How to send data to Databse in CMS Made Simple - cmsmadesimple

I am quite new to CMS MAde Simple. I am not able to understand how the
data can be saved to database. I think its in smarty framework.

Storing form data in your database is actually a built-in feature of the FormBuilder module.
To do this add a new field to your form, and choose "*Store Results In Database" as the type of field. Data will be stored in an XML format in the [PREFIX]_module_fb_formbrowser database table.

It uses ADOdb as an "interface" to the database. Basically developers of CMSMS already wrote SQL statements for update and delete content. I am really sorry but this is a very wide topic. The actual purpose of a CMS is to remove the burden from the user to actually know these kinds of stuff. I suggest you first do some reading on PHP, SQL and then come back with a more specific question.
CMS Made Simple Documentation


Best design approach for storing documents

We have a sharepoint website and as part of functional process across the website where there are lot of documents been uploaded. Currently they are been stored into database which results in very bulky table in terms of size. My initial approach was to utilize sharepoint to store the documents into file library. Does anybody think database is the wiser options and why or any other approach which is performant and better to store confidential files?
Using a database for storing documents is not a recommended approach, not only it will have large size but will be hard when it comes to maintenance and performance.
If you have a SharePoint server, why not go with a library or multiple libraries to store documents. You will get the below advantages when using SharePoint.
1.Permission management : you can set up access to documents and choose who access what.
2.Search : if there is a search service running you can search through your libraries.
3.OWA : office web apps can be used to open documents on the browser.
4.Audits : You can enable audit logs to see who does what.
Remember, SharePoint is a CMS and there are other options like MMS etc, but it stores the documents in a database too, its designed well so you dont have to worry much about it. If you go with your custom solution you will have to do a lot of custom development and testing.
I never recommend saving files in the database. The easiest approach is to store them on the server in a directory and only save the file names in the database. This makes it easy to show them via a URL in a browser as well. Create a table with a column for the OriginalFileName and one for the ActualFileName. When i save a file to the server after its uploaded i usually change the name so you never have complications with duplicate file names. I use a GUID as the actual file name when its saved and save the original file name in the database along with the actual so you can get both back.

Orchard CMS Update Common_BodyPartRecord table

I need to make some text changes to over 100 blog posts migrated from a Wordpress site. I was going to do this via SQL to update rows in the Common_BodyPartRecord table.
When I update the rows the changes are not reflected in the front end. I understand Orchard uses NHibernate, is there some sort of caching I am not aware of?
I know that you are advised to not mess about in the database, so is there a better way to do some bulk text manipulation? If necessary I can generate an Orchard module and do this via a database migration.
NB All blog posts are latest and published.
It's not exactly caching per se, it's that the body part is also stored on the Infoset, which is a blob of XML that you can find on the content item records. You need to change both.

How to save an orchard form to a database

I'm creating a fairly complex orchard form and need the results saved to a sql server database. From what I understand, I should be creating a workflow activity and then on form submit, connecting to the database and saving the data through C#. Is this the correct approach?
I could also just create a module which is my custom form, and build the form myself, but would like to take advantage of orchards forms.
My question is
1. Am I approaching this correctly? or is there an easier way to do this.
2. I haven't been able to find any documentation on creating custom workflow activities. Is this even possible to do? Can someone point me in the right direction.
No, the custom forms module already saves the results, you don't have to do anything more.
Yes, you can create custom activities. Look at the code for the existing activities for examples.

comparing sharepoint list and sqlserver table

I have a list in sharepoint which maintains particular month OnCall list,and we are maintaining employee directory in sql server. My requirement is to get complete data from sql server and show it in sharepoint and compare with sharepoint list and show small icon for the employees who are On Call for that particular Month. Can anyone please suggest me the waus of implementing this.
Thanks in advance.
Update: I have finished the part where I have to connect to the sqlserver database and get the employees information. For this we are using 3rd party web part to connect to the sql server and pull the data from the table. Now I have to show some kind of image on the employee name to show that he is on-call for that week. We are going to cretae custom list for maintaing the list of people who are on-Call. Can anyone please advise me on how to accomplish this.
Write a custom webpart which will pull the data from the list using sharepoint object model and SQL server using ADO.NET and do the said comparison.
If you were looking for out of the box, I am afraid there i too little information given here to analyze if its feasible out of the box or not.
If you have the SharePoint Enterprise version, you can look at using the Business Data Catalog. This will let you bind columns to external data sources. This might provide you with the functionality you're looking for.
If you do not have the Enterprise features, do you have access to deploy WSP packages and custom code?
You will have to write your own data access to your external data source. Your options would be to have a job that pulls data from the external data source and populates SharePoint list(s) or create a custom view that pulls the external data on-demand.
You'll have to come up with synchronization strategies. Meaning, is the data in the external SQL data source static, reference information that does not need to be updated depending on what a user does in SharePoint? This seems to be the case based on your question. If you do need to update the external data source, you'll have to hook into the on save event (so probably a custom event handler that listens for ItemAdding) to update the data, validate, and optionally cancel the operation with an error message.
If you can't deploy WSP packages / DLLs, you could take a look at the jQuery SharePoint library. This will let you interact with lists using jQuery. If you also write a WCF or Web Service wrapper around the data you need access to from your external data source that is accessible from the SharePoint environment, you can use hack together a solution.
To accomplish this you'd need to place a Content Editor Web Part on the page you need custom data access. In there you will write the code to reference the jQuery javascript library and jQuery SharePoint library. The code will have to make the calls to your external data service and make any updates you need.
This is the least reliable method to accomplish what you want since it's entirely page-based and can be broken by simply disabling script or someone editing the CEWP or removing it altogether.
If you don't have access to place a CEWP or any of the other solutions, then you have no options at all.
it relatively easy now to pull all the data using the third party webpart and saving it into a custom list. I would recommend you not only creating custom list but also creating the content types for this list. take a look at SharPoint MVP's post about creating a Custom List with Content Types

How can I programmatically determine the creator of a Domino database?

I'm using the built-in Domain Catalog database to list all the databases on a particular Domino server. I'm creating a custom view to show certain information about each database. What I'd like to have is a column that displays the creator of each database. However, if the Domain Catalog is keeping track of this information, I can't find it.
Is there a field in the Domain Catalog that provides this information that I just haven't been able to find? Is there some other way I might find this information and get it into this view? #DBlookup and related functions don't work in column formulas.
That information is not stored in the catalog, and is probably not stored in the database either (It's not shown on any of the property tabs).
You would probably need to get/write a server add-in to monitor database creation and store that data somewhere. Then you'd need to account for databases created by adminp/replication - your add-in might pick them up as having been created by a server.
This question was also asked in the R4/R5 forums in 1998 and received no answer.
Interesting question. There is no such attribute for database, but you can dig for some clues.
New databases: use NotesNoteCollection and look for some specific design element (icon, for example) and look for first element in $UpdatedBy field.
New copies/from templates: above mentioned method won't work. It will return info from original/template, not current database. In this case, try using Created property of DB and check user footprints after that date - in ACL log (he probably altered ACL immediately after copy), new design elements (probably made new view, folder, agent...) or profile documents.
What Frantisek said. Looking in the log archive (ugh!) may tell you who deployed it, but in a well run environment that won't be who developed it. A list of $UpdatedBy(0) for all design notes should give you a good idea. The catch will be that it mayl be people who left the company years ago. : )
