Inno setup: How do I hide the the Add/Remove entry in the control panel? - inno-setup

I have created an install using Inno Setup.
I'm using Uninstallable=true and everything is fine but I need to get rid of the entry in the Add/remote programs applet.
Is there a magic setting that I don't know about?

Look at the CreateUninstallRegKey directive.


Is there no built-in solution for creating mutexes?

In Inno Setup, there is the AppMutex directive.
Using this directive, one can make Inno Setup stop / not start while this mutex exists.
I experience it sometimes that my users accidentally open my application while the setup (and update in this case) is still running.
This locks files, and Inno Setup can not replace them.
The solution in my opinion would be that Inno Setup creates a mutex and automatically closes it when it's finished.
When the user starts my app, the app would check if the mutex (which was created by Inno Setup) exists, and if it does, my app would close right away.
However, I do not find this as a built-in option in Inno Setup.
Do I have to code it manually, or am I missing something?
Thank you!
That's what SetupMutex directive does.
Or you can do it programmatically using CreateMutex function.

How to make installation default path to user desktop with Inno Setup

I'm using Inno setup for make a installation to my program.
And I would like to know, how to make the program to be installed in the user desktop by default?
I figured out, I need to use DefaultDirName=.
I need to know, what to write there for install to be on user desktop be default.
Any help?
Use {userdesktop} constant:
You may also consider setting PrivilegesRequired to lowest, as you probably do not need the installer to run with Administrator privileges.

Inno Setup and MS Access .accde database

I hope someone can help. I have a small MS access database which I've converted into a .accde file and have managed to get Inno Setup to create a setup file which generally works.
When I install it on a Windows 7 machine and double click on the desktop shortcut that was installed it just works. However, if I install it on a Windows 8 machine and double click the desktop shortcut it works but it can't attach to the backend database. When I set the desktop shortcut advanced properties to run as administrator, it then works perfectly.
Just two quesitons if someone who know either Access or Inno or both.
Is it possible to get Inno to create a shortcut with the Run as Administrator set?
Is there soething with Access runtime that I'm not seeing or getting correct.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Old entry but maybe still worth a try:
the directory is readonly when you create it so writing is forbidden (should be the same for Win 7 but maybe you changed the security settings and Inno setup used the existing folder)
try the following: add the app directory with special permissions:
Name: "{app}"; Permissions: everyone-full
If that works change the settings to something more secure like "AuthenticatedUsers-Full" or something similar
you should NOT need to run access with admin rights! But just to answer your question:
How to set 'Run as administrator' on a file using Inno Setup

Inno Setup: is it a script based deployment program?

I am using Inno Setup for the first time. When I start the program I am presented with a blank script page. Is scripting the only way you can create a setup package? Is there anything else?
Yes, Inno Setup is script-based (thank God -- this really makes things a lot easier if you ask me). But there is a "wizard" that lets you create a new setup by a simple step-by-step approach in a simple GUI. Simply choose "Create a new script file using the Script Wizard" in the "Welcome" dialog box that appears when you start the Inno Setup Compiler.
If you have disabled the Welcome dialog box, use File/New instead to start the wizard.
I was just informed about the new InnoIDE.
Inno Setup is script based. If you want a GUI Builder then you may check the site "Third-Party Files" on Inno Setups Homepage.
The easiest way to start is with one of the example scripts included with the install.
Just change the product name in the sample and you are set for 90% of basic installs

INNO: Disallow "Ignore" when file is in use

I am using Inno Setup for the installer for my windows application. If a user has the application when the installer is run (eg. for an update), the installer will stop when it is unable to replace a file in use, and it allows the user to select whether to Abort, Ignore, or Retry.
I would like it to only allow Abort or Retry and remove the option to Ignore. Does anyone know how this can be done?
Or if this can't be done, how can I make the installer abort if the application is running?
The easy way to detect whether the application is running requires co-operation from the application, so it's best to work this out before you ship your first version. Use Inno Setup's AppMutex setting. There is an example in the Inno Setup knowledge base for setting up a mutex visible in multiple sessions. There is more about AppMutex in Inno Setup's help file.
