Bash script prints "Command Not Found" on empty lines - linux

Every time I run a script using bash from the command line in Debian, I get Command Not found and then the result of the script.
The script works but there is always a Command Not Found statement printed on screen for each empty line. Each blank line is resulting in a command not found.
I am running the script from the /var folder.
Here is the script:
echo Hello World
I run it by typing the following:
Why would this occur?

Make sure your first line is:
Enter your path to bash if it is not /bin/bash
Try running:
That wil convert line endings, etc from Windows to unix format. i.e. it strips \r (CR) from line endings to change them from \r\n (CR+LF) to \n (LF).
More details about the dos2unix command (man page)
Another way to tell if your file is in dos/Win format:
cat | sed 's/\r/<CR>/'
The output will look something like this:
echo Hello World<CR>
This will output the entire file text with <CR> displayed for each \r character in the file.

You can use bash -x to trace it.

I also ran into a similar issue. The issue seems to be permissions. If you do an ls -l, you may be able to identify that your file may NOT have the execute bit turned on. This will NOT allow the script to execute. :)
As #artooro added in comment:
To fix that issue run chmod +x

This might be trivial and not related to the OP's question, but I often made this mistaken at the beginning when I was learning scripting
VAR_NAME = $(hostname)
echo "the hostname is ${VAR_NAME}"
This will produce 'command not found' response. The correct way is to eliminate the spaces

On Bash for Windows I've tried incorrectly to run
without ./ at the beginning and got the same error.
For people with Windows background the correct form looks redundant:

If the script does its job (relatively) well, then it's running okay. Your problem is probably a single line in the file referencing a program that's either not on the path, not installed, misspelled, or something similar.
One way is to place a set -x at the top of your script or run it with bash -x instead of just bash - this will output the lines before executing them and you usually just need to look at the command output immediately before the error to see what's causing the problem
If, as you say, it's the blank lines causing the problems, you might want to check what's actaully in them. Run:
od -xcb
and make sure there's no "invisible" funny characters like the CTRL-M (carriage return) you may get by using a Windows-type editor.

use dos2unix on your script file.

for executing that you must provide full path of that
for example

Try chmod u+x
I know it from here:

If you have Notepad++ and you get this .sh Error Message: "command not found"
or this autoconf Error Message "line 615:
../../autoconf/bin/autom4te: No such file or directory".
On your Notepad++, Go to Edit -> EOL Conversion then check Macinthos(CR).
This will edit your files. I also encourage to check all files with this command,
because soon such an error will occur.

Had the same problem. Unfortunately
bash: dos2unix: command not found
so I did this to convert.
awk '{ sub("\r$", ""); print }' >
and then

Problems with running scripts may also be connected to bad formatting of multi-line commands, for example if you have a whitespace character after line-breaking "\". E.g. this:
./ \
--with-some parameter
(please note the extra space after "\") will cause problems, but when you remove that space, it will run perfectly fine.

I was also having some of the Cannot execute command. Everything looked correct, but in fact I was having a non-breakable space right before my command which was ofcourse impossible to spot with the naked eye:
if [[ "true" ]]; then
highlight --syntax js "var i = 0;"
Which, in Vim, looked like:
if [[ "true" ]]; then
highlight --syntax js "var i = 0;"
Only after running the Bash script checker shellcheck did I find the problem.

I ran into this today, absentmindedly copying the dollar command prompt $ (ahead of a command string) into the script.

Make sure you havenĀ“t override the 'PATH' variable by mistake like this:
PATH="/home/user/Pictures/"; # do NOT do this
This was my mistake.

Add the current directory ( . ) to PATH to be able to execute a script, just by typing in its name, that resides in the current directory:

You may want to update you .bashrc and .bash_profile files with aliases to recognize the command you are entering.
.bashrc and .bash_profile files are hidden files probably located on your C: drive where you save your program files.


my_script throwing an error of bash: /home/usr/bin/my_sript: bin/bash/ bad interpreter: No such file or directory. How can I correct this error?

