Best Practice? Restart Centos service via ssh securely? - security

I have a need to restart a CentOS service remotely via ssh during an automated, unattended process (executing a build on some software from a build server), but am unsure how to best implement security. Help is needed! ;-)
Running an ssh login on a remote box, I want to execute on my server something like:
/sbin/service jetty restart.
The ssh call is being made during a maven build process (probably doesn't affect anything, really).
I want the ssh session to login with a user that has practically zero permissions on the server except to execute the above.
I can set up shared key access for the ssh session.

Good idea to use an ssh key. You can then use a 'forced command' for that particular key, so it won't be able to run any other commands. See


How to use Sudo with a Jenkins bash script over SSH?

I have a physical machine (Win7) and a virtual machine (Red Hat) sharing a network. I am executing a bash script as a Jenkins job using the SSH plugin for Jenkins to deploy an application from the physical machine to the virtual machine.
I cannot use Root users due to security policy on the machine I want the script executed on and am instead limited to using standard users with sudo access.
However, I want the script to run without interruption (I don't think Jenkins even allows you to enter user passwords when running bash scripts? Also, this doesn't seem like best practice anyway).
Is there any method of bypassing the sudo request or configuration of the script that would allow this process to run the way I wish?
You can use a NOPASSWD directive in /etc/sudoers; see the sudoers manual page.
If that is not possible, you can always use expect to feed the password (stored somewhere in the account) to the sudo process. This is probably against your security policy as well. You need to talk to the people who make the policy for advice on how you can automate these jobs (“digital transformation” and all that).

Pageant keys not working in crontab

I understand the issue but not sure how to fix it :(
Problem Story:
I've installed pageant in my windows10 and added ssh keys(keys generated through puttygen) into it. configured putty session in windows10 with agent forwarding to access the servers(linux) with out using typing/credentials.
whenever I open putty session to login to any server, putty talks to the pageant and load/used my credentials without my involvement to enter credentials,.
keys deployed to all over servers when I do ssh form one server to another server the pageant works fine and able to access,no issue at all untill paegent inactive....I'm happy till this part
when i use ssh in cron auto job, it unable to calls the keys from linux to pageant(win10).
how to make this to run in linux(cron)
Of course not, as the cron does not run in the context of your SSH session.
So it cannot talk to local Pageant.
Even if the cron knows what user did create the job, how could it know, which of potentially many SSH sessions, you have opened, it should query for the keys? And what, if you actually do not have any SSH session open? The cron job should work even, when you are not connected to the server.
You have to have the keys stored on the server, where cron runs. There's no other way around that.

Could not open a connection to your authentication agent (REVIEW)

