Cannot install yesod with "duplicate instance declaration" - haskell

When I try to install yesod using the command "cabal install yesod", I got the following errors:
cabal install rsa
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring RSA-
Preprocessing library RSA-
Preprocessing executables for RSA-
Building RSA-
[1 of 1] Compiling Codec.Crypto.RSA ( Codec/Crypto/RSA.hs, dist/build/Codec/Crypto/RSA.o )
Duplicate instance declarations:
instance Random Word8 -- Defined at Codec/Crypto/RSA.hs:577:10-21
instance Random Word8 -- Defined in System.Random
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
It seems RSA lib conflicts with another library.
Any idea?
My environment:
Mac OS X 10.7
GHC 7.0.3
Thanks in advance.

The random package started exporting new instances in version One solution would be to conditionally compile the RSA library's instance only when the random package is that version or later; some variation like this should work:
#if MIN_VERSION_random(1,0,1)
instance Random Word8 where
Bonus points if you send a patch to the maintainer of the RSA library.
Alternately, you could ask cabal to use an older version of random.


Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine.hs:13:33: parse error on input ‘#’

I have been trying to run a simple Haskell program using TDFA. The program is as follows:
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Regex
import Text.Regex.TDFA
import Text.Regex.Base
str = "abbbbaab" :: String
regex = "(a+)(b+)" :: String
main = do
if str (=~) :: regex then putStrLn "matched" else putStrLn "no matches"
when I try to run the above program using the command like: ghc test.hs -o test and then I am getting the following error (test.hs is the Haskell program which contains the above code):
Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine.hs:13:33: parse error on input ‘#’
Note that I have the latest version of TDFA installed on my pc. I did it by following ways:
ghc --make -o setup Setup.hs
Also, I did the following:
user#user-VirtualBox:~/regex-tdfa-master$ sudo cabal install regex-tdfa
[sudo] password for user:
Resolving dependencies...
All the requested packages are already installed:
Use --reinstall if you want to reinstall anyway.
I even tried it with the Makefile which I got from TDFA's github repository:
user#user-VirtualBox:~/regex-tdfa-master$ make
ghc -o setup --make ./Setup.hs
./setup clean
./setup configure --prefix=/Users/user/local/devel/trl --enable-library-profiling --user
Configuring regex-tdfa-1.2.2...
./setup build
Building regex-tdfa-1.2.2...
Preprocessing` library regex-tdfa-1.2.2...
[ 1 of 23] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA.NewDFA.Uncons ( Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Uncons.hs, dist/build/Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Uncons.o )
...........(Skipped to make the things short here)..............................
[23 of 23] Compiling Text.Regex.TDFA ( Text/Regex/TDFA.hs, dist/build/Text/Regex/TDFA.o )
Could not find module ‘Text.Regex.Base’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘regex-base-0.93.2#regex_47KXx9dLqeO8MNJeizLKhP’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Text.Regex.Base.Impl’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘regex-base-0.93.2#regex_47KXx9dLqeO8MNJeizLKhP’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.RWS’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘mtl-2.2.1#mtl_Aue4leSeVkpKLsfHIV51E8’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
`Could not find module ‘Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec’`
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘parsec-3.1.9#parse_EE5NO1mlYLh4J8mgDEshNv’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Text.Regex.Base.RegexLike’`
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘regex-base-0.93.2#regex_47KXx9dLqeO8MNJeizLKhP’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.State’
Perhaps you haven't installed the profiling libraries for package ‘mtl-2.2.1#mtl_Aue4leSeVkpKLsfHIV51E8’?
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Makefile:16: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 1
However, nothing worked. Hence, any help would be so appreciated...
Text/Regex/TDFA/NewDFA/Engine.hs:13:33: parse error on input ‘#’
On an initial note, this error points to a module of the regex-tdfa package, so you should have gotten it when building the package, rather than when building your test.hs, unless you were trying to build test.hs after putting it within the package source tree. In any case, line 13 of the mentioned file is:
import GHC.Prim(MutableByteArray#,RealWorld,Int#,sizeofMutableByteArray#,unsafeCoerce#)
The # names require the MagicHash GHC extension to be enabled. As there is no {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} pragma at the beginning of the file, one should assume the extension is enabled through the .cabal file of the package, and that is indeed the case. That being so, your problem seems to be that you are attempting use the package modules straight from the source tree, without using an appropriate build tool such as Cabal. (Note that if you did successfully run cabal install regex-tdfa there should be no need of dealing with the source tree: ghc --make -o test test.hs should be enough.)
P.S.: There is an error in your test.hs. The last line should be...
if str =~ regex then putStrLn "matched" else putStrLn "no matches"
(I did manage to run it after this correction.)
It looks like you are compiling your program from within Regex-TDFA source code. I am able to reproduce your problem if I do cabal unpack regex-tdfa && cd regex-tdfa-1.2.2 && ghc --make test.hs.
The error happens because when GHC finds Regex-TDFA source files in the current directory, it just picks them and tries to compile, as if they were ordinary source files belonging to your project. However, Regex-TDFA cannot be built with simple ghc --make: in order to build it, you have to run cabal first. Cabal will read regex-tdfa.cabal file that contains the list of the necessary GHC extensions.
In particular, parse error happens because GHC extension MagicHash is missing (that's where the hash # comes from).
The "fix" is to move your test.hs to some other location: then GHC will use system package for Regex-TDFA.

