Shorter way to write this code - haskell

The following pattern appears very frequently in Haskell code. Is there a shorter way to write it?
if pred x
then Just x
else Nothing

You're looking for mfilter in Control.Monad:
mfilter :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
-- mfilter odd (Just 1) == Just 1
-- mfilter odd (Just 2) == Nothing
Note that if the condition doesn't depend on the content of the MonadPlus, you can write instead:
"foo" <$ guard (odd 3) -- Just "foo"
"foo" <$ guard (odd 4) -- Nothing

Hm... You are looking for a combinator that takes an a, a function a -> Bool and returns a Maybe a. Stop! Hoogle time. There is no complete match, but find is quite close:
find :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe a
I doubt that you can actually find your function somewhere. But why not define it by yourself?
ifMaybe :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe a
ifMaybe f a | f a = Just a
ifMaybe _ _ = Nothing

You can use guard to achieve this behavior:
guard (pred x) >> return x
This is such a generally useful behavior that I've even defined ensure in my own little suite of code for one-offs (everybody has such a thing, right? ;-):
ensure p x = guard (p x) >> return x

(?:) (5>2) (Just 5,Nothing)
from Data.Bool.HT.

f pred x = if pred x then Just x else Nothing
Given the above definition, you can simply write:
f pred x
Of course this is no different than Daniel Wagner's ensure or FUZxxl's ifMaybe. But it's name is simply f, making it the shortest, and it's definition is precisely the code you gave, making it the most easily proven correct. ;)
Some ghci, just for fun
ghci> let f pred x = if pred x then Just x else Nothing
ghci> f (5>) 2
Just 2
ghci> f (5>) 6
If you couldn't tell, this isn't a very serious answer. The others are a bit more insightful, but I couldn't resist the tongue-in-cheek response to "make this code shorter".

Usually I'm a big fan of very generic code, but I actually find this exact function useful often enough, specialized to Maybe, that I keep it around instead of using guard, mfilter, and the like.
The name I use for it is justIf, and I'd typically use it for doing things like this:
∀x. x ⊢ import Data.List
∀x. x ⊢ unfoldr (justIf (not . null . snd) . splitAt 3) [1..11]
Basically, stuff where some sort of element-wise filtering or checking needs to be done in a compound expression, so Maybe is used to indicate the result of the predicate.
For the specialized version like this, there really isn't much you can do to make it shorter. It's already pretty simple. There's a fine line between being concise, and just golfing your code for character count, and for something this simple I wouldn't really worry about trying to "improve" it...


Get the value out of Just constructor [duplicate]

I have a function that has a return type of Maybe ([(Int,Int)],(Int,Int))
I would like to call this from another function and perform an operation on the data.
However, the return value is contained within Just. The second method takes ([(Int,Int)],(Int,Int)) and therefore will not accept Just ([(Int,Int)],(Int,Int)).
Is there a way I can trim the Just before applying the second method?
I don't fully understand the use of Just within Maybe - however, I have been told that the return type for the first Method must be Maybe.
There are several solutions to your problem, all based around pattern matching. I'm assuming you have two algorithms (since you didn't name them, I will):
algorithm1 :: a -> Maybe b
algorithm2 :: b -> c
input :: a
1) Pattern matching is typically done from either a case statement (below) or a function.
let val = algorithm1 input
in case val of
Nothing -> defaultValue
Just x -> algorithm2 x
All other presented solutions use pattern matching, I'm just presenting standard functions that perform the pattern matching for you.
2) The prelude (and Data.Maybe) have some built-in functions to deal with Maybes. The maybe function is a great one, I suggest you use it. It's defined in standard libraries as:
maybe :: c -> (b -> c) -> Maybe b -> c
maybe n _ Nothing = n
maybe _ f (Just x) = f x
Your code would look like:
maybe defaultValue algorithm2 (algorithm1 input)
3) Since Maybe is a functor you could use fmap. This makes more sense if you don't have a default value. The definition:
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
So your code would look like:
fmap algorithm2 (algorithm1 input)
This output will be a Maybe value (Nothing if the result of algorithm1 is Nothing).
4) Finally, and strongly discouraged, is fromJust. Only use it if you are positive the first algorithm will return Just x (and not Nothing). Be careful! If you call fromJust val when val = Nothing then you get an exception, which is not appreciated in Haskell. Its definition:
fromJust :: Maybe b -> b
fromJust Nothing = error "Maybe.fromJust: Nothing" -- yuck
fromJust (Just x) = x
Leaving your code to look like:
algorithm2 (fromJust (algorithm1 input))
You're looking for fromJust. But only if you're certain your Maybe function is not going to return a Nothing!

