Equivalent of BBEdit on Linux, Win - text-editor

Can anyone suggest an equivalent of BBEdit for linux and win in terms or multifile search and replace as well as html cleanup, formatting, etc.?
So far I tried NotePad++ and jEdit with limited luck.
Thanks in advance

On *nix, the only real equivalent is Vim, with a host of plugins to fill the gap. I struggled with the same issue and made a git repo that hold the configs that make Vim more BBedit-like.
The README on the repo will tell you more about the plugins involved. A script is provided for installation and config. I am currently reviewing the NERDtree plugin to add doc-browser-like sidebar to the layout.

The closest thing to BBedit that I've seen on Linux is Sublime.

on Windows CodePad
on Linux/Other Vim
on Mac buy BBEdit(I use it)

Atom, Sublime and VSCode are very good, modern, and cross platform (all three run on Linux, Windows and Mac):
They all have a rich package base. In particular, my personal favourite is Sublime, because it is SO fast.

Notepad++ is my favourite on Windows http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
Nano Editor (http://nano-editor.org) on Linux easy to use works with most common *nix distro's and with Cygwin can also run on Windows.
Notepadqq its a powerhouse like Notepad++, Atom is also good very extensible and LimeText if you can get a port to work.


Linux Utility to `Go to definition`s

I'm starting to develop a fairly large app and am beginning to want some of the IDE features I've used in the past, such as 'right-click->go to definition' of a function. Does any kind of parallel in developing on the command line exist? This is on an Ubuntu Desktop VM. Is recommended to move to using Sublime?
It depends on your preferred editor, but options definitely exist.
I've used c-tags for vim.
Similar options must exist for emacs; a quick search turned this up.
In my experience though, nothing beats a full-fledged IDE (more full-fledged than Sublime, even) for these kinds of introspective utilities.
If you're using VIM, check VIM Taglist plugin. It has a command that takes you to a ctag definition.
You can create a VIM keymap to go to the word/function under the cursor which would solve your problem.

Possible to use Aptana standalone with vim with Mac?

I've just started doing Ruby on Rails development.
I'm trying to get the best of both worlds. I love getting around a file with just the keyboard like I can with vim. But opening up and find the files from the command line is a drag.
I'd love to be able to click a file open in Aptana and then be able to navigate around it with vim commands to do my actual editing.
I haven't been able to find any definitive solution for getting this working on a mac. I tried installing software for it with Aptana under Help >> Install new software as linked to from here: http://satyavvd.blogspot.com/2010/05/aptana-studio-with-vi-emulation.html but the link is 2 years old I couldn't figure out how to get it running.
Has anybody out there gotten this to work?
I'm using Aptana 3.2.2
You know you can right click on a file and choose which editor to use, do you? Or assign any editor -- internal or external -- to any filetype in Aptana's preferences?
Aptana is based on Eclipse so all the Vi(m) plugins that work in one are probably going to work in the other.
Take a look at these five plugins:
A "regular" Eclipse editor with many Vi(m) key-bindings.
Idem, payware.
Idem, payware.
Run Vim inside of Eclipse/Aptana. I don't think that it works on a Mac.
Eclipse and Vim talking through a server.
But if you only want a more convenient way to open files in Vim I can't recommand CtrlP enough. You could also try the similar but different FuzzyFinder, LustyExplorer or Command-T) or you could get more familiar with Vim's :e **/foo<Tab>.

Are there any ide's out there with good support for vim/vi bindings?