Cannot install Haskell package stream-fusion- Ambiguous occurence

I'm trying to build the project Barbarosa which requires the package stream-fusion- However cabal install fails with the following
[3 of 3] Compiling Control.Monad.Stream ( Control/Monad/Stream.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-8bb5b9c9/build/Control/Monad/Stream.o )
Ambiguous occurrence ‘MonadPlus’
It could refer to either ‘Control.Monad.Stream.MonadPlus’,
defined at Control/Monad/Stream.hs:124:1
or ‘GHC.Base.MonadPlus’,
imported from ‘GHC.Base’ at Control/Monad/Stream.hs:80:1-15
Ambiguous occurrence ‘MonadPlus’
It could refer to either ‘Control.Monad.Stream.MonadPlus’,
defined at Control/Monad/Stream.hs:124:1
or ‘GHC.Base.MonadPlus’,
imported from ‘GHC.Base’ at Control/Monad/Stream.hs:80:1-15
I'm using GHC version 7.10.2 on OS X 10.11, installed via Haskell Platform.
It seems that the only dependency of stream-fusion is base whose version should be fine, so I'm not sure what's wrong here.
I was able to get things to compile by replacing the three occurrences of
import Data.List.Stream
import Data.List
and removing stream-fusion from the build-depends: section of the cabal file.