First of all, I am aware that this question has been posted several times in stack overflow here, here, here, as well as in some other places.
However, I decided to open a new thread (and taking the risk of being downvoted) because I don't think there is an actual issue with my machine, but with PUTTY.
Environment description
In a nutshell, I have a windows machine running a virtual machine (VMWare).
Host machine: Windows 7 (64 bit)
Guest machine: CentOS 6 with graphic windows environment.
Network connection perfectly setup, so no problems with firewall. Both machines are pingeable from each other, and I can surf the internet from both
Selinux disabled on guest machine
Putty is properly configured (or so I think). The reasons to back up the statement is that I can SSH the guest machine from the host machine with the encrypted SSH keys that I created for that matter. However, I think there is still some configuration missing. Keep reading.
I have configured GITOLITE on the guest machine, and it is up and running.
Although not relevant for this issue, I have a Samba share configured on the guest machine, were I have all my repos. The share is accessible from the host machine, and I can edit the files with no problem whatsoever.
VM Player 7
Guest machine recently restarted and no additional commands have been issued.
PUTTY installed in the host machine
Case scenario #1 (it works)
This case scenario describes the behaviour I expect to achieve. Basically, this procedure is being done within the VM itself. That means, by operating the machine through the VM Player.
Open a terminal as root
service sshd status yields openssh-daemon (pid 1557) is running...
ssh-add -l yields 2048 1b:31 [...] b8:de Git Admin (RSA), 2048 d2:58 [...] f6:2b pando (RSA) and (2048) be:9b [...] dc:e9 web (RSA). These are the three users I have configured in my virtual machine. The SSH keys have been automatically loaded and added to the list of identities of the SSH service.
Log out as root from the CLI. I am now an standard user (the pando user).
Edit one file in one of the repos
git commit -a -m "My message" is successful because the Git Admin key is in the identity list of the SSH agent
git push origin master is also successful, for the same reasons
Case scenario #2 (it does not work)
This case scenario describes the same procedure, but from the Putty terminal. I added to the Pageant the same SSH keys as described in Case Scenario #1, point 3. It looks like everything is Ok with Putty, because I can successfully SSH my virtual machine
Open the Putty Terminal. I am logged in as user pando (which is one of the identities mentioned in Case Scenario 1).
service sshd status yields openssh-daemon (pid 1557) is running... (notice that it is the same result as we got in point #2 of the first case scenario)
ssh-add -l yields Could not open a connection to your authentication agent
Because the previous step failed, I have all the issues described in the hyperlinked threads at the beginning of this post.
Now, I am familiar with that procedure of eval $(ssh-agent) and then to manually add the SSH keys on my SSH folder. In fact, I do that every time I SSH the virtual machine. But I actually prefer not to do it.
I am also familiar with adding some script to the .bashsrc file, but the last time I did it, I got a colateral effect with Puppet.
So the basic question is: What's the difference betwen both case scenarios, even though I am using the same SSH keys? Is it that Pageant is not forwarding the keys? If so, why am I able to SSH my machine? Why should I change the .bashrc file of my pando user in the second case scenario, when I can achieve exactly the same thing without it in the first case scenario? I guess I am missing a fundamental piece of information here
Hope that makes sense.
openssh-daemon and authentication-daemon are not the same thing. You are interested in the authentication one aka ssh-agent, which is your personal key-store. The openssh-deamon aka sshd is server that is running system-wide and which is accepting connections to your computer.
Desktop environments usually start authentication agents (ssh-agent, seahorse, gnome-keyring) by default so the ssh-add works for you. But the connection is stored in environment variables, which are dropped in transition from your user to superuser (su).
You can allow connection persistence using -m switch to su. This will preserve environment variables and so your connection to authentication agent.
What's the difference between both case scenarios, even though I am using the same SSH keys?
There should be no difference, except the su part dropping environment variables and not executing .bashrc and similar scripts when changing user (you can force su to behave the same way as a login shell using su -l, but it is not the problem). The problem is that the connection to authentication agent is preserved as environment variable and UNIX domain socket, which gets lost during su. You can use su -m it should work for you.
Is it that Pageant is not forwarding the keys?
Forwarding needs to be allowed in PuTTY:

How to execute a process on remote machine (linux) without ssh?

How can I execute a process in the remote machine running linux without ssh.Since the machine is scheduled to pxe boot periodically, ssh key will be changed and executing process through a script using ssh is ruled out.
Any idea on how it can be done?
If your only problem with ssh is that you can't use key-based authentication, you don't have to rule out ssh entirely, you just have to automate a password-based authentication.
This project looks like it might be a good solution.
This should be more secure than http or telnet, as long as you keep your password and any files that contain it well guarded (which you would have to do with keys anyways).
You can do it via http, but I think this way is not safe.
For example, you can write a php script
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '')
How about telnet? It's not as secure as SSH though.

Running shell scripts with sudo through my web app

I have some functionality that interfaces with the server's OS in my web application. I've written a bash script and am able to run it from within my app.
However, some functionality of the script requires superuser privileges.
What is the most sane way to run this script securely? It is being passed arguments from a web form, but should only be able to be called by authenticated users that I trust not to haxxor it.
Whichever way you do this is likely to be very dangerous. Can you perhaps write a local daemon with the required privileges, and use some some of message-bus that produces/consumes events to be processed by this super-user requiring component?
That way, you can carefully validate the contents of the message, and reduce the likelihood of exploitation..
What is the most sane way to run this script securely?
If you really care about security, require the web client to provide a passphrase and use an ssh key. Then run the script under ssh-agent, and for the sensitive parts do ssh root#localhost command.... You probably will want to create ssh keypairs just for this purpose, as typing one's normal SSH passphrase into a web form is not something I would do (who trusts your web form, anyway?).
If you don't want quite this much security, and if you really, really believe that your web form can correctly authenticate its users, without any bugs, you could instead decide to trust the web server to run the commands you need. (I wouldn't.) In this case I would use the /etc/sudoers file to allow the web server to run the commands of interest without providing a password. Then your script should use sudo to run those commands.
