Get a single value from document - couchdb

Is there a possibility in CouchDB to retrieve a single value from a document? For example, I have a document with 10000 keys like this:
"_id": "8098091cc795acde43cd45335373cc92",
"_rev": "2-6d2e0ac43618388cc958b91e5015bba5",
"1":"some value",
"2":"another value",
"10000":"last value"
and I don't want to parse the whole document each time but just want to get a value of key "2". Is this possible?
Of course, before asking this question I looked through the docs and googled around this but haven't found such possibility. But I'm wondering why this is not possible? In my understanding it is not too much difference between view and document since both of them are sets of key-value pairs, but it is possible to get single value from view using ?key=... in the query string and not possible to do the same for document. Why?

You can use a CouchDB show function to process a document on the server and send arbitrary data to the client. Show functions can do simple things like extracting a single value from the document; or they can convert to a completely different content-type such as XML.
For example:
In database db
which has design document _design/example with show function one_field
you want to fetch document with ID doc_id
but only retrieve the field some_field which has a value "I am the some_field value!"
That query would be:
GET /db/_design/example/_show/one_field/doc_id?name=some_field
The show function would look like this:
function(doc, req) {
// _show function to extract one field
var field_name =; // Set to e.g. "some_field"
var field_value = doc[field_name];
return { "code": 200 // HTTP status code
, "headers": // Response headers
{ "content-type": "text/plain" }
, body: field_value
The design document would look like this:
{ "_id": "_design/example"
, "shows":
{ "one_field": ... } // Paste the above function as a string.
CouchDB will return
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 26
I am the some_field value!

No. CouchDB is a document oriented DB, so it doesn't support more granular access to the data beyond the overall document itself.
It gives you fine grained indexing, but not actual access.


Query CosmosDB when document contains Dictionary

I have a problem with querying CosmosDB document which contains a dictionary. This is an example document:
"siteAndDevices": {
"4cf0af44-6233-402a-b33a-e7e35dbbee6a": [
"id": "f9ef9fb6-4b70-7d3f-2bc8-c3d335018624"
I need to get all documents where provided guid is in the list, so in the dictionary value (I don't know dictionary key). I found an information somewhere here that it is not possible to iterate through keys in dictionary in CosmosDB (maybe it has changed since that time but I din't find any information in documentation), but maybe someone will have some idea. I cannot change form of the document.
I tried to do it in Linq, but I didn't get any results.
var query = _documentClient
.Where(d => d.SiteAndDevices.Any(x => x.Value.Contains("f32d80d9-e93a-687e-97f5-676516649420")))
Not sure of the Linq query, but with SQL, you'd need something like this:
where array_contains(c.siteAndDevices['4cf0af44-6233-402a-b33a-e7e35dbbee6a'],"f32d80d9-e93a-687e-97f5-676516649420")
This is a strange document format though, as you've named your key with an id:
"siteAndDevices": {
"4cf0af44-6233-402a-b33a-e7e35dbbee6a": ["..."]
Your key is "4cf0af44-6233-402a-b33a-e7e35dbbee6a", which forces you to use a different syntax to reference it:
You'd save yourself a lot of trouble refactoring this to something like:
"id": "dictionary1",
"siteAndDevices": {
"deviceId": "4cf0af44-6233-402a-b33a-e7e35dbbee6a",
"deviceValues": ["..."]
You can refactor further, such as using an array to contain multiple device id + value combos.

Is there a way to define a type definition for an object with changing property names in GraphQL? [duplicate]

Let's say my graphql server wants to fetch the following data as JSON where person3 and person5 are some id's:
"persons": {
"person3": {
"id": "person3",
"name": "Mike"
"person5": {
"id": "person5",
"name": "Lisa"
Question: How to create the schema type definition with apollo?
The keys person3 and person5 here are dynamically generated depending on my query (i.e. the area used in the query). So at another time I might get person1, person2, person3 returned.
As you see persons is not an Iterable, so the following won't work as a graphql type definition I did with apollo:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type Query {
persons(area: String): [Person]
The keys in the persons object may always be different.
One solution of course would be to transform the incoming JSON data to use an array for persons, but is there no way to work with the data as such?
GraphQL relies on both the server and the client knowing ahead of time what fields are available available for each type. In some cases, the client can discover those fields (via introspection), but for the server, they always need to be known ahead of time. So to somehow dynamically generate those fields based on the returned data is not really possible.
You could utilize a custom JSON scalar (graphql-type-json module) and return that for your query:
type Query {
persons(area: String): JSON
By utilizing JSON, you bypass the requirement for the returned data to fit any specific structure, so you can send back whatever you want as long it's properly formatted JSON.
Of course, there's significant disadvantages in doing this. For example, you lose the safety net provided by the type(s) you would have previously used (literally any structure could be returned, and if you're returning the wrong one, you won't find out about it until the client tries to use it and fails). You also lose the ability to use resolvers for any fields within the returned data.
But... your funeral :)
As an aside, I would consider flattening out the data into an array (like you suggested in your question) before sending it back to the client. If you're writing the client code, and working with a dynamically-sized list of customers, chances are an array will be much easier to work with rather than an object keyed by id. If you're using React, for example, and displaying a component for each customer, you'll end up converting that object to an array to map it anyway. In designing your API, I would make client usability a higher consideration than avoiding additional processing of your data.
You can write your own GraphQLScalarType and precisely describe your object and your dynamic keys, what you allow and what you do not allow or transform.
You can have a look at taion/graphql-type-json where he creates a Scalar that allows and transforms any kind of content:
I had a similar problem with dynamic keys in a schema, and ended up going with a solution like this:
query lookupPersons {
persons {
person3: personValue(key: "person3") {
data: {
persons: {
personKeys: ["person1", "person2", "person3"]
person3: {
id: "person3"
name: "Mike"
by shifting the complexity to the query, it simplifies the response shape.
the advantage compared to the JSON approach is it doesn't need any deserialisation from the client
Additional info for Venryx: a possible schema to fit my query looks like this:
type Person {
id: String
name: String
type PersonsResult {
personKeys: [String]
personValue(key: String): Person
type Query {
persons(area: String): PersonsResult
As an aside, if your data set for persons gets large enough, you're going to probably want pagination on personKeys as well, at which point, you should look into

