Guide.ShowSignIn(1, false) Value not in range exception - c#-4.0

In a new Xna game I wroted this:
GamerServicesComponent gsc = new GamerServicesComponent(this);
And in the Update method
if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
if (!Guide.IsVisible)
Guide.ShowSignIn(1, false); // true doesn't solve it nor 2 or 4 as paneCount
I'm receiving a
Value does not fall within the expected range.

It seems that Guide.ShowSignIn() can't be used anymore. I Don't know the reason nor if it is really true. But I couldn't get it working with ShowSignIn.
The way I had to login was by pressing the Home button.
The Guide will appear and you can simply follow the Guide to login.

Waiting a few frames before calling Guide.ShowSignIn() works for me. I don't call it until my game has loaded all assets and at least I frame has been rendered.


Kivy: adding widgets from another thread

I've been stuck on this same issue for short of a week now:
the program should add widgets based on a http request. However, that request may take some time depending on user's internet connection, so I decided to thread that request and add a spinner to indicate that something is being done.
Here lies the issue. Some piece of code:
def add_w(self, parent, widget):
def add_course():
# HTTP Request I mentioned
course = course_manager.get_course(textfield_text)
courses_stack_layout = constructor_screen.ids.added_courses_stack_layout
course_information_widget = CourseInformation(
self.add_w(courses_stack_layout, course_information_widget) = False
add_course is being called from a thread, and is being set True before calling this function. Here's the result, sometimes: messed up graphical interface
I also tried solving this with clock.schedule_once and clock.schedule_interval with a queue. The results were the same. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. The spinner does spin while getting the request, which is great.
Quite frankly, I would've never thought that implementing a spinner would be so hard.
How to implement that spinner? Maybe another alternative to threading? Maybe another alternative to urllib to make a request?
edit: any feedback on how I should've posted this so I can get more help? Is is too long? Maybe I could've been more clear?
The problem here was simply that widgets must also be created within the mainthread.
Creating another function marqued with #mainthread and calling that from the threaded one solved the issue.
Thanks for those who contributed.

jscrollpane colors

I'm trying to modify the scrollbar colors for jscrollpane.
This didn't work for me:
$('#box_on_top').append($content); //.athlete class is within $content
$('.athlete').jScrollPane({autoReinitialise: true});
$('.jspVerticalBar').css('width', '10px');
$('.athlete').jScrollPane({autoReinitialise: true});
i tried placing athlete class both before and after... it doesn't do anything... also, the second time this runs, the scrollbar doesn't appear at all.
any help?
For the issue where it does not appear correctly the second time, I had to destroy the jsp on close and it started working.
var element = $('.athlete').jScrollPane();
var api ='jsp');
I was unable to get the colors to work.
I am including the .css initially, but want to change the colors on load. I wasn't able to figure out this issue so I just modified the .css
Your code es working perfectly, as you can see here. If you are calling jScrollPane() on a click event then the tags you are trying to reach (.jspVerticalBar, .jspTrack, .jspDrag) are created after css() calls, then you should use .on() to attach those calls to the event.

Linux x11 XGrabKeyboard() cause keyboard to be frozen

I am writing a program which need to listen the user keyboard stroks.
I use function XGrabKeyboard() and this is my code:
XGrabKeyboard(pDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(pDisplay), True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime);
XEvent event;
while (true)
XNextEvent(pDisplay, &event);
switch (event.type)
But it causes the keyboard and cursor to be frozen.
I looked up the man page, it only says: "The third parameter specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether the keyboard events are to be reported as usual."
I tried both true or false or the 3rd param, both GrabModeAsync and GrabModeSync for the 4th and 5th param, but it doesn't work.
After calling XGrabKeyboard(), the keyboard is frozen and mouse click doesn't response.
Any ideas?
XGrabKeyboard() (if successful - be sure to check the return value), redirects all key events to your client.
So if your "..." inside the while(true) does not properly handle those key events, or does not ever ungrab (XUngrabKeyboard) or release sync events (XAllowEvents, only applies to GrabModeSync), then the keyboard would appear to lock up.
The boolean parameter is owner_events which indicates whether to report key events always to the window provided to XGrabKeyboard, or report them to the window they normally would have gone to without the grab. Typically you want False (report to the grab window).
For typical uses of XGrabKeyboard (I don't know your use-case) the parameters you would want are:
grab window = some window in your app that relates to the reason for the grab
owner_events=False to send all events to that window
pointer_mode=Async to not screw with the pointer
keyboard_mode=Async to just redirect all key events and avoid need for AllowEvents
time=the timestamp from the event triggering the grab, ideally, or one generated by changing a property and grabbing the timestamp off the PropertyNotify
But, it depends. To give any definitive answer you'd probably need to post a compilable program, I think the bug is likely in the "..." part of your code. Try narrowing your app down to a single-file test case that can be run by others perhaps. Or explain more why you are grabbing and what you're trying to accomplish in the big picture.
I cant help with the XGrabKeyboard function - I havent used it before and dont know how it works - but I can suggest another way of getting the keyboard events.
When creating my window using XCreateWindow, the last argument is a XSetWindowAttributes object. This object has a member event_mask, which you can use to choose which events your window will receive.
I set mine like this:
XSetWindowAttributes setWindAttrs
setWindAttrs.event_mask = ExposureMask
| KeyPressMask
| KeyReleaseMask
| ButtonPressMask
| ButtonReleaseMask;
That will mean you receive events for keyboard key presses and mouse button clicks if you pass this object to XCreateWindow on window creation.
Also another note you can use XPending(pDisplay) to check if there are still events waiting to be handled - so it could replace true in your while(true) line.
Edit: Also your freezing issue could be that you dont return false anywhere in your while loop? It may be stuck in an infinite loop, unless you just removed that bit for the post. Try replacing true with xpending as I suggested above and it may fix the issue, or just returning false after handling the event, but this would only handle one event per frame rather than handling all the currently pending events like XPending would do, and I assume that is what you want to do.

