWin.webContents thinks it can handle it ***) {
} else {
// Run my own code
The one dollar question is: how do I code the "if focusedWin.webContents thinks it can handle it" test?
I found a solution to my problem. It's not elegant, but it works. The idea is that the built-in Edit menus such as undo/redo/cut/copy/paste/delete/etc. should be managed by the webContents object only when the user is focused on an input or textarea element.
So in my index.html file, I send a message to the Main process when there is a focus or a blur event on input elements. This sets a global variable (yuck!) on the main process side which is used to make the decision between letting webContents do its job or doing it ourselves.
In index.html (I use jQuery and the great messaging system described in this other thread):
//-- Tell the main process if the preset Edit menus should be activated or not.
// Typically we active it only when the active item has text input
$('input').focus(() => window.api.send("menus:edit-buildin", { turnItOn: true }));
$('input').blur(() => window.api.send("menus:edit-buildin", { turnItOn: false }));
In main.js:
// This is a global :-( to track if we should enable and use
// the preset Edit menus: undo/redo/cut/copy/paste/delete
var menusEditPreset = false;
// Listen to the renderer
ipcMain.on("menus:edit-buildin", (event, { turnItOn }) => {
menusEditPreset = turnItOn;
// ... and in the menu definition:
id: 'undo',
label: 'Undo',
accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Z',
click: (event, focusedWindow, focusedWebContents) => {
if (menusEditPreset) {
} else {
console.log("My own undo !");

How to use content that's stored in other elements?

I am trying to create multiple jBoxes using the data-attributes and I want to feed them with content from other elements.
I assumed this wouldn't be possible (out of the box), so I used a data-jbox-content-from attribute which is supposed to be point to the element with the content.
But I'm confused now: I know that I should be creating a single jBox only - but I do not see how that is doable when on the other hand I need distinct calls per element to provide the content?
And to confirm my uncertainty...the fiddle isn't working. So I hope someone will find a way to do this either my fixing bugs in my "ugly" approach (eaching over the controls) or a smarter use of JS/jBox.
$("[data-jbox-content-from]").each(function() {
new jBox("Tooltip", {
theme: "TooltipDark",
id: "jBoxTooltip_" + $(this).attr("id"),
getTitle: "data-jbox-title",
content: $($(this).attr("data-jbox-content-from")),
attach: "#" + $(this).attr("id")
Complete fiddle here
You approach is correct. But you need to put your code into domready:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("[data-jbox-content-from]").each(function() {
new jBox("Tooltip", {
theme: "TooltipDark",
id: "jBoxTooltip_" + $(this).attr("id"),
getTitle: "data-jbox-title",
content: $($(this).attr("data-jbox-content-from")),
attach: "#" + $(this).attr("id")
Also notice that I removed the .attach() method after new jBox. jBox does that when it initializes.
See updated fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/StephanWagner/kqgxcda1/1/

Cypress: How to know if element is visible or not in using If condition?

I want to know if an element is visible or not. I am not sure how to do that.
I know that we can run this:
But if element is invisible then test is failed. So I just want a boolean value if element is not visible so I can decide through if condition.
Use case:
I want to open a side menu by clicking on the button only if sidebar is invisible.
Is this possible?
I really appreciate for any contribution.
Thanks in advance
Cypress allows jQuery to work with DOM elements so this will work for you:
cy.get("selector_for_your_button").then($button => {
if ($button.is(':visible')){
//you get here only if button is visible
UPDATE: You need to differentiate between button existing and button being visible. The code below differentiates between 3 various scenarios (exists & visible, exists & not visible, not exists). If you want to pass the test if the button doesn't exist, you can just do assert.isOk('everything','everything is OK')
cy.get("body").then($body => {
if ($body.find("selector_for_your_button").length > 0) {
//evaluates as true if button exists at all
cy.get("selector_for_your_button']").then($header => {
if ($header.is(':visible')){
//you get here only if button EXISTS and is VISIBLE
} else {
//you get here only if button EXISTS but is INVISIBLE
} else {
//you get here if the button DOESN'T EXIST
assert.isOk('everything','everything is OK');
You can also use my plugin cypress-if to write conditional command chains
Read https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/cypress-if/
try this code:
isElementVisible(xpathLocater) {
isElementNotVisible(xpathLocater) {
then use these two methods with if statement like shown below:
if(isElementNotVisible) {
if(isElementVisible) {

