Perforce Revert Shows "file(s) not opened on this client" - perforce

I'm trying to open an existing Perforce application. I made some local changes, like deleting files, which I want to undo (that is, I want my local copy to exactly match the repository once more -- delete added files, restore deleted files, and undo changes).
When I try to revert using the p4v gui client, I see this error:
file(s) not opened on this client
What am I doing wrong?
I did manage to revert all the changed files, but not the added/removed files.
Edit: I did the following:
Connect to a Perforce server using p4v
Map a directory to my local file system (lets say C:\Perforce)
Get the latest version of the repository
Go to C:\Perforce in Windows Explorer
Delete some files and folders
Add some files and folders
I would like to get back to the "pristine" state, the copy of exactly what's on the server when I got the latest version of the repository for the first time.

By the looks of the edited description you added and deleted files directly on the filesystem and not through perforce. Therefore Perforce doesn't know anything about those changes so there is nothing to revert. Typically when you want to add a file you use 'p4 add" (or the equivalent p4v operation), and when you delete, you should use 'p4 delete' (or again, the equivalent p4v operation).
Really, the best option to get back to a pristine state is to nuke the local copy of the code in c:\perforce (in windows explorer), go to p4v, right click the area you want to sync, and choose "Get Revision..." and in the subsequent dialog, make sure that the "force operation" checkbox is checked. This will tell Perforce that you want a new copy of everything regardless of whether you had it synced or not.
You can also run "reconcile offline work" in p4v. Right click the depot area and choose that option. It will scan through the local folder structure and give you a report of what files have been added that don't exist in perforce, what files were deleted, and what files were modified. From that dialog, you can right click on local files that don't exist in perforce and delete them, or you can 'p4 add' them. You can also sync deleted files.

Just an extra not to point out another cause for this.
If the file name contains an unusual character that cannot be translated correctly the name on the client will never match that on the server.
The solution in this case is to spot that character in the file name (it will be a question mark emblem on Linux) and use a wildcard to help identify the file to the server so it can delete it etc (p4 deleting the file is a way to go).

This answer may not be your case. This happened to me when I edited the files on my local disk without logging into p4.
A quick fix at commandline is:
p4 login # make sure you've logged in
p4 edit <filename> # let p4 know you've edited the file
p4 revert <filename> # revert to "pristine" state

You can use p4 reconcile -w to restore your client to the state of the server. There is an alias called clean, which is also available in P4V on the right-click context menu as Clean....
There are several additional flags to control whether added and deleted files are deleted or restored, respectively.
The -w flag forces the workspace files to be updated to match the
depot rather than opening them so that the depot can be updated to
match the workspace. The -a, -d, and -e flags when used with -w
update workspace files as follows:
-a Files with no corresponding depot file are deleted.
-d Depot files not in the workspace are added.
-e Modified files are restored to the last version synced.


P4V Get Latest does nothing

I do not want to go "Get Revision" > "Force". Because half of my stuff is already downloaded. I don't want to overwrite what I already have. P4V Can clearly see that what is in the depot and what is local is completely different. How can I get Perforce to retrieve the files I do not have, and ignore the ones I already do?
Select your workspace root, go to File > Open Command Window Here, and run:
p4 clean
This will scan your workspace and force-sync everything that's different or missing, as well as deleting unadded files. Note that if you have local work that isn't in a changelist, this will irrevocably erase it. If you only want to "clean" files that are edited/present but out of date (and disregard added/deleted files), do p4 clean -e instead. If you want to preview the operation before doing it for real, do p4 clean -n.
I think you can do the equivalent via the "Reconcile Offline Work" tool in P4V, but it may require additional manual steps.
To make working with Perforce easier, try to avoid modifying files in your workspace that are read-only -- if you want to remove a file from your workspace, use "remove from workspace" in P4V rather than manually deleting it, etc. Perforce is able to make file operations very fast by virtue of knowing what's in your workspace and not having to re-check it each time, but you eliminate that benefit when you mess with your workspace manually.
Instead of p4 clean, you could do:
reconcile offline work on root of workspace then a pop-up saying that you deleted some files and it is going to delete them from Depot of the server as well make sure you added to default or new changelist or whatever. Accept.
Go to changelist and right-click press revert files to bring back the deleted/missing files.

How can I move a folder to another changelist using P4V?