AudioQueueStart fail -12985

I made a streaming music player and it works fine in the foreground.
But in the background iOS4, it doesn't play the next song automatically. ( remote control works )
The reason is AudioQueueStart return -12985.
I already check the audio session. it just fine. I use AudioQueueStart when it start to play the music.
How can you remove AudioQueueStart?
- (void)play
[self setupAudioQueueBuffers]; // calcluate the size to use for each audio queue buffer, and calculate the // number of packets to read into each buffer
OSStatus status = AudioQueueStart(self.queueObject, NULL);
I read the answer in the web about the AudioQueueStart fail subject.
One thing to check is that the AudioSession is active first.
In my case, I had previously set the session to inactive between song changes before starting a new song:AudioSessionSetActive(false);
Once I removed this AudioQueueStart works just fine from the background.
In my experience, the -12985 message occurs because another app already has an audio session active when you try to start playback in your app. Options are to 1) instruct the user to close the other app, or 2) set mix mode (see kAudioSessionProperty_OverrideCategoryMixWithOthers).
The disadvantage of mix mode is if you depend on lock screen art or remote controls, they won't work with mix mode set.
I also faced with such problem week ago. I've spent two days to find solution and I found it. May be this link will help (it is official answer):
Make sure that you activate session from applicationDidEnterBackground task handler. Now my application can play sound in background.
See this.
You probably need to include the following:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
Towards the bottom there is a reiteration of the how important that line is. As it is not mentioned in any of the three main audio audio guides (AVFoundation, AudioSession, or AudioQueue) it can easily be missed.
I have the same problem.
I registry the AudioSessionInterruptionListener, pause the audio when phone call, resume it after the call end. but get -12985 error code when call AudioQueueStart to resume.
My solution is that I try to call AudioQueueStart after 0.02s.
I don't know the reason.
On iOS7, AudioQueueStart was returning '!int' ('tni!'), though i'm sure no one would be surprised to find that it's not documented in the docs or headers. It was the same issue, though, and the same fix (setting the audio session to active in the background task handler) worked for me.

How to attach mouse event listeners to embedded nsIWebBrowser in C++

I've embedded an nsIWebBrowser in my application. Because I'm just generating HTML for it on the fly, I'm using OpenStream, AppendToStream, and CloseStream to add content. What I need is to add event listeners for mouse movement over the web browser as well as mouse clicks. I've read documentation and tried lots of different things, but nothing I have tried has worked. For instance, the code below would seem to do the right thing, but it does nothing:
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> domWindow;
if (!mEventTarget) {
mEventTarget = do_QueryInterface(domWindow);
if (mEventTarget)
mEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mouseover"), (nsIDOMEventListener *)mEventListener, PR_FALSE);
Perhaps it isn't working because this is run during initialization, but before any content is actually added. However, if I add it during AppendStream, or CloseStream, it segfaults.
Please tell me a straightforward way to do this.
Well, here's the answer:
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> cpEventTarget;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow> cpDomWin;
m_pWebBrowser->GetContentDOMWindow (getter_AddRefs(cpDomWin));
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMWindow2> cpDomWin2 (do_QueryInterface (cpDomWin));
rv = cpEventTarget->AddEventListener(NS_LITERAL_STRING("mousedown"),
m_pBrowserImpl, PR_FALSE);
