scala/lift jetty IntelliJ Idea: imported javascript files not showing changes in served page - linux

I have never asked a forum question before so if I'm breaking a rule its unintentional and I'm sorry.
I have a webapp that I am making using scala/lift and jetty in the IntelliJ Idea IDE. I have a javascript debug webapp that I designed for .net frame work although all I used the .net server for was to serve it because it runs strictly in in html and javascript. I want to use my debug tool for pages that are served by the lift/scala/jetty server and I am currently porting it so that it will work on the new server. The problem that I am having is that the html pages in my debug tool import external javascript files like so:
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "jsFile.js"></script>
now this seemed to work at first but when I made changes to the src javascript file they were not happening in the page that was served by lift. I verified this by following the link in the view page source page from the browser and it showed the version of the file before I added it into the project. If I change the name of the file in the file system the IDE recognizes right away that it can't resolve the path to jsFile.js. I have tried serving the pages through the site map as well as dumping my project in the /static directory. I have restarted, browser,ide, server, os. I have rebuilt the project, remade the module and have done a synchronize. I have created a new project from scatch and ran into the same problem. I believe that if I where to dynamically use lift to insert my javascript with JsRaw it would fix the problem but I still want to know why this isn't working in case its something that I'm doing wrong that will rear up bite me again someday. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

In your template, try to enclose your tags with the lift tag with-resource-id
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "jsFile.js"></script>
If this does not solve the problem, are you using SBT to build your lift app? If this is the case, you can have one terminal running
which basically watches for changes on scala files as well as html/css/js files and updates the running jetty (which has to be started by sbt as well running:


How to launch html file (with css and js files included) on remote server on node.js with angular 2

I started working with Angular 2 and have one issue.
I compiled my app for production through "ng build" and got an index.html and other files like js and css in this folder.
I need to publics them on web
Im using remote ubuntu on digital ocean.
I found this nice script, which solved a problem, but to enter a project I need to print in a browser a path like this: somehost:8080/index.html.
Can you help please and explain please, how I can use a path like somehost:8080, or just somehost:8080/index, but without a file extension? I found of course, even simpler scripts, but they dont serve js and css, which are included.
And next question, actually main, is this decision the most elegant to provide an entrance to the app, or there is a better and smarter way? Afterwards, Im thinking about PM2, because all that I need is to launch it like a linux service and to reload the app, if it will be crashed.

How to compile Node.JS desktop app?

to gain more experience coding and support good projects, I recently got into open source projects and Github. After looking for a project I would like to work on, I found Soundnode ( The project uses NW.js, Node.js and Angular.js.
The question is very fundamental: How do I run the NW.js desktop app from the given files?
I was able to compile the app once, using the bash command open -n -a nwjs --args "/Users/example/path/app". But how do I compile the changes? After changing the index.html file, which is the start for the application, I have to terminate the NW.js app and start it up again (otherwise nothing will happen) and then it opens again the same, unchanged, original app (I changed some html text to see if would load the changed index.html).
Could anyone give me a quick guide how to work with this? What I want to change and everything else I will try to figure out on my own. Just need somebody to give me a head start :)
Best Regards, bbrinx - eager to learn.
nwjs application works next ways:
direct load web files from FS or web
archive files to zip package.nw
Check nwjs manual and docs: and
Easiest way to compile your app is to use Web2Exe. It can compile for Win, Mac, Linux.
You can use browser tools for developing/debugging your application. Set toolbar option in true in window section in package.json file to see browser elements in your app.

Running UI5 on Node JS server

I'm trying to run my ui5 pages on Node.js server. What I've done till now is created a UI5 project with a simple index.html file calling my other ui5 views showing a text message. When I run it without node js it runs fine and shows me the message.
What I'm trying to achieve now is run this on top of my node server. So I've configured a server.js file for my node and it starts up fine. In there I'm calling up my above index.html file. it calls it fine but it gives an error inside it saying sap is undefined meaning it is not able to find my ui5 resources like sap-ui-core.js and thus the error. I'm not sure why it is not able to find it.
I've created the ui5 project using eclipse which provides me the ui5 resources under the below directory but even if I try to put the resources directory under the web content directory it is not able to find it.
After manually putting resources directory:
Below is how my index.html looks like:
Has it got something to do with the resource root that I define or please if you can suggest how can I get it working.
Awaiting your responses eagerly.
Adding to cschuff response:
Hello, thanks for taking time to help me out. Yes my apps namespace is different and definitely not something with sap.ui. Though I've got a way around of getting it to work but still would like to get this to work as well as it is much cleaner. The way I've got it working now is by creating a seperate node project altogether and then gradually adding my UI5 pieces to it and by gods grace it is running fine now. But I'm not sure why the same concept if I apply on a UI5 project created in eclipse, it gives me sap is undefined error.
My only suggestion that you misconfigured node.js server. Try start from scratch:
mkdir app
cd app
npm install -g express-generator
express -f
npm install
node .\bin\www
Than put all of your files of your project and resource in public directory. And try to open http://localhost:3000/index.html
The /resources are delivered by the (see your web.xml; web.xml and Servlets are used in the Java World e.g. by Java Application Servers or Servlet Containers like Tomcat)
The ResourceServlet listens on the url-pattern /resources/* meaning every time a request is send to an url matching this pattern the ResourceServlet (a Java class) will step in, look up the right .jar file and return the required JavaScript file from it. This won't work with a plain web server like Apache.
I don't know much about express but I guess it is not able to run Java Servlets and thus is not able to deliver your SAPUI5 resources the same way Tomcat does.
To work around this you still have some options:
Use Express to serve your application sources and load UI5 from Tomcat while developing. This might lead to cross-origin problems (since localhost:8080 and localhost:3000 are considered different origins)
<script src="http://locahost:8080/resources/sap-ui-core.js" ...
Unpack all the UI5 .jars you need and place them in YourApplication/resources/.

AngularJS app have different behavior locally and on Heroku

I have written an app using the MEAN-stack(MongoDB, Express, AngularJS Node.js). Locally everything works as its supposed to but for some reason it behaves differently when I run it on Heroku.
The problem is that some of my angular controllers are transferred with the content type header text/html instead of application/javascript. As stated this is not a problem locally.
I have updated my npm and bower packages so everything should be up to date. Except for express where I use v. 3.4.4(because version 4.x.x requires a rewrite of the config). I use the same version of the frame works locally and on heroku.
Please let me know if I can provide any more information that would make it easier to solve the problem.
In most of the cases, when your scripts are transferred as text/html, it's because they are not found and return an HTML 404 page, you can check it using the Chrome Developer Tools in the Network tab.
When you have this issue, there is a lot of chance that your app is completely broken and that's why I ask you this.
Don't know if you're using some tasks runner like Grunt for your deployment process or just pushing your project as is but in both cases you need to check that the path of your files are correctly set by checking the requested url of yours scripts transferred with the wrong MIME TYPE.
Had also same problem with the Yeoman generator that was messing with the minification and file renaming some time ago.

How to you reference a required script that is bundled?

I'm working with the Hot Towel SPA template and I'm trying to add in some data that I want to get from breeze. I have the breeze nuget package installed and the breeze script files are in the scripts folder of the site.
I can reference it by using the actual file name like the following:
define(['durandal/app', '../scripts/breeze.min.js'], function (app, breeze) {
However, this will break when my site is running in release mode and the script is actually bundled. Plus, it is really ugly and feels like a hack to put the full name in there.
What is the correct way to do this?
By default Durandal loads external libraries via normal script calls not via requirejs. Same is true for HotTowel.
or if your platform supports it via bundling
Simply load breeze before requiring main.js and you should be good to go.
