Refinement Panel - SharePoint 2010 - sharepoint

I am facing problems with Refinement Panel in SharePoint 2010.
Please find below the issue:
Suppose we have Following refinement Custom Values as - Custom1, Custom2, Custom3, Custom4, Custom5. And then suppose Custom1-5 have things coming from Managed Properties.
I have uploaded adequate number of documents into the system. Now when I click on one of the values under Custom1 then filtering is done properly...and it shows Custom2, Custom3 if there are any document. I click on values under Custom2 and I could further drill down and get more specific results. All this is default functionality by SharePoint. I have not changed anything here.
But sometimes SharePoint is behaving strangely. If I click on one of the values under Custom3 (or Custom4, Custom5)...then all other filter options are gone. Only Custom3 and the value I clicked to select are shown. I know that the documents in this particular category have Managed Properties which exists under Custom1 and Custom2, yet those are not seen.
My client is after me saying that this is a bug, can anyone help me regarding the same. Am I doing something wrong is this is BUG/FEATURE by SharePoint. If it is a bug or feature please do share with me some document by Microsoft or others mentioning the same. I Googled a lot but could only find ways to use Managed Property etc with Refinement Panel.

Its simple...just change the Threshold Value from 5 to 1. I did not know and wasted so much time running around. I hope this question may save some time for someone else.


People listage in SharePoint page

i have an intranet (which is my main website) and a several sub-websites, which refers to the departments of the company. I need to add a list with people related to department of the current web-site. The list can be the same view of the SharePoint native search.
I find this component (Search Results), which i was able to add my criterias (like people which department is equals to "HR"), and i get the right results. However, i couldn't find an way to make the view similar to the results of the image above.
Somebody can help me? Thanks
I've changed the configurations to use "People Item" display index. Firstly, i had to import a javascript file. Then, even though that i had the right results, the properties aren't filled in the fields of the display item (as is shown in the image below).

SharePoint 2010 - Adding filter to refinement panel

I know there are threads out there about making changes to the refinement panel and they have so far been very helpful but now I have a question that I need a bit more assistance with.
I've created a new filter for the refinement panel. That worked very fine.
I can see the filter, when I perform a search.
But when I click on the new filter, all search results disappear and it just says: "We did not find any results for ".
I can see that the url gets my created filter attached:
I have created a managed metadata property and added the field to the search results (search core results webpart).
What I'm doing wrong? Why it doesn't work?
Any hints?
Thanks for any help.
I found the reason. I forgot to start a full crawl after creating the managed metadata field.

Sharepoint MSS 2007 - Filtering mulitple inputs

I am building a directory tool that will list entries for technical support contacts and listed by its appropriate company. My end goal is to allow end users to be presented with 2 simple inputs, a drop down with the list of companies and a text input to enter the name of the technical team they would like to reach. Sharepoint has made this a nightmare.
Since my server is on MSS 3.0 I decided to use a form webpart where I have added created the 2 input (dropdown and text input). I made the parameters to point to the input and added them to the filters and finally made the webpart connection.
I was able to get as far as making a sucessful filter for the technical team but as soon as I try to filter by client the results are very sporadic and mostly incorrect. I play around with the list filter in Sharepoint designer 2007 tried to group the filters together, tried changing the AND/OR in every possible setting but no luck.
Decided to push it by creating a column named blank that basically had empty values. The idea behind that was to allow end user to leave the technical team input blank and show all entries for the company. I thought somehow it would have maybe solve my sporadic issue but instead made it more complex.
At this point I can probably live without being able to search with blank results but I need to be able to at least filter by company and technical teams. At this point any sort of help is appreciated, been at this for a few weeks and my project is due last week so I am pretty much desperate to solve this problem.
For those that may have a similar problem I have found a work around to this problem. I decided to use the User Control and this works much better than the form webpart and provides much better results.
Here a link that I found which help me get me on the track:

