Perl script not executing some external calls - linux

I have wrote this Perl script to automate my wireless connections:
use strict;
my #modes = ("start", "stop");
my $mode = $modes[0];
my $kill_command = "sudo kill -TERM ";
sub check_args
if($#ARGV != 0)
print(STDERR "Wrong arguments\n");
print(STDERR "Usage: ./ start|stop\n");
my #aux = grep(/^$ARGV[0]$/, #modes);
if (!#aux)
print(STDERR "Unknown argument\n");
print(STDERR "Usage: ./ start|stop\n");
$mode = $ARGV[0];
my #is_wicd_running = `ps -A | grep wicd`;
if ($mode eq $modes[0])
if (!#is_wicd_running)
system("gksudo ifconfig wlan0 down");
system("sudo macchanger -r wlan0");
system("sudo wicd");
my #is_wicd_gui_running = grep(/wicd-client/, #is_wicd_running);
if (!#is_wicd_gui_running)
system("gksudo wicd-gtk &");
for (#is_wicd_running)
my #aux = split(/ /, $_);
system("sudo ifconfig wlan0 down");
The problem is that macchanger and sudo ifconfig wlan0 down are not executing (only those...). The weird thing is that those call do execute when calling the script through Perl debugger (perl -d). I thought this could be a timing problem and added some sleep() calls before those calls, but no change. I also tried with system() calls with no change as well.
EDIT: more strange, I've found that if I run the script as perl it runs properly, while ./ does not (it runs but has the problem described above). I've attached the whole script. The Perl interpreter used on the header is the same that which perl command returns.
Any clues? Thanks in advance!

More information may help, along with assuring that a \n always ends the output line. Try your running commands within
sub runx
foreach my $cmd ( #_ )
my $out = qx("$cmd 2>&1");
my $x = $?;
$out =~ s/\s*$/\n/s;
printf "\%s (0x\%0x):\n\%s", $cmd, $x, $out;
last if $x;
return $x;
No time to run this code this morning and can't delete my prior comment. But somethings running a "which" command can also assure your command is on PATH.


How do i pass result from waited npm script to bash script?

In my npm script i have the following:
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { main } from './main';
import { CONFIG } from '../config';
(async () => {
const res = await main(CONFIG);
return res;
Now want to do some stuff depending on what's been returned in bash script. Attempts to do it so won't work properly:
npm run update-imports &
UpdateResult=$(wait $PID)
if [ -z "$UpdateResult" ];
echo "No imports updated, committing changes"
echo "Check the following files:\n ${UpdateResult}"
exit 1
In short - if nothing or empty string returned - proceed with executing script, otherwise - exit script with warning.
How do i make it work?
In bash, wait returns the exit value of the process. Not the standard output as you expect. You can use process.exit(value) to return a value.
If you want to capture and process the standard output of node program, see the answer to question: How do I set a variable to the output of a command in Bash?
This should do the work:
UpdateResult=$(npm run update-imports)
if [ -z "$UpdateResult" ];
echo "No imports updated, committing changes"
echo "Check the following files:\n ${UpdateResult}"
exit 1