jquery jtable deleteConfirmation function not working

I am trying to use the deleteConfimation function option but I find that the default confirmation box pops up before I even get into the deleteConfimation function - what am I missing?
In the code below I can set break points and watch the data object being set up correctly with its new defaultConfirmMessage, but the basic jtable default delete confirmation box has already appeared and I never see an altered one.
title: tablename,
paging: true,
pageSize: 100,
sorting: true,
defaultSorting: sortvar + ' ASC',
selecting: false,
deleteConfirmation: function(data) {
var defaultMessage = 'This record will be deleted - along with all its assignments!<br>Are you sure?';
if(data.record.Item) { // deleting an item
// Check whether item is in any preset lists
var url = 'CampingTablesData.php?action=CheckPresets&Table=items';
ReturnAjax(url, {'ID':data.record.ID}, MyError)
function(retdata, status) {
if(status=='success') {
if(retdata.PresetList) {
data.deleteConfirmMessage = 'Item is in the following lists: ' + retdata.PresetList + 'Do you still want to delete it?';
} else {
data.cancel = true;
data.cancelMessage = retdata.Message;
} else {
data.deleteConfirmMessage = defaultMessage;
messages: {
addNewRecord: 'Add new',
deleteText: deleteTxt
actions: {
listAction: function(postData, jtParams) {
<list action code>
createAction: function(postData) {
<create action code>
updateAction: 'CampingTablesData.php?action=update&Table=' + tablename,
deleteAction: 'CampingTablesData.php?action=delete&Table=' + tablename
fields: tableFields --- preset variable
After further testing the problem is only when deleting an item and it goes through the $.when().done() section of code. The Ajax call to the deletion url does not wait for this to complete - how do I overcome this?
i don't think you can get your design to work. What does the A in ajax stand for? Asynchronous! Synchronous Ajax has been deprecated for all sorts of good design and performance reasons.
You need to design you application to function asynchronously. Looking at your code, it feels you are misusing the deleteConfirmation event.
Consider changing the default deleteConfirmation message to inform the user, that the delete might not succeed if certain condition are met. Say
messages: {
deleteConfirmation: "This record will be deleted - along with all its assignments, unless in a preset list. Do you wish to try to delete this record?"
Then on the server, check the preset lists, and if not deletable, return an error message for jTable to display.
Depending on how dynamic your preset lists are, another approach might be to let the list function return an additional flag or code indicating which, if any, preset lists the item is already in, then your confirmation function can check this flag / indicator without further access to the server.
Thanks to MisterP for his observation and suggestions. I also considered his last approach but ended up setting deleteConfirmation to false (so as not to generate a system prompt) then writing a delete function that did not actually delete, but returned the information I needed to construct my own deleteConfimation message. Then a simple if confirm(myMessage) go ahead and delete with another Ajax call.

Ember Save a change to an attribute

Very new to Ember, quick question please: How do I save/persist a change to an attribute? Have the following action in the controller:
actions: {
togOnField: function(){
if (this.get('onField')){
this.set('onField', false);
} else {
this.set('onField', true);
Looking around I've found
At the moment, using this, the attribute is immediately reverting back to its previous state. Does this mean the save is unsuccessful? Working with a Sails API and Postgres DB, both seem to be working fine.
And what are the different options for how I might save from this action? Thanks a lot.
this in that controller refers to the controller, probably not the model as you expect. One thing you can do is pass in the model to the action.
In your template,
<button {{action 'toggleOnField' user}}>Toggle on field</button>
Then the action becomes
actions: {
toggleOnField: function(user) {
user.toggleProperty('onField').save().then(function() {
// do something
}, function(reason) {
// handle error
