Conditional Random Fields and the Label Bias Problem [closed] - nlp

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I was reading this paper about conditional random fields and was confused by the "label bias problem" mentioned in the paper. I've looked online for some explanations of it but still don't feel like I have a good grasp of the issue. What exactly is the label bias problem? Can someone provide a clear example of it and why it is bad?


What does ''arbitrary shape'' mean? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have started some work on SVG graphics and i constantly come across the word ''arbitrary shapes''.
What exactly is an arbitrary shape?
An arbitrary shape is just that.. An arbitrary shape.
The word arbitrary in this context means any as in: not a specified, or specific, kind of shape.
This is not really a programming question though.. But rather an English language question.

The idea of Boyer-Moore's good suffix search [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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One of the key features of Boyer-Moore's algorithm is searching for good suffix. It requires to build a table of shifts on each possible suffix? But how to build this shift table? I don't understand it. Thank you!
There is an excellent explanation in the german wikipedia. I know this might not help, but with a bit of luck you can try to understand the example which is very clear.

mind mapping tool in linux [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I want to do mindmaps which are of the quality of mindmeister that you could include picture and links etc and would be able to export it reasonably well and print it.
I love X-Mind. I don't know if it does what you need, but I only use a small subset of it and still it rocks!
It has a very complete free version that never expires and doesn't contain crapware.
I prefer Freeplane but FreeMind can do the same things:

About creating a massive survey [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am looking for tools which would help me create & analyse surveys. I have a list of about 8000 questions and the answers expected are a fixed set {Yes, No, Can't Say}. Does Excel/Google Docs allow me the liberty to implement such a requirement in short time?
I got my work done via Excel.

New project language repartition [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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A few months ago I saw a pie chart of a study showing the trend in new projects as for the language of choice.
The study revealed that the leading language of choice was Java, then C++ then C, and so on. I'd like to find that study if anyone knows where to find it