Finding vim plugin maintenance and configuring is too laborious and relies on external configurations (such as ruby) tricky. What I want is an IDE like Eclipse, Visual Studio, that I can use vim in. I still want to be able to use different modes (command, visual, insert), but I don't want these inbuilt commands to conflict with the IDE's commands.
I've heard PIDA is good for this but looks like a bit of a mission to configure on Mac.
Eclipse has a VIM plugin. Eclipse runs on OS X
Also, I think the Komodo IDEs and editors have VIM bindings, but I have little experience with them. Apparently, they also run on OS X.
I use Komodo Edit on OS X, Ubuntu and Windows. It's open source, supports a ton of languages and has good Vi/Vim key binding support without getting in the way of itself. It's also easy to add in support for additional key bindings. It's built on the Mozilla code base and can be extended with Add-ons (Remote Drive Tree/Source Tree/MoreKomodo are great examples). I also personally love being able to write macros for myself in either JS or Python to add extra functionality.
The full fledged IDE is worth looking at if you can use the extra features. For most of the things that I work on, I can't use a full fledged remote debugger so Komodo Edit suits my needs.
It also has built in SSH support all in a package that is very responsive on my 5 year old work machine with several 1000 line files open in tabs.
Emacs has a vi emulation mode called Viper ;-)
Besides the vim plugin for Eclipse there is also ViEmu for (amongst others) Visual Studio, if you are not afraid of shelling out some $. Haven't used it though, as vim is my IDE :)
This AutoHotKey script isn't quite what you asked for, but I mention it in case it's helpful.
As you say, PIDA has real Vim, nothing can come close to that. Keybinding emulation only goes so far. It's not that bad to get running on a Mac, Windows is a mission though.
QT creator has Vi bindings.

Text editors with vim mode?

I've come across ViEmu, and I read the very motivating article: Why, oh WHY, do those #?#! nutheads use vi?
Anyway, I've come to like the command mode in vim, specially the motions, and I also like the idea behind ViEmu, which is to bring "vim mode" into a typical text editor.
What other editors have a similar "vim mode" or a plugin that provides the functionality?
I am a huge fan of vim myself, so whenever I am trying a new IDE, I am instantly looking for a vim plugin. Here is a short list of plugins that I found:
Atom - vim-mode
Eclipse - Vrapper / Vimplugin / Eclim
Idea / WebStorm / pyCharm / RubyMine / CLion / PhpStorm / AppCode - IdeaVim
NetBeans - jVi
Notepad++ - ViSimulator
Visual Studio - ViEmu / vsvim
Xcode - Xvim
Also, a couple of editors/IDEs have built-in vim mode:
AbiWord word processor supports vi keybindings.
Kate text editor includes a vi mode.
QtCreator has FakeVim mode.
Sublime Text has vintage mode.
Even Emacs has viper-mode!
bash, gdb, mysql-client, and many other applications use the GNU Readline library to interact with the user. Readline includes a vi mode.
In Bourne-style shells like ksh and zsh, type set -o vi to enable vi-like command-line editing.
ViEmu works also in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft SQL Server and Word!
Bonus - web browsers! Really, try it, it is awesome!
Firefox - vimperator
Chromium/Chrome - cvim / vimium
Sadly, all of vi plugins for Opera seem outdated.
Please let me know if I forgot something, I would be happy to extend the list. For a more extensive list (sometimes sadly outdated), please see this article.
It's worth noting that there's a lot more to vi than keybindings. As this blog post notes, there isn't any IDE plugin that emulates all the features vi.
Editra has vim mode
Check out excellent Vrapper plugin for Eclipse.
Vrapper is an eclipse plugin which acts as a wrapper for eclipse text editors to provide a Vim-like input scheme for moving around and editing text.
Unlike other plugins which embed Vim in Eclipse, Vrapper imitates the behaviour of Vim while still using whatever editor you have opened in the workbench. The goal is to have the comfort and ease which comes with the different modes, complex commands and count/operator/motion combinations which are the key features behind editing with Vim, while preserving the powerful features of the different Eclipse text editors, like code generation and refactoring.
Vrapper tries to offer Eclipse users the best of both worlds.
I primarily use:
Visual Studio with ViEmu
NetBeans with jVi
Sublime Text has a vintage mode for vi style editing.
for Firefox users :
setup It's all text! to use external vim - it will let you edit those textboxes in vim
Vimperator is also quite cool.
Emacs has viper-mode, which offers multiple levels of Vi emulation (from more Vi-like to more Emacs-like). The manual describes it as follows:
Viper Is a Package for Emacs Rebels;
it is a VI Plan for Emacs Rescue
and/or a venomous VI PERil.
It seems the eclim plugin can help you embed the real GVim into Eclipse.
http://texteditors.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ViFamily includes a long list of vi clones and a long list of vi implementations. This second list includes perhaps a dozen text editors with "Vim modes".
Komodo Edit has a reasonably good Vi emulation mode. It's also very good for code sense etc.. and supports a plethora of languages. Linux and Windows... and damn, I should be on commission with these guys... wait a minute, it's freeware... Damn! Damn! Damn!
Anyway... Good editor, Linux & Windows, Free, Vi (and Emacs) emulation.
Qt Creator has a "vim mode" for editing, but it currently lacks some abilities; as well, I feel handicapped without the settings I have in my .vimrc.
I'm using viPlugin for Eclipse. Unfortunately, it's not free, but it works pretty well for all the basic Vim commands.
There is also freeware Vimplugin for Eclipse — it embeds Vim into Eclipse, but you lose all navigation and code-completion functionality that Eclipse provides, so its usefulness is disputable.
Slickedit has extremely good vim emulation. One of the soundest purchases I have ever made.
I have found the vim mode in Sublime Text 2 to be fantastic along with the great extensions and awesome performance makes it one of the best $59 I've spent all year.
Yzis a vi-like editor inspired by vim.
Yzis aims to be a powerful, fast
editor with all of Vim's features and
hopefully, at some point, more.
(quoted from Yzis' website)
EDIT : the yzis project seems to be dead. The internet archive has copy of the yzis page.

