Watir-webdriver issue with options.yml file - watir

I have been using firewatir for quite some time but thinking of switching to watir-webdriver. I was playing with my existing script and getting an error in the IRB when i use watir-webdriver
Here is my code from existing script
require 'rubygems'
require 'watir-webdriver'
Watir.options_file = 'classes/options.yml'
I am getting a following error
"undefined method `options_file=' for Watir:Module (NoMethodError)"
Can someone point me to the right direction since I am lost on this for couple of days.

Watir != Watir-Webdriver. Watir-Webdriver does not support options.yml using options_file, or most likely the options you're setting in it (browser.speed, etc).
You can find a list of available methods, as well as a comparison list of the two here: http://jarib.github.com/watir-webdriver/doc/ .
If you post the options you are setting in that file we can help you determine if they're available in Watir-Webdriver, or how else you use them.

You can read more about watir-webdriver at http://watirwebdriver.com/


watir - is it able to use watir-webdriver and selenium-webdriver in the same time?

I'm new to automation, sorry if the title is not appropiate.
I have Ruby, Devkit, gem json, cucumber, capybara, selenium-webdriver, rspec installed following the guide http://www.swtestacademy.com/ruby-cucumber-and-capybara-on-windows/
However I cannot locate an element using a full xpath (checked and verified with xpath plugin and developer tool), my action is:
page.find(:xpath, "my_xpath").send_keys(yyy)
and I got:
Unable to find visible xpath
I also tried:
and I got:
uninitialized constant By (NameError)
And I would like to try using watir, I have installed gem watir, watir-webdriver.
and added require 'watir' into my env.rb
then I try:
page.input(:name => "xxx").set(yyy)
But I get: undefined method `input' for # (NoMethodError)
May I have some suggestions please?
My env.rb now looks like this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'capybara'
require 'capybara/dsl'
require 'rspec'
require "selenium-webdriver"
require 'watir'
require 'cucumber'
Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Binary.path='C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe'
Capybara.run_server = false
#Set default driver as Selenium
Capybara.default_driver = :selenium
#Set default selector as css
Capybara.default_selector = :cs
#Syncronization related settings
module Helpers
def without_resynchronize
    page.driver.options[:resynchronize] = false
    page.driver.options[:resynchronize] = true
World(Capybara::DSL, Helpers)
How can I disable capybara and set watir properly?
Sorry that I have no technical background...
Thomas, Yes the element is visible,
HTML screenshot
Actually I will be setting value to these 3 password fields.
The xpath I'm trying is:
/html/body[#class='modal-open']/app-root/div[#id='wrapper']/app-navigation/user-change-password/div[#id='myModal']/div[#class='modal-dialog modal-lg']/div[#class='modal-content']/div[#class='modal-body']/form[#class='ng-pristine ng-invalid ng-touched']/fieldset[#class='form-horizontal']/div[#class='form-group'][1]/div[#class='col-sm-7']/input[1]
(at the end I use avoid using class as I see the class name different sometimes)
The problem now shift to chromedriver.
Double clicking it able to show
Starting ChromeDriver 2.33.506120 (e3e53437346286c0bc2d2dc9aa4915ba81d9023f) on port 9515
Only local connections are allowed.
But enter chromedriver on cmd will show Chromedriver.exe has stopped working.
The reason it's not working for you is due to an unfortunate bug in geckodriver/firefox - which is probably also going to affect watir - whereby it assumes any element with a hidden attribute is actually non-visible (if the display style is set to anything other than default it actually overrides the hidden attribute but not as far as selenium is concerned). This is affecting you because of the hidden attribute on the element div#myModal which makes selenium think the entire modal is non-visible - https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/issues/864. If you swap to testing with Chrome instead the issue will go away.
Additionally using XPaths as specific as you show is a terrible idea and will lead to highly fragile tests. If you swap to Chrome (Capybara.default_driver = :selenium_chrome) you'd be much better off just doing something like
page.fill_in('Original Password', with: 'blah')
One final point, the :resynchronize option went away a long time ago, you might want to find a more up to date guide to follow

