VBA - “Can't find Project or Library” for custom .xla files that are correctly located - excel

We have a main .xls file that references several .xla files in the same folder. Most of the time, all the references open fine, but sometimes, seemingly at random, some users will starting getting Can't find Project or Library..
When looking at what is missing, it will be one of the .xla files; however, the path to the file it is looking for is exactly correct and the same files will work fine for others. We've found that if we rename the folder containing all the files, the problem generally goes away.
Due to users having shortcuts to the folder, we can't generally rename the folder though. The only way around it we have found is to create another .xls file that opens all the .xla files in the right order and then opens the main .xls file last. That works but it is confusing to users as to which version of the .xls file they should use.
Anyone have any ideas what causes Excel to think something is missing when it is exactly where the reference is pointing or how to fix it (other than renaming the folder)?

You will have to open the file before you can access the code in that.


Excel behaves strange with XSLX file created manually

Based on knowledge gained through working with the OpenXML SDK, I have implemented an Excel generator in JS (using TypeScript with ReactJS and a custom JSX factory generating plain XML). The files generated open fine in Excel and one can also edit and save them fine in Excel, no errors.
However, if one tries to copy cells (even a single one) from such a generated Excel file to another worksheet in the same Excel instance, it fails with the error "The command cannot be used on multiple selections.". Just saving and reopening the file is enough to fix the problem. Copying to other applications (e.g. Notepad) works fine.
It seems that this particular error is shown by Excel in several edge cases where the data is not exactly meet the expected format, for instance I found reports of that happening when a sheet is hidden when manipulating it via VBA. However, in my case I'm not sure what could be causing the issue.
Just saving the file in Excel unfortunately significantly alters its parts, so that I couldn't get a meaningful diff out of it. I did not see what could be causing the problem. Maybe someone has some experience with the internals of Excel?
To get a sample file, copy the following into your browser address bar and save it as xlsx file:
Well, I don't know the particulars of how you are generating the xml file, but I can tell you how to edit the underlying xml files so that it will work, and then perhaps you can figure out how to use your implementation to change the property that's gunking things up.
First, an xlsx is a set of xml files. I'm sure you know that, but I'm just starting at the beginning. You can change the extension to zip and then extract the files, and then rezip them and change the extension back to xlsx.
So do this:
take the generated xlsx
change the extension to .zip
extract the files
find xl\worksheets\sheet1.xml
open it and find this property: worksheet>sheetViews>sheetView:tabSelected
set it to 0
save the file
go back to the unzipped folder
select all files and send to zip
change the extension on the new zip file to .xlsx
You should now be able to open the newly created xlsx, add a new sheet, and copy freely.
If this works for you, then you have diagnosed the problem, one property set to true when it shouldn't be, and it should be relatively simple for you to modify your export procedure.
I've had this issue multiple times in the past.
The way I solved it was by filling out (populating) a template (file, previously created in Office) with the exported data rather than generating a file from scratch. Office unfortunately does not fully comply with OpenXML, and for more complex exports you might even be unable to open the file.
I would also recommend Beyond Compare (now Scooter Software) for comparing the two files instead of just doing a diff.

Excel hangs/crashes while updating external link at file opening

I encountered this weird ass and funny error.
I built a file for data ETL. This one takes in various .csv files, combines them and export new .csv files using VBA. The file is originally named as "xxx Modelling ETL.xlsm". It could be opened normally till one day it hangs or crashes while trying to recalculating something (may be the underground query).
After hours of struggling, I opened the file as a copy (under a new name of Copy of ...). Strangely it ran smoothly, no crash or hang. Then I try rename it by remove the "Copy of" part, then the error occurs again.
I want to share this as there could be someone has the same problem, or someone who could shed some light on this black magic thing.
Some solutions:
Rename the file or move it to local drive instead of Onedrive makes thing works normally again.
Open Trust Center, disable Macro with notification, Trusted Locations, and Trusted Documents. Enable them for specific files when open, not for all.

Recover unsaved .csv file changes

Does anyone know a way to recover changes made in a .csv that were not saved when excel 2007 was closed.
At the moment, I don't see any way to solve this.
Check all the temporary files created recently. Especially alongside the file you opened. There are a few temp folders in the system that Excel may use. C:\Windows\temp is the main one, but it is usually under the Users folder in later versions of windows. Eg: C:\Users\YourUserName\Local Settings\Temp
If you find any files that look like Excel temps, take a copy and rename the extension and then try to open it.
(Your only real chance is if auto-save kicked in and saved a copy - to a temp file - when you still had your new changes in the document. Otherwise the changes are lost I'm afraid)
If option #1 doesn't resolve your problem in Excel, go to File->Options->Save. Hopefully your AutoRecover file location, under the third box, will be populated with an address.

How to measure the sizes of files inside an open .xlsx file

Can anyone help with the following :
How to measure the sizes of the different files inside an .xlsx file while it is open for write in my excel?
As you already noted with your [zip] tag, .xlsx is actually a zip file. Therefore, even if the file is opened you still access it read-only and get the information you want.
I usually use the great Total Commander (the shareware is fully functional): navigate to the file and press Ctrl-Shift-ArrowUp and in the opposite window a new tab will open. In this tab, you can browse the .xlsx (or any other MS Office ZIP for that matter) as a normal folder, i.e. seeing it contents/file sizes/etc.

The first Excel file from SharePoint folder is read-only and cannot be edited

This issue only happens to a few client PCs, not all of client PCs. And I think this should be related to client PC's configuration/setting. WHoever logins to the PC gets the same exact issue.
We have an application which uploads files to SharePoint folders. The first Excel or PowerPoint file from SP folder are read-only and cannot be edited. I have tried many things and facts/results are as follows:
Monitored Content.MSO and all files are removed correctly after closed;
This issue only happens to the first XlSX/PPT file under SP folder. The second file or following will not have the issue;
There is a temporary file created under one of folders under Content.IE5. When the issue happens (the excel file is read-only), I can still edit the temporary file under Content.IE5 (add new row etc.) and save successfully. But for the second file under SP folder, I cannot edit Temporary file under Content.IE5 (locked by another name). Looks like when issue happens, the excel file is not really tie to the temporary file folder;
I tried to uninstall IE8 and re-installed IE8 (turn off from Microsoft then turn on), no difference;
I checked OWSSUPP.DLL and only one found under office14;
I tried deleting all files under Content.IE5 and Content.MSO, no difference;
Once the first file is opened and closed without saving (read-only, not able to save), next time the file is able to edit (there will be Edit Workbook button and Read-only on top of screen (read-only from server);
I tried Paul Liebrand's methods and could not find an entry called CacheFolderID from register. Here is Paul's solution:
I have struggled with the issue for a few days and seems could not find a reason.
Thanks a lot.
Try to checkout the file manually and open the file, because if its not checkout then normally the file is readonly, so its not editable. by doing this default from sharepoint from system account, from the
document library options
Settings > Document library settings > General settings (under catgery)Version settings > "Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited?" choose option "Yes".
After sharepoint do automatically checkout when user click the file (word, excel, etc..).