SharePoint 2013 KnockoutJS Lookup columns

I have a basic knockoutjs project loading data from a SharePoint 2013 list scenario. Getting data and displaying data is easy, the problem that I'm running into is on the edit mode displaying the proper control. Everything should not be a textbox. This means the people picker control to dropdownmenus to calendar controls.
MSFT has some pretty good documentation on using the client side people picker control here"
The problem that I have is calling this control inside my viewmodel.
Setting the value of the control doesn't look difficult courtesy of this blog post:
I attempted to looking into computed values, but that doesn't seem to work. Does anyone have a blog post that I skipped over? The closest related post that I can find:
Lastly since it seems that I'm the only one doing this, does anyone think that I should not be reinventing the wheel with my forms and should just link each item to the appropriate SharePoint list item in edit or display view? I suppose that would be easier.
From a SharePoint Professional to another, I would highly recommend you to do that.
Just redirect the user to the item edit/display item page an let SharePoint take the leash of how to handle UI form elements.
Because, assume that you implement your custom form, what if the user decides to add one more site column to the list? Will you update your code to support another field?
From my personal experience with the beast I've come to the conclusion that structural implementation over already existent functionality tends to go wrong.
Also, if you have some kind of listing of items custom made and you want to provide editing, try to do something opening a pretty SP.UI.ModalDialog, its elegant and you use the sharepoint to do the work for you.
But it's just an advise.

Saving a document to SharePoint brings up "Web File Properties" dialog with incorrect metadata

A custom "Master Document" content type inherits from Document
The "Master Document" content type has five additional choice fields
There are five custom "Document Template" content types that inherit from the "Master Document" content type
Each of the "Document Template" content types uses a different Word document template (.dot) file
Each of the "Document Template" content types have been added to a document library
I click on a document in the library
Document opens up in Word 2003 for me to edit
I make some changes and save
A box pops up called "Web File Properties". The window contains all of my custom metadata properties and the ContentType field. The ContentType field is set correctly to the current content type. The other fields are reset to their default values. This same window can apparently be opened by going to File -> Properties
This window by itself would be fine except for two reasons:
It includes the ContentType column
All of my custom metadata properties are visible but are reset to their default values instead of whatever values were previously selected. This means, every time the user wants to save the document, they have to remember what properties were tagged and set them back.
Can I disable this Web File Properties box?
If no... can I get the fields that show up to be populated to their correct values?
If no... is there a way to disable my fields from displaying in this window?
If no... is this a SharePoint page that I can modify?
***Edit with some more information***
It looks like this only happens in Office 2003 and looks like it affects Choice fields. If I create the same column as a Lookup field, it seems to work.
Edit again
Looks like if the lookup field is a multi-select field then it will not show up in the Web File Properties box at all (single select lookups still work).
edit 10/14/2009
Link to the KB Article mentioned below by Brenda:
This is more of a workaround rather than an answer but I figured I might as well put it here in case it helps someone else.
It seems as if these issues with the Web File Properties box is specific to Office 2003. The issues I reported above seem to be fixed in Office 2007.
If you want to get it working in 2003 and you have choice/lookup fields in your Document content type, here is the summary:
Single select Choice fields DO NOT work
Multi select Choice fields DO work
Single select Lookup fields DO work
Multi select Lookup fields DO NOT work
FYI - I want to CORRECT my previous post. The fix DID FIX my problem after I deleted my internet cache. Works PERFECT now. Here is the KB you need: KB971500 I can email you the fix if you can't find it. The notes in the document do not describe the problem exactly as I would have, but it was the fix for my case.
We have the EXACT problem. I've opened a case with Microsoft back in February and they were able to finally duplicate my problem.
I have been kept informed and told that my fix would be available with the JUNE cumulative upates. I just received a specific hotfix from my Microsoft rep and applied it and it still did NOT fix my problem. I am hoping he gave me the wrong one and has the real one to send me.
Thanks for your post. I'm may try some of your suggestions above but I just want Microsoft to fix this. We can't upgrade to Office2007!
man, this was really killing me, I spent an entire day recreating document libraries and all sorts of content-types and variations of my excel template before I figured this was a bug... At least MS has a little hotfix request thing now... they're going to send it to me I guess :\
I didn't test this in excel/office 2003 and really botched a presentation of our little workflow... embarassing... always test with the app & environment people are going to use!!!
thanks for the KB article number