How to implement delete with foldr in Haskell

I've been studying folds for the past few days. I can implement simple functions with them, like length, concat and filter. What I'm stuck at is trying to implement with foldr functions like delete, take and find. I have implemented these with explicit recursion but it doesn't seem obvious to me how to convert these types of functions to right folds.
I have studied the tutorials by Graham Hutton and Bernie Pope. Imitating Hutton's dropWhile, I was able to implement delete with foldr but it fails on infinite lists.
From reading Implement insert in haskell with foldr, How can this function be written using foldr? and Implementing take using foldr, it would seem that I need to use foldr to generate a function which then does something. But I don't really understand these solutions and don't have an idea how to implement for example delete this way.
Could you explain to me a general strategy for implementing with foldr lazy versions of functions like the ones I mentioned. Maybe you could also implement delete as an example since this probably is one of the easiest.
I'm looking for a detailed explanation that a beginner can understand. I'm not interested in just solutions, I want to develop an understanding so I can come up with solutions to similar problems myself.
Edit: At the moment of writing there is one useful answer but it's not quite what I was looking for. I'm more interested in an approach that uses foldr to generate a function, which then does something. The links in my question have examples of this. I don't quite understand those solutions so I would like to have more information on this approach.
delete is a modal search. It has two different modes of operation - whether it's already found the result or not. You can use foldr to construct a function that passes the state down the line as each element is checked. So in the case of delete, the state can be a simple Bool. It's not exactly the best type, but it will do.
Once you have identified the state type, you can start working on the foldr construction. I'm going to walk through figuring it out the way I did. I'll be enabling ScopedTypeVariables just so I can annotate the type of subexpressions better. One you know the state type, you know you want foldr to generate a function taking a value of that type, and returning a value of the desired final type. That's enough to start sketching things.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
delete :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr f undefined xs undefined
f :: a -> (Bool -> [a]) -> (Bool -> [a])
f x g = undefined
It's a start. The exact meaning of g is a little bit tricky here. It's actually the function for processing the rest of the list. It's accurate to look at it as a continuation, in fact. It absolutely represents performing the rest of the folding, with your whatever state you choose to pass along. Given that, it's time to figure out what to put in some of those undefined places.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
delete :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr f undefined xs undefined
f :: a -> (Bool -> [a]) -> (Bool -> [a])
f x g found | x == a && not found = g True
| otherwise = x : g found
That seems relatively straightforward. If the current element is the one being searched for, and it hasn't yet been found, don't output it, and continue with the state set to True, indicating it's been found. otherwise, output the current value and continue with the current state. This just leaves the rest of the arguments to foldr. The last one is the initial state. The other one is the state function for an empty list. Ok, those aren't too bad either.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
delete :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr f (const []) xs False
f :: a -> (Bool -> [a]) -> (Bool -> [a])
f x g found | x == a && not found = g True
| otherwise = x : g found
No matter what the state is, produce an empty list when an empty list is encountered. And the initial state is that the element being searched for has not yet been found.
This technique is also applicable in other cases. For instance, foldl can be written as a foldr this way. If you look at foldl as a function that repeatedly transforms an initial accumulator, you can guess that's the function being produced - how to transform the initial value.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foldl :: forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f z xs = foldr g id xs z
g :: b -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
g x cont acc = undefined
The base cases aren't too tricky to find when the problem is defined as manipulating the initial accumulator, named z there. The empty list is the identity transformation, id, and the value passed to the created function is z.
The implementation of g is trickier. It can't just be done blindly on types, because there are two different implementations that use all the expected values and type-check. This is a case where types aren't enough, and you need to consider the meanings of the functions available.
Let's start with an inventory of the values that seem like they should be used, and their types. The things that seem like they must need to be used in the body of g are f :: a -> b -> a, x :: b, cont :: (a -> a), and acc :: a. f will obviously take x as its second argument, but there's a question of the appropriate place to use cont. To figure out where it goes, remember that it represents the transformation function returned by processing the rest of the list, and that foldl processes the current element and then passes the result of that processing to the rest of the list.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foldl :: forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl f z xs = foldr g id xs z
g :: b -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
g x cont acc = cont $ f acc x
This also suggests that foldl' can be written this way with only one tiny change:
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foldl' :: forall a b. (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl' f z xs = foldr g id xs z
g :: b -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
g x cont acc = cont $! f acc x
The difference is that ($!) is used to suggest evaluation of f acc x before it's passed to cont. (I say "suggest" because there are some edge cases where ($!) doesn't force evaluation even as far as WHNF.)
delete doesn't operate on the entire list evenly. The structure of the computation isn't just considering the whole list one element at a time. It differs after it hits the element it's looking for. This tells you it can't be implemented as just a foldr. There will have to be some sort of post-processing involved.
When that happens, the general pattern is that you build a pair of values and just take one of them at completion of the foldr. That's probably what you did when you imitated Hutton's dropWhile, though I'm not sure since you didn't include code. Something like this?
delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a = snd . foldr (\x (xs1, xs2) -> if x == a then (x:xs1, xs1) else (x:xs1, x:xs2)) ([], [])
The main idea is that xs1 is always going to be the full tail of the list, and xs2 is the result of the delete over the tail of the list. Since you only want to remove the first element that matches, you don't want to use the result of delete over the tail when you do match the value you're searching for, you just want to return the rest of the list unchanged - which fortunately is what's always going to be in xs1.
And yeah, that doesn't work on infinite lists - but only for one very specific reason. The lambda is too strict. foldr only works on infinite lists when the function it is provided doesn't always force evaluation of its second argument, and that lambda does always force evaluation of its second argument in the pattern match on the pair. Switching to an irrefutable pattern match fixes that, by allowing the lambda to produce a constructor before ever examining its second argument.
delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a = snd . foldr (\x ~(xs1, xs2) -> if x == a then (x:xs1, xs1) else (x:xs1, x:xs2)) ([], [])
That's not the only way to get that result. Using a let-binding or fst and snd as accessors on the tuple would also do the job. But it is the change with the smallest diff.
The most important takeaway here is to be very careful with handling the second argument to the reducing function you pass to foldr. You want to defer examining the second argument whenever possible, so that the foldr can stream lazily in as many cases as possible.
If you look at that lambda, you see that the branch taken is chosen before doing anything with the second argument to the reducing function. Furthermore, you'll see that most of the time, the reducing function produces a list constructor in both halves of the result tuple before it ever needs to evaluate the second argument. Since those list constructors are what make it out of delete, they are what matter for streaming - so long as you don't let the pair get in the way. And making the pattern-match on the pair irrefutable is what keeps it out of the way.
As a bonus example of the streaming properties of foldr, consider my favorite example:
dropWhileEnd :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropWhileEnd p = foldr (\x xs -> if p x && null xs then [] else x:xs) []
It streams - as much as it can. If you figure out exactly when and why it does and doesn't stream, you'll understand pretty much every detail of the streaming structure of foldr.
here is a simple delete, implemented with foldr:
delete :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
delete a xs = foldr (\x xs -> if x == a then (xs) else (x:xs)) [] xs

