Difference between "sort < output" and "sort output" - linux

I just want to know the difference between:
sort < output
sort output
in Linux. How does it work exactly?

This has been discussed on unix.stackexchange here: Performance difference between stdin and command line argument
In sort < file the shell performs redirection. It opens the file and passes the stdin file descriptor to the sort command which reads it.
In sort file, the sort command opens the file and then reads it.

sort < output is telling the shell to use the contents of the file output and dump it to standard in for the command sort.
sort output is telling the command sort to use the file output on disk as it's source.
Many unix commands will accept either standard in or a file as input. The acceptance of standard in allows easier chaining of commands, often for things like ps aux | grep "my process" | sort. (List all processes, filter by "my process", sort lines).

With sort < input the shell will run the sort command, and attach its input to the file 'input'.
With sort input the shell will run the sort command, and give it as parameter the string input. The sort command will then open the file to read it- content.

Effectively there is no difference.
sort < output uses a feature of the shell called file redirection (see e.g. here)
The shell opens tile file output and attaches that open file as stdin to the sort program.
sort output gives the output filename as an command line argument to sort.
sort, as many utilities that takes a filename as an argument, will try to read input from stdin if you do not give it a filename as an argument, such as in the first case here. In both cases, sort will read the content of the output file, sort it, and write the result to stdout.


How to execute multiple commands within the same input

Cyber newbie.
This has me completely stumped. I need to search a file called ‘countries’ for all countries containing the letter ‘y’. Following this, sort the output of this command in reverse order and write the output to a file called ‘output’.
How do I sort by a particular character?
grep y countries | sort -r > output
should do it.
The pipe character | sends the output of the command on the left, grep, as input to the right, sort.
The output redirection character > sends the output of the result to a file

Give output of one shell script as input to another using named pipes

I'm new to linux and have been coding some beginenr level shell scripts.
What I want to do is write 2 scripts. The first script will read input from user and the 2nd script will display this input in a loop till it detects an "exit" from the user.
This is how I've coded the 2 shell scripts.
read var1
echo $var1
while [ "$var2" != "exit" ]
echo $1
read var2
Now, I want to use a named pipe to pass the output of File1.sh as input to var1 of File2.sh. I probably will have to modify code in File2.sh so that it will accept argument from a named pipe (as in instead of $1 the input will be from the named pipe), but I'm not at all sure how to go about it.
Giving the output of File1.sh as input to the named pipe can be given as follows:
mkfifo pipe
./File1.sh > pipe
This command keeps asking for input until i break out using ctrl + c. I don't know why that is.
Also how do I make the File2.sh read from this pipe?
will this be correct?
I'm very new to linux but I've searched quite a lot online and there isn't even one example of doing this in shell script.
As for your original question, the syntax to read from a named pipe (or any other object in the file system) is
./File2.sh <pipe
Also, your script needs to echo "$var2" with the correct variable name, and double quotes to guard the value against wildcard expansion, variable substitution, etc. See also When to wrap quotes around a shell variable?
The code in your own answer has several new problems.
In File1.sh, you are apparently attempting to declare a variable pipe1, but the assignment syntax is wrong: You cannot have whitespace around the equals sign. Because you never use this variable for anything, this is by and large harmless (but will result in pipe1: command not found which is annoying, of course).
In File2.sh, the while loop's syntax is hopelessly screwed; you dropped the read; the echo still lacks quotes around the variable; and you repeatedly reopen the pipe.
while [ "$input" != "exit" ]
read -r input
echo "$input"
done <pipe1
Redirecting the entire loop once is going to be significantly more efficient.
Notice also the option -r to prevent read from performing any parsing of the values it reads. (The ugly default behavior is legacy from the olden days, and cannot be fixed without breaking existing scripts, unfortunately.)
First in File1.sh, echo var1 should be echo $var1.
In order to get input from pipe, try:
./File2.sh < pipe
This is how I solved it.
First mistake I made was to declare the pipe outside the programs. What I was expecting was there is a special way in which a program accepts input parameters of the type "pipe". Which as far as I've figured is wrong.
What you need to do is declare the pipe inside the program. So in the read program what you do is,
For File1.sh:
mkfifo pipe1
cat > pipe1
This will send the read input from the user to the pipe.
Now, when the pipe is open, it will keep accepting input. You can read from the pipe only when its open. So you need to open a 2nd terminal window to run the 2nd program.
For File2.sh:
while("$input" != "exit")
read -r input < pipe1
echo "$input"
So whenever you input some string in the first terminal window, it will be reflected in the 2nd terminal window until "exit" is detected.

Unix shell descriptor redirection

How translate this:
echo "test" | tee -a test1 test2
To a pure UNIX descriptor redirection solution (oneliner better and no PIPES).
Is it possible?
If you want a byte written to one file descriptor (pipe, socket etc.) to show up as readable data on more than one file descriptor which are not dup()s of each other (but e.g. they correspond to two different regular files), then it's not possible on a generic Unix system. Even if the two file descriptors are dup()s, after reading the byte from one of them it would make the byte disappear from the other one, so it can't be read twice.
If you want to do it in Bash without using a |, then it's not possible.
If you want to do it in Zsh without using a |, then just follow chepner's comment: do setopt multios, and then echo test >>test1 >>test2. In the background Zsh will create a helper process to do the copying equivalent to what tee -a does.

Need to get arrow key codes from stdin after reading file using stdin

I am creating a NASM assembly code to read 2d array of numbers present in file from stdin
i am running the executable like this -> ./abc < input.txt .
and after that i will display the read 2d array on terminal then i want to get keys codes of arrow keys (which normal appear in terminal as special characters) i wrote code for it but its not working. ( I did echo off in termios setting for that)
Although it was working when i am taking file name as an argument & reading and not from stdin but using fopen with proper fd.
./abc abc.txt
in this case after displaying the read 2d array i am able to get arrow keys codes in program but not in earlier case.
Please help me in this matter.
By using input redirection you disconnect stdin from your terminal and instead connect it to a pipe that your shell is reading the file into.
You could use cat input.txt - | ./abc, but you would have to pres Enter to flush the line buffer and make cat pipe the current line into your program.
I would suggest not messing with stdin and just taking the input file as an argument, like you already did before.

Does piping write to stdin?

Does running something like below cause the textfile lines to be directed to the STDIN of program.sh?
cat textfile | program.sh
Yes; and the rest of this answer comes to satisfy SO's requirement of minimum 30 characters per answer (excluding links).
Yes. You're writing the stdout from cat to the stdin of program.sh. Because cat isn't doing much except reading the file, you can also write it as:
program.sh < textfile
...which does the same thing.
From a technical standpoint, stdin is accessed through file descriptor 0, while stdout is file descriptor 1 and stderr is file descriptor 2. With this information, you can make more complicated redirections, such as redirecting stderr to the same place (or a different place!) than stdout. For a cheat sheet about redirections, see Peteris Krumins's Bash Redirections Cheat Sheet.
You are running the command sort on a text file. The output goes to program.sh