Start Shell Script in Java and destroy all processes on Exit

I need some special kind of setup to controll a LED Wall. Sadly i cant really change the programming language i use. My setup looks like this:
Processing (some crazy java fork...) Sketch starts after Boot Process. The Processing Sketch scans a folder for subfolder (other sketches which can be started and controll the LED Wall) and starts a Webserver. The Server renders a List with all the scanned Folders. On Click the "Webserver" launches the selected Sketch via ProcessBuilder. The Processing Sketch looks like this:
import http.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
SimpleHTTPServer server;
String prog = "";
int ExitValue = 1;
ProcessBuilder preparedsketch;
Process runningsketch;
void setup() {
SimpleHTTPServer.useIndexHtml = false;
server = new SimpleHTTPServer(this);
TemplateFileHandler templateHandler = new ResultFiles("index.ftl");
server.createContext("", templateHandler);
class ResultFiles extends TemplateFileHandler {
public ResultFiles(String templateFileName) {
void createMap() {
Map<String, String> params = queryToMap();
if (params.containsKey("prog")) {
if (params.get("prog").equals(prog)) {
println("Has not changed");
} else {
println("PrevProcess: " + runningsketch);
if (runningsketch != null) {
println("Killing: " + runningsketch);
prog = params.get("prog");
try {
runningsketch = new ProcessBuilder("/Users/kessleml/dev/pixelpusher/base/", "--sketch=/Users/kessleml/dev/pixelpusher/base/sketches/pixelpusher_colourcycle_halloween", "--run").start();
// runningsketch = new ProcessBuilder("/usr/local/bin/processing-java", "--force", "--sketch=" + sketchPath("sketches/" + prog + "/"), "--no-java", "--run").start();
} catch (IOException ex) {
println("ProjChagned: " + prog);
println("NewProcess: " + runningsketch);
File files = new File(sketchPath("sketches"));
String[] fileslist = files.list();
addVariable("files", fileslist);
addVariable("selectedprog", prog);
Everything works till now. But of course i want to close a running (and looping) Sketch if i change (click on a other Sketch on the Website). The Problem is:
When i launch a selected Sketch via runninngsketch = new ProcessBuilder("Path/To/ProcessingCLI", "--sketch=Path/To/Selected/Sketch", "--run").start(); more than one process launches. The reason for this, is the ProcessingCLI File:
# Prevents processing-java from stealing focus, see:
for ARG in "$#"
if [ "$ARG" = "--build" ]; then
cd "/Applications/" && /Applications/ -Djna.nosys=true $OPTION_FOR_HEADLESS_RUN -cp "ant-launcher.jar:ant.jar:core.jar:jna.jar:pde.jar:core/library/core.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-amd64.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-armv6hf.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-i586.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-macosx-universal.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-windows-i586.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-amd64.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-armv6hf.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-i586.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-macosx-universal.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-windows-amd64.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-windows-i586.jar:core/library/jogl-all.jar:modes/java/mode/antlr.jar:modes/java/mode/classpath-explorer-1.0.jar:modes/java/mode/" "$#"
So the ProcessBuilder starts three processes: One sh-process which launches two Java-Children-Processes. When i use runningsketch.destroy() it only kills the sh process. The two Java-processes continue running. (Not sure if this is also because of this bug: since i am developing on MacOS Yosemite. The final Product should run on a Linux Machine.)
My solution was to write a new sh-script which kills all of its children via trap:
function killAllChildren {
kill -9 -$(ps -o pgid= $$ | grep -o '[0-9]*')
trap killAllChildren SIGTERM SIGKILL
# trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- $$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
cd "/Applications/"
/Applications/ -Djna.nosys=true $OPTION_FOR_HEADLESS_RUN -cp "ant-launcher.jar:ant.jar:core.jar:jna.jar:pde.jar:core/library/core.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-amd64.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-armv6hf.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-i586.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-macosx-universal.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-windows-i586.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-amd64.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-armv6hf.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-i586.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-macosx-universal.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-windows-amd64.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-windows-i586.jar:core/library/jogl-all.jar:modes/java/mode/antlr.jar:modes/java/mode/classpath-explorer-1.0.jar:modes/java/mode/" "$#"
But somehow, also this doesnt work. Even with starting the new sh-script and sending for example a SIGTERM to the started sh-process, doesnt destroy the two Java-Processes neither the sh-process.
I found the solution:
Java sends a SIGTERM signal, so i had to trap this signal. But the java/processing file wasnt the problem, the sh-script didn work as intended.
I had to add & wait to the and of my script. Otherwise SIGTERM cant be trapped (see this post:
Also the killing process didn work out right. I have to kill all children, the sh-script itself BUT not the parent-processes of the sh-script (in this use case the webserver etc.). So i wrote a function to find all children processes and kill them. Things like kill -9 -$(ps -o pgid= $$ | grep -o '[0-9]*') didnt work since they killed the whole tree. In the end the sh-file looks like this:
function killAllChildren {
getChild $$
pkill -TERM -P $$
function getChild() {
cpids=`pgrep -P $1|xargs`
for cpid in $cpids;
kill -15 $cpid
getChild $cpid
cd "/Applications/"
/Applications/ -Djna.nosys=true -cp "ant-launcher.jar:ant.jar:core.jar:jna.jar:pde.jar:core/library/core.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-amd64.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-armv6hf.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-linux-i586.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-macosx-universal.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-windows-amd64.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt-natives-windows-i586.jar:core/library/gluegen-rt.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-amd64.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-armv6hf.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-linux-i586.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-macosx-universal.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-windows-amd64.jar:core/library/jogl-all-natives-windows-i586.jar:core/library/jogl-all.jar:modes/java/mode/antlr.jar:modes/java/mode/classpath-explorer-1.0.jar:modes/java/mode/" "$#" & wait

How to call a function in Perl script after performing SSH?

