packaging node.js modules with more than code - node.js

I'm putting together a module I'd like to release, but am a bit stuck on how best to go about packaging it up. In addition to server side javascript, the module will need things like an admin screen, and client side javascript files. That is, it needs to serve out a fixed set of static html/css/js files. (I may have the node-static module as a dependency)
I'm curious what is the best way to handle this. I'd like to make this simple to install and integrate into apps, without forcing the user to dig through a long README. Basically they should be able to NPM the module, then add a line or two of code in the relevant place, and have it "just work". I don't want them to have to download other stuff, tell the module where to find the static files, etc.
Also, I'd like to make sure it can be included in both simple apps (i.e. one step from the standard "hello world") as well as complex apps using frameworks etc like Express, without undue hassle.
Is this possible, or is this beyond the scope of what the module system is designed to handle?

Once your package in installed with npm install mypackage -g you can use __dirname inside your executable to find the directory it's running in.
Likely /usr/local/lib/node_modules/mypackage/bin/mypackage
With your assets in /usr/local/lib/node_modules/mypackage/assets
so __dirname + '../assets' + myasset should correctly find your asset


How do I package node.js app into single file (without bundling node.js itself)?

I'm looking for a way to deliver a node.js server-side application (not browser) as a single file that contains all my code and node_modules. Well, it can be a few files, but I'd like to avoid shipping 10,000+ files, that are usually in node_modules.
I've used solutions like pkg, but I don't need an executable that has node.js bundled. I'd rather ship node.js separately and only have a bundle with code. This would be especially useful as I need to ship a few applications and don't need each of them to contain a copy of node.js.
Appreciate any suggestions.

Making a web extension app, how to include npm?

I am currently working on making a web extension application(chrome app) and I want to use npm in my application. When I want to use npm on my computer, I had to simply download and install it on my computer. But if I want to put it into my application, I am not sure how to include this.
Like bootstrap, do I need to include a min.js file such as bootstrap.min.js?
(what I want to do with npm is to make a crawling to happen using cheeriojs!)
Is there anyone who knows how to include npm in this case?
Thanks in advance!! Any advice would be much appreciated! :)
npm is a package management tool. It has no place being in a Chrome extension.
If you want to use packages from NPM in a browser extension, then you'll typically want to use a tool like Webpack to transpile them from module format into a single ES5 file.
Note, however, that cheeriojs is:
Fast, flexible & lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
… and since you want to run this in a browser, you should probably just use jQuery!

NodeJS app for end-user distribution

I'm looking for the proper way to distribute/deploy a node.js app that would run as a small webserver on the user's machine.
Is there a stub method or install script or a "install wizard" that would download all node_modules dependencies, download the latest nodejs binary, set up the environment, etc... or I have to distribute it bulk with everything packed? Is there any guide for that purpose?
Edited :
You could install node and npm, download your dependencies by running npm install in the command line (first declare them within your package.json) only then users can run your script. This is how you do development in Node.js, or deploy to a development server. See using npm. You could automate that with a shell script if that is what you are after.
However, when distributing programs to end-users that might not be the best approach. Linux users are used to a package (.deb for instance) and Windows users are used to an .exe or a setup wizard.
That is why I recommended the tools below. I also assumed you were targeting Windows as this is less of a problem is unix-like environments.
If you want a single file (.exe), pkg and nexe are made for that purpose. These Node.js tools are used by the developer to compile JavaScript code into a single executable binary that is convenient for end-users and Windows deployment. The resulting .exe file is very light and does not require node to be installed on the end-user’s computers.
Electron along with electron-packager can produce setup wizards, but it installs a lot of files even for the smallest program. Your program will include all of node and webkit, that is why it produces heavy installs.
NSIS can also create a setup wizard, it is simple and does common stuff well (copying files, running shell scripts).
Original answer:
Short answer is: not really.
You have to keep in mind that Javascript is and has always been interpreted, so until recently never compiled to binary as you might do with other languages. Some exploration has been going on, but essentially you won’t get a "good practice" answer.
The long answer is, maybe, for some limited use cases:
There is the fresh new pkg that does exactly this, and it looks promising.
There has been nexe for a while, it works great for some use cases (maybe yours). Native/compiled modules are still an issue however.
Electron might work for a full blown app with a significant user interface, but it is not light or compact.
You could always use browserify to concatenate and uglify all your code with the modules you use and then make an installer with something like NSIS to setup node and your script. Native modules would still be a problem however.

Run-time bundling of ES6 modules in ASP.NET MVC

Are there any existing solutions for run-time bundling of ES6 modules?
I'm looking to simplify JavaScript code development in a MVC5 web app. We're having issues with large, unwieldy JS files, so I'm hoping to get a module loader system in place. So far, I'm not finding any existing bundle transformers for ES6 or another module loader format. I'd be fine with using TypeScript or nodejs require style. I prefer not to use require.js style, though.
Perhaps there's a good reason this solution doesn't exist already. Maybe the dependency resolution processing is too much for a run-time bundling solution. But, I figure it's worth a shot to ask.
Solutions Considered
Prebuilt Web Client
Ultimately, this is where I want to be, but I need a stop-gap solution for now. I know how to put together a build system for an HTML client using grunt/gulp/webpack. But I don't want to have to tell developers to run webpack -w or something similar during development. Nor do I want to tell them to rebuild a solution for every JS change. They should be able to modify the file, refresh the browser, and see the change.
Directory Structure
This is the route I'll probably end up going with. Basically, this JS codebase consists of jQuery widgets and plain JS (helpers/common functions). So, if I structure the code in this directory structure and include the js dir, it should get me most of the way there:
js (DIR)
helpers (DIR)
widgets (DIR)
Widgets should be fine. Helpers, I can see issues where one function/class depends on another. Though, since a function call should never start with a helper (only a widget), this should work fine, assuming no globals are used (or maybe one global like 'App').

How to share common client-side javascript across NodeJS projects?

I'm a Node n00b starting a couple web app projects using Express, and I've got some common client-side libraries I'd like to share between the two projects. This seems like a very common problem, so there must be several solutions available already.
I come from a java background, and in java, I'd create a separate "common" project and "overlay" common WAR over my project during packaging. This would also allow for r.js optimization during the build process.
My best guess in Node is that I need to create a private NPM module, and map those common files into express via a use() middleware plugin. Is that right?
How, then, can I package both my common and project specific javascript into a minified file using r.js?
Or is source control the answer? Checking out my "common" repository inside each project?
Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks.
This seems like a very common problem, so there must be several solutions available already.
Good news: Yes, this is a common problem. Yes, there are several "solutions".
Bad News: All of the "solutions" are at least partially terrible.
Here's my advice:
1) Individual .js files should be coded as CommonJS modules
2) Groups of related .js files should be made into npm packages
3A) Use them in node via the regular node.js/CommonJS require function and use browserify to use them in the browser
3B) OR use a built tool like grunt to wrap commonjs into AMD format for use with requireJS in the browser
3C) OR consider something like components
