Cross Join in SQL 2005 with like - cross-join

Below are two queries. I get correct returns in Access but NO returns in SQL. Is my syntax in the SQL version wrong? Curiously, even if I leave out the second part of the WHERE statement, the returned values don't make sense (i.e. last names = tblx.Last Name = Hull / tbly.Last Name = Morris)...Any ideas?
--SQL 2005
SELECT tblx.[Last Name], tblx.[First Name]
FROM tblx cross join tbly
WHERE (tblx.[Last Name] Like '%[tbly].[Last Name]%') AND (tblx.[First Name] Like '%Right([tbly].[First Name],3) %')
--Access 2007
SELECT tblx.[Last Name], tblx.[First Name]
FROM tblx cross join tbly
WHERE (((tblx.[Last Name]) Like "" & [tbly].[Last Name] & "") AND ((tblx.[First Name]) Like "" & Right([tbly].[First Name],3) & ""))

It should be:
SELECT tblx.[Last Name], tblx.[First Name] FROM tblx cross join tbly WHERE (((tblx.[Last Name]) Like '%' + [tbly].[Last Name]+'%') AND ((tblx.[First Name]) Like '%' + Right([tbly].[First Name],3) +'%'))
Same for Acess sql.


Escape white space in column name in Hive

I want to write a script to query data from Hive using ODBC. However, the column that I have to make a condition on happen to have a white space in it. As a result, it returned only column names but no result. So, I'd like to know how I can escape the white space in column name, "item id", so that I can get the result I desire returned.
Here is the example of code I used.
import pyodbc
import pandas as pd
query = "SELECT * FROM tableA " \
"WHERE 'item id' RLIKE 'AB001.*' LIMIT 2 "
with pyodbc.connect("DSN=HIVE_ODBC", autocommit=True) as conn:
df = pd.read_sql(query, conn)
Thank you in advance
Try the following:
query = "SELECT * FROM tableA " \
"WHERE `item id` RLIKE 'AB001.*' LIMIT 2 "
e.i., instead single-quote use `.

Getting error while running an sql script in ADW

Am getting an error that goes like this:
Insert values statement can contain only constant literal values or variable references.
these are the statements in which I am getting the errors:
INSERT INTO val.summary_numbers (metric_name, metric_val, dt_create) VALUES ('Total IP Enconters',
count(DISTINCT encounter_id)
FROM prod.encounter
WHERE encounter_type = 'Inpatient')
(SELECT min(mod_loadidentifier)
FROM ccsm.stg_demographics_baseline)
INSERT INTO val.summary_numbers (metric_name, metric_val, dt_create) VALUES ('Total 30d Readmits',
count(DISTINCT encounter_id)
FROM prod.encounter_attr
attr_name = 'day_30_readmit' AND attr_value = 1)
(SELECT min(mod_loadidentifier)
FROM ccsm.stg_demographics_baseline));
Change your query like this:
insert into val.summary_numbers
'Total IP Enconters',
(select count(distinct encounter_id)
from prod.encounter
where encounter_type = 'Inpatient'),
(select min(mod_loadidentifier)
from ccsm.stg_demographics_baseline)
When using the ADW service, I would recommend that you consider using the CTAS operation possibly combined with a RENAME. The RENAME is a metadata operation so it is fast and the CTAS is parallel where the INSERT INTO will be row by row.
You may still have a data related issue that can be hard to determine with out the create table statement.

self taught -syntax error i can find- this query works in my system but no embedded in excel to same database

new to this (very new- and self teaching).....i have a query that draws from multiple tables on my computer system that gets all the appraised values and sales values from a subdivision. in my system, it runs the query fine. but when i try to convert it to run embedded in an excel sheet it gives me error saying no column name for 2 c and 3 c. when i put punctuation around the column names it says there is a syntax error with the alias "as c" at the bottom-- been awake too long--- what am i doing wrong ?:
select distinct pv.prop_id, ac.file_as_name,
'sale_type' , 'deed_date' , 'sale_date' , 'sale_type' , 'sale_price' ,
(pv.land_hstd_val + pv.land_non_hstd_val + pv.ag_market + pv.timber_market)as land_val,
(pv.imprv_hstd_val + pv.imprv_non_hstd_val)as imprv_val,, pv.abs_subdv_cd
from property_val pv with (nolock)
inner join prop_supp_assoc psa with (nolock) on
pv.prop_id = psa.prop_id
and pv.prop_val_yr = psa.owner_tax_yr
and pv.sup_num = psa.sup_num
inner join property p with (nolock) on
pv.prop_id = p.prop_id
inner join owner o with (nolock) on
pv.prop_id = o.prop_id
and pv.prop_val_yr = o.owner_tax_yr
and pv.sup_num = o.sup_num
inner join account ac with (nolock) on
o.owner_id = ac.acct_id
left outer join
(select cop.prop_id,
convert(varchar(20), co.deed_dt, 101)as deed_date,
convert(varchar(20), s.sl_dt, 101)as sale_date,
s.sl_price as sale_price, s.sl_type_cd as sale_type
from chg_of_owner_prop_assoc cop with (nolock)
inner join chg_of_owner co with (nolock) on
co.chg_of_owner_id = cop.chg_of_owner_id
inner join sale s with (nolock) on
co.chg_of_owner_id = s.chg_of_owner_id
where cop.seq_num = 0) as c
on c.prop_id = pv.prop_id
where pv.prop_val_yr = 2016
and(pv.prop_inactive_dt is null or udi_parent ='t')
and pv.abs_subdv_cd in('s3579')
order by pv.abs_subdv_cd, pv.prop_id
Is it SQL Server? Try surrounding column names with square brackets instead of quotes.

Replacement for "select * into" in sql azure?

I need a way to generically take a table and copy its data into a new table--basically the same thing that SELECT * INTO does in regular SQL Server. Is there a way to do this in SQL Azure? I only have the existing and new table names at this point.
I encountered the same problem and the author's answer is not very detailed, so I will give some more information, on how i solved it.
I needed to duplicate tables that start with a given prefix ('from_') into new tables with prefix ('to_').
Generate CREATE Statement
I use this query (found on stackoverflow) to generate all CREATE statements, for every table that starts with 'from_' prefix.
select 'create table [' + + '] (' + o.list + ')' + CASE WHEN tc.Constraint_Name IS NULL THEN '' ELSE 'ALTER TABLE ' + so.Name + ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' + tc.Constraint_Name + ' PRIMARY KEY ' + ' (' + LEFT(j.List, Len(j.List)-1) + ')' END as query
OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id(TABLE_NAME), 'TableHasIdentity') as tablehasidentity
from sysobjects so
cross apply
' ['+column_name+'] ' +
data_type + case data_type
when 'sql_variant' then ''
when 'text' then ''
when 'ntext' then ''
when 'decimal' then '(' + cast(numeric_precision as varchar) + ', ' + cast(numeric_scale as varchar) + ')'
else coalesce('('+case when character_maximum_length = -1 then 'MAX' else cast(character_maximum_length as varchar) end +')','') end + ' ' +
case when exists (
select id from syscolumns
where object_name(id)
and name=column_name
and columnproperty(id,name,'IsIdentity') = 1
) then
cast(ident_seed( as varchar) + ',' +
cast(ident_incr( as varchar) + ')'
else ''
end + ' ' +
(case when IS_NULLABLE = 'No' then 'NOT ' else '' end ) + 'NULL ' +
case when information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NOT NULL THEN 'DEFAULT '+ information_schema.columns.COLUMN_DEFAULT ELSE '' END + ', '
from information_schema.columns where table_name =
order by ordinal_position
FOR XML PATH('')) o (list)
left join
information_schema.table_constraints tc
on tc.Table_name = so.Name
AND tc.Constraint_Type = 'PRIMARY KEY'
cross apply
(select '[' + Column_Name + '], '
FROM information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
WHERE kcu.Constraint_Name = tc.Constraint_Name
FOR XML PATH('')) j (list)
where xtype = 'U'
AND name NOT IN ('dtproperties') AND name like 'from_%'
This query results in a set of values:
['query'] = create table [from_users_roles] ( [uid] int NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)), [rid] int NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)), )ALTER TABLE from_users_roles ADD CONSTRAINT from_users_roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY ([uid], [rid])
['tablehasidentity'] = 1 or 0
Now replace the prefixes in the query 'from_' with 'to_' and the CREATE Statement is finished:
create table [to_users_roles] ( [uid] int NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)), [rid] int NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)), )ALTER TABLE to_users_roles ADD CONSTRAINT to_users_roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY ([uid], [rid]);
Create INSERT Statement
When you want to insert data from one table to another, you have to distinguish between two cases:
TablehasIdentity == 0
INSERT INTO to_users_roles SELECT * FROM from_users_roles
TablehasIdentity == 1
This case is a bit more complex. The statement requires a column list and IDENTITY_INSERT switched on.
DECLARE #Query nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE #columnlist nvarchar(4000)
// Result of this query e.g.: "[cid], [pid], [nid], [uid], [subject]"
SET #query ='SET IDENTITY_INSERT to_users_roles ON; INSERT INTO to_users_roles (' + #columnlist + ') SELECT ' + #columnlist + ' FROM from_users_roles; SET IDENTITY_INSERT to_users_roles OFF'
exec sp_executesql #query;
This worked out for me pretty well.
The latest version of Azure SQL DB, now in Preview, supports the SELECT INTO syntax and no longer requires a clustered index. For a detailed description of its features, and how to use it, see
After doing more research, it looks like there is no simple way to do this. You basically have to read the table's schema information and create the new table based on that.
Select into is now supported SQL DB V12. Just upgrade your server and start using the syntax.
I found a clever trick on this blog
Instead of using "select into" use "insert select".
First you have to create the destination table. To do this, right click on the source table in SQL Management Studio, and choose "Script Table as" -> "Create To" -> "New Query Window".
Then, change the name of the table in the query, and execute the query. Below is an example where I have added today's date to the new table, calling it "Entities_2015_08_24" (the old table was called "Entities"):
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Entities_2015_08_24](
[Url] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
[ClientID] [nvarchar](max) NULL
Then, do a "insert select" from the old table (Entities) into the new table (Entities_2015_08_24):
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Entities_2015_08_24]
FROM [dbo].[Entities]
Q: Did you try it?
Q: Did you look at the SQL Azure documentation
AFAIK, you cannot use select into syntax to "clone" a table in Azure SQL. Because Azure requires a clustered index, and select into has no provision for defining one.
Details, and a potential workaround, are here:

How to search column_names in Vertica?

Anyone know of a handy function to search through column_names in Vertica? From the documentation, it seems like \d only queries table_names. I'm looking for something like MySQL's information_schema.columns, but can't find any information about a similar table of meta-data.
In 5.1 if you have enough permissions you can do
SELECT * FROM v_catalog.columns;
to access columns's info, for some things you'll need to join with
The answer may differ depending on the version of Vertica you are using.
In the latest version, 5.1, there is a COLUMNS system table. Just from looking at the online documentation here seems to be the most useful columns with their types:
That should give you what you need. If your version doesn't have the system table, let me know what version you're running and I'll see what we can do.
Wrap this python script in a shell function and you'll be able to see all tables that contain any two columns:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find Vertica attributes in tables')
parser.add_argument('names', metavar='N', type=str, nargs='+', help='attribute names')
args = parser.parse_args()
def vert_attributes(*names):
first_name = names[0].lower()
first = "select root.table_name, root.column_name from v_catalog.columns root "
last = " where root.column_name like '%s' " % first_name
names = names[1:]
if len(names) >= 1:
return first + " ".join([" inner join (select table_name from v_catalog.columns where column_name like '%s') q%s on root.table_name = q%s.table_name " % (name.lower(), index, index) for index,name in enumerate(names)]) + last
return first + last
print nz_attributes(*tuple(args.names))