Folding across Maybes in Haskell

In an attempt to learn Haskell, I have come across a situation in which I wish to do a fold over a list but my accumulator is a Maybe. The function I'm folding with however takes in the "extracted" value in the Maybe and if one fails they all fail. I have a solution I find kludgy, but knowing as little Haskell as I do, I believe there should be a better way. Say we have the following toy problem: we want to sum a list, but fours for some reason are bad, so if we attempt to sum in a four at any time we want to return Nothing. My current solution is as follows:
import Maybe
explodingFourSum :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
explodingFourSum numberList =
foldl explodingFourMonAdd (Just 0) numberList
where explodingFourMonAdd =
(\x y -> if isNothing x
then Nothing
else explodingFourAdd (fromJust x) y)
explodingFourAdd :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
explodingFourAdd _ 4 = Nothing
explodingFourAdd x y = Just(x + y)
So basically, is there a way to clean up, or eliminate, the lambda in the explodingFourMonAdd using some kind of Monad fold? Or somehow currying in the >>=
operator so that the fold behaves like a list of functions chained by >>=?
I think you can use foldM
explodingFourSum numberList = foldM explodingFourAdd 0 numberList
This lets you get rid of the extra lambda and that (Just 0) in the beggining.
BTW, check out hoogle to search around for functions you don't really remember the name for.
So basically, is there a way to clean up, or eliminate, the lambda in the explodingFourMonAdd using some kind of Monad fold?
Yapp. In Control.Monad there's the foldM function, which is exactly what you want here. So you can replace your call to foldl with foldM explodingFourAdd 0 numberList.
You can exploit the fact, that Maybe is a monad. The function sequence :: [m a] -> m [a] has the following effect, if m is Maybe: If all elements in the list are Just x for some x, the result is a list of all those justs. Otherwise, the result is Nothing.
So you first decide for all elements, whether it is a failure. For instance, take your example:
foursToNothing :: [Int] -> [Maybe Int]
foursToNothing = map go where
go 4 = Nothing
go x = Just x
Then you run sequence and fmap the fold:
explodingFourSum = fmap (foldl' (+) 0) . sequence . foursToNothing
Of course you have to adapt this to your specific case.
Here's another possibility not mentioned by other people. You can separately check for fours and do the sum:
import Control.Monad
explodingFourSum xs = guard (all (/=4) xs) >> return (sum xs)
That's the entire source. This solution is beautiful in a lot of ways: it reuses a lot of already-written code, and it nicely expresses the two important facts about the function (whereas the other solutions posted here mix those two facts up together).
Of course, there is at least one good reason not to use this implementation, as well. The other solutions mentioned here traverse the input list only once; this interacts nicely with the garbage collector, allowing only small portions of the list to be in memory at any given time. This solution, on the other hand, traverses xs twice, which will prevent the garbage collector from collecting the list during the first pass.
You can solve your toy example that way, too:
import Data.Traversable
explodingFour 4 = Nothing
explodingFour x = Just x
explodingFourSum = fmap sum . traverse explodingFour
Of course this works only because one value is enough to know when the calculation fails. If the failure condition depends on both values x and y in explodingFourSum, you need to use foldM.
BTW: A fancy way to write explodingFour would be
import Control.Monad
explodingFour x = mfilter (/=4) (Just x)
This trick works for explodingFourAdd as well, but is less readable:
explodingFourAdd x y = Just (x+) `ap` mfilter (/=4) (Just y)