I have accidentally added a few folders to my default changelist that I don't want to submit to the server. How can I move these changes to another changelist, or remove them from the changelist without affecting the files on disk?
I have created a new changelist and moved some individual files / changes to this list but the folder contains many autogenerated files and this will take too long to do file by file.
I also looked at using the "revert" option but I think some of these files may have been previously added to the server in error. Reverting seems like it will change these files on disk to the previous server version.
You can specify the folder path in "Find File".
And use "*" to match all files in the contains filed.
Now you can select all the files in your folder by using "Ctrl+A"
From P4V you can multi-select the files in the pending changes window and then drag them into a new changelist. If they're all in the same directory they'll all be grouped together since it's sorted by depot path.
If you just want to have them not be open but also not modify them on disk, go to the command line and do:
p4 revert -k //depot/path/...
The -k option lets you keep your local files. This isn't available from P4V as far as I know (since it leaves your workspace out of sync with the depot state, it's usually a bad idea).
If you have generated files in your workspace that aren't supposed to go into the depot, you should exclude them from your client's View, e.g.:
//depot/... //myclient/...
-//depot/path_to_generated_files/... //myclient/path_to_generated_files/...
This will essentially "hide" these files from all Perforce operations; you will never be able to add files from this workspace path, and if somebody else adds files to that depot path, you won't sync them down to your workspace. Two notes on this:
If you already have some of these files in the depot and they're currently synced, excluding them from your view and then syncing your client will remove them from your client. You can use sync -k, much like revert -k, to keep your local copies while telling the server that your client is properly up to date.
If you're using streams, you can do this for ALL clients of the stream by adding an Ignored path.

Why can't I delete this perforce changelist?

I'm new to perforce and somehow I've gotten myself into a weird state.
I have two files that I modified and somehow added to a change list (not the default changelist). I want to revert the changes and delete the changelist but I can't figure it out.
I have tried doing this:
p4 change -d 75697
Change 75697 has 2 open file(s) associated with it and can't be deleted.
So I tried to revert the files in the change list:
p4 revert package.json
package.json - file(s) not opened on this client.
Okay, so I guess I need to open the file?
p4 edit package.json
//a/b/c/package.json - can't edit (already opened on this client)
So I can't revert the file until I open it but I can't open it because it's already open? What's the deal?
You could be getting that error because your local package.json doesn't map to the actual depot path that's open (due to something tricky you've done with your client view since opening the file). It's hard to say without seeing more command output, but try just:
p4 revert -c 75697 //...
to revert all files in that changelist regardless of their paths.
If that doesn't work, check with your Perforce admin; either they've put you into some really weird permissions bind (i.e. they've revoked the access level to the files that you need in order to revert them) that they should undo, or they'll need to do a bit of light db maintenance (p4d -xf 925) to fix an inconsistency.

Recover deleted files from Perforce

I deleted a file from Perforce in the last month. Is there a way to retrieve it from P4?
If so, what command can I use?
Note: I'm not the admin for p4. And I don't want the file back in P4 but I just want it in my local workspace.
Also, I don't know the exact timeframe when I deleted it in last month...What command can I run?
I'm running P4 on windows. I'll appreciate if someone can provide equivalent command for windows
When you delete a file in Perforce, it creates a "deleted" revision, but the archive file is still there.
In the Perforce P4V GUI in the depot veiw, there is a filter symbol on top of the explore pane .
Click on this and select "Show Deleted Depot Files".
Find the file you want to restore and right-click on it. Select "Rollback..." and revert it to the previous revision of that file (before it was deleted.)
By default it will create a new changelist, be sure to select the one you want if you already have one.
On the command line:
p4 sync //depot/folder/subfolder/filename#changelist
You can use either the command line or the GUI, from the command line p4 sync -f forces the files to be resynchronized. For more information see the Perforce Knowledge Base.
If you haven't committed the change list of deleted files to the repository, right click on the folder containing the deleted files in p4v and choose Get Revision. Be sure to check Force Operation and then Click Get Revision. Then the deleted files will be restored from p4 server.

"Actually, Perforce I don't want you tracking that file after all ..." how do I get Perforce to listen?

Sometimes I "Mark for Add" and add files to Perforce which I actually didn't want Perforce to worry about.
Is there a way to revert it so it just goes back to showing in P4V as an "untracked" item?
See my example:
I've added mil.ico and mil3.ico by mistake. I just want them to go back to looking like test.ico, ie. ignored by Perforce:
Even if I save a copy of the files, then delete, then put them back (all of which is a serious bore), P4V still knows they have a history and marks them as shown:
I just want Perforce to leave a file alone when I tell it to.
If you want to remove the last traces of the files from perforce, your only chance is through p4 obliterate. This will irreversibly remove file revisions or even file's complete history from perforce and will only work with administrator privileges. I don't know if obliterate is available through p4v, on the command line you would issue:
cd directory_of_accident
p4 obliterate accidentally_submitted_file
and if it looks like you and perforce agree on the file to forget
p4 obliterate -y accidentally_submitted_file
to seal the issue.
You can delete the items from the Perforce depot. Keep in mind Perforce will want to delete your local copy of that file so you should save it off in a different location, delete the file in Perforce and move the local version back.
Are you looking at your file structure through the Depot tab or the Workspace tab? It looks like it may be your Depot tab.
Try going to your Workspace tab then click on the Filter icon (looks more like a funnel) and ensure that "Show Files Not in Depot" is selected.
Hopefully looking through the Workspace tab, as opposed to Depot, will hide the deleted files, and selecting the appropriate filters will show your non-Perforce files.