I am creating a perl script in which I have to ssh multiple servers from same script and perform same commands on all these remote servers.
Right now I am using "If loop" and call all other servers from this script and perform command on them.
I want to create a function with these set of commands, that I need to perform on these different servers.
use Net::SSH::perl
use lib qw("user/share/perl5/");
my $hostname = "10.*.*.*";
my $username = "root";
my $password = "root\#123";
my $cmd1 = "ls /home/ashish/"
my $cmd2 = "netstat -na | grep *.*.*.*;
$ssh->login("$username" , "$password");
my ($stdout,$stderr,$exit) = $ssh->cmd("$smd1" && "$cmd2");
print $stdout;
the above commands after if syntax needs to be repeated for different servers.
want to use a function call.
Start with general programming toutorials, then do it like:
use Net::SSH::perl;
use strict;
use warnings;
my #servers = (
hostname => 'somehost1',
username => 'someuser1',
password => 'somepass1',
commands => ['somecmd11','somecmd12'],
hostname => 'somehost2',
username => 'someuser2',
password => 'somepass2',
commands => ['somecmd21','somecmd22'],
# ...
do_something_on_remote_servers_one_by_one( #servers );
sub do_something_on_remote_servers_one_by_one {
my (#servers) = #_;
foreach my $server (#servers) {
my $ssh = Net::SSH::perl->new($server->{hostname});
$ssh->login($server->{username}, $server->{password});
my $cmd_string = join(' & ', #{ $server->{commands} } );
my ($stdout,$stderr,$exit) = $ssh->cmd($cmd_string);
print $stdout;
After that, you can think about executing commands in paralell.

Bash trap unset from function

Why is it necessary to set -o errtrace to make trap set/unset from a function call work?
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function trapit {
echo 'trapped in a box'
function setTrap {
trap 'trapit' ERR
function unsetTrap {
trap - ERR
function foo_init {
fooOldErrtrace=$(set +o | grep errtrace)
set -o errtrace
trap 'echo trapped' ERR # Set ERR trap
function foo_deinit {
trap - ERR # Reset ERR trap
eval $fooOldErrtrace # Restore `errtrace' setting
unset fooOldErrtrace # Delete global variable
# foo_init
echo 'set'
echo 'unset'
According to man bash(5) functions not inherits ERR trap without the errtrace flag turned on. I dont know why ERR trap cant be inherited by default, but... it is so for now :)
You can test this behaviour with my sample code:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
trapit () {
echo 'some error trapped'
doerr1 () {
echo 'I am the first err generator and i return error status to the callee'
return 1
doerr2 () {
echo 'I am the second err generator and i produce an error inside my code'
fgrep a /etc/motttd
return 0
[[ $1 ]] && set -o errtrace
trap trapit ERR
echo 'We will produce an exception in the main program...'
cat /etc/ftab | fgrep a
echo 'OK, thats done, you see it :)'
If you pass any parameter to this script, errtrace flag will be turned on and you will see that exception was "catched" when doerr2 tried to do something awful.

Using Net::Telnet to ssh into linux

I am trying to use below perl code to ssh into linux machine and pull output of ls -l but it doesnt seem to be working.
What am i doing wrong?
use warnings;
use strict;
use Net::Telnet;
use IO::Pty;
use POSIX 'setsid';
use Getopt::Long;
use constant PROMPT => '/[a-z#>]/';
my $host = "";
my $user = "root";
my $ssh = do_cmd( 'ssh', "-l$user", $host );
my $shell = Net::Telnet->new( Fhopen => $ssh );
$shell->cmd( String => 'test', Prompt => '/[a-z]/' );
my #lines = $shell->cmd( String => 'ls -l', Prompt => '/[a-z]/' );
print #lines;
print "\n";
sub do_cmd {
my ( $cmd, #args ) = #_;
my $pty = IO::Pty->new;
defined( my $child = fork );
return $pty if $child;
my $tty = $pty->slave;
close $pty;
STDIN->fdopen( $tty, "<" );
STDOUT->fdopen( $tty, ">" );
STDERR->fdopen( $tty, ">" );
close $tty;
$| = 1;
exec $cmd, #args;
Telnet and SSH are two different programs. You can't use telnet client for ssh server.