"maybe"-like function for Bool and List?

Sometimes i find myself progamming the pattern "if the Bool is not false" or "if the list is not empty use it, otherwise use something else".
I am looking for functions for Bool and List that are what the "maybe" function is to Maybe. Are there any?
Update: I meant to use the Bool-case as a generalization of the List-case. For example when working with Data.Text as T:
if T.null x then x else foo x
I am looking to reduce such boiler plate code.
maybe is the catamorphism of the Maybe type.
foldr is the catamorphism of the list type.
Data.Bool.bool is the catamorphism of the Bool type.
If you had used maybe like: maybe x (const y)
You could use: foldr (const (const y)) x
Your example if T.null x then x else foo x could be written with bool as
bool foo id (T.null x) x
(it takes the False case first, the opposite of if)
I think the answer is probably that there isn't such a generic function. As djv says, you can perhaps build on Data.Monoid to write one, something like:
maybe' :: (Eq a, Monoid a) => b -> (a -> b) -> a -> b
maybe' repl f x = if x == mempty then repl else f x
But I don't know of any functions in the standard library like that (or any that could easily be composed together to do so).
Check Data.Monoid, it's a typeclass describing data types which have a designated empty value and you can pattern-match on it to write your generic function. There are instances for Bool with empty value False and for List with empty value [].

Operating on a return from a Maybe that contains "Just"

I have a function that has a return type of Maybe ([(Int,Int)],(Int,Int))
I would like to call this from another function and perform an operation on the data.
However, the return value is contained within Just. The second method takes ([(Int,Int)],(Int,Int)) and therefore will not accept Just ([(Int,Int)],(Int,Int)).
Is there a way I can trim the Just before applying the second method?
I don't fully understand the use of Just within Maybe - however, I have been told that the return type for the first Method must be Maybe.
There are several solutions to your problem, all based around pattern matching. I'm assuming you have two algorithms (since you didn't name them, I will):
algorithm1 :: a -> Maybe b
algorithm2 :: b -> c
input :: a
1) Pattern matching is typically done from either a case statement (below) or a function.
let val = algorithm1 input
in case val of
Nothing -> defaultValue
Just x -> algorithm2 x
All other presented solutions use pattern matching, I'm just presenting standard functions that perform the pattern matching for you.
2) The prelude (and Data.Maybe) have some built-in functions to deal with Maybes. The maybe function is a great one, I suggest you use it. It's defined in standard libraries as:
maybe :: c -> (b -> c) -> Maybe b -> c
maybe n _ Nothing = n
maybe _ f (Just x) = f x
Your code would look like:
maybe defaultValue algorithm2 (algorithm1 input)
3) Since Maybe is a functor you could use fmap. This makes more sense if you don't have a default value. The definition:
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
fmap f (Just a) = Just (f a)
So your code would look like:
fmap algorithm2 (algorithm1 input)
This output will be a Maybe value (Nothing if the result of algorithm1 is Nothing).
4) Finally, and strongly discouraged, is fromJust. Only use it if you are positive the first algorithm will return Just x (and not Nothing). Be careful! If you call fromJust val when val = Nothing then you get an exception, which is not appreciated in Haskell. Its definition:
fromJust :: Maybe b -> b
fromJust Nothing = error "Maybe.fromJust: Nothing" -- yuck
fromJust (Just x) = x
Leaving your code to look like:
algorithm2 (fromJust (algorithm1 input))
You're looking for fromJust. But only if you're certain your Maybe function is not going to return a Nothing!