lock preferences in firefox 45.5 on RHEL

I am required to make a custom FireFox profile on a RHEL based system.
most of the configuration are changed inside the FireFox inside the about:config menu.
When I try and lock parameter values using the "mozilla.cfg" file and the "lockPref("", )" function the browser doesn't seem to read those files, I place the file both in: "~/.mozilla/firefox/" and "/usr/lib64/firefox/". I used the http://kb.mozillazine.org/Lock_Prefs guide and some more and still I have no one answer about where those function should be written and how do I check that those functions were loaded.
I would like some clear instructions or a definitive guide that I just couldn't manage to find.
This came up fairly high in a Google search when I was asking the same question, but did not have an answer at the time.
I found the following reference:
On RHEL7, the files needed to be added to the following locations:
/usr/lib64/firefox/defaults/preferences/autoconfig.js (root:root, 644)
/usr/lib64/firefox/mozilla.cfg (root:root, 644)

How do I simulate keyboard events in Chromedriver/Selenium for Node.js?

I'm trying to automate uploading an image file to a server to which I don't have a better form of access (FTP, etc.). I'm using Node.js with Selenium and Chromedriver, and everything is going well until I need to simulate special keys. I've researched a bit, and have found nothing so far. Mac specific answers are ok for this.
I tried this from another answer somewhere, but it's not working for me:
.sendKeys(Keys.COMMAND + Keys.SHIFT + 'g')
It fails out because Keys is undefined, but I haven't run across any other ways to get at the commands.
After further research, it seems that this is the wrong way to do this. Selenium and Chromedriver don't really support OS level interaction, but there is an easier way.
This will target uploadName and then give it the file path passed into sendKeys. This bypasses the messy OS file dialogs.

Getting echofunc.vim to work

I came across echofunc.vim today (from a link in SO). Since I'm rubbish at remembering the order of function parameters, it looked like a very useful tool for me.
But the documentation is a bit lean on installation! And I've not been able to find any supplementary resources on the internet.
I'm trying to get it running on a RHEL box. I've copied the script into ~/.vim/plugin/echofunc.vim however no prompt when I type in a function name followed by '('. I've tried adding
let g:EchoFuncLangsUsed = ["php","java","cpp"]
to my .vimrc - still no prompting.
I'm guessing it needs to read from a dictionary somewhere - although there is a file in /usr/share/vim/vim70/ftplugin/php.vim, this is the RH default and does not include an explicit function list.
I'm not too bothered about getting hints on the functions/methods I've defined - just trying to get hints for the built-in functions. I can see there is a dictionary file available here which appears to provide the resources required for echofunc.vim, I can't see how I set this up.
It expects a tags file, the last line of the description describes exactly how to generate it:
ctags -R --fields=+lS .
It works here with PHP but not with JS. Your mileage may vary.
I didn't know about this plugin, thanks for the info.
You should try phpcomplete.vim, it shows a prototype of the current function in a scratchpad. It is PHP only, though.

Jelly script to reset the issue resolution in JIRA

I am trying to run a jelly script in JIRA to set the resolution to null for all my issues. The following script runs without errors and returns this:
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira='jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib' xmlns:log='jelly:log' xmlns:core='jelly:core' xmlns:jx='jelly:xml' xmlns:util='jelly:util'>org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUEorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUEorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUE.... </JiraJelly>
Here is the script.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:util="jelly:util" xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:jx="jelly:xml" xmlns:log="jelly:log">
<jira:RunSearchRequest var="issues" />
<core:forEach var="genericIssue" items="${issues}">
<core:invokeStatic className="com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueImpl" method="getIssueObject" var="issue">
<core:arg type="org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue" value="${genericIssue}"/>
<core:invoke on="${issue}" method="setResolution">
<core:arg type="org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue">org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUE</core:arg>
Does any one have any idea why this isn't working or have any ideas on how I might set the resolution to nothing?
Thank you!!
Updating issues via jelly in JIRA is a bit broken. The best example of how to make it work that I've seen is by using ActionDispatcher as shown on the docs page in a comment by Alastair King.
I know it can be done with Jelly runner, but i thinks that this would be easier to do so using the Jira remote API or the Jira CLI. A more elaborated example of the Jira remote API can be found here. If anyone wants me to post a working source code feel free to ask.