CouchDB View not returning documents when ?key specified

I'm coming to CouchDB from an SQL background and am trying to do the common "SELECT FROM DB where field = someValue". I've created the following design document:
"_id": "_design/views",
"views": {
"byRubric": {
"map": "function(doc) {if(doc.idRubric){emit(doc._id, doc.idRubric);} }"
If I query the CouchDB table using the following URL, it correctly returns all 15 documents in the table:
If, however, I try to get those documents in this view which have a particular value in the idRubric field, one which I know is present by, for example, executing the following url, I get 0 documents back when, in fact, 12 of the 15 documents have this specific value in the idRubric field. http://localhost:5984/rubric_content/_design/views/_view/byRubric?key="9bf94452c27908f241ab559d2a0d46c5" (no, it doesn't make any difference if the " marks are replaced by %22). The URL does fail if I leave the quote marks off.
What am I missing? Running this locally for test on OSX 10.12.3 using couchdb - Apache CouchDB 1.6.1
Your view is emitting the document with the document with the id as the key.
Instead, you want to emit the the rubricID as the key.
"_id": "_design/views",
"views": {
"byRubric": {
"map": "function(doc) {if(doc.idRubric){emit(doc.idRubric);} }"
Then, the query will be the following :
When you use a map, you need to think as if it was a dictionnary. You have a key and a value. You will search for a matching key and get the value.
If you don't emit any value, you can simply use the ?include_docs=true parameter to get the entire document.

Pagination for search indexes on cloudant

I have a cloudant db which contains documents for access logs of users. Example:
"name": "John Doe",
"url": "somepage.html",
"dateaccessed": "2016-08-23T21:20:25.502Z"
I created a search index with a function:
function (doc) {
if(doc.dateaccessed) {
var d = new Date(doc.dateaccessed);
index("dateaccessed", d.getTime(), {store: true});
Now this setup is working as expected with just a normal query. Example
q: 'dateaccessed:[1420041600000 TO 1471987625266]',
include_docs: true,
sort: '-dateaccessed<number>',
However, I wish to limit the results - let's say 5 at a time (which can be done with the "limit: 5" argument), and I want to somehow make a pagination - be able to move to the next 5 results or the previous 5 results.
I checked the cloudant documentation and there's an argument there called "bookmark" ( but I'm not sure how to use it.
May I request for any insights on this?
The Cloudant documentation shows examples on how to use bookmarks, but the gist is that you get a bookmark from the server in your search response, when requesting the next page, you use the bookmark received in your request with the bookmark parameter in either your JSON object for POST, or in the query params for GET.

Creating view to check a document fields for specific values (For a simple login)

I'm very new to cloudant , so pardon me for this question. I am creating a simple mobile game login system which only checks for username(email) and password.
I have several simple docs that are in this format
"_id": "xxx",
"_rev": "xxx",
"password": "3O+k+O8bxsxu0KUlSBUiww==", --encrypted by application beforehand
"type": "User",
"email": ""
Right now I can't seem to get the correct 'Formula' for creating this view (map function) whereby I would do a network request and pass it both the email and password. If there is a doc that matches the email, then check the doc.password against the passed value. If it matches, the function should return a simple "YES".
For now my map function is as follows, but this just returns all the docs .
function(doc) {
if ({
index("password", doc.password, { store : true });
if (doc.password){
It may be my request format is also wrong. Right now it is as follows. Values are not real, only for format checking
It looks like you have misunderstood how views are supposed to work. In general you cannot perform logic to return a different result based on the request. Query parameters in a view request can only be used to limit the result set of view entries returned or to return grouped information from the reduce function.
To determine if there is a match for a given username and password you could emit those values as keys and then query for them. This would return the view entry for those keys or an empty list if there was no match. However I'd be very cautious about the security here. Anyone with access to the view would be able to see all the view entries, i.e. all the usernames and passwords.