First and foremost the script is a 'hello world' script and it's stored in ~/jared/bin. Here's the script:
echo "hello world"
Based on this question here, I tried:
The file is executable? I used:
chmod 755 my_script
I ran the following commands, and here is the output:
which bash
and finally,
echo $PATH
The file endings are UNIX as I wrote the script in VIM. However to be safe, I wrote additional 'hello world' scripts in Sublime and Atom and received the same error when I ran them.
I even tried running dos2unix on the file.
The script will execute when ran directly from the directory and will execute in any directory if I type bash hello_world
However it throws the error if I use ./
I don't know if this will help, but it seems relevant: I can use tab autocomplete on the script if I don't preface it with bash or ./
I fear, I'm making a really stupid mistake here, hopefully someone is prepared to make me feel incredibly silly today. Thanks!
The first line of your script should be
It needs to be #! followed by an absolute path to bash. Note the slash before /bin.
first line should look like:
you forgot the '/' after '!' so the system cannot find correct (absolute) path to bash

Trailing questions marks in filename that is not showing up with echo

I have a short shell script that I wrote to just create backups.
export MyBackup="MyBackup`date +%m-%d-%H:%M`"
echo $MyBackup
vi /tmp/$MyBackup.txt
rm -rf /tmp/"$MyBackup"
However, the filename that is created is something like MyBackup12-09-08:46?.txt?. The echo command returns the correct string, but the vi command creates a file with ?'s. How do I create the file without these?
Most of the issues ive lookedu p seem to talk about encoding differences, but I would think it would display incorrectly when I echoed if that was the case.
Replace vi with touch to just create an empty file.
I ran e ++ff=unix and it seems like each one of the lines has a ^M at the end of them, so I removed them.

Linux shell script not found, but it does exist

I created a shell script "/etc/aaa" on Openwrt which contains the following code:
echo "Hello World!"
I also used this command to ensure the proper permissions:
chmod 777 /etc/aaa
Upon executing with any of the below 2 commands
sh /etc/aaa
ash /etc/aaa
it works well and prints "Hello World". The problem occurs when I try to execute it with this command:
where I get this error:
-ash: /etc/aaa: not found
Can anyone please explain why this is happening? What am I missing here?
Thanks for Charles Duffy's comment. It's really the CR LF problem.
Though i open the file in my linux virtual machine, since it has been modified in Windows. so enven in linux, the sublime text editor i use will think it's a windows file and use crlf as newline ending.
So ,just replace crlf with lf , the problem solved.
Also worth checking that your shebang is correct, either: #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash

Why control characters appended after bash command?

I used the bash commands to append several lines to multiple configuration files:
> for filename in *.ovpn; do
> printf 'configurationscript-security 2\nup /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf\ndown /etc/openvpn/update-resolv-conf' >> $filename;
> done
However the control character "^M" appeared at end of each line in the configuration file:
I opened the files in vim, the files before bash commands looked like as folows:
I am curious why "^M" appears at end of each line? Thanks.
It is Windows' carriage return, use dos2unix to convert file. Vim recognize the file format and displays it correctly.
The ^M can also be removed via a regular expression in vim, if dos2unix isn't available.
:%s/^M//g, which can be entered as: Esc:%s/ctrl+Vctrl+M//g
Not sure why this has occurred for you with just a simple printf command on a linux system, maybe have a look that you're picking up the correct version of printf. I've given this a go on a linux system, and the local printf keeps the correct line-endings, as you would expect.

cp command won't run if executed from shell script

i have very simple shell script
cp -rf /var/www/ksite/app2/* /var/www/ksite/app
echo "----"
echo "done"
but seems cp command fails
if i execute
cp -rf /var/www/ksite/app2/* /var/www/ksite/app
from terminal everything work ok. Can someone tell me how to include cp in shell script?
We seem to have doubt as to how this script fails. If there is no error message then this is a strange one. I suggest:
On the command line (which works), do a which cp
Whatever the reply, then copy that and use it as the cp in the script (e.g. /bin/cp)
Check the widcard expansion, run your script with bash -x script-name and see if you get what you expect.
echo $? after the copy in the script - if it is zero then it (thinks it) worked.
Do a ls -ld /var/www/ksite/app from your script, maybe someone set a symbolic link?
If it still fails, source the script from the command-line and see if that works . script-name
Double check that the copy did actually fail! (maybe that should be step 1.)
Make sure you really have bash at /bin/bash. I think a batter hash bang is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
This uses the env command to locate the bash binary and set the environment.
I had similar problem. What helped me:
I used windows and putty to write script, so I had \r\n at the end of lines. Be sure, you have only \n symbol.
I copied files and the only way it worked for me at script was cp <source_dir>/fileName <dest_dir>/fileName whereas at command line cp <source_dir>/fileName <dest_dir> worked well too.
Just covering all the bases .. do the permissions vary between the excutions .. i.e. do you execute one with sudo/root privileges, the other as user (unlikely, but thought I'd ask since we don't know what the exact error is)
Similar issue to Vladmir where the script was created in Windows. I created a new file "" in the linux environment using VIM, then read the contents of my script into the file:
Then I saved, closed, then set the file as executable:
chmod 744
From there, I ran the script:
...and it worked. What a weird issue. I was confounded for a moment.