Vim as Visual Studio IDE

I have spent lot of time doing research on VIM. I am Windows guy since last 6 yrs and was using VS.
Now started working on Linux. I want to make VIM as close as possible to VS.
I want features like
Project Navigation
Files in Different Tabs
Search in Project
I have found plugins for the above requirements
Project Pligin
I am not able to correctly set vimrc script.
When I try to open file from Project it gets open in different tabs.I want to get it open in different buffers.
Also when I want to close file in buffer , complete window gets closed.
Open taglist and project window makes all mess.
Has any one done settings with these plugin..
Could you guys please post your vimrc files??
It will save lot of time for newbies like me..
Vim is a very different tool than Visual Studio. Plugins may help you get certain bits of functionality you desire, but do not expect them to work exactly like VS, work well together, or even work at all.
If you are looking for a programming environment more like Visual Studio, there are many good graphical IDE's you can use such as NetBeans, Eclipse, Code::Blocks, KDevelop, Anjuta, etc. Some of these tools are, IMHO, better heavyweight IDE's than Visual Studio, and all are available on Linux for free.
You should either learn to use Vim the way it was built to be used, or find a different tool that suits you better. Shoehorning Vim into a surrogate for Visual Studio will probably cause you more pain than it's worth.
Yes it's different to VS, but that doesn't mean it can't be used in the same way. It's just not as easy to do it :)
Personally I go the other way and use ViEmu to get VS to behave like VIM. But I'm not in the same situation as the author of this question.
Why not have a dig through some uploaded vimrc files on dotfiles.org?
You can use the following script, Trinity.
It will require 3 more scripts, and Vim will look like an IDE.
The TagList at left, a file exporer (NERDTree) at right, and Source Explorer at bottom.
Also, you can find some very useful blog entries at
The author, Kevin, explains how to compile solutions form inside Vim. He also shows interfacing and jumping between them which is very useful too.
Furhermore, there is the script vim-visual-studio which can be found at
This script is using Python extension. I have Python 2.5 installed in Windows. I am using Gvim 7.2 which is compiled with Python 2.4. So, I have replaced the executables of Gvim as explained here:
So, Gvim became compatible with Python 2.5 and raised no problems. Also, a menu entry "Visual Studio" has appeared as expected. It connects to Visual Studio itself, and it works perfectly. It does not just compiles a file, it can compile a solution containing more than one project as in Visual Studio. You can even use the Vim's 'quickfix' feature. Hope this helps.
If you really want to have vim as the front end, try Eclim. It uses Eclipse as a backend daemon for code completion and project management, and vim as the interface.
If you only like vim because of the vi key bindings, but want it to be more IDE like, you could try the latest MonoDevelop that has it built in.
These plugins used to exist long before vim had tabs. I'd be quite surprised there isn't a way to tune these plugins to split windows instead of opening tabs.
Now I can't help you much as I don't use these specific plugins but other ones. You should look at their help (:h project, :h taglist, etc)
PS: in vim terminology (it will help you browse the help files), what you call "buffer" is actually called "window", while a "buffer" is just the text you are working on, it may be associated to a file, or not. For a given buffer, there may be no or several window displaying parts of the buffer.
you can give a try to eXvim