Cabal fails to install dependencies, but can install them if asked directly

I've seen a very strange recurring problem with Cabal that's interfering with my ability to get repeatable Haskell builds. I have a cabal project with a sandbox. If I do cabal install, I get errors of the form
Y failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
X depends on Y which failed to install.
where X is a direct dependency of my project and Y is some transitive dependency. However, if I just type cabal install X, then it works!
Here's a specific example: my project depends on the interpolate package. When I do cabal install --allow-newer, I get errors like this:
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring haskell-src-meta-
Building haskell-src-meta-
Preprocessing library haskell-src-meta-
[1 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.TH.Instances.Lift ( src/Language/Haskell/TH/Instances/Lift.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-d2861272/build/Language/Haskell/TH/Instances/Lift.o )
[2 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Meta.Syntax.Translate ( src/Language/Haskell/Meta/Syntax/Translate.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-d2861272/build/Language/Haskell/Meta/Syntax/Translate.o )
[3 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse ( src/Language/Haskell/Meta/Parse.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-d2861272/build/Language/Haskell/Meta/Parse.o )
[4 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Meta.Parse.Careful ( src/Language/Haskell/Meta/Parse/Careful.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-d2861272/build/Language/Haskell/Meta/Parse/Careful.o )
[5 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Meta ( src/Language/Haskell/Meta.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-d2861272/build/Language/Haskell/Meta.o )
[6 of 6] Compiling Language.Haskell.Meta.Utils ( src/Language/Haskell/Meta/Utils.hs, dist/dist-sandbox-d2861272/build/Language/Haskell/Meta/Utils.o )
Duplicate instance declarations:
instance Typeable Q
-- Defined at src/Language/Haskell/Meta/Utils.hs:67:1
instance Typeable Q -- Defined in ‘Language.Haskell.TH.Instances’
Duplicate instance declarations:
instance Typeable QuasiQuoter
-- Defined at src/Language/Haskell/Meta/Utils.hs:71:1
instance Typeable QuasiQuoter
-- Defined in ‘Language.Haskell.TH.Instances’
Failed to install haskell-src-meta-
haskell-src-meta- failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
interpolate-0.1.0 depends on haskell-src-meta- which failed to install.
However, if I proceed to type cabal install interpolate-0.1.0, the installation succeeds and I'm able to keep installing my project.
This is frustrating because I have to "manually" install several packages before I can get all my dependencies installed. The fact that the original installations fail with compiler errors seems to suggest that the compiler is configured differently somehow?
I'm using GHC 7.8.3 and cabal-install (version of the Cabal library). Many thanks for any help!
Actually it's not a problem with the version of haskell-src-meta but rather with the version of its dependency th-orphans.
haskell-src-meta (versions and has an upper bound th-orphans <0.12.
With --allow-newer you told Cabal to ignore version upper bounds, so Cabal decided to use th-orphans version 0.12.0, since it's newer and presumably better. But, in fact, haskell-src-meta really does not build with th-orphans version 0.12.0, as you found out.
Unrestricted use of --allow-newer is likely to run into this kind of problem in general. It's better to specify the packages whose upper bounds you want to ignore with --allow-newer=base,containers,..., though in some cases doing so can be rather tedious.
In the first sentence of your question you mentioned repeatable builds. If that is what you want, there is no substitute for simply recording the exact versions that you want of all of your direct and indirect dependencies.

Random Word8 duplicate instance declaration during cabal testpack installation

What does the following error message mean when cabal install testpack-2.1.1 has failed:
... Everything above this succeeded with no problems.
[22 of 22] Compiling Control.Monad.Cont ( Control/Monad/Cont.hs, dist/build/Control/Monad/Cont.o )
Registering mtl-2.2.1...
Installing library in /home/ely/.cabal/lib/mtl-2.2.1/ghc-7.4.2
Registering mtl-2.2.1...
Downloading testpack-2.1.1...
Configuring testpack-2.1.1...
Building testpack-2.1.1...
Preprocessing library testpack-2.1.1...
[1 of 3] Compiling Test.QuickCheck.Instances ( src/Test/QuickCheck/Instances.hs, dist/build/Test/QuickCheck/Instances.o )
Duplicate instance declarations:
instance Random Word8
-- Defined at src/Test/QuickCheck/Instances.hs:50:10
instance Random Word8 -- Defined in `System.Random'
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
testpack-2.1.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
I've tried Googling, but cannot make sense of this install error.
testpack-2.1.1 provides a so called orphan instance for Random Word8, that is, an instance where it doesn't define either the class or the type itself.
One of the several problems with orphan instances is that one of the packages which do define the class or type might choose to add that instance themselves in a later version, which is precisely what the random package has done in this case, and so the instances conflict.
From testpack version 2.1.2 there is a check that makes sure to only define the instance if the random package is too old to have done so itself. So you should be able to fix this by installing a later version of testpack instead.

How can I fix the "Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration: CULong" error building gtk2hs packages?

When trying to compile the gtk Haskell package with ghc-7.6.1, I get the following error (when trying to build pango, one of the dependencies, but it also occurs in other dependency packages if I try to install them manually):
[ 1 of 14] Compiling Graphics.Rendering.Pango.Types ( dist/build/Graphics/Rendering/Pango/Types.hs, dist/build/Graphics/Rendering/Pango/Types.o )
Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration: CULong
When checking declaration:
foreign import ccall unsafe "static pango_context_get_type" pango_context_get_type
:: CULong
I previously installed an older version of gtk2hs, and so this occurs during an upgrade.
How can I fix the error?
This problem occurs if you have old versions of the gtk2hs-buildtools installed, which don't work with newer versions of ghc. The solution is to update your gtk2hs-buildtools package before continuing with the update:
sudo cabal install --reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools
