Automatic Data transfer in Microsoft Excel - excel

I have created three lists with similar fields in Excel. I would like to set these lists up so that when I input Data into my master list in a given field it will automatically transfer to the same field on my other lists. How would I do this. I have searched for an answer, but I have found none. I am new to Excel, but I do have programming experience.

I think the =VLOOKUP() function is what you are looking for.
I have fixed adressess($) and used a column choser to be able to easily change column information, and also to just copy or strech your table into new columns or rows whithout needing to update formulas.


Editing data through a filter in Excel

I have a large imported .csv as a (Query) table in an Excel workbook. I'd like for users of the workbook to be able to select a small subset of that data and update some values without having to play around with filters on the table.
To that end, I've set up a FILTER on a separate sheet, something like:
=FILTER(my_table[some_column], my_table[id_column]="some value")
That pulls in values from the relevant column and displays them.
My question: is there any way to allow users to edit the values retrieved with the FILTER, so that the changes are reflected in the original table? Attempting to edit such a value now just edits the underlying field, causing the FILTER to update and display #SPILL! (which makes sense, since there is not enough free space to render the result).
I've looked at options for FILTER, and thought about writing some custom VBA code to do what FILTER does "manually", and then watch the sheet for updates in that range - but that seems like a lot of coding to do something I would imagine is more commonly needed?
Am I going to have to code this up in VBA? Or is there some alternative approach to using the FILTER?

Dynamically extract a list of unique items from multiple sources in Excel

I am trying to make a list in Excel that has as its output a list of unique items that appear multiple times in different sources of the excel sheet. Ideally, the list should be automated automatically as more data is inputted in the sources, but no additional sources will be added. I used a formula I found here, but it only works for a single source of data (and this data then needs to be adjacent).
I attached a picture of my document with circles enclosing the sources and pointing to where the list should be created. I highlighted in yellow a cell in the top row that does not get outputted (because I don't know how to do this). Picture for reference
I can provide the excel document if need be.
I am thinking of consolidating the sources to a single source, but I would like to solve this in a more sophisticated way that does not involve creating more tables.
As per your screenshot it seems you are using tables. Then try below formula-
Please note: TEXTJOIN() is available to Excel-2019 & Excel-365 and it has limitation to 50,000 data only.
To learn more about FILTERXML() read this article from JvdV.

Comparison of data in Access

I have written some pretty lengthy VBA code in excel for the comparison of 2 worksheets. My code does the following:
Lets you import 2 sheets for comparison
arranges the columns
removes departments which require different comparisons into a new worksheet
In sheet 1 checks if the id's appear more than once then checks, which row of data to use for comparison based on the latest update, and deletes the old rows
compares the sheets based on the header and then the cell contents as header names are different, for different values it then highlights them red
finally giving me a breakdown per column per department of differences and any id's that are missing
I have now found that my data set is becoming to big and looking to use MS Access, is it possible to copy my VBA code over to access? What do you guys suggest for this?
Any advice would be helpful.
From the nature of your question it sounds like you may not have used a database before. If you were using access, you would need to totally re-write the code using SQL statements. eg An Aggregating SQL SELECT statement to find the most recently updated update and ignore the rest.
You can use conditional formatting in an access form, but it's no better than using it in excel. How many rows does your data have? Will it fit in an excel sheet?
You might use access to pre-process the data to remove the unwanted rows that you use in excel. OR use power query or sql directly from excel to remove them.
You have a way to go.

Editing a predefined Table array

I am adding additional information to an excel document, it has a number of predefined table arrays and a number of VLOOKUPS using these. Such as
I wish to add additional cells to the predefined table arrays. How is this done in excel 2007
Thank you Jerry. I had a similar issue from the questions above and this works witht he most recent version also! I check several sites before seeing this answer. It was the most direct and worked!
(1) Formulas, (2) Name Manager, (3) Choose table array needing editing, (4) Edit formual
4 easy steps.
Are you maybe referring to Named Ranges? By this, I mean the "DataItemsDescrips" you have in the formula you gave as example.
If yes, you can access and modify them through "Formulas" > "Name Manager" and you should find the "DataItemsDescrips" in the list. Select it and you can change the range it refers to.

creating a series of MS Excel graphs with identical properties for a series of tables with different data but same data types

I have a series of table in Excel worksheets, all of them holds same data types, one table for one item, and how some values changed over time in each table column.
I want to create a excel graph/chart for each of this table, with same formatting, only the data should be different.
When I copy each from single graph to create many, the table link doesn't change and I have to do that manually, which is difficult because there are number of tables.
Is there any better solution? Thank you
The dirtiest solution is to simply use VBA to automate these changes.
I finally copied and pasted the same graphs for each table, undo the old links and linked each table separately. I was looking for a easier way than this because even this is difficult with number of tables increasing. Thank you.
